Aunt In's visit

The Safest Place on Earth

               Kim noticed the lights are on in the house.

               “Pie, I think someone is here.”

               “Yes, Kim but the car looks familiar.”

               “Aunt In is here!”  Kim got off the car hurriedly and ran toward the house.  Pie followed Kim.


               “Aunt In?”  Hello?”

               “Kim!” Aunt In answered.


               Aunt In hugged Kim.  “How are you, troublemaker? Where’s Pie?” Aunt In asked.

               “Hello, Aunt In.”  Pie answered.


               Aunt In hugged Pie.  “Pie, I have something to tell you.  I saw on the news this morning.”

               “What’s new, Aunt In?” asked Kim.


               “Tell me, Aunt In.  So Kim will know why I’m here.”

               Aunt In asked Kim and Pie to sit down on the couch.  “They already found the body, Pie.  The cashier is lost to.  The policemen are looking for you, they spotted you on CCTV.  Maybe you can give clues to the Mr. Hitchens’s death. “


               “That’s why you here, Pie?” Kim asked.

               “Yes, Kim.” Pie nodded.


               “You should help the victim, Pie.  You’re the only hope to the victim’s family.  Why are you hiding?”

               “The policemen killed them, Kim.  That’s why I’m afraid.  I know they’re looking for me.  I know they will kill me that night.  Look the cashier is lost too, maybe they killed him.”

               Kim nodded.  “You can stay here as long as you like.”

               “Thank you, Kim.”


               “I’ll prepare for dinner, Aunt In.  Pie, stay with her, okay?”

               Pie nodded.


               “Pie, you said you recognized these policemen, who are they?”  Aunt In asked curiously.


               “Matthew Boonliang and Jonathan Jainukul.  I know them; I always see them at the café where I usually hang out.”  Pie answered.


               “I saw them on TV, Pie.  They are one of the investigators on Hitchens’s crime.”

               “What should I do, Aunt In?” asked Pie.


               “We should stay here.”  I know they already had leads to contact you.  And I am the last person you talked with right?”

               “Yes, Aunt In.  I’m scared.”


               “Dinner’s ready!”  Kim asked Aunt In and Pie to come to the dinner table.




               Pie woke up early.  She opened the door to the balcony.  She saw Aunt In and Kim talking at the table in the garden.  She went to Aunt In and Kim.


               “Good morning.”  Pie looked she haven’t slept well last night.

               “Trouble sleeping, Pie? Kim asked.

               Pie nodded.


               Aunt In offered Pie coffee.  “Here’s your coffee.  Sit beside me, Pie.”

               “Don’t worry, Pie.  You’re safe here in Nan.  You’re safe with us, right Aunt In?”

               Aunt In nodded, smiled and took a sip.

               “Aunt In, I think we should go to the market after breakfast.”  I have to deliver the vegetables I just harvested to Puey.” Said Kim.  “You want to go with us, Pie?”

               “Yes, Kim.  Pie answered.

               “I want to I stay here. Said Aunt In. "I’m still tired.  I want to rest."

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justsayingagain #1
Chapter 14: It feels like watching a movie in fast forward, a good movie though.
mad_sly16 #2
Chapter 14: I like it.good job author=)
Maria_Ulfa #3
Chapter 14: i love your story, thanks author
hayley123 #4
Chapter 14: Hey author remember to mark completion to your story. Thanks again and looking forward your new story hopefully.
hayley123 #5
Chapter 14: Love the story. Thank you author.
CyberBak #6
Chapter 14: Thank you for reading guys.
CapuccinoLove #7
Chapter 5: Please continue ur update author..
llivi10 #8
Chapter 5: Actualice, autor me deja con la intriga
biglittlesister #9
Chapter 5: Well.well.well new story :D please continue author. Can't wait to know what happen next
hayley123 #10
Chapter 5: New story it. Please go on