The Plan

10Sc2 2014

            Wednesday and Thursday went by a blur as Haqeem and Cavell planned the big, extravagant plan to get Stella and Joshua together.

            They were going to need everyone in 10Sc2’s help, along with a promising band, Man of Science. Joshua formed Man of Science for pleasure, him as the lead singer and guitarist, Fahmi as the drummer and Hamizan as the bass player. They each had their instruments respectively; they just never got any gigs. Well that’s all going to change.

            “How does Man of Science like to get their first gig?” asked Cavell to Hamizan and Fahmi.

            “Seriously?” asked Fahmi.

            “Yeah, you know the big “plan” that’s happening on Friday, after school? What could be more romantic than a love song played by your very own band?”

            “But Joshua was the singer and guitar player,” said Hamizan.

            “You just leave that to me,”

            Farah is a good singer, actually amazing, and Gayatri knows how to play the guitar. The only problem is to let Joshua borrow someone else his “Katherine”


            As soon as school is over, Haqeem rushed everyone to the Grand Stand where “The Plan” is situated. “The Plan” is basically Cavell leading Stella to, with the help of an array of powers, the Grand Stand where Joshua confess his feelings to her, after that, there was going to be a party that last until evening.

            The field buzzing with students doing act that defy the laws of Physics to set up a party. We have Emily carrying a whole wooden stage that must have been tones heavy by herself with her bare hands, not even breaking a sweat.

            Farah, stretching her hands up to tie the strings paper lanterns along the poles, Gayatri flying over the strings to wrap with electric fairy lights.

            “Where are the tables?” Cavell asked Haqeem.

            Haqeem pointed at Safwanah, who was closing her eyes making her concentration expression she uses to stop time and suddenly, the field had tables with their table cloths on. Cavell looked up at a happy, yet tired look on Safwanah as she held Zoe for support. Safwanah stopped time and set up all the tables and cloths by herself.

            “How come there is a party and I’m not invited!” demanded Syahmina, as she walked up with her two cronies, Diamond and Jade, and her boyfriend Adnin.

            “Look at what my generous boyfriend brought for the party” flaunted Syahmina as two Syahmina clones carried trays of catering food.

            “There’s more at the car park,” she said, pointing at Hamizan.

            Hamizan never looked so annoyed in his life.

            “I’ll help you,” said Adnin, finding an excuse to leave this awkward situation.

            The awkward silence was broken when Deandra found that the carried food were chips and dips, thus not needing cutlery, she dived in. Jeanette went over to talk to Fahmi, Cavell went to Uyun to prep her for “The Plan”.

            “So, you seemed to have full control of the Cloning ability,” observed Haqeem.

            “Only two clones will follow my orders, more than that and I have a bunch of fools,” Syahmina snapped her fingers and the clones disintegrated.

            “Okay… Look I need to take care of things, help yourself to the party,” said Haqeem walking away.

            “Hey Syahmina,” said Safwanah walking towards her, she was one of the few girls in BD High that get along with Syahmina.

            “Oh My God, Did you know they not only throw a party not about me, they threw one without inviting me!”

            “Well, this is mostly about getting Joshua with that Spanish girl, so, may be Haqeem forgot to invite you, there is a lot of dramatic steps to get her here and when she reached here, it’s going to be amazing”

            Not if I can help it, thought Syahmina.


Fahmi was busy tuning his drums, when who else but Jeanette, this bubbly girl who he knows she stalks him, came over.

“What cha’ doing?” flirted Jeanette.

“Tuning my drums,” muttered Fahmi, preoccupied.

“You know, I was thinking, after you broke up with Farah you never had another girlfriend, were you waiting for someone special?”

Then Linaa came over, “It’s time,”

            “Oh, look I need to do the thing, which involves me freezing something, okay, Bye,” stuttered Fahmi, basically running away, leaving behind a confused Jeanette.


“Alright Uyun, as I bring Stella here, you need to make sure you teleport Hamizan, Haqeem, Gayatri and Fahmi back here,” instructed Cavell “As soon as you teleport one here, straight away go to your next position. Got it?”

            Uyun nodded with a determined face.

            “Okay, everything or should I say everyone is in place,” said Haqeem, walking over “Uyun, you know where to teleport Cavell, remember to come back for me,”

            Uyun grabbed Cavell and Cavell could feel his molecules splitting apart and forming again, when he open his eyes, he was at the Language Block, next to the Science Block, which is next to the Grand Stand. This is where “The Plan” began.

            Uyun teleported away and Cavell saw Hamizan a few feet away, giving a thumbs up. Right one cue, Azhan brought Stella over, gave Cavell an “OK” signal and left for the Grand Stand. Azhan was so friendly, it could be his second superpower, he distracted Stella the whole time also seeing her emotions to make sure she knew nothing of this plan.

            Stella at first looked puzzled, but seeing Cavell’s expression, she said “Bien, quell plan avez-vous maintenant? (Alright, what plan do you have now?)”

            “Avez-vous déjà regarde “High School Musical”? (Have you ever watched “High School Musical”?)”

            Stella looked suspecting but nodded her head. Cavell took out a mini mike, with the small speaker attached to his waist.

            Music suddenly filled the air. “Invisible speaker,” a familiar invisible voice said. Afiqah was to hold the boom box and follow them until the Grand Stand.

            “Take my hand” sung Cavell, reaching his hand out. Stella took it and they began walking, Cavell in the lead.

            When he almost reached Hamizan, Hamizan cloned two rows of himself until the door of a classroom. Cavell and Stella walked through the middle of the rows, Cavell singing and the invisible boom box following them.

            When they enter the classroom, Haqeem was standing on a table with a chair on top of it. Cavell let Haqeem take Stella by the hand as she climbed up the chair and he levitated her through the low ceiling of the classroom, Cavell and Afiqah followed suit.

            “Did I see middle of a wall?” said Stella, giggling.

            Downstairs, Uyun is teleporting Hamizan and Haqeem back.

            “It’s like catching lightning, the chances of finding, someone like you,” Cavell continued singing whilst bringing Stella to the window.

            There was another chair against the wall to climb over the window, Stella looked at Cavell like he was crazy, but he insisted. She climbed onto the chair and saw Gayatri flying and waving.

            Stella jumped and Gayatri caught her flying her to the third floor of the adjacent Science Block, while hearing “It’s one in a million, the chances of feeling, the way we do,”

            As Gayatri flew Cavell and the invisible Afiqah up, Stella watched as Linaa levitated water out of large buckets of water and made the water cover the window that leads to the Grand Stand. The water then began to go down and touch the ground outside touching the field.

             Fahmi walked over and with his palm of his hand he concentrated on the iciness to form on his body and focused on his right palm. Sounds of water freezing and the whole blob of water was frozen solid.

            He was then teleported away by Uyun and it was Syafiq’s turn, he took out a match, strike it, and blew on the fire near the frozen window, a fiery tornado formed and melted the upper part of the ice and the ice that was bending down outside. He turned the big frozen blob into a half pipe, a really long half pipe.

            “And with every step together, we just keep on getting better. So can I have this dance?” continued Cavell as he grabbed Stella’s hand and dragged her to the slide.

            “No, no,” she said giggling.

            The three floor ice slide carried them down to the Grand Stand, where the Man of Science was playing the Instrumental version of the song.

            As they landed, Cavell put his left hand on his hip and Stella intertwined with it and like a father passing his daughter to the husband, Cavell and Stella walked pass students on the side towards a beaming Joshua who stood in front of the stage.

            Afiqah turned off the boom box, materialized and walk behind Stella and Cavell along with Linaa and Syafiq who also came down the slide.

            It was Farah who was singing “Take my hand, I’ll take lead, and every turn will be safe with me,”

            When they reached the front of the stage, Cavell passed Stella to Joshua and stood to the side.

            “My Spanish and French may not be fluent as Cavell’s, My looks may not be as handsome as Fahmi’s and my powers may not be as amazing as most, but I Joshua Belayan truly like you. Everything I have and everything I am is yours forever,”

            “All I ever wanted was you, I didn’t need a magical, musical ice slide to know that I have sentimientos for you” replied Stella.

            “Stella de Natale, will you be my girlfriend?”

            “Oui, si, yes,”

            Stella went in for the kiss, everyone cheered, Asyeeqah made firework animations with her Imprint, the band played louder and Safwanah was glad that Redhuan read Syahmina’s mind and Zoe “persuaded” her with mind control to go fight with Deandra over the chicken wings instead.


            The party was a huge success, slowly as it got more late, the rest of the student body except for 10Sc2 and others went home.

            Man of Science began playing a slow song, and the couples paired up. Logan, Kimberly, Nana and Changmin made it. So instantly the four couples were there waltzing.

             Safwanah was also with a mind-controlled Byul, Rhusna shyly with Redhuan, Adnin reluctantly with Syahmina. Of course, Joshua and Stella.

            “Lonely tonight, handsome?” said a voice next to Cavell as Afiqah materialized “Where’s your girlfriend?”

            “She couldn’t come today, again,”

            “Aww, it’s not cheating if people can’t see you right?”

            Afiqah grabbed Cavell’s hand and both of them disappeared, waltzing to the dance floor and finding a corner where they won’t hit anybody.

            Linaa was there staring up the stage at her girlfriend and so was Jeanette staring at her stalkee, while Deandra was busy waltzing along the food table.

            “Check and check,” murmured Haqeem.

            “What? Did you say something?” asked Azhan next to him.

            “Just making sure everyone is where they are supposed to be, in perfect harmony,”

            “Not really, if you can see what I see, all you see is jealousy, true love, denied love and lust.

            Haqeem looked back with new perspective, Jeanette was looking at Fahmi like he was her soul mate, Fahmi was looking at Adnin mad at his fake relationship with Syahmina, Adnin looked back at Fahmi with so much lust in his eyes and Syahmina was looking at Adnin with crazily in love eyes.

            Zoe was shooting envy daggers at a lost in love world Safwanah and Byul is just looking lost in this world.

            Cavell, who magically appeared halfway through the song with Afiqah, looked confused like his feelings towards two girls and Afiqah just looked emotionally blissed.

            “See, I told you,” said Azhan.

            “Woah, our class is a mess, a super powered mess,”

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