
My house, My rules.
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                    Me and Kris spent the night together at his place, wrapped in each others arms. Kris jumped up out of bed when he heard the front door slam downstairs, he eagerly put on his boxers and dressing gown when he heard the footsteps climbing up, I covered myself in the sheets and frowned.

Who could be here?

The door swung open.

I raised an eyebrow. "J-Jonghyun?"

"Mei?..." Jonghyun frowned at me, he looked up at Kris with an angered expression. "Kris, do you two care to explan what you're doing"

"W-wait I can explain" I go to talk to him.

But he turns to me with his nose flared. "I don't want to hear it from you."

I looked at him in disbelief.

Kris was frozen in place.

Jonghyun pulled Kris out of the room and slammed the bedroom door when he left making me jump.

I took it apon myself to get dressed, brushing my hair. I opened the bedroom door to hear shouting.

"What the are you doing Kris?.. do you understand what this could do to mine and her mothers relationship?!.. are you doing this to punish me?!" Jonghyun was practically screaming at Kris.

Kris was shouting as loud back. "What.. you think this is about you?.. this has ing nothing to do with you! I love her"

"Love..." He scoffed. "You don't know what love is!... you're doing this to hurt me, and her, that poor girl"

Now I was stood at the bottom of the stairs, anger rushing through my blood. "Who are you to say what he feels?" I look at him.

Jonghyun turns to me and frowns. "This has nothing to do with you, how could you be so stupid?"

"Don't talk to her like that!" Kris shouted.

I let out a laugh. "I'm stupid?... It's got nothing to do with me?!.. I don't think you realise just who you are talking to Jonghyun, I am not your daughter, neither is Kris your son. I've got more to do with Kris than you will ever have, because we love each other"

Jonghyun looked taken back by what I said. "You two are delusional!"

"Like you know anything!" I throw my hands up in the air.

Kris scoffs. "And what?.. you're going to stop us from being together?.. you aren't! I want to marry her!"

"Over my dead body are you marrying her! you're going to jeprodize my relationship for a fling?!" Jonghyun looked terrifyingly mad.

I slammed my fist against the wall, making them both jump and look at me. "We are not a fling, how dare you" I walked over to Jonghyun, making him step back from Kris. "I have my own heart, my own mind, I've never had

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Chapter 50: Read it again cuz you know ;) and SOMEONE keeps giving me unwanted kris feels!
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 50: The best ever!!!!! I really love the chapters near the end of the story, so lovely and funny ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
rrreeerrreeennn #3
Chapter 26: i luv this story
momonica #4
Chapter 15: is this like with them being step siblings?
Chapter 50: Oh my god !! awesome story Em *.* i luuved it ! I just miss Kris more after reading it ughh! ps: sorry for being a silent reader , it's because i read it offline xD
Chapter 50: This story is cute hihi its really lovely ! Great work authirnim ^.^
Sequel please!! I really like your writing! Btw
Chapter 50: olalala its complete already ???