You're My Moonlight..

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Jae Na woke up to find herself on the bed. Her bed to be exact. She looked at her mother's face, smiling towards her and hugged her. "Thank God you're awake!" Mrs. Kim said. She smiled at her mother. "Eomma.. How can I be here?" Jae Na touched her head, which was quite hurt. "You haven't came home and I felt worried. I decided to find you and I knew you were at his house, I found you lying on the ground. I brought you home then. Promise me don't ever come home alone like that anymore," Mrs. Kim's voice was stern. "I promise, eomma." 

"K-Kyung Soo?" 

Jae Na cheered and hugged the man she had not seen for months. "Hey, sweetie..," Kyung Soo caressed her cheek and kissed her forehead slowly. "Where were you?" Jae Na held his hand, tight. "I went somewhere..," Kyung Soo sighed. "Why don't you bring me along?" Jae Na asked. "I-I can't..," Kyung Soo bit his lip. "When will you come back?" Jae Na smiled, hoping the answer will be something that she hoped to hear. "I won't come back, honey..," Kyung Soo said. "I love you..," Kyung Soo caressed her hair. She was confused. "Why don't you tell me earlier?" Jae Na started crying. "I.. I'm sorry baby..," Kyung Soo wiped her tears away. Suddenly, Kyung Soo started to fade. And then, he fully dissapeared. "K-Kyung Soo?" Jae Na had no longer see his shadow. "Kyung Soo!!" Jae Na cried again.

"Kyung Soo!" Jae Na woke up, hardly breathing. She ran to her mother's room. She shook her body. "Eomma," She said. "Ne, Jae Na?" Mrs. Kim opened her eyes slowly. "Eomma I dreamed of Kyung Soo. He said he went somewhere and never come back," Jae Na's tear fell. Her mother wiped away her tears. "Shh.. It was just a dream.. Okay? Now, let Eomma accompany you to sleep," Her mother held her hand to Jae Na's room. 

Jae Na looked through the window. "Eomma, why is the moonlight not as bright as once?" Jae Na asked. "Because the real moonlight is now gone, dear..," Her mother patted on her shoulder. She looked at her mother, confused. "Hmm.. Go to sleep, baby. You have school tomorrow," Mrs. Kim said. "Arasseo Eomma, jalja-yo," She replied. "Jalja-yo, Jae Na-ah..."

At school, Jae Na kept thinking about the dream last night. She cannot focus on her studies. She realised, she loves Kyung Soo, not In Han. She missed him. His touch, his warmth, his everything.

"Don't play with your rice, Jae Na," Mrs. Kim said when they were eating dinner. "Eomma," Jae Na called. "Ne, baby?" Mrs. Kim replied. "Kyung Soo.. Eodi isseo-yo?" Jae Na sighed. The tear fell on to the kimchi fried rice. "I don't know, Jae Na..," Mrs. Kim lied. Jae Na sighed. She walked upstairs to bed because she had no appetite to finish the whole plate.<

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Chapter 5: XD ? XD (aq x paham bahase korea laa... TT^TT)
Chapter 1: bahasa korea~ wakarimasen desu...
Chapter 10: ;-; baca online jelah... XD *tgh dengar moonlight nilah aq teringat nk bace fanfic kau*
Chapter 10: So sad T-T Thanks for update~
I love your story <3 FIGHT!^^
Chapter 10: So poor~ .. Thnaks for update
I love your story <3..fight!
ilovezelo24 #6
i really liked it, i would love to read more from you in the future :3 please update soon
yoongie_exo #7
Chapter 11: Nice story ♡
Chapter 11: Uwaaa~~~~~! This story is great!
You've successfully made me cry admin-ah!
I read your story in one go. I think it's really suits if you were listening to 'Moonlight' by EXO while reading this (so that you get more feeling of it....huhuhu..TT_TT)
The storyline may be simple and straight-forward but it's a good try and I like it! Hehehe! Keep up the good work admin-nie! Hwaiting!!
dyoitchu #9
So far so great!
yo0min #10
Chapter 8: wae kyungsoo T_T dont die please...