Time Travel

10Sc2 2014

The next day in the 10Sc2 girls toilet, a big buzz was going on about Rhusna’s power, Gayatri’s date and the because of Rhusna’s power, Emily and Linaa had detention.

            “Oh my gosh, I can’t have detention written on my permanent records,” Linaa said “Harvard will never take me in,”

            Farah started to comfort her to no avail.

            “It’s all that byotch’s fault” concluded Emily.

            “Well there’s not much we can do about it without evidence,” said Afiqah.

            Asyeeqah clapped her hands, she thought of an idea, “We can ask Zoe to mind control her to tell the teacher,”

            “Oh my God, guys my date with Azhan was amazing, he was such a gentleman and did not even laugh at the bread I gave him, he even said Double Chocolate, Almond encrusted Surprise was his favourite,” said Gayatri, applying lip gloss.

            The bathroom door threw open and in walked Syahmina, Jeanette and Deandra.

            “Who the hell are you?” asked Linaa, pointing at Deandra.

            “I’m new!”

            “Another one? Are you seriously a new comer or just a nobody like her,” said Afiqah pointing at Syahmina.

            “I’m sorry, you girls don’t seem to understand that the three of us are the popular ones and this toilet is for popular girls only” said Syahmina, each word slowly.

            “Getting pooping privileges is good enough for scum like you,” countered Gayatri.

            “Oh my, scum? How unsophisticated and low-class,” laughed Syahmina.

            “She was being polite not swearing to your ugly face,” said Farah.

            Suddenly, Uyun popped in, “Hello girls, how’s everything? AHHHH Satan!” she shouted pointing at Syahmina.

            “Ugh, this toilet is so below out standards, let’s leave” Syahmina said, opening the bathroom door.

            “I’ll help you with that,” said Linaa as a force pushed the three “Mean Girls” out the door.

            “Good Riddance,” said Asyeeqah.

            “I have a feeling we won’t be hearing the end of that,” said Uyun, wisely.


            “Cavell, could you tell me what Stella wrote?” said Joshua to Cavell, who was talking to Haqeem.

            “I can show you,” This time, Cavell focused on both the languages swimming in his brain and the written words. He moved his palm over the Spanish words, and the English translation flew out like a hologram and the light came from the written words itself.

            “Woah mate, you can do that?”

            “Nobody asked,”

            Haqeem looked intrigued.

            “I got something new too,” said Joshua “I used to be able to only absorb matter I touch, but now I can be any form of matter as long as I ever touch it before,”

            Joshua demonstrated, he became completely covered in metal, then his right arm became wood, his left became glass, his right leg became unmeltable ice and his left became packed soil, even his head became pure fire. He didn’t even move a single muscle.

            “My powers evolved too,” said Haqeem.

            He stood up and began phasing through the ground, he stopped till his waist. “As my molecules dissociate and mix with the cement molecules, I can stand between the first floor below and the second floor we are now, but take caution, as if I phased with my brain and heart in a solid, I would die immediately,”

            That silenced Cavell and Joshua, everyone else in school were jealous of 10Sc2, but they don’t realize the responsibility of not hurting themselves or other people with bad use of powers.

            “Here’s the cool thing I can do,” said Haqeem. He motioned his hands in an upward motion and he began to phase backwards, against gravity and came up the second floor.

            “My body molecules use the cement as a support and thus I levitate slightly,” explained Haqeem, pleased with himself.


            I AM SO BORED!, thought Emily as she scratched the table with her pencil.

            The table easily let the pencil groove itself in, with a little help from superhuman strength. She wrote Aaron Yan, her idol on to the detention room table.

            She looked next to her as Linaa senselessly stacked her three erasers telekinetically lay them in a line, and then stacked them again.

            There was a knock at the door and who else but Rhusna to walk in and be all polite saying “Good Morning” to Miss Tiffany and asked the teacher to talk outside. Of course the detention teacher obeyed, Rhusna was the best teacher’s pet in whole BD High.

            Emily wished she could smash a hole in the wall and just run out of this school now.

            Outside the detention room, Rhusna was explaining to Miss Tiffany about her powers and the mess it caused and ask that Emily and Linaa not to be punished for the stupid thing she did.

            Miss Tiffany’s face got red, she already had a bad day getting scolded for breaking the tables and now she was being told that she was bad teacher. She was about to put Rhusna in detention when Zoe, who had heard everything stopped her and mind controlled her to reconsider.

            Safwanah who was behind Zoe, proposed that is she brought Emily and Linaa back in time to stop the tables from breaking, they would be left off the hook.

            Emily and Linaa were called out of the room.

            “Alright, Linaa remember to catch all the five tables you were floating and Emily, catch the three you threw down,” said Miss Tiffany.

            Safwanah took a deep breath. She time travelled herself multiple times to see herself in the years past, she could sort of teleport, if she went back or forward in time, she could choose the location, but she needs to go at least 24 hours to change location, but there was a danger of a time rift and paradox if she kept time travelling just because she was lazy to walk, better leave Teleportation to Uyun.

            She focused her brain on that specific day and the place, making sure they were ten feet away from Rhusna.

            They went back a minute before Rhusna walked pass, on the second floor, so not only could the past Linaa, Emily and Rhusna not see them, but Emily would be ready to catch the three tables and Linaa could focus on making a pocket of force so the tables won’t slam against the ground and hit a pillow of force and lightly tap against the floor.

            Emily succeeded, but Linaa had to focus as she couldn’t see the tables and have to go by instinct.

            Emily laid the table on the ground floor messily as if they did fall from the stairs and Safwanah brought all of them back to the future before anyone saw.

            When they got back, Miss Tiffany, Zoe and Rhusna was nowhere to be found.

            “They don’t know what happened, we fixed the past so the former present didn’t happen,” explain Safwanah “Both of you have no excuse not to be at home right now,”

            “So Rhusna’s good deed never actually happened,” concluded Linaa.

            “Yeah, but you guys know it happened, just be nicer to her,” said Safwanah, walking away.

            “Huh, we should, shouldn’t we,” said Linaa, thoughtfully.

            “Or we could pretend this never happened,” said Emily, with a grin.

            A mischievous smile spread on Linaa’s face too.


            After the whole power discussion, it was lunch and Cavell went to find Stella at their usual spot at the Grand Stand.

            “Wow, quelqu’un est confidant (Wow, somebody is confident)” said Cavell as he sat beside her.

            Stella laughed and she talked about how she started to think Joshua is cute chasing after her and asked how things are going on with Emily.

            “Je sais que cela semble bizarre, mais je pense que nous separons et j’ai commence a aimer cette autre fille (I know this sounds weird, but I think we are separating and I started to like this other girl)” But before Cavell could finish, Stella kissed him.

            A million thought went through Cavell’s head, but the most prominent is that Joshua liked Stella and he wasn’t breaking the Bro Code for a make out session. Cavell pushed Stella away.

            “Je suis desole, je ne sais meme pas pourquoi je l’ai fait (I’m so sorry, I didn’t even know why I did it)” apologized Stella.

            “Je sais (I know)” said Cavell, he explained to her that she liked Joshua but never told a guy she liked him and that Cavell reminded her of home, Spanish and French and all.

            “Vous aimez Joshua, pas moi (You like Joshua, not me)”

            “Vous etiez mon premier baiser, vous savez (You were my first kiss, you know?)” said Stella “Et je suis heureux que c’est vous, mais vous avez raison, je pense que je fais comme Joshua (And I’m glad its you but you are right, I think I do like Joshua)”

            “Puede ser que algun dia le dire (May be someday I will tell him)” said Stella in Spanish as she walked away.

            Lunchtime was over, but this problem hasn’t.

            It’s time for a big extravagant plan to get two soul mates together and Cavell knows just who to plan it.

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Chapter 1: impressive //thumbs up//
eeyahjoker #2
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