
My house, My rules.
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                The next few days I didn't know how to be around Kris after his...well confession. He blushed everytime we made eye contact, it was super awkward at school and now I also couldn't even look Minho in the eye after Kris' stupid idea that he liked me.

It was lunch time, I was sat at the table we usually ate at and was staring off into space at my own thought.

"Earth to Mei, are you in there?" Tao ruffled your hair.

I batted his hand away. "Can't I think in peace?"

"Clearly not" Chen laughed.

I scowled at him. "You guy's just.. theres never any silence"

"Hey.." Minho pouted.

I rolled my eyes. "Not you."

Kris narrowed his eyes at me, and I sighed. I just couldn't win.

Luhan smirked at me. "We're not so bad"

"Keep telling whatever it is that helps you sleep at night" You smirk back at him.

Lay rolls his eyes. "Why can't we have one civil day?"

"Because that's a miracle and miracles don't happen apparently" Xiumin ruffled Lay's hair.

Kris laughed at Xiumin. "Sometimes they do"

I raised an eyebrow at him.

Minho poked me in the side of the cheek to get my attention, well it worked but it also caught Kris' attention, I could feel his eyse burning into the side of my face as I turned to face Minho.

He smiled at me. "Want to come over again today? Math really isn't my subject"

I knew that Kris wanted me to say no, but I really did enjoy Minho's company, it was a good friend to me. "Sure, actually.. are you any good at History because I'm struggling with the essay."

"Yeah, I'll help you if you help me" He nodded.

I smiled at him. "Thanks, I was worried I may lose sleep over

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Chapter 50: Read it again cuz you know ;) and SOMEONE keeps giving me unwanted kris feels!
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 50: The best ever!!!!! I really love the chapters near the end of the story, so lovely and funny ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
rrreeerrreeennn #3
Chapter 26: i luv this story
momonica #4
Chapter 15: is this like with them being step siblings?
Chapter 50: Oh my god !! awesome story Em *.* i luuved it ! I just miss Kris more after reading it ughh! ps: sorry for being a silent reader , it's because i read it offline xD
Chapter 50: This story is cute hihi its really lovely ! Great work authirnim ^.^
Sequel please!! I really like your writing! Btw
Chapter 50: olalala its complete already ???