Baekhyun saw Daehyun sitting on the swing. She sits beside him.

                “Same place, same position.” Baekhyun said to him

                “What do you mean?”

                “Remember the time when you told me that you love me? That you’re jealous because my mom told you that I and Taehyung were dating but we’re just being denial? Remember?”

                “Ahh! That! I’m... ( *Baekhyun suddenly hold his hand*)”

                “Jung Dae Hyun, do you still love me?”


                “Jung Dae Hyun, answer me! “

                “Yes! I love you! I will still love you even if you won’t love me back. You’ll be my one and only, Byun Baek Hyun!”

                “That’s a relief! Well then, let’s start dating!”

                “Huh? What’s wrong with you? Are you having a fever again?”

                “Of course not! I’m serious! Let’s start dating, Jung Dae Hyun!” Baekhyun said.

                “Ahhh..hahaha! Are you really serious?”

Baekhyun came closer and kissed him on the lips…

                “I’m serious! Let’s date? I’m asking you for the third times!”

                “If that’s what you really want, well, fine! Let’s start dating!” Daehyun said.

                “So that means you’re just doing it because that’s what I want?”

                “Haha! Of course not! This is the time I’ve been waiting for! Finally, I’m dating Dummy Byun Baek Hyun! So, as our first date, where do you want to go?”

                “Hmm! Let’s go watch a movie?” Baekhyun said to him.

                “Okay! Let’ Go!?”

                “Let’s Go!” Daehyun holds her hand!

Daehyun and Baekhyun arrive at the theater. They decided to watch Avatar.

                “Please hold the tickets! I’ll buy something to eat!” Daehyun said to her.


                “What do you want?” Daehyun said to her

                “I’ll go for Popcorn and Nachos!” Baekyun replied


While they were inside the theater, the two of them were very focus on the movie.

After watching the movie…

                “The movie was really great!” Baekhyun said to him.

                “Yes! Baek, I want to ask you something.”

                “What is it, Jung Dae Hyun?”

                “Why did you decide to go on a date with me?” Daehyun asked her.

                “I’ve been thinking about how I really feel for you. Actually, I didn’t have an enough sleep last Saturday and Sunday because I was thinking about you. Later on, I found out that, I’m already falling in love with you. I was worried that maybe these feelings were already too late and so I decided to ask you if your feelings for me are still there. If the things you said, like, you love me is still true. And so, when you said that you still love me; that I’ll be your one and only, I’m very happy! My heart was very happy!” Baekhyun said to him.

                Daehyun hug her and kiss her on the forehead.

                “Byun Baek Hyun always remember that no matter what happens, I’ll be the Jung Dae Hyun who will love Dummy Byun Baek Hyun more than his self.”

                “Jung Dae Hyun, I like you!”

                “I’ll forever like you, Baek! J Where do you want to go next?”

                “How about you, do you want to go somewhere?” Baekhyun said to him.

                “Hmmmm! I want to eat an ice cream!” Daehyun said to her.

                “Okay! Let’s go eat an ice cream!”

Baekhyun and Daehyun’s first date was filled with happiness and love…<3



The next day, DHU students were very shocked about the news that Daehyun and Baekhyun are dating. Most of the girls were very mad at Baekhyun. They’re waiting for her to arrive.

Kim Taehyung called Baekhyun…

                “Baekhyun~ah, where are you?”

                “Oh, Taehyung~ah, I’m coming to school!”

                “What? Don’t come here!”


                “They’re very mad at you! They wanted to kill you right now! They know it already!”

                “About what?”

                “That you and Daehyun are dating! Krystal was very mad right now and also the other girls! So, skip the class, just for today!”

                “Taehyung~ah, I know that you’re worried at me, but I need to face them.”

                “Byun Baek Hyun!”

                “It’s alright, Taehyung~ah!”

After 15 minutes, Baekhyun arrived at the campus.

                “Byun Baek Hyun is here!” one student shouted.

Krystal walked in and slapped her on the face.

                “How dare you!” Krystal said to her.

Suddenly, Jung Dae Hyun came!

                “KRYSTAL LEE! Why did you slap her? Who are you to slap her? So what if I’m dating Baekhyun? Huh?” Daehyun was really mad at her.

                “Oppa! I just can’t accept the fact that you’re dating this stupid girl!” Krystal cried.

                “Watch your mouth, Krystal! The one you called stupid girl is the person I truly love! From now on, if you’re going to act like this again, I’ll transfer to other school. Understand? Let’s go Baek!”

Daehyun grabbed her hand and went to the canteen. Daehyun bought his favorite juice and give the other one to Baekhyun.

                “How was your face? Does it hurt?” Daehyun asked her.

                “No, it’s okay! Don’t worry!”

                “Are you sure?!”

                “It’s okay!”

                “Byun Baek Hyun, I’m sorry!”

                “For what?”

                “That I haven’t stop Krystal from slapping you!”

                “No need to apologize. Krystal was just being heartbroken knowing that              her ultimate crush is dating with a dumb girl!”

                “Byun Baek Hyun…!”

Suddenly, Taehyung came…

                “”Baekhyun~ah! I’m sorry! I told you to skip your class today!”

                “Taehyung~ah, I’m fine! Don’t worry!”

                “Kim Taehyung, where did you go? I thought you’re always on her side, protecting her?” Daehyun said to him.

                “I was about to stop Krystal but then Teacher Song gave me a letter and told me to bring it to Mr. Lee’s office. I’m sorry!”

                “Taehyung~ah, it’s alright! I’m very lucky to have you guys, in my life. Apologizing to me even though it was just a simple slapped and no one died because of it! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

Taehyung hug her…

                “Kim Taehyung! That’s enough!” Daehyun said.

                “This punk really!” Taehyung replied.

                “Stop it! Let’s go to our class!”

                “Let’s go Baekhyun~ah! (*Taehyung holds her hand*)!

                “Kim Taehyung, your hand!”

                “Bleeeeehhh! *tongue’s out*”

                “Aiiisssshh! KIM TAE HYUNG!”


Early in the morning Daehyun and Taehyung had a talk.

                “Kim Taehyung, I need your help!”

                “Is this a dream? The Mighty Jung Daehyun is asking for my help?”

                “Kim Taehyun, please!”

                “Alright! What is it all about?”

                “I’m planning to ask Byun Baek Hyun to be my girlfriend!”

                “Girlfriend? I thought the two of you…”

                “It’s not yet official! I want us to be officially dating!”

                “Ahhhh! What can I help?”

                “Bring her to this restaurant later, after class! That’s all! I’ll take care of everything! Actually everything is already prepared. Please, Kim Taehyung?”

                “Alright! Jung Daehyun, I’ll tell you this; if ever you’ll hurt my buddy and make her cry, I’m going to kill you! Mark my Word!”

                “I’ll promise you, I won’t! Seeing her crying is already very painful to me! I won’t let that happen!”

                “That’s good!”


After their class…

                “Baekhyun~ah, let’s go out!”

                “Huh? Where are we going?”

                “Let’s go to this finest restaurant and eat something! I’m so hungry right now!”

                “Hmm, but I have to do something! Can we move it tomorrow?”

                “Baekhyun~ah, I’m so hungry right now! Please! We’ll just eat there and after that we’ll go home! Please Baekhyun~ah! Please!”

                “Alright, but you’ll be the one to pay everything. I don’t have any money right now!”

                “Okay! Okay! I’m going to treat you!”

                “Let’s go?”

After 15 minutes, they arrive at the said restaurant…

                “Baekhyun~ah, just wait here for a while, I’m just going to call my mom and told her not to prepare my dinner, anymore! I’ll be back!”



                “Jung Daehyun! We’re here!”

                “Ahh! Okay! Get inside! Don’t answer her questions, if she’ll going to ask you, okay?”


                “Kim Taehyung! Thank You for helping me!”

                “No problem, Jung Daehyun! Just remember what I said to you!”



 After the call…

                “Baekhyun~ah! Let’s get inside!”

                “Hmmm! Taehyung~ah, are you sure it’s still open?”

                “Let’s just get inside!”

When they enter the restaurant, Baekhyun was shock on what she saw!

                “Taehyung~ah!  Are you going to propose on me?”

                “Baekhyun~ah, he’s waiting for you! **points at Daehyun** I’m going to leave now!”

                “Huh?  **turns her head**”

                “Jung..Dae…Hyun…!?  Taehyung~ah!  Where are you going?” Baekhyun was still confused.

                “Jung Dae Hyun! Fighting!”  Taehyung said to him.

                “Byun Baek Hyun!”

                “Jung Dae Hyun, you don’t need to prepare something like this!”



                “I want it to be special! Byun Baek Hyun, I felt a bit disappointed on myself because you’re doing the first move instead of me. I think our date yesterday wasn’t official, yet!

                “Jung Dae Hyun!”

                “Dummy Byun Baekhyun, will you be my girlfriend?”

                “ YES!... YES!... YES!”  *Daehyun then carried her.*”

                “Put me down!” She said to him.

                “Finally! You’re mine! *Daehyun kisses her on the lips*

The kiss lasted for 1 minute and 30 seconds… XD

                “What should I call you then?” Daehyun said to her.

                “Huh? Ahhh! Hmmm! I can’t think right now! It’s still sinking!”

                “Hahahaha! It’s alright! Don’t force yourself! Let’s eat!”


After eating…

                “I’m so full!” daehyun said.

                “Hmm! Jung Dae Hyun!”


                “About the name calling…”

                “What about it?”

                “Actually, I wanted to call you My Star!”

                “Star? Why star?”

                “Because you’re like a star to me… How about me? Do you have something in mind?” Baekhyun said to him.

                “Hmmm! Starting now, I’m going to call you, Little Baek! J” He replied.

                “ Little Baek! How cute! But why?” Baekhyun said to him

                “Because for me, you’re like a little kid who’s very cute when your dumbness and carelessness strikes you… “ Daehyun said.

                “Hey! Even though I’m behaving, I’m still cute & pretty!” She replied.

                “Aiissshh! Alright, alright! You know what, I’m wondering why I fell in love with you!” Daehyun said to her.

                “Me too! Did you do some spell on me?” She replied.

                “Huh! I should be the one to ask you about that spell. The Mighty Jung Daehyun fell in love with Dummy Byun Baekhyun? See? It’s very impossible!” Daehyun said.

                “Yes, it’s impossible. Hmmm! Well, Taehyung is still much better than you!”

                “Hey! Byun Baek Hyun! How dare you compare me and Taehyung?”

                “I have the right!” she said.

                “Right? HA! Okay fine! He’s much better than me! But why did you said YES!”

                “That’s why, I’m regretting right now! I should’ve said NO!” She said to him.

                “HA! You’re really amazing~?” Daehyun stood up and walked away.

                “Aigooo! My star is really…J”

Baekhyun followed him. She grabbed his hand and kissed him…

                “I won’t apologize for what I’ve done. As you told me before, I’ll stop saying sorry on you. **hugs him** I was just joking. My star, you’re the best! I chose you because I love you! I love you, My Star!  I want to see that smile!   “ Baekhyun said.

                “*smiles* I love you, too My little Baek! I’m glad that you still remember what I told you!”

                “Of course! That was the time I had my first kiss!”

                “It’s the second!” Daehyun said with a smile.

                “Second? No, I’ve never kissed someone before! That was my first!”

                “Well okay! It’s your first! I’ll take you home, let’sgo!”

                “Okay! But how can it be my second kiss?”

                “Don’t think about it! You’re right; it was your first kiss! Let’s go!”

                “How did you know?”

                “Dummy! You told me that was your first!” he said.

                “Ahhh..hahaha! You’re right! Let’s goo!”


They arrived at her house…

                “Do you want to come in?” Baekhyun said.

                “Hmmm! Maybe next time! I’m not yet prepared!” he replied.

                “Hahaha~ Okay! Bye bye!”

                “Bye! Ah! Little Baek!”

                “Yes, My Star?”

                “You forgot something!”


                “ Goodbye Kiss!”

                “Ahahaha! Alright! *Baek kissed him on the forehead!* Be careful!”

                “YES, Ma’am!”


                “You look so happy today, huh? Did something good happen?” Baekhyun’s mom asked.

                “Hmmm! I’m just happy! I’m going to sleep now!” she replied.

                “Wait! So, you’re not going to tell us about what we saw awhile ago?”

                “Ha! Omo! Mom … Dad! Hmm! You…how…did…”

                “I and your dad saw you kissing him; I think that was Daehyun, am I right?”

                “Hmmm! Yes, it was Daehyun!”

                “Are you dating him? Are you in a relationship with him?” Baekhyun’s dad asked her.

                “Yes Mom,Dad! I’m in a relationship with Jung Dae Hyun! Mom, Dad, I’m sorry, if I disappointed you! I just fell in love with him and I love him!”

                “Hayyy! So what are you expecting from us? We will force you to break up with him? We will send you to your sister just to stop you from seeing him? Are you thinking about that?” Baekhyun’s mom said to her.

                “Maybe, you’ll do that!”

                “Byun Baek Hyun, me and your dad is not that cruel!”

                “So, Mom, what do you mean? Is it alright for the both of you that I’m dating him?”

                “Hmm! Well, we can’t stop your heart from falling in love with him. But remember this, we know that you’re a dummy girl but this time don’t be a fool. If he’ll do something wrong on you, if you think it was too painful and it’s too much, end the relationship immediately, understand?”

                “Tell him that if he’ll try to hurt, he should hide immediately before I catch him or else he’s dead!” Baekhyun’s Dad told her.

Baekhyun hugged them.

                “Of course mom & dad, I’m going to do that!”

                “My daughter is not a kid anymore! You wash up and go to sleep!”

                “Okay, Mom! Good Night!”

While Baekhyun is on the bathroom, Daehyun called her…

                “Why she’s not answering her phone?”

Daehyun keep on calling her. After taking a bath, Baekhyun was shocked seeing 30 missed calls on her phone…

                “Is there a problem?” Baekhyun said to him.

                “You’re not answering your phone!!!” he replied.

                “I was in the bathroom!”


                “Is there any problem?”               she asked.

                “Nothing! I just miss you! I just want to hear your voice before I go to sleep! I can’t wait to see My Little Baek tomorrow!”

                “Aigoo! Stop that, My Star! I’m getting Goosebumps here!”

                “Hahahaha! It’s alright!”

                “My mom and dad knew it already!”

                “Really? Did you tell them? How was it?” Daehyun asked.

                “No! They saw us! Well, its fine with them, I thought that they’re going to do something on us. Well, my dad told me that if you’re going to hurt me, you should hide yourself immediately before he’ll kill you! Sounds scary, right?” Baekhyun said to him while laughing.

                “Ahahaha! I already got 2 threats right now!”


                “Yes! One from Taehyung and one from your dad! They told me the same thing. I think if I’m going to hurt you, my body is finely chopped into dice!” he said.

                “Ahahaha! So, don’t dare!”

After 2 hours of talking on the phone…

                “My star, I’m so sleepy already, I think we should…”

                “Little Baek? Still there?” Daehyun heard her snoring

                “I think you’re already sleeping! Good Night my little Baek! I love you!”


The next day, when Baekhyun woke up, she didn’t expect that Daehyun will come to her house without telling her.

                “Oh! She’s awake!” Her mom told Daehyun.

                “Good Morning, Little Baek!”

                “Good Morning! Why are you here so early?”

                “Hmmm! Because I can’t wait to see you!”

                “Aigoo! I’m having a Goosebumps again!”

                “Hahaha! We’ll I’m going to prepare the breakfast before you leave!” Baekhyun’s mom told them.

                “Hmm, auntie, just sit here, I’ll be the one to prepare the breakfast!” Daehyun said to her.

                “Huh? No! You’re our guest, so, just relax in there!”

                “Yes! Mom is right!”

                “But I want to prepare the breakfast! Please auntie! Just for today! Please!” Daehyun said.

                “Okay! Okay! If that’s what you want!”

                “yay! Thank you, auntie!”


While Daehyun was busy cooking their breakfast, Baekhyun, her mom and dad had a talk…

                “He’s really like his dad! You’re lucky to have him, my daughter!” Her mom told her.

                “Your mom is right! I could really see in his eyes how much he loves you!” Baekhyun’s dad said.

                “Mom, Dad, I’m not in the mood to cry right now!”

                “My first love’s only son is my daughter’s boyfriend! I think that both of you are really destined!”

                “Mom, how can you say that when Dad’s beside you!”

                “That’s not a problem. Past is past. The most important is the present but you also need to learn from the past. Both of us knew that we love each other, so there’s no problem about it!”

                “Breakfast is ready!” Daehyun said to them.

                “Let’s eat!” Baekhyun said.

                “Woah! It looks so good! Let me taste it!” Baekhyun’s mom said.

                “How does it taste, auntie?” Daehyun asked.

                “The taste is very amazing! It’s super delicious! You cook so well, Daehyun!” Baekhyun’s mom said.

                “It’s really delicious!” Baekhyun’s dad said.

                “Thank you! Let’s eat!” Daehyun said to them


After breakfast, Daehyun and Baekhyun went to school together. When they arrive at the school, they met Taehyung…

                “Taehyung~ah!” Baekhyun called him.

                “Oh! Baekhyun~ah! Love…love…love! Congratulations on the both of you!”

                “Thank you, my best buddy!”

                “Kim Tae Hyung, thank you! Thank you very much for helping me!” Daehyun said to him

                “Woaahh! The Mighty Jung Dae Hyun! Well, you’re very welcome! J Jung Daehyun can I borrow my best buddy, just for today!”

                “Huh? Why, Kim Taehyung?”

                “Actually, yesterday, before you asked me about your plan. I planned to treat my best buddy but then you told me that yeah, you’re going to, you know so I didn’t get the chance to treat her. So, I’m planning to treat her today, after class. Is it alright with you?”

                “Well, if it’s alright with her then that will be fine with me! But please take care of her, Kim Taehyung!”

                “Of course! Is it alright with you Baekhyun~ah?”


                “Okay! That’s great! See you later! Bye! Baekhyun~ah & Jung Daehyun!”

After their class…

                “Baekhyun~ah! Let’s go?!” Taehyung said.

                “Okay! My star, we’ll go now!”

                “Hmm! Kim Taehyung! If something bad will happen to her, let’s just see what will happen!”

                “I understand you, Jung Daehyun! I promise to take care of her!”

                “We’ll go now, My Star! Bye Bye!”

                “Be careful! Little Baek call me if you’re already in your house, okay?”

                “Yes, my star!”


                “Where are we going, right now?” Baekhyun asked.

                “I want to eat and eat and eat with you!”

                “Taehyung~ah, I might get fat!”

                “We’ll go to the restaurant first, then, let’s eat some giant ice cream, sushi, samgyupsal , ramen and some street foods!” Taehyung said

                “Ahahaha! Okay!”

After 2 hours of non stop eating, Baekhyun arrived safely in her house.

                “Taehyung~ah, I’m so full, right now!”

                “Me too! Baekhyun~ah!”

                “Oh! My tummy is aching! Taehyung~ah, I need to go to the bathroom! Bye Bye! Be Careful!”

                “My tummy is aching too! Okay! Bye Bye!”

Baekhyun hurriedly went to the bathroom… After that she called Daehyun.

                “My star, I’m home already!”

                “How was it?”

                “Actually, we just eat and eat and eat for 2 hours. My tummy is actually aching right now!”

                “Little Baek, why did you eat so much?”

                “The food was really delicious! Aiiggooo! My star, I need to go to the bathroom, I’ll just call you again!”

                “Little Baek, this won’t do! I’ll visit you there!”

                “No need! My star, bye…”

Daehyun was very worried to Baekhyun and so he decided to go to her house. He went to the pharmacy first to buy a medicine for her and after that he went directly to her house.

                *ding dong* Baekhyun’s mom opened the gate.

                “Oh, Daehyun what are you doing here at this hour?”

                “Baekhyun said she has stomachache. I’m worried that’s why I came here and bring this medicine.”

                “Ahhh, that’s why, she runs so fast when she came home! Come! Get inside!”

Baekhyun’s mom knocked on her room…

                “Baek, Daehyun is here!”

                “What? Ahh, okay!”

                “Daehyun just wait for her to come out, okay?”

                “Yes, auntie!”

Baekhyun opens the door…

                “My star, why are you here? I’m okay now!”

                “I’m just worried! Drink this medicine so that you’ll feel better!”

                “Thank you! Get inside!”

The two of them was sitting on the bed…

                “Little Baek, your room is very cute!”

                “I know is not that big like yours but it’s very comfortable!”

                “I see! Little Baek can I ask you something?”

                “What is it, my Star?”

                “Who are they?” Daehyun was referring to Super Junior and DBSK.

                “Huh? Ahhh! They are my boyfriends and my husbands! Very handsome, right?”

                “They have the looks but still I’m the most handsome among them all!”

                “Are you joking? It’s not really funny!”

                “I’m not! Well, let’s not fight about them as long as I believe that I’m the most handsome guy in SEOUL!”

                “Well, if that’s what you believe in! I’ll support you! I think you should go now, it’s almost 10 pm.”

                “I thought you’ll let me sleep in your room!”

                “You won’t fit here! You should go now!”

                “Okay! Are you feeling better now?”


Baekhyun and Daehyun went out on the room; Baekhyun’s mom saw them…

                “Where are you going?” Baekhyun’s mom asked.

                “Mom, he’s going home now!”

                “Ahh! Be careful!”

                “Thanks auntie!”


                “Be careful, my star!”

                “Hmm! Good bye! *he kissed her*





Baekhyun and Daehyun had been dating for 3 months but then a challenge in their relationship came suddenly… The Long Distance Relationship…

                Baekhyun and Daehyun met in Baek’s parents’ café to tell her about it personally…

                “Little Baek, I need to tell you something…”

                “What is it, My Star?”

                “My grandma’s disease is getting serious and so I need to go to America tomorrow to assist my dad. I’ll be there for 3 weeks! I’m going to miss you, Little Baek!”

                “Ohh, that’s quite long! Well, I hope a miracle will happen to your grandma! I’m going to miss you too, MY Star! *she hugged him* Ahh, my star, what time is your flight tomorrow?”

                “At 10 am!”

                “Ahh, wait for me, okay! I just want to see you before you go!”

                “Of course!”


The next day… 10 am in the morning…

                “My Star!” Baekhyun shouted. She went on the airport with Taehyung.

                “Little Baek, you’re on time!”

                “Hmm! My star, bring this with you *she gave him a rosary bracelet*”

                “Thank you, Little Baek!”

                “Please take care of yourself, okay?”

                “Yes! My Baek!”

                “Sir, we need to go now!” Daehyun’s assistant said.

                “*she kissed her on the lips then hugged him* I’ll miss you, My Star!”

                “I’ll miss you too, My Little Baek! Kim Taehyung, please take care of my Baek for the mean time!”

                “Of course, Jung Daehyun!” Taehyung said.

                “That’s good! I need to go now!”

                “Have a happy trip, my star!”

                “God Bless, Jung Dae Hyun!”

                “Bye Bye!”



In the evening, Daehyun called her…

                “Little Baek, I miss you so much! How are you?”

                “I’m not okay!”


                “Because you’re too far away from me! L I miss you so much, My Star!”

                “Don’t be sad Little Baek, it’s just for three weeks! When I come back in SEOUL, I’ll go to your house immediately!”


                “Of course! I Promise! I need to go now Little Baek, the doctor is here!”

                “I’ll keep your promise! I love you, My Star!”

                “I love you too, Little Baek! Bye!


3 weeks later…

                Daehyun called Baekhyun! This is the time that Baekhyun is finally waiting for! The arrival of Jung Dae Hyun…

                “Little Baek, I’ll see you in 5 hours!”

                “Hmm! My Star, I’m very excited to see you!”

                “Me too! Did you prepare a double celebration for me?”

                “Double Celebration?  Actually I just created some banners for you!”

                “Ahh, okay! Well, see you then!”

                “Hmm! I love you!”

                “I love you forever and ever!”

Daehyun thought that Baekhyun forgot his birthday and so he was a bit sad but actually, Baekhyun wanted to surprise him that’s why she acted like there’s nothing special except for his arrival.


3 hours later, while Baekhyun was busy preparing, her dad was also busy watching news.

                One of the news says that there was a plane crashed happened at around 2:50 in the afternoon. They also mentioned that there were 20 people died including Jung DaeHyun, the only son of one of the richest businessman in SEOUL, Jung Seung Ho.

                Baekhyun’s dad was shocked about the news. Her dad hurriedly went down and told the news on Baekhyun…

                “My dearest daughter, I have something to tell you.”

                “What is it Dad? Dad, are you okay? You look so nervous…”

                “Byun Baek Hyun, there’s… a … news…”

                “About?” Baekhyun asked.

                “A… plane… crashed… had…happened…around…2:50 … 20…people…died…”



                “Dad! Don’t crack a joke like that!” Baekhyun’s tears started to fall.

                “It’s not a joke my daughter!”

                “Are you sure about what you heard, husband?”

                “Yes! I clearly heard his name!”

Baekhyun was very shocked. She wasn’t moving at all. Her tears started to fall. Baekhyun called Daehyun but it was unavailable…


Baekhyun keep on crying and crying!

                “Dad! It’s not him, right? Dad! Answer me! It’s not MY STAR, right? Please… say NO!”

Her dad and mom hugged her…

                “It’s not him, right? Mom, Dad!”

Baekhyun continued on crying. Taehyung heard about the news and so he went directly to Baekhyun’s house!


                “Taehyung~ah! Taehyung~ah! Is it true? Was it really him?”


                “Taehyung~ah, please answer me… it’s not him right? They’re just having the same name, right? Taehyung~ah!” *Taehyung hugs her*

                “Baekhyun~ah, how I wish the news was not true. That, it’s not Daehyun… because I don’t really like it seeing you in this way…”

                “ So, was it… really… Jung … Dae…Hyun? Is it … really… him? Taehyung~ah!” 

Taehyung holds her face and he nooded…

                “Baekhyun~ah, stop crying! For sure, Daehyun will be sad when he sees you like this…”


Baekhyun was breathing difficulty and so her mom hurriedly gets her medicine…

                “Baekhyun~ah, are you okay? Baekhyun~ah!”

                “Auntie, faster! *Baekhyun’s mom give her the medicine* Auntie, what happen to her?”

                “Baekhyun is asthmatic! She was just very shock about the news, o that’s why! Don’t worry! She’ll get better now! “

Taehyung brought her to her room. After awhile, Baekhyun fell asleep. Taehyung was really worried on what will happen to her Twin Buddy especially now that Daehyun is already dead.

                “Baekhyun~ah, my twin dummy best buddy, be strong! It also hurts me seeing you being so depressed!”

Taehyung decided not to leave his best friend so he asks their permission if he can sleep in their house. Baekhyun’s mom and dad agreed to it. Taehyung prepared rice porridge for her. Baekhyun’s mom told him that Baek is already awake and she’s still crying. Taehyung went to her room bringing the rice porridge.

                “Baekhyun~ah, you’re awake! Eat this, I prepared this for you.”

                “Taehyung~ah, I don’t have an appetite!”

                “Baekhyun~ah, you need to eat! Did you still remember the thing you said to me when I was in America? That “IT’S VERY IMPORTANT TO EAT 3 TIMES A DAY, SO DON’T SKIP YOUR MEAL”. I’m begging you, please eat! Just a little! And… stop crying, my heart is also crying right now! *He wipes her tears* Here! Open your mouth, twin!”

            “Alright! Give that to me, I’ll eat it all!”

Baekhyun hurriedly eat the porridge…

            “Baekyhun~ah, slowly, it’s still hot!”

            “It’s alright!”

While eating the porridge, Baekhyun’s tears keep on falling and Taehyung keeps on wiping it!

            “I’m done!”

            “Drink this milk!”

            “Okay! Here! I’m so full! It’s delicious!”

            “That’s good! Stop crying now!”

“ I remember the time when Daehyun was the one who prepared the breakfast for us. It was really delicious. But sadly I can’t taste those dishes anymore!”

“Baekhyun~ah, BE STRONG! Your life still goes on! Your mom, dad, sister and I will always be here by your side! For sure, Daehyun is also watching you right now! Stop crying! I know he doesn’t want to see you like this! I remember the time, when I told him that I’ll kill him if he’s going to hurt you and make you cry but then the Mighty Jung Daehyun told me that seeing her crying is very painful to me. That time I realized that he will not really hurt you but because of the accident, you’re broken right now! Baekhyun~ah, I know you don’t like it that Daehyun will feel pain because of you crying and being broken!  Stop crying now! *he wipes her tears*

“Taehyung~ah! Thank you! I’ll be strong! I promise! But, please let me cry right now, I’m still in shocked!”

“Okay! But not every day! Let it out! My shoulder is always in your side to lean on!”

“Thank you, Twin Buddy!”


After 2 days…

            “Baekhyun~ah, are you sure you’re ready to see him?”

            “I’m excited to see him, again!”

            “But… Baekhyun~ah!”

            “You bring my medicine, right?”


            “Let’s go!”


They arrived at Daehyun’s memorial.

            When they walked in, the students of DHU wondered why she didn’t cry. Even a single tear didn’t come out from his eyes. Baekhyun then started talking…

            “Jung Daehyun, My star! I wanted to cry out loud right now, but I don’t want you to be in pain. I don’t like it! I want you to be happy! My Star, even if you’re not visible, I can still feel your presence. My Star, there’s still a lot of things that we haven’t do together. I actually listed all those things, but then I think it’ll not happen so I throw it. My Star, actually I prepared a double celebration for you at that time! I was very very very excited to see you again. I wanted to hug and kiss you so badly. But then I didn’t get the chance though. I’m mad at you because you left me so early. I want to grow old with you. But now, I’ll be growing old with my boyfriends and husbands. You’re right! You’re the most handsome guy in SEOUL. It’s almost our 4 monthsary, my star; we’ll celebrate it together, right? But they might think that I’m already crazy! I know I did something that hurt you but I won’t apologize. I’ll not say sorry at all! You know already the reason why! I’m very very happy that I fell in love with Mr. Jung! I love you very much, My Star! I’ll miss you!”

            “Jung Dae Hyun, I promise that I’ll always protect and take care of your Little Baek. You’re always saying that to me. You even told me before you went to America that “KIM TAE HYUNG, PLEASE TAKE CARE OF HER FOR THE MEAN TIME” but I think I’ll be protecting and taking care of her forever! Jung Dae Hyun, don’t worry she’ll be safe with me, I promise! I’ll miss you Mighty Jung Dae Hyun! I love you too! So cheesy right!”

            “My Star, we’ll be going now! I’ll see you in heaven after 60 years! Not now, I still want to enjoy my life! I love you forever and ever, My Precious Star, Jung Dae Hyun!”

Baekhyun and Daehyun wanted to give their condolence to his father but then they didn’t see him so they went home.


After 1 week, Jung Seung Ho visited Baekhyun in her house. Baekhyun noticed that Daehyun’s father was bringing something…

            “President Jung, is there any problem?”

            “Baekhyun, I just wanted to give this to you.”

            “What is this Mr. President?”

            “He’s memories with you. I need to go now! Be strong, Byun Baek Hyun!”

            “Thank you, Mr. President! You too, Be Strong!”

            “Alright, I’ll go now!”

            “Bye, Mr. President!”

Baekhyun went to her room. She opens the box that his father gave. When she opens it, there was a painting…

            “The painting I drew for 5 hours but then the Jung Dae Hyun just threw it without any hesitation!”

Baekhyun wondered why Daehyun had her painting. After that, Baekhyun saw a notebook. When she opened it, it was Daehyun’s Diary!

            “I can’t believe that Daehyun has a diary! It’s full of hearts!”

Baekhyun started reading his diary…

            Baekhyun’s tears started to fall as she read his diary.

            When she turned into the last page, she saw a ring pasted on the notebook.

            Baekhyun cried a lot when she read it…


August 3, 2012

            It’s been a long time my diary!

            Well, tomorrow I’ll be back in Korea and I’m going to see my Precious Little Baek again! I wanted to hug her so tightly and kiss her. I really missed her. Phone calls every day is not really enough. It’s still the best when I can hold and touch her but for 3 weeks I can only see her through the screen!

            I’ve been thinking about this, I know that we’ve been together for almost 4 months but I really wanted to be by her side every second.

            I’m going to propose on her.

            I have already the ring in which my grandma gave to me. She told me that she wanted me to give this ring to my future wife. Grandma, I’m giving this ring to her tomorrow!

            I also thought that after my proposal, I’ll give this diary to her! I know she didn’t expect that I have my own diary. Well, she’s the reason why I made this diary. It’s not really my style but I couldn’t just keep it in myself, there’s no one to listen to my story anyway so I’m actually doing the stuff that’s not my style.

            Little Baek, thank you for inspiring me every day because of you the Jung Dae Hyun that’s once a cold blooded guy became a loving, caring and protective man.


            Thank you for everything my lovely future wife! I love you very much! J <3 <3


Baekhyun cried while hugging his diary. Baekhyun decided to go to the cemetery.


            “My Star, I didn’t know that I already caught your heart the first time we met at the cafeteria! I didn’t know that you’ve been keeping the painting. I didn’t know that when you kissed me while the both of us preparing the dinner it was already my second kiss! My Star, you’re so bad, why did you not tell me about it! But yeah, I’m very happy knowing about your feelings. My Star, I’m wearing the ring right now! If you’re only alive, I’ll be very happy to be your wife!  Don’t worry you’re still alive in my heart! I’ll keep your diary forever! I love you! You’re my one and only! I love you! I love you! I love you! I need to go now my Star!”


After 2 years…

            Baekhyun and Taehyung became Kpop Idol Stars. Baekhyun is now a member of the famous girl group in Asia, EXO and Taehyung is a member of the rookie boy group Bangtan Sonyeondan or also known as BTS.

Baekhyun is earning a lot and so she decided to built her own restaurant and name it DBH Star and also she has her own gallery.

            Baekhyun and Taehyung are now very busy with their different schedules and both of them became a very successful performers.
















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Chapter 6: wae authornim?? Q.Q
well ur story really beautiful authornim.. QuQ
but I really hope they have happy ending TTuTT

anyway, nice story authornim!! (^^)b
key_soo #2
Chapter 6: crying in the end T__________T
Chapter 7: Bad author nim.. Why you killed Dae ? huhuhu T_T
Still, it is a beautiful story. I'm so gonna to cry again.. Huhuhu
Chapter 7: author-nim.... why you killed Daehyun?
ugh, I'm crying so hard reading this ff.