
My house, My rules.
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                   I had a early start this week, so I was thoroughly cleaning the counters. Baekhyun came through the back smiling, He opened the front doors and began wiping down the tables.

"Mei~ Mei~" He sang.

I frowned. "What is it?"

"Nothing~... I just really like singing your name" He laughed.

I sighed. "Really Baek?"

"What.. you're like my little sister!" He smiled.

I frowned. "Pretty sure I'm older than you"

"But shorter...." He danced around.

I threw a flannel, hitting him in the face. "Die in a hole Baek."

Kris came in, he smiled once his eyes latched on to mine. "Well... what a fine beauty to see so early in the morning"

"Thanks, it's a shame Mei hasn't even made an effort" Baekhyun said, fanning himself.

Kris frowned and pushed him playfully. "Not you, you eyeliner freak" He came to the counter and sat down at his usual spot.

"So mean~.. you two should get married already" Baekhyun pouted.

Kris laughed. "If only"

I hit him with another flannel I grabbed. "Stop that"

"Why?~ " He pouted.

I rolled my eyes.

He sighed, and leaned his head on his hand. "Wheres my morning kiss?"

"I dunno, you tell me" I smirked, leaning infront of him, after he narrowed his eyes I leant forward and landed a peck on his lips.

A laugh echoed from towards the entrance, Luhan and Xiumin walk in.

"Well if I knew that kisses were handed out with the coffee I'd of come so much sooner" Luhan smirked as he leaned over the counter, pouting.

Kris placed his palm over Luhan's face and pushed him back. "Death wish"

"So, Mei.. I'll have the original" Xiumin asked ignoring the two idiots.

I laughed, and began working on his coffee. "I think I'd go insane if it wasn't for your normality Xiumin"

"Thanks, that's what helps me keep sane" He laughed.

I handed him his coffee, Luhan and Kris were still practically fighting one another.

Baekhyun came running over, placing his hands over Kris' eyes. "You're too big to fight with Luhan"

"Pssh...  I can take you on too you little brat" Kris jabbed Baekhyun in the ribs.

I smacked them all with the flannel. "Stop, or get out. Why can't you be like Xiumin?"

"Ahh.... Mei.. please let me drink my coffee before dragging me into a fight" He pouts.

Kris raises an eyebrow. "Xiumin's hard competition.."

"Yeah.. You win Xiumin" Luhan smiles.

I face palm. "Would you guys stop?" I sighed. "Baek, please serve these idiots"

Baekhyun happily began making their coffee.

"So, where did you leave the other three?" Kris raises an eyebrow.

Luhan thought for a second.

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Chapter 50: Read it again cuz you know ;) and SOMEONE keeps giving me unwanted kris feels!
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 50: The best ever!!!!! I really love the chapters near the end of the story, so lovely and funny ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
rrreeerrreeennn #3
Chapter 26: i luv this story
momonica #4
Chapter 15: is this like with them being step siblings?
Chapter 50: Oh my god !! awesome story Em *.* i luuved it ! I just miss Kris more after reading it ughh! ps: sorry for being a silent reader , it's because i read it offline xD
Chapter 50: This story is cute hihi its really lovely ! Great work authirnim ^.^
Sequel please!! I really like your writing! Btw
Chapter 50: olalala its complete already ???