Life Changed

Be Mine



“So this file has the blue prints of the battery I made,” Your father explained, “If It goes to the wrong hands, we are in big trouble. How? They will use the battery to power up their bombs, and they will be able to blow up the entire United States, so I am putting this file in safe hands”

Then his assistances, together with the President, the press and you were there listening. Then your appa pointed at you, “And may I introduce to you my lovely daughter who helped me with this project” He called for you. You went up to the stage and bowed, “Hello everyone” You smiled.

“She helped me with the protection of the file, and the disguise of the file, so it will be safe” your appa said. You smiled and went back to your seat, you played your necklace cause your father was now speaking things you couldn’t understand.

Then suddenly it became noisy, you heard lots of zooming, you looked up to see 5 Russian jets flying around the stadium.

“GET DOWN!” the police called, everyone went down for cover. Then the jets started to shoot guns. You crawled to your appa, “Father, what now?” You asked. “Just stay down, those Russians just want the file,” Just then a bullet went through your appa. Your eyes widened, “Appa!” You shouted. Your appa touched his wound and fell down. You looked at him, “Appa, what do I do?” you asked. Your father touched your necklace, “Whatever happens, don’t let anyone, including the CIA to get the file,” he said, “And never tell them where it is, remember and keep the promise, araso?” He asked. You held on your necklace, “Promise”

Then one police man took you, “Are you ok child?” he asked. You nodded, “But my father” You said. He looked at your father and his eyes widened, “Oh no,” He then called his other team, “We got a man shot down here!” Then more police came to pick up your father. You and your father’s body were transported to the nearest hospital. You looked at the news, you saw what happened. And the heard the President’s speech about this. Then the officer from the CIA came to you, “So, you know where the file is?” she asked. You nodded, “But I can’t hand it over to anyone, including you” You said

She shook her head, “But it is dangerous for you to have it” She said. You shook your head, “Nobody knows but my and father” You said, “It is in a very safe place, and it needs me to be opened”

“So you are planning to keep it forever?” She asked. You shook your head, “Just until you need it” You said. She smiled, “You’re a very smart girl, aren’t you?” She said. You smiled back. “What is your name again?” She asked you. “~~~~~~~~,” You said. She nodded, “Alright ~~~~~~~,I’m  Nina and we want to talk to you in private” She said.


Soon both of you were in the CIA office, you sat down. Then Nina showed you a video from Russia that just came in you saw a guy, you didn’t recognize if he was Russian but he left a message that was Russian, “I know that the scientist is already dead, but that doesn’t matter, we want the file now, so if you don’t give me the file in less than 48 hours, we will have to kidnap the scientist’s daughter, we know everything, we know that she knows about the protection about the file, so hand it over now”

You gulped. Nina looked at you, “You understand it?” She asked. You nodded, “My mother taught me Russian” You said. Nina nodded, “So, it is very dangerous for you to stay here, even if you give us the file, it won’t save you, so for your safety, we are going to ship you off to another country in the other side of the world, So what languages do you know?” She asked

“Japanese, Chinese and Korean” You said. Nina thought for a moment and then looked at her computer, “We have a jet going to Korea in the next hour, so we will have to ship you to Korea, I have some spies there that can help protect you” She said.

“Whoah, in an hour?” You asked. Nina nodded, “I have to pack my things first” You said. Nina nodded, “Ok, pack your things, oh and one more thing, please give me your phone” She said. You gave it to her and she destroyed it. You gaped. “You could be tracked down with that phone, we will have to give you a new phone a secured one, when you reach Korea” She said.

You nodded and went home to pack. At home, you quickly packed all your important stuff. Then you got back to the car the CIA own and you were transported to the CIA private airport. Then Nina came to you, “Here is the names and information about the Woo brothers aka Infinite” She said. You looked at her, “They are brothers?” You asked. She shook her head, “We just gave them that name, to protect their identity, but their first name is still the same”

You nodded. Then Nina pointed at the black jet, “That is your plane” She said as she assisted you inside the plane, the seats were few, just like every other private plane. You sat next to the window with your bag in your lap and sighed and waved good bye to Ohio.


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Chapter 55: Auww she ended up with sungyeol (ಥ_ಥ) good job author-nim ♡♡~~ nice story hehehe
Chapter 55: AWWWWW SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!:)
Chapter 37: poor her:( she cant be with infinite!;( well at least she has teen top:) but still!!!:(
kyaaa!! the ending...
sungyeol with her... ^^
love your story... keep writting
I just finished reading this :) And such awesome story <3 I really LOVE it! Going to read the sequel :))
new reader here
Infiniti #7
omg your story is amazing! every chapter is such a suspense!
I just finished reading this. ;) Awesome bd. Going to read the sequel next. ;)
This story should really be featured!