You want us to what?!

~School tour guide...

The 6 shadow figures slowly make their way towards the door. And as they appear, you suddenly realize that it's............Teen Top. They make their way next to the principle and look at you and Eun Mi. You are suddenly lost with words. Are you happy? shocked? speechless? Teen Top, is right in front of you, in the flesh. Your favorite group in the entire world. Never in a million years would you think that you would be this close to Teen Top.

Principle: "Girls, as I can tell by your facial expressions, you know who these boys are"

You and Eun Mi attempt to get back to reality and look back at the principle. 

You: "N-n-neh" 

Princple: "Girls. Teen Top will be doing a special performance at our school. I would like you girls to be tour guides for them and they will be staying with you girls for the next several months. I already called both of your parents and they have agreed. Do you girls agree?"

You: "A thousand times yes"

Principle: "Good. Now off to class you girls go."

Eun Mi follows you out of his office with Teen Top right behind.

You: "An nyoung ha seh yo"

Teen Top in unision: "An nyoung ha seh yo!"

Your eyes immediately went to L.Joe and his carrot red hair. That eye smile just killed you. He was way cuter in person. 

Eun Mi: "So, I guess would should divide the group into 3. So 3 go with me and the other 3 go with you ____-ah?"

You: "Sounds like a plan."

Eun Mi: "okay. So Niel, Changjo and C.A.P can go with me. Is that okay _____?"

You: "Yeah. So L.Joe, Chunji and Ricky will go with me."

Eun Mi: "I guess we should head to class now."

You: "Yeah. See you later" you wanted to literally scream with happiness but you had to control yourself.

L.Joe: "So, what's your name?" He asked you. "________" you responded with a smile and looked at him. "Nice to meet you _____" he said with a smile. You couldn't help but giggle a little. As you folks enter homeroom, everyone in the class started whispering saying things like "omg. is that Teen Top?!" "No way" "omg it is them!" 

You and Eun Mi head back to your seats and Teen Top takes the empty desks behind you guys. You slowly pull out our phone and discretly text Eun Mi "Am I dreaming? orrrr is this beyond real?!" "Oh. it's real alright. Maybe L.Joe will ask you out over time ;)" "Oh sush. You and Niel are cute together ;D" 

You both look up at each other and smile and laugh a little.

-RING- sigh, bell for first period. Gym. 

You, L.Joe, Chunji and Ricky head to the gym together. "So, we have gym first period. So. yeah" "yay!" Ricky responded with a smile plastered on his face. He was so adorably cute. As you head to the locker room, Teen Top waits outside.

"______ is pretty cute isn't she?" Chunji asked Ricky and L.Joe. "keke I guess" Ricky said. "Mhmmm" responded L.Joe as he stared at the locker room door waiting for you to come out. "L.joe? You okay?" Chunji asked. "What?! oh. yeah. I'm fine" He responded.

You walked out of the locker room and pulled your hair into a messy ponytail. "So I guess you guys can just sit and watch. The next several classes after this should be fun" you said with a smile.

The whole gym period, you try to do your best and not fall or anything since you could be pretty clumsy. You didn't fall or get hit by anything the whole class period. Maybe because Teen Top's eyes were on you the whole time. As gym finished, you changed back into your uniform and headed outside and took a seat on the bleachers next to the boys. You fixed your hair and then the bell for 2nd period rang. The day continued like this, and then before you knew it, it was time to head home. The principle sent you an email saying that they rented out a place for you, Eun Mi and the boys to stay for the next several months. You headed home with L.Joe, Chunji and Ricky. As you entered the house you told the boys to make themselves comfortable while you packed your bags. You introduced the boys to your parents and your parents drove you to the place where you would be staying. Eun Mi and the others were already there, so you and the boys headed in to get settled. 

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*sniff sniffles* it'!!! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Why can't that happen to me?!?? Why?!?!??!??????!?? Wahahhahaha :(
ThePowerChaserToYou #2
So cute so cute so cute!!!!
It's a one-shot Unnie???? NOOOO!!! i thought it wasn't one!! :D oh well, continue to write good fanfics Unnie!!! :D FIGHTING! :D
OverlyObsessedGirl #4
Just as I was reading No More Perfume On You comes on! xD
OMG this is so cute!! x3♥<br />
I finished reading everything but I still want more!! xD LOL<br />
I hope you make a sequel.. but it's your choice! no pressure! ^ ^<br />
I'll be looking forward to your future stories! =)
plz update!!! i wanna see wat happen in the prom!! thx unnie!! :D
she got a date with l.joe!!! so lucky!! :D thx unnie! :D
i cant help it.....sorry unnie u must be on ur computer 24/7 if ur updating at this rate! go UNNIE!
soz 4 commenting evry time u update!! but its soo good!! i cant resistt!!! :D i want l.joe to do that to me 2!!!! she's so lucky :D
MOAH??!!! u update fast unnie! :D thz once again!! :D maybe I'll add you as a friend??....:D