Who are you?

That Night In Vegas

"TAMI! are you okay?" Jimin jumps over the couch and immediately attends to his teary-eyed wife.

Tami shakes her head and smiles... her eyes were all red after she froze in place earlier. What she didn't know was... she cried... subconsciously... without her permission, the tears broke through.

"No I wasn't~" She responds and pauses for a bit as Jimin inspected her with an owl-like expression. "My uh-contacts were bugging me a lot!"

Jimin was not convinced as he goes closer.

"Just leave her be Jimin." Jin couldn't bear the sight of the couple as he brings out the lemons to make lemonade; if this continues, he'd rather squeeze the lemon juice into his eyes.

Tami didn't want her husband to worry and quickly makes use of the distance between them by pecking Jimin on the lips quickly.

Jimin backs away and touches his lips, "Well you're definitely fine!" He smiles and tries to go in for a kiss.

Tami puts her right index finger on Jimin's lips and sticks out her tongue. "Only one per hour~", she said as she wiggled her finger and walks away into the bathroom.

In the bathroom, the dialogue was muffled down as Tami slides down to the floor with her back to the door. Hugging her knees, she took the time to think and reflect on everything that has happened so far.

From arriving in Seoul and leaving her home behind to moving in without any real approval from the managers...


Her husband collapsing from stress to their first fight...


What has gone right for them so far... and mostly her... 

The only thing that she has gained really is her newfound happiness with Jimin but is that really worth it...? 

She has never questioned her actions before but now's the time to do so because... this meant she needs to spend the rest of her life here... a non-existent figure that can't even go outside of the dorm...

... Is this what she really wanted...?

Shaking the negativity off of her, she slowly gets up and walking toward the sink to wash her face.

Looking up at the mirror and at her reflection...

 Is this really Tami... who are you...?



A/N: again this was NOT edited - I am trying to get out all the updates atm :) so Tami can have her happy ever after ASAP

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The video is up Tami - it's crappy but HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)


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TaemiChan #1
Chapter 11: Omg!!! Omg!!! Omg!!! OHMIGAHDDDD!!! THIS IS SOOO FRIGGIN SWEET<3<3<3
Thanks a million and a trillion and another million more thanks appa!!! *huggggggssss* ><

Um...can i write a sequel to this??? A glimpse of their (our) Happily ever after which consists of Boracay and coffee shops and kawaii kids and the title can be "Domestic Park Household" or "The Parks" or "Mr. and Mrs. Park and their cute little creations"!!! >< Lol not really but,,,, i want a domestic sequel to this uhhhh...!!! ><
Park Jimin is just so sweet and i cannot believe it and the ending was superrrrrrr and I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!! ><
I dont even know why but i am crying and thank you appa and park jimin and i cannot and i..uhhhh!!! >< WORDS REALLY CANNOT EXPRESS WHAT I FEEL RIGHT NOW!!!! X')
Lemme just go and cry in happiness!!!! (and partly because it has finished and idk what to do with my life)
/runs away/
AND OH! THANKS AGAIN APPA AND I am sorry for commenting late i had internet problems and whatnot and for writing thissss long idek if it even makes sense but atleast u get the idea and i am happy and OK...I think i should zip up here....!!!
But really...*teary-eyed-about-to-burst-happy-face* I can.not...
UndertheMoonTaeil #2
Chapter 11: Cute! Cute! Cute! Cute!! And super fluffy!!!!
TaemiChan #3
Chapter 10: Omg!!!!
Why???? Why??? Why??? (ToT)
Jiminnie baby,,, dont worry....i love u my dooly...Always & Forever.....(T^T)

Spazzatk, wut u dun to me??? (T_T)
UndertheMoonTaeil #4
Chapter 10: Oh my poor heart!! T_T
Chapter 9: Yayyyy!! You took my advice!! And btw its more attractive now~~~ and i love your update!!!
UndertheMoonTaeil #6
Chapter 9: Ah!~ it feels great to be actually able to log in again! Tami's gonna get happy ever after??
TaemiChan #7
Chapter 9: OMG!!!!!!! They kissed???? Well,,,, i'll take it as a yes kkkk~~~
Fanfic Tami gave jimin a peck~~~ I am jealous >.< lol

Btw, thanks a lottttttt for writing this story.....Words cannot express uhhhh!!! >.<
Chapter 9: Yeeeyy an update! A short one though ..
Chapter 8: Just saying, you should stop using pictures cause everybody knows who they are by now. But i'm just saying cause its sorta messy and confusing xD
Chapter 8: Awww my Jungkook is concern ~ KYAAAAHH!!! But he's mine <*slapped*>