Teacher Song entered the classroom to inform the students about the upcoming event…

            “Good morning everybody! I’m here to announce something important. Next week, there will be a Science Fair and so, as your Science teacher, I’m going to give you a project! Don’t worry this project will be done by pair. I’ll be the one to choose your partners, understand?”

            “Nooooo!!” the class got noisy as Teacher Song discussed the said event..

Krystal raised her hand and asks…

            “Teacher Song, can we choose our own partner? I want Daehyun to be my partner!”

Krystal had a crush on Daehyun ever since they’re still on the 1st grade…

            “What? I’ll be his partner! Right, oppa?” Joo Hyun interrupted.

            “Yah! Daehyun oppa will choose me!” Krystal said.

            “No! I’ll be his partner!” Joo Hyun replied.

            “Okay! Girls, stop fighting! My decision is final, I have the lists already! I’ll be posting this later! Okay!? Goodbye!”

            “Teacher Songggg!” the class got noisy again.

            “Taehyung~ah, I hope your my partner!” Baekhyun said to Taehyung.

            “Yeah! I hope so!” Taehyung replied.

Baekhyun and Taehyung went to canteen together…

            “Did you do something wrong? They’re all looking at you like they wanted to kill you? What did you do Baekhyun~ah?”

            “Huh? I don’t even know what’s happening!” Baekhyun replied.

            “Hey, Byun Baek Hyun! How many times did you convince Teacher Song? What did you gave to her? How come Daehyun is your partner? Huh? Tell me?” Krystal said to her.

            “What? Daehyun? What do you mean?”

            “HA HA HA! Stupid! Are you joking?! Yes! Daehyun is your partner!”  Krystal replied.

            “What the heck? Are you sure?” Baekhyun asked.

            “You don’t believe me? Well, the list had been posted, Stupid!” Krystal replied.

            “Where is it posted?”

            “Urgghh! You’re really stupid, where can it be? Obviously, in the bulletin board! You know what, you’re the stupidest person I’ve ever knew! Well, Taehyung , start thinking about our project, understand?” Krystal replied.

            “Why would I? Don’t tell me, you’re my partner?” Taehyung said

            “Urghhh! My head is aching! You two are really stupid!” Krystal walked out.

Taehyung and Baekhyun hurriedly went on the bulletin board.




            “Taehyung~ah! What should we do?”

            “Ahh! Let’s try to ask Teacher Song if it’s alright to her to exchange partners, since Krystal really like Daehyun to be her partner. I’m sure; it’s really fine with her!”

Baekhyun and Taehyung went to Teacher Song’s office.

            “Is there something wrong, Mr. Kim & Ms.Byun?” Teacher Song asked.

            “Teacher Song, we’re asking if it’s alright to exchange partners.” Taehyung said.

            “You know, if that will be okay for me, I shouldn’t make those lists of pairs, in the first place it will end up in exchanging partners. My decision is final and the list is final.  That’s all, you may go now!”

            “Heavens above! I pray that Teacher Song’s mind will change! Please! Please! I’ll be a good girl forever!” Baekhyun said.

            “We can’t do something about it, Baekhyun~ah! Her decision is final! The only thing we should do now is to think for our project! Baekhyun~ah, I need to see Krystal right now, we need to discuss about our project! You too! Oh,I forgot you don’t need to think about it, your partner is genius, I’m sure he’ll take care of it! See you tommorrow! Bye Bye!” Taehyung replied.

            “Hmm,! Take Care! Fighting!”

Baekhyun decided to go to the library to have some research. On the library, she saw Daehyun reading books. She went to him and asked about their project…

            “Yah! Jung Daehyun!”

            “Hmm, is there a problem?”

            “Yah! I know you’re genius but can we discuss about our project?” Baekhyun said to him.

            “Discuss? There’s nothing to discuss about it! I know you can do it! Well, it’s already 4:45, I need to go now! Fighting, Byun Baek Hyun! Fighting!” Daehyun replied with a smile.

            “Yah! Mr. Jung Dae Hyun!” Baekhyun shouted.

            “Please be quiet Baek Hyun, you’re in the library!” Teacher Lee said.

            “I’m very sorry!”

The next day…

            “Class, the deadline of your project will be on Monday. I need to check it first and prepared everything for the Science fair. The fair will start on Wednesday, so I still have the whole Tuesday to prepare. No more extensions, understand? Teacher Song said.

            “Our class in Science will be use for your project so that there’ll be no reason for any extensions, alright! Sit with your partner and start creating your project!” Teacher Song added.

            “Yah! Jung Dae Hyun! Are you really sure that we don’t need to discuss about our project?” she asked.

            “I prepared everything yesterday! Here! It should have the exact measurements, if not, our project will be useless, understand?” he replied.

            “Wait? Don’t tell me, I’ll be the one to make this project?”

            “Yes of course! I’ve done my part! I trust everything to you! Good Luck Byun Baek Hyun! Fighting!” he then left.

            “Urggghh! I’m going crazy! Relax…! Inhale…Exhale..! That thick lip is really something! Just because he’s genius!  I’ll forever hate you, Jung Dae Hyun!!!!”  She shouted

            “Byun Baek Hyun, please don’t shout, you’re disturbing other classes.” 

            “I’m sorry, Teacher Song!”

During break time…

            “Baekhyun~ah , are you alright!?” Taehyung asked.

            “No, I’m not! That thick lip, Jung Daehyun, is making me crazy?”


            “He told me, I’ll be the one to create our project. You know what; it’s not really that easy. He just gave me this of papers and left.”

            “Let me see! Omo, only geniuses can create this!”

            “I know right! Let’s see Jung Dae Hyun, it’s alright for me to fail, but for you, I think it’s not! *Evil Laugh*”

            “Hey! Baekhyun~ah! What are you planning? You’re not going to make this project?”

            “Hmm, of course I’ll do it! Just wait and see! Trust me, my dear best buddy.”

            “Yah! Having a failure in minor subject is okay, but it’s a major subject!”

            “Don’t worry about it Taehyung~ah! I need to go now and make this ty project! Goodbye Buddy! Take Care! Fighting!” Baekhyun left with an evil smile on her face.


Baekhyun spent all her weekend making the project. Her cell phone rang! Someone unexpected called her.

            “Hello? Who is this” Baekhyun asked.

            “It’s me! How’s our project? Is it done?”

            “Yes, Master Jung, it’s done! You’ll be really amazed that someone with bad brain can create this thing!!” she said.

            “HEY! Byun Baek Hyun, it sounds like an opposite thing will happen. Are you sure it’s perfectly done and it’s working?”

            “Yes, of course Master Jung Daehyun, if this won’t work, that means I’ll fail in this subject and all the efforts of my parents will be wasted, right? I won’t let that happen, of course!” she said

            “Alright! I’m glad that you’re thinking about your parents!  I’m hanging up! He said


            “HA HA HA! Just wait and see, Jung Dae Hyun! * Evil Laugh*”



Monday morning…

            Baekhyun and Daehyun met in the hallway.

                        “Hey! Byun Baek Hyun, give me our project! Let’s try it if it’s really working!”

                        “Wait a minute Master!”

                        “Where did you put it?”

                        “In my bag, Master Jung?”

                        “What? Are you sure it fits in there?”

                        “Of course, Master Jung! Close your eyes first!”

                        “Are you stupid? Why would I?”

                        “Yes I am, Master Jung! Close your eyes, faster, or else I’ll throw it away, just like what you did!”

                        “Okay! Fine!”

                        “One…two… three.. tadaaaa! Open your eyes now!

                        “WTF Byun Baek Hyun! What is this? We’re going to fail in this subject!! You’re not going to allow that right? But what is this?”

                        “It’s alright for me to fail, Master Thick Lips! I purposely made that coz I know you don’t want to fail! What the heck are you thinking? I don’t have a great brain like yours! Please also understand that I’m not as great as you. If you really like that project, why you didn’t help me, you knew that I couldn’t make it by myself!!!”

                        “I knew this will really happen. I don’t really trust you in the first place!”

                        “Whatever, thick lips, Jung Daehyun!”

Baekhyun left him in the hallway. All of the students were watching them shouting on each other.

Rumors spread about Jung Daehyun’s failing in Science because of Byun Baekhyun…

 Daehyun’s father heard about it! He called Byun Baek Hyun to come to his office.

            “I called you because I heard about this rumors spreading on the campus, that my son will fail because of you. Actually, I’m not mad at you, I’m thankful that you let this happened on Daehyun!”

            “Huh? Why are you thankful on me, Mr. President? You should be mad at me because the genius Daehyun will fail because of Dummy Baek Hyun! And you expect a lot on him, right?”

            “Yes, that’s true I expect a lot on him. I’ll tell you this. I don’t really know why everybody thought that I don’t appreciate his efforts, even him. Early in the morning I saw him on the study room reading books and other stuffs, even in school, he’s always in the library. Reading, reading, research, research. I’m not really happy that he’s always doing that things, I want him to live his life to the fullest not just by spending his entire life studying.“ Mr. Jung said.

            “I heard about that! Even though how I much I hate him, when I think about it, I felt sorry on him. Mr. President, aren’t you proud on him? You’re only son is the #1 Genius student in Seoul?” Baekhyun asked.

            “Who wouldn’t be proud? Of course, I’m very proud on him! He’s doing all his best in school.”

            “But Mr. President, please don’t be offended. Why are you acting so cold on him? That you don’t appreciate his efforts? If you don’t want to see him spending his entire life on studying, why not tell him your true feelings? That you’re very proud on him?” Baekhyun said.

            “At first I really thought that acting cold on him is the right thing to do because he’s my only son, he’ll be the one to take care the company after he’ll graduate college, so I need him to know everything. But I was wrong; it ended up on being like this.” President Jung replied.

            “Mr. President, will you still continue on being cold on him?” she asked

            “I think I will!”

            “But Mr. President, why not tell him that you’re very proud on him? It might be too late to tell him the truth when you’re dying? I’m sorry for that! But if I will to put my own feet on his shoes, I will feel really sad because my father in which I did all my best didn’t even bother to say “Son, I’m so proud on you! I Love you!” as his last word. Sorry Mr. President about you, dying, but we don’t really know what will happen in the future, right?”

            “It’s alright Baek Hyun, you have a point on there, I think I really need to stop acting so cold on him! Well, thank you Baek Hyun, because of you I learned something.” President Jung replied.

            “It’s alright Mr. President, I didn’t expect that you’ll learn something from me.”

            “Baekhyun, I have one favor on you.” President Jung said.

            “What is it Mr. President?”

            “Instead of me acting cold on him, can you do it? I need him to experience those things in which he didn’t experience before, like now, I’m sure he’s really nervous, that he doesn’t have a project. Can you? Please Baek Hyun.” President Jung begged her.

            “Mr. President, he’s also really cold, he won’t really care on his surroundings, he won’t care about what will others feel and he don’t appreciate other’s efforts, like what he did on me, he threw the one I painted, I’ve spent 5 hours on it, but he threw it on the garbage can. Hmm! Okay! That would be my revenge on him for throwing my painting!” Baekhyun replied.

            “I’m sorry for what he did on you. Thank you Baekhyun!” President Jung replied with a smile.

            “You don’t need to apologize for his stupid actions, sir! He should be the one to say that! Well, I need to go now Mr. President!” Baekhyun said

            “Okay! Thank you!”

            “No problem, Mr. President!”

As Baekhyun went out on the president’s office, Daehyun called her…

            “Yah! Byun Baek Hyun! What are we going to do?”

            “Wait! What? WE? It’s your idea; you should do something about it! I made it already but you rejected it!” Baekhyun said.

            “It’s alright for me to fail! I think it’s not for you, go and find a way! I trust you Jung Thick Lips! Fighting!” she added with an evil laugh as she left him.

            “Hey! Byun Baek Hyun! I’m still talking to you! Hey!”

Baekhyun continued on walking…

In the classroom…

            “Good Morning Class! As what we had agreed last week, today is the passing of your project! NO EXTENSIONS at all, right?” Teacher Song said.

            “Yes, Teacher Song!”

            “Pass your project now!”

Daehyun beg Teacher Song to give him an hour to finish their project.

            “Mr. Jung, there’s an agreement, right?”

            “Yes, Teacher Song! But please!”

            “Alright! Go to the Science Lab now, you only have 60 minutes!”

            “Thank you Teacher Song!”

            “By the way, Daehyun, who’s your partner?” Song asked.

            “Byun Baek Hyun!”

            “Alright! Baek Hyun, go to the lab now! 58 minutes left!”

            “Huh? Me? Teacher Song?” baekhyun asked.

            “Yes of course! Am I his partner in this project!?”

            “Ahh! Alright!” Baekhyun said.

            “It’s alright, if you’ll not go, anyway, you’re just useless.” Daehyun said.

            “Okay! Teacher Song, you heard it from him, right?” Baekhyun replied.

            “Are you sure, Daehyun?” Song asked.

            “Yes, Teacher! I don’t need her” he replied                                   

            “Alright! 55 minutes left, Daehyun! Go now!”

When he arrived at the lab, he hurriedly gets his equipment but suddenly the instructions were left in his house.

            “! Why did I leave it! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Byun Baek Hyunnnnnn!” Daehyun shouted and he runs fast going to his classroom.

            “Byun Baek Hyun, give me the instructions, faster!”

            “Oh! That! I left it!”

            “Yah! Give me your bag! Faster!”

            “Why? I said I left it!”

            “Give me your bag!”


Daehyun trick her and get her bag…

            “Jung Dae Hyunnnnn!! My Bag!”

Daehyun was looking for the instructions on her bag…

            “What is this? You said you left it?”

            “Uhh, that! I’m sorry!” Baekhyun apologized.

            “Bring this on the lab!” Daehyun said.

            “Why would I? You said you don’t need me!”

            “Bring it faster!” Daehyun shouted at Baekhyun.

            “Why are you shouting at me?”

            “Baekhyun please, bring it on the lab!” Daehyun said with sarcastic voice.

            “That’s good! OKAY!” she replied with a smile.

Daehyun & Baekhyun hurriedly went on the Science Lab…

            “Idiot! What are you looking at? Help me get the materials.”

            “Aisssshhh! FINE!”

After an hour of doing their project, they’re finally done…

            “I’m so tired!” Baekhyun said.

            “What? You’re so tired? Your job was only to get the materials!”

            “It’s still tiring, you know!”

            “Go! Bring this to the classroom so that Teacher Song can check it!” Daehyun said.

            “What? I’m going to carry this? It’s so heavy, dude! “

            “Whatever! Go! Faster!”


            “What did you say?”


Baekhyun was carrying their project until she finally arrived in her classroom…

            “Here’s our project, Teacher Song!” Baekhyun said.

            “Woaahh! You made this for an hour! Amazing!” Teacher Song was really amazed on what they’d done.

            “What is Daehyun’s power and brain, Teacher Song!” Krystal interrupted.

            “For sure, Baek Hyun didn’t help him on doing that!” Joo Hyun added.

            “She did! But only a little! Well, carrying this stuff from Science Lab to here is not an easy job. Am I right, Byun Baek Hyun? Daehyun said.

            “Whatever!” Baekhyun replied.

After an hour of checking the project, Teacher Song had chosen the best project among the others…

            “Among all the projects that you had passed, there’s this one project that really amazed me and the other teachers too. That work that we chose is no other than Daehyun and Baekhyun’s project! Let’s give them a round of applause!”

            “It’s just for Daehyun!” Krystal said

            “But since, they’re late in passing this project; I had deducted 5 points on it. But still they got the highest score!” Teacher Song added.

After the class, Taehyung and Baekhyun went on a walk…

            “Hyun, I have something to tell you..” Taehyung said.

            “What is it, Taehyung~ah?

            “Baekhyun~ah, I’m going to America next week, there’s a problem on my father’s company, so I need to help him on it. ”

            “OH? Taehyung~ah, you’re going back, right?”

            “Yes of course, I’ll be there for 2 weeks! I’ll be back!”

Baekhyun hugged Taehyung…

            “Taehyung~ah! I’m going to miss you! Take care best buddy, I know you can do it! FIGHTING!”

            “Yes of course! I still need to prepare my things! I’m going first! Bye Bye!”


During the Science Fair, the visitors were really amazed on Daehyun and Baekhyun’s project and so the teachers from the different school decided to have bidding but Baekhyun and Daehyun didn’t agree on it, they wanted that there project will be displayed on their school.


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Chapter 6: wae authornim?? Q.Q
well ur story really beautiful authornim.. QuQ
but I really hope they have happy ending TTuTT

anyway, nice story authornim!! (^^)b
key_soo #2
Chapter 6: crying in the end T__________T
Chapter 7: Bad author nim.. Why you killed Dae ? huhuhu T_T
Still, it is a beautiful story. I'm so gonna to cry again.. Huhuhu
Chapter 7: author-nim.... why you killed Daehyun?
ugh, I'm crying so hard reading this ff.