The midnight departure

That Night In Vegas

Tami walks out of the bathroom after her little recollection session. Out of nowhere, she felt startled by the sudden movements of arms slinking into a back hug; although the arms felt familiar. 

"Tami~", Jimin said in his trademark gentle voice.

"... don't say my name in that gentle voice...", she thought to herself before forcing a smile. "Jiminnie~"

"WE!", Jimin looks behind him and made sure everybody looked at him before proceeding. "Have decided to go out to the ice cream parlour right around the corner from here."

"Oh, have fun~", Tami quickly responds back and walks out of the arms that embraced her.

"Wait, where do you think you're going silly?" Jimin reaches out and grapples Tami's tiny left wrist.

"... don't touch me...", her thoughts slowly hypnotized her into the state of paranoia.

"I was thinking about getting some shut eye first, I don't feel so well after doing the 'business' in the bathroom.", Tami tries walking away but she was locked down by Jimin's grip.

"Didn't you say you wanted to go earlier? What's wrong?", Jimin's voice flips into a worried tone.

The other members were gathered at the shoerack, preparing to go out, but that seemed like an impossible task now.

"Ah... we'll wait for you downstairs." Rap Monster read the situation well and scoots the rest of the boys out of the dorm to let the couple have some alone time.

The door made a slight clicking sound as it closed behind the members, giving Jimin and Tami all the privacy they needed.

Jimin circles around to the front and kneels down a bit while placing both hands on his wife's upper arm, gently to assure that he was there for her. "Now can you tell me... what's eating you?"

"Nothing's wrong, I just don't feel like going out after that little tummy drop off in the washroom.", letting out a chuckle, Tami wasn't fooling anyone with that lie.

"Why can't you be honest with me...? I thought you loved me, so why can't you depend on me a bit more?" Jimin's eyes started to water as he felt the aura darkening up deep inside his wife.

"I'm honest here, I really-"


Each second in time felt like it's gone in a snap but time froze for the two... only silence and wonder of a blooming love story can weave a symphony for the two as Jimin's lips pressed gently against his love.


Slowly backing up and opening his eyes to meet his wife's eyes again, Jimin husks an idea... an idea that will change his life forever... "Let's run away..."

Tami's eyes widen up from the idea, she knew that Jimin was going to give up his dreams just for her. Her initial response was of course, "no", but deep down inside her... she really wanted to be together with Jimin. Finally ending this little show with a nod, Jimin smiles and hugs Tami.

"It's going to be okay, I'm here." Jimin rubs Tami's back as he calms her down.


That night... 11:52PM...


Tami went ahead and got all her luggage... she waited by herself at the airport for close to 30 minutes. The last minute flight back to Las Vegas was right at midnight.  

She waited and waited but...

"Miss, are you going in now?", the airport staff questions Tami at the gate.

Tami takes a few glances at her phone and it was already 11:58... She nods and goes in...

Not looking back... a single tear falls from her right cheek...

"Good bye... Park Jimin... I love you... and always will..."



A/N: The next chapter will be the end folks! SORRY FOR THE ANGSTY FEELS LOL I need to get the story line moving one way or another. But I can guarantee u... a finale like no other!


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The video is up Tami - it's crappy but HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)


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TaemiChan #1
Chapter 11: Omg!!! Omg!!! Omg!!! OHMIGAHDDDD!!! THIS IS SOOO FRIGGIN SWEET<3<3<3
Thanks a million and a trillion and another million more thanks appa!!! *huggggggssss* ><

Um...can i write a sequel to this??? A glimpse of their (our) Happily ever after which consists of Boracay and coffee shops and kawaii kids and the title can be "Domestic Park Household" or "The Parks" or "Mr. and Mrs. Park and their cute little creations"!!! >< Lol not really but,,,, i want a domestic sequel to this uhhhh...!!! ><
Park Jimin is just so sweet and i cannot believe it and the ending was superrrrrrr and I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!! ><
I dont even know why but i am crying and thank you appa and park jimin and i cannot and i..uhhhh!!! >< WORDS REALLY CANNOT EXPRESS WHAT I FEEL RIGHT NOW!!!! X')
Lemme just go and cry in happiness!!!! (and partly because it has finished and idk what to do with my life)
/runs away/
AND OH! THANKS AGAIN APPA AND I am sorry for commenting late i had internet problems and whatnot and for writing thissss long idek if it even makes sense but atleast u get the idea and i am happy and OK...I think i should zip up here....!!!
But really...*teary-eyed-about-to-burst-happy-face* I can.not...
UndertheMoonTaeil #2
Chapter 11: Cute! Cute! Cute! Cute!! And super fluffy!!!!
TaemiChan #3
Chapter 10: Omg!!!!
Why???? Why??? Why??? (ToT)
Jiminnie baby,,, dont worry....i love u my dooly...Always & Forever.....(T^T)

Spazzatk, wut u dun to me??? (T_T)
UndertheMoonTaeil #4
Chapter 10: Oh my poor heart!! T_T
Chapter 9: Yayyyy!! You took my advice!! And btw its more attractive now~~~ and i love your update!!!
UndertheMoonTaeil #6
Chapter 9: Ah!~ it feels great to be actually able to log in again! Tami's gonna get happy ever after??
TaemiChan #7
Chapter 9: OMG!!!!!!! They kissed???? Well,,,, i'll take it as a yes kkkk~~~
Fanfic Tami gave jimin a peck~~~ I am jealous >.< lol

Btw, thanks a lottttttt for writing this story.....Words cannot express uhhhh!!! >.<
Chapter 9: Yeeeyy an update! A short one though ..
Chapter 8: Just saying, you should stop using pictures cause everybody knows who they are by now. But i'm just saying cause its sorta messy and confusing xD
Chapter 8: Awww my Jungkook is concern ~ KYAAAAHH!!! But he's mine <*slapped*>