The Carnival

Heart, Mind and Soul

Ughh..... The carnival thingo with Jaejoong is today... I slowly and softly used the stick of

concealer to hide all the bruises and scares, hopefully Jaejoong won't notice. What was the

time again? I stared at my watch, Oh.... My...GAWDDDD!!!!! It was 12:30!!! I opened my closet

and put on whatever was staring at me and ran out the door.


                  -----Jaejoong’s POV -----

Where is she?? Its 12:30 already! I guess it’s too much to ask to arrive 30 minutes earlier...

Oh there she is... Omo....what on earth is she wearing!!! I tried to keep in the laughter in as she walked up to me.

Hi.....Innie, I accidentally sniggered. She looked at me with confusion, I couldn’t hold it in anymore, I let out a laugh as I pointed to her bright pink flannelette style cardigan and cargo pants.....”YAHHH WHAT ARE YOU WEARING”.


---Inyoung’s POV--------

I looked down at my outfit, it was horrendous!! OH MY GOD WHAT DO I DO!!! I ran into s clothing store and saw a white razorback singlet top, as long as it goes with the cargo pants. In the corner of my eye Jaejoong was approaching the stall “YAH! What size bottoms are you?” He yelled out to me, suddenly a flush of embarrassment went through me. I took out my phone and texted to him the letter “M”. He looked at me and nodded and held up a pair of khaki shorts and threw them at me. I went into the change room and tried them on, thank god my concealer was a good brand. I changed back into my other embarrassing clothes and walked to the counter, the owner of the stall looked at me in confusion “that young man over there has already paid for your purchase” she pointed to the handsome looking man who was standing at the front of the stall. Was it Jaejoong? As I looked closer it took me by surprise, it was Minwoo. He looked over and smiled at me and walked away, I stood there in bewilderment until I noticed Jaejoong clicking his fingers in front of my face “yah...” I looked at him - he was too close to my face. It took me a while to register what was happening and stepped back. “Sorry Jaejoong”, he let out a smile and guided me out of the stall.


                ------Jaejoong’s POV------

Okay, Jaejoong, this is your chance. Ask her today!!! HWAITING!!!!!

But what if she doesn’t like me, then I’ll be embarrassed!! C’mon you’ve been practising all night! You can do it! I looked at her and she looked at me, with those sparkling eyes. God I love her...


          -----Inyoung’s POV------

It was getting dark, Jaejoong stopped in his path and turned to me “neh, Innie. I have something to show you, but you have to close your eyes” “it’s already dark Jaejoong, why do i have to close my eyes?!” “Don’t argue just do it” he looked at me impatiently and began guiding me by the shoulders as I shut my eyes. We went up a couple of steps and told me to sit down, I opened my eyes to see that we were in a confined room, with a barred window looking onto the lake. The room slurred and jolted into life as it the room began lifting itself into the air, “Ohhhh! Ferris wheel!  I thought I was going to die” I let out a chuckle, he looked at me defensively “As if I would do that” and looked out the window until the moving room came to a halt and turned back at me “hey, there’s something I want to ask you” I looked at him and outside the window “Omo the scene is so beautiful” “yeah... It truely is” I looked at him to see him not looking outside the window but at me. “Will you be my girlfriend Innie?” My heart began to flutter as I thought of what he had said, my lips began to tremble as I moved closer and closer to his flawless face where then, his lips met mine “Of course I will be” We held each other for the rest of the night 

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Good plot:)
butterfly555 #2
aww they are together so cute
butterfly555 #3
interesting fic
Happile #4
Please update soon~
Happile #6
thanks for the fix Marlexisa, i dont know that much korean ^^" (i changed it)
we-so-fly #7
Omg. MINWOO IS SO HOT! HE'S MY TEACHER, I SWEAR. future teacher. xD<br />
i hate rain. i still do -.-<br />
and what is with jj keeping his promise?! well i guess he has to fall in loev with innie soon.<br />
the kiss :O are they going out now?! and i wonder what jaejoong will do...0_0 and LOL junsu must be a girl :) :) :)
its not unnie. its noona. unnie is for a girl to say to a older girl. noona is for a boy to say to an older girl. unless you wanna make junsu a girl.
Happile #9
the picture doesnt really have anything to do with the story... it was hot so i chose it XD