Baekhyun was very excited to go to school with her beautiful uniform. She’s very careful every time she sits down.

After breakfast, Baekhyun hurriedly get her bag and her father told her that he’ll give her a ride.

            “Baekhyun! Faster! We need to go now!” Baekhyun’s father shouted.

            “Yes dad! I’m done!” Baekhyun replied.

            “Are you excited?”

            “Yes Dad! I’m super duper excited! I can’t wait to meet new friends in DH!” Baekhyun replied with a very happy face.

            “All right! Let’s goooo!!”

On their way to DHU, there was an accident happened that caused a traffic jam. It‘s hard for them to get in easily. Because of that, Baekhyun was late on her first day in DHU!

            When Baekhyun arrived on her classroom, her teacher gives him a very sweet smile even though she was late.  Baekhyun then introduce herself to the class.

            After the introduction, Baekhyun went directly to her sit.

            An hour of discussion, Baekhyun noticed that from the beginning she arrived in the classroom her seatmate was already sleeping.

            Baekhyun talked to him…

            “Hey, wake up! Teacher Song will give a test after her discussion!”

But her seatmate didn’t bother to reply and continued sleeping.

            “Okay class, get a piece of paper and we’ll start the test now!” Teacher Song said.

Finally, her seatmate woke up. When her seatmate turns his face on her, Baekhyun was shocked.

            “Oh! You! You! Huh! What a small world! Yah!” Baekhyun shouted!

            “Is there any problem, Byun Baek Hyun?” Teacher Song asked.

            “Uhh, NO!”  Baekhyun replied

            “Do I know you?”  he said.

            “You’re really something! Who are you by the way?” Baekhyun asked.

Her classmate name Taehyung, interrupted.

            “You don’t know him? He’s just the only son of the owner of this school. DH stands for Dae Hyun! Jung Dae Hyun! That’s his name. Even if he’s just sleeping during class, he still ranks as the #1 Genius students in Seoul!” 

            “Ahh, really! That’s why he acted like that! GENIUS! That’s it! He seems, he knows everything, but not at all! But most of the geniuses I know, knows how to appreciate other’s efforts. Daehyun? Not at all! Brain Alien!” Baekhyun replied.

            “Did something happen between the two of you?” Taehyung asked.

            “Such a long story!” Baekhyun replied.

            “Ahh, let’s talk about it during free time!?”

            “Huh? Ahh, Okay!”

            “Okay class! Let’s start the test! Question Number 1…”

After the class, Taehyung run after Baekhyun.

            “Hey, Baekhyun! Are you willing to share it to me?” Taehyung said

            “Uh!Okay!” Baekhyun replied.

After 30 minutes of chatting…

            “You don’t really know him! You know what; a lot of girls were crazy on him, dreaming that one day Daehyun will be their husband. They give a lot of gifts on him, the very expensive one, but it was just thrown on the trash can.” Taehyung said.

            “Really? What’s his problem? Why did he act so cold! Is he a human? Baekhyun asked.

            “Ahahaha! You’re really funny! I think it’s because of his father. He’s the most genius here, but his father didn’t really appreciate all his efforts.” Taehyung replied.

            “Awhh, so sad! Even thoough I’m not really good in academics, my dad and mom would really appreciate my efforts even if it’s just a little. I’m still lucky compared to him. Now, I understand why he became like that!”

            “Most of the people here called him Mr. Perfect or Mr. Genius, even I, called him that too.” Taehyung added.

            “But, I really don’t believe that there’s a perfect person. For me, he’s just another human being with great brains and won’t care on his surroundings. That’s all!” Baekhyun replied.

            “Hahaha! Well, let’s go! It’s almost time! You’ll be late again for the 2nd time! You know, when you’re late 5 times, you’ll clean the campus, and everything should be shiny. The teachers here are very strict! So, we need to go now! Let’s go!” Taehyung said.

            “Really!? Omo! We should go now!”  Baekhyun replied.
























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Chapter 6: wae authornim?? Q.Q
well ur story really beautiful authornim.. QuQ
but I really hope they have happy ending TTuTT

anyway, nice story authornim!! (^^)b
key_soo #2
Chapter 6: crying in the end T__________T
Chapter 7: Bad author nim.. Why you killed Dae ? huhuhu T_T
Still, it is a beautiful story. I'm so gonna to cry again.. Huhuhu
Chapter 7: author-nim.... why you killed Daehyun?
ugh, I'm crying so hard reading this ff.