Regular Days (1)

10Sc2 2014

The reason why Dinesh was absent to the party was because he was on a date… on a date with who other than Robin Karen.

            The reason why Adam was absent to the party was because he was busy stalking the aforementioned date.

            The next day however was peaceful, except for the fact that Adam and Dinesh had a massive Naruto vs Sasuke fight at the faculty car park.

            But first, let’s talking about the trials of Syafiq and Fahmi over their powers.

            “You may be asking why I asked you two to come here,” said Haqeem as the three of them stood in the abandoned classroom where no more lessons took place and is dirty and dusty.

            “To talk about our powers,” said Syafiq, “You never shut up about powers since we got them”

            “Fine, the two of you have completely similar powers in term of temperature manipulation, but complete opposites because of the direction the thermometer goes, up or down? So I today and going to help you control your powers and upgrade them as some of our classmate got enhancements slowly after discovering them,”

            Haqeem thought back on how he could levitate up ceilings now.

            “Syafiq! Your power over heat means you can not only create microwaves but control fire,” Haqeem continued.

            Haqeem took out a lighter and it. A tiny flame floated on the opening. Syafiq immediately absorbed some of it to his palm, supplying heat with his power so the fire won’t die out.

            “But what happens if you don’t have a match or a lighter?” Haqeem questioned, “All you need is friction to cause the spark”

            Haqeem took a metal rod and slid it across the rough cement floor, immediately glowing sparks formed. Syafiq blasted heat waves towards the sparks and a flame erupted. Then he absorbed the fire.

            “Go work on that, now, on to you Fahmi!”


            Asyeeqah was never good at drawing, but she loved to write. So it came as a shock to her when she realized an enhancement to her power.

            Imprint meant that she could write with her mind whether on paper that stays permanent or in the air which dissociates after a while, but it also gave her professional and experience over controlling colour.

            It’s like it’s not words that is Imprint, its colours, so many types other than black and blue. Writing words is just a small part of it, having full control of Imprint meant full dominance over colours.

            That day, she was alone at the Grand Stand; at first she was just writing “Mr. and Mrs. Zafrel” over and over again with her mind. Then she thought of when their last date, they made out under the rain.

            “Hey Syeeqah!” said Gayatri, flying up the bleachers in the Grand Stand “What ‘cha doin’?”

            Asyeeqah sighed, “Just writing…”

            “That doesn’t look like writing to me,” said Gayatri, the page where there was at least 10 “Mr. and Mrs. Zafrel” was replaced by a sketching of two persons kissing behind rain.

            “I never knew you could draw,”

            “Me too,”

            “You should join the drawing competition today, it’s actually going to start about now, and they have a shortage of candidates,”

            “But I at drawing and Safwanah will totally win, she’s so good at it,”

            “Please, for me?” said Gayatri with puppy dog eyes.

            “Fine, but if I get last place, you owe me a soda,”

            “Great, I’ll fly you there!”

            Gayatri grabbed Asyeeqah and flew to the competition in the auditorium.

            “Oh yeah, Logan Zafrel is one of the judges,” said Gayatri as-a-matter-of-factly “Just thought you should know,”


            “Dinesh, I’ve had enough, you’re just jealous because I got Robin, just like I last time got Safwanah at middle school,” said Adam, Dinesh had just “confronted” him about his date with Robin yesterday.

            “No, I got to Robin first during Valentine’s Day and you just like to follow what I like, this is Safwanah all over again,” replied Dinesh.

            “What are you talking about?”

            “I liked Safwanah before you did; I just didn’t have the courage to tell her that,”

            “Then it’s your own fault!”

            “Oh, but his time, I’m going to fight for what is rightfully mine,”

            “What you want to duel?”

            “Yeah, right now, at the faculty car park, they’re all busy at the art competition anyways,”

            “I guess I’ll wait for you there,” said Adam, rushing off at superhuman speed.


            “Your problem over controlling your power is that it’s too easy,” said Haqeem “Unlike Syafiq who needs sparks, you have water vapour in the air, already waiting for you, remember what happened to Jeanette?”

            “Ooo, what happened?” asked Syafiq curiously.

            “I only told Haqeem this because he will understand my problem,” said Fahmi “It was after Valentine’s and before Jeanette got all Mean Girl, it was my birthday; few people know because, that’s how I roll, but amazingly she knows and she left a note to come to this very room,

            “When I did come in after school, she had decorated it with banners and streamers and balloons and she held a cake, she turned off the lights so it was just the eerie light from the candles on her insanely smiley face and she reached over and tried to kiss me or something. I totally freaked and froze the entire room with her in it”

            “Which is why you have to control it, try freezing that chair,” said Haqeem pointing at a broken chair.

            The air around Fahmi’s hands thinned and formed mist, he aimed his palm at the chair and shot a beam of half frozen air, at first things went right and then more ice formed around his palm and the ice exploded, freezing everything in the room, Haqeem made the ice pass through him and said “How are we going to fight the bad guys if you freeze the good guys too”, pointing at a frozen Syafiq.

            The frozen Syafiq’s ice started to melt at his palm and then through his body “What the hell dude? But that was amazing!”



            Asyeeqah looked at the empty canvas and then down to her palette, she looked at a thumbs-up Gayatri giving in the crowd and then the subtle smile Logan was giving her.

            She had to paint the same picture given on the stage with three other contestants and Safwanah next to her, on the right, was an empty spot, but the paint had been readied with a white canvas in case anyone wants to jump in.

            Asyeeqah looked at the picture given, it showed a sunset on the beach, but the sunset had more colours than just orange and yellow and the sea had so many hues of blue. Safwanah looked very focused and was painting easily, by .

            I can do this, I know I can, Asyeeqah thought, I can’t embarrass myself in front of Logan.

            She looked at the picture again, this time an odd thing happened, the colours looked like they could jump out of the canvas, they were separating in front of her eyes and immediately, she felt her body move with very little control.

            She began to paint, at first she used the paint given but then used only little as her Imprint ability, she never knew, could move from her palm and into the brush.

            Gayatri had no idea what was happening to Asyeeqah, no one really noticed her as everyone was cheering for Safwanah and they don’t think Asyeeqah could win. But right now, Asyeeqah started to paint but in a weird way, her posture changed and her expression was blank and empty, the worst was her eyes, it looked like colour being reflected from her eyes, like sunlight on water.

            Asyeeqah looked like she was possessed, but may be that was an enhancement of her power?

            Syahmina could not looked more pissed, she thought the art competition would and everyone would be booing and she can laugh at Safwanah, but now it looked like Safwanah was going to win, even that Asyeeqah girl was painting something good.

            But then, Asyeeqah looked out of the ordinary, hunchback and painting blank like she was seeing something none of us could see.

            “I can’t take it anymore!” Syahmina ran to the empty spot and started to paint, a cheer of applause was heard and Syahmina flipped her hair, this was going to make her more popular; until she realized that she had no idea how to paint, she kept looking at the picture and to her empty canvas, then she noticed Asyeeqah’s eyes, you know how sometimes light gets reflected back from a layer of oil? That is what it looked liked, colours swimming around.

            She must be using her powers!, Syahmina thought ,then I’ll use mine.

            She focused on Imprint and looked at the picture and saw something interesting happening…



            Adam surged forward with a deathly blow, but Dinesh merely sidestepped.

            He used his control over technology and started a motorcycle and used it to chase after Adam, now Adam was running away, what was faster man of machine?

            He gave a sharp U-turn and was now running towards Dinesh with the motorcycle behind. Dinesh had to hit the brakes on the motorcycle before it him, but Adam punched him in the face, before Dinesh could stop it, and was soon hit in the stomach by his own motorcycle, but before Adam could run away from the lying Dinesh, a beam of lightning hit him squarely on the back.

            Both of them went head-to-head for what seemed like forever, Adam getting electrocuted, Dinesh getting punched and kicked in extreme speed. Soon, they both looked at each other, panting.

            “Saf- Safwanah was mine and now- now Robin will be mine!” said Adam.

            “Not- not this time, I won’t give up thi- this time” Dinesh said, an electricity coming from his hands. He formed it into a ball. “All’s fair in love and war, but maybe we should postpone our friendship,” The electric ball now was exuding electricity, it was charging it self.

            “Chidori!” screamed Dinesh as he shot the ball at Adam, unlike Sasuke, Dinesh had enough electricity to charge a whole school, maybe two, so of course his lightning would have enough energy to stay in shape.

            Everything slowed down, super speed doesn’t only mean how fast he could go, but also his reflexes, as time slowed down and his brain went to hyper drive, all he could think about was Safwanah, he still had feelings for her, although he cared to admit it, but she was a lesbian now and there was nothing he could do about it. Robin on the other hand was straight, but he already took Dinesh’s first crush from him, could he do it again?

            He sighed and ran at neck-breaking speed and fetched a big bucket of water and he stood back in his position and threw it at Dinesh who still had electricity surging through him.

            The water hit him and he was screaming as he short-circuited himself, he fell to the ground and looked like he was having a seizure; as the electricity went into his body shocking him instead.

            But Adam knew it wouldn’t scar him, another thing about their powers is that they don’t affect the user, like how one time Emily hit her leg on a table and barely felt it or how Syafiq never sweats when they have Gym period outside.

            Suddenly, Adam was slammed against a teacher’s car, fell on the floor and began having a , his mind spun thinking of why and he remembered, he was so cocky running back to the same position, the electric ball finally hit him. All the pain made his body shut down, darkness crept into his eyes, another thing, Haqeem was going on about some Power Enhancements, and Adam found that one of them on super speed was that his cells regenerate faster too, so he is the only one in class to have indirect healing, with that in mind he fainted.


            So in conclusion:

            Syafiq soon realized he better have a lighter handy or learn how to be creative with his surrounding to be much of a help in danger.

            Fahmi learned to control his ice powers but also realized that the ice explosion could be useful in a pinch, he could always unfreeze the good guys.

            Asyeeqah painted the best picture in the competition, but got second place because of power usage, Safwanah got first. Asyeeqah then realized that her with her powers, she could manipulate colour.

            Syahmina even though had the colours right, because of her limitation in Power Mimicry, she couldn’t get the difficulty of the hues. She got third place.

            Adam had no scars because of the fast tissue regeneration, and realized like Dinesh, he had to fight for his right to love.

            Dinesh had no electric marks or anything but a few bruises that cleared away, but it seemed like his personal vendetta against Adam was serious.

            But this is all considered a regular day in school, for 10Sc2 that is!

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Chapter 1: impressive //thumbs up//
eeyahjoker #2
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