Chapter 2

Be Happy

Kikwang is confused and he tought”What is going on?Why the girl is crying?Why the guy chasing her?” Rest time is over and Kikwang went in to the class with hee Kyung and Yoseob. The three of them saw you in the class and tought that you’re sleeping.”Eh?That girl is one of my classmate?”Kikwang tought and looked at you when they went into the class.Three of them went towards their desk and sit.


Hee Kyung approach you. “_____-ah,rest time is over”.You did’nt replied her.”_____-ah,rest time is over.Teacher will came in a few minutes”.Hee Kyung told you once again.You’re not replied her.Suddenly she heard you’re crying.She saw your tears is flowing down.”____-shi!Are you crying?what happen with you?”Hee Kyung ask you worriedly.But you keep crying and did’nt answer her question.


Hee Kyung suddenly stood up and went towards Yoseob and Kikwang. “Hee Kyung-shii! Why is your face look worried?Yoseob asked. “Yoseob-ah..____ is crying.”

“MWOH!Why?!”Yoseob asked shocked and louder that everyone in the class could hear him.

“I don’t know.Maybe there’s something happened.” ”Who’s the heck make my friend crying?! I’m gonna beat that person hardly!”Yoseob spoke angrily.Yoseob is really concerned about you and everyone know about it.He was your childhood chingu and since you both still a child he the one who always protecting you until now in High School.

“I-I think I know the reason why she was crying.”Kikwang suddenly spoke.

”You know?!!!”Hee Kyung and Yoseob said in unison.Suprised that Kikwang may know the reason you’re crying. “Well~Not very.It just..I saw her crying when she bumped onto me earlier at cafeteria.She’s like running away from someone who chasing her.”

“someone?”hee Kyung asked.”Neh~ A guy who had brown dark hair.”Kikwang said. “Brown dark hair guy?”Yoseob asked curiosly.Teacher is came in to the class.”Kikwang-shii,let us talk about this later.”

”Okey~” Hee Kyung is going toward her desk when the teacher had in to the class. School time is already okey and stopped crying but your eyes is red and puffy.

Yoseob and kikwang is going towards Hee Kyung and your desk.”___-shii,gwenchana?”Yoseob asked worriedly. “I’m alright.”You answer him without looking him.Yoseob and Hee Kyung was really worried saw your face is serious and not cheerful like always. “Let’s get out from here”yoseob spoke to you and his hand grabbed your hand an held it. All of you are going out from your class and went towards your locker.Yoseob took out your books from your bag and keep in your locker.


“So...Kikwang-shi.”Hee Kyung suddenly spoke.”so,the guy are at here now?”

Kikwang is searching and looked around and stopped.

”Ahh..that guy! The guy is at here now” “Chinca?!!”Yoseob asked really faster.

“Neh~Let’s going there”Kikwang said while his forefinger pointing the guy.All of you are going towards the guy.

“JUNHYUNG?!!!”Yoseob and Hee Kyung suprised.Junhyung turn around when he heard someone called his name.

“yah!Kikwang-ah...are you really sure it was him?”Yoseob asked with can’t believed look.

“Neh~I’m sure.Really sure.”kikwang said with really confident face.

“Yoseob-shii,Hee Kyung-shii,”Junhyung called Yoseob and Hee Kyung names and his eyes stopped at you.You’re not looking at him but your eyes is looked down to the floor.“____-shii..”Junhyung called your name.

Suddenly someone hit his face.Junhyung is fall down to the floor.”Yoseob-ah!!!”Kikwang and Hee Kyung spoke louder in unison.Your eyes is widened but did’nt says anything.Every students at there looked towards Yoseob and Junhyung.They starting to being noisy and asked what was going on.

“How dare you make her crying!What have you done to her?!!”Yoseob asked really angry and glared at Junhyung so coldly. “Yoseob-shi...I-I-I ‘m just..” “Just what?!”Yoseob cut him with his voice is still loudly and cold.”I know I’m wrong.But I did’nt mean to hurt her.”Junhyung is still sat down to the floor when he’s talking.His face are look down to the floor.

“You hurt her?!What do you mean?” “I’m really sorry but..”Junhyung stand up and looked at you.”I’m still loved you ___-shii.I Know I’m wrong but I just...I just...”Junhyung stopped and not knowing what he have to say to you.

Suddenly Soon Ji is coming and grabbed Junhyung arm.”yah!What happened with your face Oppa?!”Soon Ji asked really louder. “OPPA!?”Yoseob,Hee Kyung and everyone at there is shocked.Kikwang don’t know why all of them are shocked.You widened your eyes when you heard Soon Ji called junhyung oppa and tears are falling down again. “And why is everyone looked at you?”Soon Ji asked once again.



Sorry very much for not updating soon since I'm very busy with my examination in school..Sorry.But I hope you will liked with this new chapter.Sorry very much for once again.:D

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I love this stooory! KiKwang is so sweet~~
MissKiki #2
Awwwww finally~<3
whoreya #3
so cute <3
dinosauregg96 #4
aw cute date! update soon~ :D
whoreya #5
yeay yeay. i hope both of them date asap :DD
whoreya #6
trololol serve you right junnie. see you gonna regret your own decision to cheat on her :p
MyungHee #7
pumpkin21 : Thanks for be my subscriber.I really appreciate it..:D I wil update it soon again..
whoreya #8
new reader :D<br />
junhyung gonna regret this later. update soon pls? ^^
MyungHee #9
MissKiki : Gomawo..:D I will update it again soon..