Chapter 3

Broken Promises




As we get in to Shinji's apartment, I saw Baekhyun came out from the other room with his bed hair. He saw us and I heard Shinji giggled as I rolled my eyes. How can she giggle at that disgusting sight? I look at her curiously.

"You're living together?" She nodded happily then drag me to their couch.

"Yes." She guided me to seat. "Baekhyun oppa, can you talk with Taehee for a while. I have to get your bubbletea and her water." We stared at each other after Shinji took her leave. Baekhyun sat beside me and cleared his throat.

"Uhm.. Taehee-ah Its been a long time. How are you?" I looked at him.

"I'm totally fine. How 'bout you and your 'Mistress'?" He seemed uncomfortable to wht I had said and sighed.

"I know I hurt you before Taehee. Can you let me explain, just once?" Before I answer his question, A sudden yell came from Shinji's direction heard.

"Okay~ I got your water Taehee." she handed me my water and I take it. She then sat beside Baekhyun and handed his bubbletea. "And for you oppa." Baekhyun take it and smiled at her." I notice how lovingly they eyed each other. And They seemed had their own world. He even kissed her forehead and thanked her. I gulped down my saliva preventing my tears to come and glanced at my watch fakely to make an excuse to get away from their digusting sweetness.

"Uhm.. I guess I must go Shinji-ah. Kyungsoo might looking for me now." I fakely smiled at them and headed to the door. Shinji frowned and then nodded in understanding.

"Ow..Okay. If you have more time, My house is open for you to visit me again."She smiled brightly at me and I forced a smile and bid a goodbye.


When I got in the suite, I entered to the bedroom to see Kyungsoo silently sleeping. I sighed and headed to the living room to watch some show on TV. Then the drama shown in the screen, It seems the drama knew about my feelings right now. It shows the woman watching her husband making out with another woman. A sudden tear escaped in my eyes realizing I'm crying at the thought of remembering the time Baekhyun cheated on me. I never forget Baekhyun's face while kissing my bestfriend. They seemed to like each other. They'd kissed in passion and desire. I see it in his face. I felt so betrayed and loser. I cried loudly not knowing Kyungsoo had awoken from his sleep. Suddenly, an arms wrapped around my waist and to my back. I knew exactly that its Kyungsoo so I cried louder and gripped tightly at the hem of his shirt.

"It hurt so much oppa. I still can't forget him. Ottokhae?" I sobbed. He patted my back and kissed my temple.

"Please be strong Taehee-ah. You know I'm here for you so be strong. Don't cry now." He wiped my tears away and kissed my eyes. He caressed my back and turned off the TV. He hummed a song for me and It made me relaxed. I pressed my face against his chest.

"Oppa, Kumawo. Thanks for everything. I don't know what to do without you." I can sense that he smiled and chuckled.

"Its my duty Taehee-ah. To make you moved on and start a new life." I looked at him and smiled softly. I kissed his cheek and pressed my head on the crook of his neck cuddling him. Gosh, He's so cuddly. I felt comfortable hugging him all the time.

"Thank you oppa."


End of POV:




I saw her crying again and here I am comforting her again from the heartbroken. I don't want Taehee to be like this anymore. I want her to be happy. So I made a plan to make her forget about that Guy. A plan that makes her start a new life and be happy again. But this time, Not with that guy but with me. I'll do everything that makes my Taehee happy and forget her past that hurted her especially that guy.

When we were in Busan, She kept talking and mentioning how jerk that guy is, which makes her more brokenhearted and looked so fragile. I wanted to protect her, make her happy and that's what I've planned.

When the right time comes, I'll ask her to be my girlfriend and make her fall for me.


End of POV:


3 chapters made in one day.. Ahh.. My back hurts.. So you better appreciate my work or else...






HAHAHAHA Joke.... Thanks for reading guys... More chapter to go... 



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ruthiechan #1
Chapter 5: Shinji is so innocent, so innocent that she didn't even know that she already betrayed her bestfriend since then.
ruthiechan #2
Chapter 4: aww. So caring Kyung~
ruthiechan #3
Chapter 1: So Baekhyun make an official label to Shinji and his relationship while Taehee didn't even experienced how to be labelled as girlfriend until the day they broke up. So pathetic.
byunbaby04 #4
Woah~~ i love this story..especially the character are baeksoo..i ship them..palli updates
Cant wait to read more about this story...jjang :-)
Thank you so much hellobaby95 for them poster. I really love it. When I have another story to make, I'll sure request again for another beautiful poster you made. By the way, are you reading this fanfic so far?
Chapter 1: i hope u used the poster very well...and request are always welcome if u need new poster in the future..^^
She's not. D.O is always there for her just to make her move on.. I'll be posting the next chapter later. Thanks for reading my story..
Kpop_the_best_ #8
Chapter 1: This chapter was great, but I'm a little confused, is Taehee dating D.O. or not?
Kpop_the_best_ #9
This sounds like an interesting story.