Taehyung and Baekhyun will go out today. Taehyung was waiting on her at their café.

            “Baekhyun~ah, where are you? I’m here at your cafeteria. Let’s just meet here, okay?”

            “Okay! I’m coming!”


After 5 minutes, Baekhyun finally arrive at her parent’s café.

            “Oh! Taehyung~ah!”

            “Byun Baek Hyun! You’re friend is very handsome, I thought he was an idol! Well, he told me that you two will go out, am I right?”

            “Yes, Mom!”

            “Baek, tell me, are you two dating?

            “Mom! He’s my best buddy!”

            “Ahhh! What’s your name?” Baekhyun’s mom asked Taehyung.

            “Taehyung. Kim Taehyung!”

            “Ahhhh! Kim Taehyung, please take care of my daughter, you know, she’s very dumb! HAHAHA!”


            “Yes, I will, Mrs. Byun!”

            “Alright! You may go now!”

            “Bye Mom!” Baekhyun kissed her mom

            “We’re going now, Mrs. Byun!”

            “Alright! Take Care!”


            “So Baekhyun~ah, where do you want to go?”

“Let’s go to the amusement park! I’d been there 5 years ago.”

            “Really? Alright!”

            Taehyung and Baekhyun had so much fun. Baekhyun wanted to ride in the roller coaster but Taehyung was afraid of height. Even though, height is one of his weaknesses, he just go with flow for the sake of Baekhyun,

            The day was filled with happiness for Baekhyun and also to Taehyung. Baekhyun keep on thanking him…

            “Taehyung~ah, for the last time, thank you thank you thank you very much! (She hug Taehyung) It was really fun! I’m very happy today! Thank you best buddy! J J”

            “Baekhyun~ah, it’s really annoying that you keep on saying Thank You! I promise that I’ll treat you, right? So this is it! Paid? HAHAHA!”

            “Paid! I just didn’t expect that it will be really fun!”

Baekhyun arrived safely on the cafeteria.

            “Hi Mom!”

            “Hello! How’s your date with Taehyung? Hmm! You look so happy!”

            “Mom! Well, of course! It was very fun! I need to go home now and take some rest!”

            “Alright! Ahh, Baekhyun! I almost forgot, a handsome guy was looking for you, 3 hours ago!”

            “Really? Do you know him? Did you asked his name”

            “Yes! It’s Jung…D… D… D… something! I forgot!”

            “Jung..D? OH! Is it Jung Daehyun?”

            “Oh! That’s right! Jung Dae Hyun! Do you know him?”

            “Yes! He’s the son of President Jung Seung Ho, the owner of DHU and JSH Company!”

            “Ohhhh! Really? That’s why he looks so elegant! He’s very handsome too!”

            “Mom, what did he say? Why is he looking for me?”

            “Actually, I didn’t ask him why. He just asked me where you are and I told him that you went on a date with Mr. Kim!”

            “Ahhh! Alright! I’m wondering why. Well, Mom, I need to go! Bye Bye!”

            “Oh! Bye! Be Careful!”

            “Yes Mom!”

The next day…

            Baekhyun saw Daehyun sitting on the swing. He looks so sad! Baekhyun decided to sit beside him.

            “Jung Dae Hyun, my mom told me that you were looking for me, yesterday. Is there any problem?”

            “Byun Baek Hyun, tell me honestly, are you dating Kim Taehyung?”

            “Huh? No, I’m not dating him. Taehyung is just my best friend!”

            “Stop being so denial! You’re mother told me that you two were really dating!”

            “No, we’re not! Wait! Jung Daehyun, you’re acting weird! So what if I’m dating him. In the first place, you won’t care at all.”

            “Just answer me, YES or NO! Are you dating Kim Taehyung?”

            “YES! We’re dating!” Taehyung suddenly interrupted.


            “I’m not asking you, Kim Taehyung! Byun Baek Hyun! Tell me!”

            “You know what, Jung Daehyun, I don’t really understand why you’re acting like this. Are you jealous?”

            “Yes I am! I’m very jealous! I’m acting like this because I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU DUMMY BYUN BAEK HYUN! So, tell me, are you dating him?”

            “HA! Let’s go, Taehyung~ah!”

            “BYUN BAEK HYUN!”

Taehyung and Baekhyun just continued on walking. Both of them went to canteen.

            “Baekhyun~ah, I’m sorry!”

            “For what? Ahh! It’s alright! I know you just said it to stop him from asking me about it!”

            “Baekhyun~ah, what if let’s make it real?”


            “That we’re really dating!”


            “Baekhyun~ah, I like you! Not just as my best buddy. I really like you!

            “Kim Tae Hyung!”

            “AHAHAHAHA! Don’t take it seriously, I was just trolling! You know what; you’re really cute when you’re mad! I like it when you’re always mad. Why? Because you’re KIM TAE HYUNG with a sad face in the end is very cute. J J”

            “Taehyung~ah!” Baekhyun’s mom suddenly called her and told her to help her in the café.

            “Taehyung~ah, I need to go now, my mom need my help in the café! Bye! Bye!”

            “Hmm! Fighting! Taehyung said to her.


            “Baekhyun~ah, it’s not a troll, it’s true! I really like you. I want you to be my girlfriend! But your reaction awhile ago, told me that, I’m just really your best buddy. That’s all! Best Buddy Kim Taehyung! No more, No less! L”


The next day…

            “Good Morning, Everyone! Since Ms. Oh is absent I’ll be substituting her class for today.

Ms. Oh told me that you’re going to have a project, it will be by pair. So, do you want a new pair for this project?” Teacher Song to the class. Everyone said YES except for Daehyun…

            “Hmm, all of you said YES except for Daehyun who said NO! Do you like Byun Baek Hyun, Mr. Jung? Ahahaha! I was just kidding but if you don’t like to have a new partner Jung Daehyun, it’s alright for me as long as it’s also fine with Baekhyun.”

            “No! Teacher Song! It’s not okay with me! I want to have a new partner!” Baekhyun said.

            “What should we do, Baekhyun wanted to have a new partner but Daehyun doesn’t want!”

            “Rock, Paper, Scissors!” Himchan suggested.

            “Nice idea, Himchan! Alright! Problem solved. Whoever wins, what he/she wants will be followed.”

The battle was very intense! But later on, Jung Dae Hyun won! So, Baekhyun’s partner will still be Daehyun.

            “Okay! Go back to your sit! According to Ms. Oh, you’re project is to compose a song and you need to create a music video for it. It’s okay if it’s just the two of you in the video singing, playing instruments or whatsoever. It depends on your creativity. Understand?”

            “Yes, Teacher Song!”

            “You’re project will be pass next week, Friday, April 6, 2012. You only have a week to finish your project, so you need to talk about it as soon as possible, don’t waste your time. Understand?”

            “Yes, Teacher Song!

            “Sit with your partner and start thinking about your project!”

            “Jung Dae Hyun, I know how to sing and my voice is not that bad but I’m not really good in composing a song.”

            “Don’t worry! I’m good at it. I have my own album if you only knew!”

            “Really? How was the launching? Was it successful?

            “Launching? No! I just created it since I was really bored at that time, spending my whole summer in my room alone.”

            “Ahh! What if, let’s just take one song on your album!”

            “No! We need to create another. I think we need to make the project in my house.”

            “Huh? No! Just here in school!”

            “You’re really stupid. We need to make it there since I have complete facilities in my room! Hey! Byun Baek Hyun I know you’re thinking something! Please erase that, I’m not that kind of person!”

            “Yah! Jung Dae Hyun, it’s not what you think! Aigoo! Hmmm! Okay! When are we going to start composing?”

            “On Saturday! Let’s meet in Star Cafeteria. 8:00 am! Okay!”




Saturday Morning…

            Baekhyun woke up late. She forgot to alarm the clock. She hurriedly went to the bathroom and prepares herself. At that time, Daehyun was already waiting for her for an hour.

            “Why is she taking too long? Did something happen on her? I should give her a call! *ring* *ring* She didn’t even answer her phone!”


After 30 minutes…

Baekhyun finally arrived at Star Café.

            “Byun Baek Hyun! Over here!”

            “Oh! It’s Jung Daehyun! I’m sorry I’m late! I forgot to alarm my clock!”

            “Let’s go! We don’t have enough time!”


Finally, they arrive at Daehyun’s place. Baekhyun was really amazed.

            “Jung Dae Hyun, is it really your house? It looks like a palace.”

            “Yes! Let’s get inside!”

            “Woahh! It’s so beautiful! Omo! You have that painiting? Did you know that the one who can only paint this painting is Leonardo Da Vinci?”

            “Of course, I know about that. Can you please shut your mouth?”

            “Sorry! It’s really amazing!”

At Daehyun’s room…

            “Jung Dae Hyun, is this your room?”


            “Woaah! It’s bigger than our house!”

            “Byun Baek Hyun! Please! Stop talking!”

            “Of course I can’t! It feels like I’m in the palace! Wait! Jung Daehyun, can I take some tour on your room?”

            “Aiishh! Go!”


While Daehyun was busy preparing the things they needed. Baekhyun was having fun on his room.”

            “Byun Baek Hyun! Please help me here!”

            “Huh? Oh!”

            “Jung Dae Hyun, your room is very beautiful. You know what your bathroom is much bigger than my room!”           

            “*Sigh* let’s start composing now!” Daehyun said to her.

            “OKAY! J!


            “OKAY! So, let’s start! Ah! There’s no problem about the tune, since I made it already before but I forgot to make a lyrics on it. So, what’s the song all about?”

            “Hmmm! Ahhh! How about we make a song about the story of Edward and Bella?” Baekhyun said.

            “Huh? Edward and Bella? Who are they?”

            “Aigoo! Twilight! Have you seen that movie?”


            “Ay! Never mind!”

            “I have an idea! What if, the song will be about being with someone you love or you like? Like, how you really feel when you’re with that person and when you’re not with him and the things that you wanted to tell to him. That kind of feeling! Did you get my point?”

            “Hmmm! It’s not bad! Since I can’t think of something else, let’s go with your idea!”

            “Aiisssh! Alright! Let’s divide the task! I’ll be the one to write the first part and the chorus! You’ll be the one for the second and third part. Understand?”

            “Huh? Jung Dae Hyun, it’s too difficult for me!”

            “Tsk.Tsk.! Okay just create the first part! Here’s the paper and the pen. Start now!”

            “Yay! Thank you!”

Daehyun and Baekhyun started making the song…

After an hour…

            “Byun Baek Hyun are you done”


            “Faster! It’s just one paragraph”

After 15 minutes…

            “Here!” Baekhyun give the paper to Daehyun.

            “ “Among the lights that are turning off one by one, the hopes in my heart is also slowly disappearing. In this world where everything has stopped; when I feel like I’m alone, I think of you. I feel like I’m able to be here because you are there, protecting me during the sad darkness. Your image when you’re smiling brightly. Whatever happens, I’ll protect you.” It’s nice! Since you’re done, continue with the chorus!” Daehyun said to her.

            “Hey! You told me, just the first part!”

            “I don’t care! Your job is only one part? It’s Unfair!”

            “This guy… OKAY!”

Baekhyun and Taehyung continued on doing their work…

After 30 minutes…

            “Byun Baek Hyun, I think you’re done, let me read it.” Baekhyun gave the paper to Daehyun.

            “ “Forever with you (with you, with you, with you) I’ll stay by your side until forever. Forever with you (with you, with you, with you) you’re not alone, hold my hand, I’ll be here with you. With you, with you, with you, with you, with you, with you, my baby.” Baby? You have a child?” Daehyun asked


            “Really? Girl or Boy? What’s the name?”

            “HA HA HA! So funny!” Baekhyun said to him.

            “Since you’re done, you may go now!” he said to her.

            “Hey, Jung Dae Hyun, I haven’t read your work! Can I read it, just the second part! Please!” Baekhyun said.

            “Okay! You may go after! Here!”

            “That day, where I’m running without a break; when I wanted to see you, I held it back; but, everything means nothing if I ain’t got you, you’re the last button to fasten my heart. If you’re lonely, I become lonely. To me, no one can become your replacement. For the whole day, there’s only you for me, what about you? You and me, if we’re together everything is okay.” Hmmm! It’s great! To be honest, while I’m reading your work, I can really feel your emotion while writing this!” Baekhyun said to him.

            “I told you, I’m good at this!” Daehyun said confidently.

            “Woaaahh! The wind is really strong! Ah! Before I go, you told me that you have your own album, can I listen to it?”

            “NO! You may leave now!”

            “Jung Dae Hyun! Please! *suddenly her phone ring* Oh! It’s Kim Taehyung!”

            “Oh, Taehyung~ah! How are you?”

            “I’m good! It’s so refreshing! Well, how about you?”

            “I’m fine!”

            “Byun Baek Hyun, you may leave now!” Daehyun interrupted.

            “Oh? Is it Jung Dae Hyun?”

            “Huh? Yes! We’re doing the project in Music.”

            “Ahhh! Where are you right now?”

            “I’m here at his house.”

            “Huh? Why in his house? Baekhyun~ah, are you two alone in there?”

            “Taehyung~ah! Stop thinking nonsense! There are maids too.”

            “Ahhh! Specifically, where are you right now? Which part of his house?”

            “Taehyung~ah, stop worrying about me!”

            “Tell me!”

            “Right now? uhhm, I’m… in… his… room!”

            “What? Yah! Byun Baek Hyun!” Taehyung shouted at her.

            “Taehyung~ah, don’t worry, I’m done with my part. I’m leaving! So, stop what you’re thinking right now!”

            “Baekhyun~ah, I’m just worried, that punk might do something on you. Baekhyun~ah, give the phone to him. We need to talk!”

            “Kim Taehyung, you’re overreacting!”

            “Give the phone to him, faster!” Baekhyun gave her phone to Daehyun.

            “Taehyung wants to talk to you.”

            “Jung Daehyun! Don’t do something wrong on her! Huh? Are you listening?”

            “Kim Taehyung, I know what you’re thinking! I’m not that kind of person! I know how to respect a woman!” Daehyun give the phone back to Baekhyun.

            “Taehyung~ah, I need to go now! Kim Taehyung, stop worrying about me and focus on the activities, understand?

            “Alright! Be careful!”

            “Yes! Sir! Bye Bye!”


After the phone call…

            “Jung Daehyun, I’m going now!”

            “That’s good!”

            “Jung Daehyun, I’ll listen to it, next time!”

            “Huh? Next time? That means you’re still coming back?!”

            “Of course! It’s not yet done! So, I’m coming back! Hmmm! Tomorrow? Is it okay for you?”

            “Haiisst!! Okay! Since you know already my address, I’ll just wait for you here!”

            “Okay! I’m going now! Bye , Bye!”

When Baekhyun already left, Jung Daehyun continued on making the lyrics. When he started keeping the things, he saw Baekhyun’s pink hoodie.

            “Haiist! That dummy girl even left her hoodie here! Well, I’ll just leave it here since she’s coming back, tomorrow!”

The next day…

            Baekhyun came early at Daehyun’s house. She went directly to his room. When she opened the door, she was Daehyun changing his clothes. She closed the door and went outside.

            “Byun Baek Hyun, get inside.”

            “Are you done changing?”


She entered the room…

            “Jung Daehyun, yesterday, I forgot my hoodie here, did you see it?”

            “It’s there!”

            “Ahh! Okay!”

            “Byun Baek Hyun, the lyrics is already done, I finished it yesterday. So, for now we need to think about the music video.”

            “Ahh! That’s good! I’ll read it first!”

            “Here!” He gave the papers to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun started reading the lyrics…





Among the lights that are turning off one by one,

The hope in my heart is also slowly disappearing.

In this world where everything has stopped;

When I feel like I’m alone, I think of you.

I feel like I’m able to be here because you are there,

Who protects me during the sad darkness.

Your image when you’re smiling brightly.

Whatever happens, I’ll protect you



Forever with you (with you, with you, with you)

I’ll stay by your side until forever.

Forever with you (with you, with you, with you)

You’re not alone, hold my hand, I’ll be here with you.

With you, with you (with you, with you) 2x

With you, with you, my baby.



That day, where I’m running without a break;

When I wanted to see you, I held it back;

But, everything means nothing if I ain’t got you,

You’re the last button to fasten my heart.

If you’re lonely, I become lonely.

To me, no one can become your replacement.

For the whole day, there was only you for me, what about you?

You and me, if we’re together everything is okay


Pulling me out from the deep darkness,

I remember your cherished tears,

I want to embrace you from behind now,

I’ll protect you.

(*Repeat Chorus part*)



When you’re tired and exhausted, I’ll embrace you.

If there’s no one on your side, I’ll defend you whenever,

Will you trust me? I’ll meet you even in your dreams,

Will you only look at me? I’ll love you forever,

You, You, You As long as there’s you

You, You, You as long as we are together,

You, You, You I only need you

Holding your hand tightly, I’m gonna tell you

With you, with you (with you, with you) 

With you, with you (with you, with you) 

With you, with you, my baby. 2x

With you, with you (with you, with you) 

With you, with you (with you, with you)

With you, with you, my baby. 2x

After reading the lyrics…

            “Woah! Jung Dae Hyun! Very inspired! You’re really amazing!”

            “Of course! Let’s start recording?”



They’re finally done after 30 minutes..

            “Byun Baek Hyun, you have an amazing voice, huh?”

            “Yes of course! You too! I didn’t know that you know how to rap!”

            “I’m good at everything! So! What about our video?”

            “What if let’s make a dance steps on it and there’ll be a little drama?! The dance steps will just base on the lyrics of the song! You know how to dance right? You said you’re good at everything!” Baekhyun said to him.

            “Of course I know how to dance! Well, that’s a good idea!”

            “Let’s start thinking about the dance steps!”


During their practice, Baekhyun and Daehyun had fun together, laughing & talking. The maids were wondering why it’s very noisy in Daehyun’s room…

            “Daehyun, is there any problem?” the head of the maids asked.

            “Huh? Nothing! We’re just practicing!”

            “Practicing?” she thought of something else.

            “Our dance steps!” Daehyun added.

            “Ahh! Alright!”

            “It’s been a long a time I heard him laughing like that! Ever since Mrs. Hyo died, he’s been so depressed!” The head of the maids talked to the other maids.

After 6 hours of practicing with the dance steps and the drama, they’re finally done…

            “Jung Daehyun! Let’s rest for awhile!”


            “Here’s the water! *Baekhyun gave the bottle of water to him*

            “Thank you! Finally! When are we going to start recording the video?”

            “ Anytime! It’s alright with me!”

            “On Tuesday afternoon since there’s no class! The location will just be here, okay?!”

            “OKAY! Omo! It’s already 5 pm! I need to go now!”

            “Okay! I’ll call my driver first!”

            “HA? No need! I’ll just ride a taxi!”

            “Okay! Be careful!”

            “Hmm! Bye bye!”

            “Byun Baek Hyun!”


Daehyun came closer to her…

            “Uhh? Jung Dae Hyun!”

            “Your Hoodie!”

            “Ah! Haha! Thank you! I need to go now, Bye bye!”

Monday Morning…

            “Taehyung~ah! How was the camping?”

            “It’s very tiring but it was fun! Uh! Baekhyun~ah, nothing happened, right?”

            “Huh? Of course! Taehyung~ah, stop that! I’m not that kind of girl who’ll give in easily!”

            “Hmm! Sorry for being so OA! Well, I trust you!”

            “Thank you! Let’s go!”

            “Let’s goo!”

Monday Evening, Baekhyun had a high fever. Her mother brought her to the hospital.


Tuesday afternoon…

            “Mom, I need to go to Daehyun’s place!”


            “We need to finish our project in Music.”

            “But Baek, you still have a fever.”

            “Mom, I’m okay now!”

            “Byun Baek Hyun!”

            “Mom, I said I’m fine!”

            “Alright! If that’s what you want!”

At 1:00 pm, Baekhyun arrived at Daehyun’s place.

            “Oh! You’re here! Byun Baek Hyun, you look so weak. Are you okay?”

            “I’m okay now! Well, let’s start!”

            “Are you sure? You look so pale!”

            “I said I’m fine! Let’s start now!”


But then, when they were about to start, Baekhyun collapsed.

            “Byun Baek Hyun! Baek!! You’re fever is so high!”

Daehyun hurriedly brought her to his room and called the doctor. He went to the bathroom to get some water and a towel. He put the wet towel on her forehead. After that, the doctor arrived. Daehyun was very worried.

            “We gave her the medicine already and her fever is not that high anymore. Please continue on giving her this medicine twice a day. For now, she needs to have a full rest.” The doctor said to him.

            “That’s a relief, thanks Doctor Kim!”

Daehyun decided to call her mom…

            “Baek, how are you? Don’t work too hard, huh?”

            “Ah! Hello Mrs. Byun it’s me Jung Daehyun.”

            “Ohh! Where is she? What happen to her?” Baekhyun’s mom worriedly asked him.

            “Baekhyun collapsed. Her fever was really high. Mrs.Byun, don’t worry, the doctor gave her the medicine already and she’s having a rest right now.”

            “That’s a relief, thank you Daehyun for taking care of my daughter. By the way, is she in the hospital right now?” 

            “No, she’s here in my house. If you want to visit here’s my address.”

            “Okay! But I think I’ll just visit her tomorrow since we’re really busy right now. Daehyun, is it alright with you that she’ll be staying in your house for tonight?”

            “Yes, it’s alright with me!”

            “Thank you, Jung Daehyun!”

            “No problem, Mrs Byun!”

The next morning, Baekhyun woke up early. She saw Daehyun sleeping on the couch. She decided not to wake him up and went back to sleep.

An hour later, Daehyun wake her up…

            “Byun Baek Hyun, wake up, time for breakfast!”

            “Thank you, Jung Dae Hyun.”

            “After your breakfast, drink this medicine. I already told your mom about what happened and also Taehyung. Taehyung’s overreacting again! I need to go to school now!”

            “Hahaha! Jung Dae Hyun, thank you for taking care of me!”          

            “It’s alright, just go back to sleep when you’re done taking your medicine. Head Lee is just there, so, if there’s something you need just call her, okay? I’m going now!”

            “Okay! Thank you! Be careful Jung Dae Hyun!”


After her breakfast Baekhyun went to the garden…

            “Woah! It’s so refreshing here!”

Suddenly Daehyun’s father, Jung Seung Ho, saw her…

            “Who are you? Why are you here?”

Baekhyun was shock!!...

            “Good Morning President Jung!”

            “Oh, it’s you Byun Baek Hyun! What are you doing here?”

            “Ahh! Supposedly, we’re going to make our project yesterday but then I collapsed.”

            “Ohh! Are you okay now?”

            “Yes, I’m okay now. I’m just waiting for Daehyun and thank him for taking care of me!”

            “I never thought that Daehyun would care to you like that! Let’s have some tea first while waiting for him.”


Jung Seung Ho and Baekhyun had a talk…

            “Before, Daehyun was really sweet, loving and very caring. When his mother was hospitalized, he was always on her side reading stories on her. But when her mother died, he became so cold to other people. He was really depressed. He’s always on his room crying and crying. But now, I see some changes on him.”

            “Ahh! That’s why he’s like that!”

            “Yes! Ahh! You told me that he had done something wrong on you, can you tell me what happened?”

“About that?  One time, I went to the mall and then I bumped into him, he was really mad at me. He even pushed me and threw my painting. I was also very mad at him! That time I promised to myself that I would really hate him, no matter what. I won’t marry a guy like him. But then, now, I realized that he’s really a good person. He’s not really that cold and evil. I feel sorry for him because I always failed him and I’m always making him worried.”

            “Ahhhh! So, right now, are you thinking of marrying someone like him? Hahaha!”

            “President Jung!”

            “Byun Baek Hyun, how I wish Daehyun will marry a girl like you!”

            “Huh? Hahaha!”        

15 minutes later Daehyun, Taehyung and Baekhyun’s mom arrived. They saw Baekhyun and Seung Ho talking and laughing…

            “What’s the fun all about?” Daehyun interrupted

            “Oh! Mom, Taehyung~ah, Jung Dae Hyun!”

            “Lee Seo Yeon?” Jung Seung Ho said to Baekhyun’s mom.

            “Oh! Jung Seung Ho?”

            “Mom, do you know him?”

            “What a small world! Lee Seo Yeon! How have you been?”

            “I’m good. You’re very successful right now, huh?!”

            “Not really! So, I never thought the Baek Hyun is your daughter. That’s why when we were talking awhile ago, she reminds me of someone and that’s you!”

            “Hahahaha! My daughter is more talkative than me. Well, your son is very good looking! Is he also a cold blooded guy like you? Huh?”

            “Well, you’re right!”

            “I see! Oh! Seung Ho, we need to go now! Baek, did you thank him already?”

            “Not yet! Jung Dae Hyun! Thanks for everything you’ve done! Thank you!”

            “Hmm! Next time, don’t force yourself anymore!”

            “Yes, Master!”

            “Well, we’re going now, Jung Dae Hyun, Mr. President!” Baekhyun said to them.

            “I call my driver first?”

            “No need! My car is waiting outside!” Taehyung said.

            “Ahh! Okay! Be careful on your way! ‘Til we meet again, Seo Yeon!” Seung Ho said.

            “Okay! We’re going now! Daehyun! Seung Ho!”



            “Mom, how did you know President Jung?”

            “Ahh! That! Seung Ho is my seatmate before. He’s very intelligent and he’s also very good looking. He’s a cold guy but when someone needs his help, he would help them! Actually Seung Ho was my first love.”

            “What?” Baekhyun said.

            “Really? What happened? Tell us auntie, please!” Taehyung said to her.

            “Before, I’m the most talkative in our classroom. I would always talked and talked and talked until everybody was already annoyed at me, especially Jung Seung Ho! He was always mad at me, there’s no day that the both of us would not fought! Shouting and throwing something at each other. Our classmates would always call us, Enemy Lovers because of it. Until one day, he confessed to me that he loved me. We’d been together for a month only since they moved in US. And I decided to let him go until he met his wife and also I met your father.”

            “And they didn’t live happily ever after.” Taehyung said.

            “Taehyung~ah! Ahh! That’s why he looks so happy to see you again.”

At the same time Daehyun and his father was also talking about Baekhyun’s mom…

            “I know, right now, you’re wondering why I know her mom.” Seung Ho said to Daehyun.

            “That’s right, Dad! I’m thinking how and why!”

            “Lee Seo Yeon was my first love. She’s been my girlfriend for a month only since you’re grandma and grandpa decided to live in America. I decided to continue our relationship even if we’re far away with each other but then she decided to end it. It has been really difficult for me to let her go. She’s always in my mind day and night! There’s no day that I wasn’t thinking of her. Until one day, I met your mom. She did everything just to make me happy. I fell in love with her and we decided to get married. When I came back in SEOUL, I saw her with Baek Hyun’s dad, both of them looked very happy while they were eating an ice cream. That time, I realized that she moved on. She’s starting a new life with him. And so, I decided to forget her and also start a new life with your mom and you.”

            “Hmm! We’ll be the one to continue your love story, dad!”

            “What do you mean, Jung Daehyun? Are you dating Baekhyun?”

            “No, we’re not! I already gave my heart to her but then she didn’t accept it. I think, until now, she’s still really mad at me.”

            “It’s because what you did to her was too much for her to handle. Who wouldn’t be really mad at it, you threw her painting in which she made it for 5 hours. You even pushed her. If that was me, I would really never forgive you!”

            “How did you know about it, dad?”

            “She told me! But she said that she felt sorry. Just keep on trying, Dae. Later or sooner, she’ll accept it!” His father tapped him on his shoulder and leaved.

            “Dad! What else she say?”

            “I need to go to the office now!”



Friday Morning, Teacher Oh came to their classroom and collected their project.

            “Who didn’t pass their project?”

            “Everybody passed their project, Teacher Oh!”

            “That’s good! For today, we will watch your project together and you will help me decide which work is the best!”

When the project of Daehyun and Baekhyun had been viewed, Krystal looked at Baekhyun angrily.

            “Byun Baek Hyun! I’m so mad at you!” Krystal said to her.

            “I know! A lot of girls here wanted to kill me right now and one of it is you! I’m just doing it for the project! Work is work! Okay?” Baekhyun replied.

            “SHUT UP!”

After the viewing of the videos…

            “So, I’ll give you this small papers and all you need to do is to write the title of the song you like the most, understand? I’ll give you 10 minutes to do it!”

After 10 minutes…

            “Pass the papers forward! Let’s count the votes together!”

After the counting of the votes…

            “Okay! With You got the highest votes! Let’s give a round of applause for Jung Daehyun and Byun Baekhyun! The second who got the highest votes is Just One Day by Kim Taehyung and Krystal Lee, let’s also give them a round of applause! Congratulations! And for the others, you’ve done well! Great Job Everyone! I’m so proud of what you had done!” Teacher Oh said to them.

            “That’s all for today! Goodbye!” Teacher Oh added.


After their class, Taehyung and Baekhyun went on the playground…

            “Baekhyun~ah, congrats! Seems like you and Daehyun became closer. Honestly, while I was watching your video, the two of you look so in love with each other!”

            “Taehyung~ah! I’m just doing it for our project! I never thought that you and Joo Hyun would look great together! Well, Congrats on the both of us!”

            “Thank you! Baekhyun~ah can we have a real talk?”

            “What? We’re having a real talk right now!”

            “I mean let’s have a talk about you and Daehyun!”

            “Huh? There’s nothing to talk about us!”

            “Baekhyun~ah, as I can see, Daehyun really loves you!!”


            “Byun Baek Hyun, tell me your feelings for him. What’s the use of me, being your best buddy if you’re just keeping it to yourself? I think, you started to like him. Am I right?!”

            “I don’t know! I guess so! I don’t really know!”

            “It’s because you’re building a wall on your heart that blocks you from seeing the truth! I know that you like him too, but there’s this feeling of madness in your heart. It’s still fresh, right? The things he did to you in the mall? Move on best buddy! Let go of it! Destroy that wall!”

            “Taehyung~ah!! Tae! Tae! Tae! That’s right! I should open my heart for him! I should start knowing him more! I can’t really keep a secret from you! You’re the best buddy in the whole wide world, Kim Taehyung!”

            “Of course! I’ll be your best buddy forever and ever! Let’s go now now?! Dummy Best Buddy Byun Baek Hyun?”

            “Okay! Food Lover Best Buddy Kim Tae Hyung!”











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Chapter 6: wae authornim?? Q.Q
well ur story really beautiful authornim.. QuQ
but I really hope they have happy ending TTuTT

anyway, nice story authornim!! (^^)b
key_soo #2
Chapter 6: crying in the end T__________T
Chapter 7: Bad author nim.. Why you killed Dae ? huhuhu T_T
Still, it is a beautiful story. I'm so gonna to cry again.. Huhuhu
Chapter 7: author-nim.... why you killed Daehyun?
ugh, I'm crying so hard reading this ff.