Simple memories make the most memorable ones

That Night In Vegas

Tami paced back and forth as she waited for Jimin to return from the hospital. She was told to wait there while only the manager alone Jimin out. She felt uneasy as the suspense trickled her insides.

tumblr_inline_n40nypOemW1s8lgjg.jpgRap Monster walks toward the pacing Tami and places his hand on the uneasy sister-in-law. "He'll be fine, come join us and have a seat." Rap Monster smiles and motions Tami toward the dining table.

Problem about this whole atmosphere that ached her... was the fact that she did not feel welcomed except for the select few. It is going to take a bit of time till Jungkook actually accepts the relationship between her and his hyung. Taehyung and J-Hope were being typical boys as J-Hope huddles close to Taehyung who was playing around with his phone. Jin was busy in the kitchen, prepping for the celebratory feast that will take place as soon as Jimin steps through the door. The only person missing was Suga... anybody's guess was as good as Tami's... he would be in the room typing away on his laptop.

tumblr_inline_n40nypOemW1s8lgjg.jpgRap Monster could feel Tami's shoulders stiffening up and takes the initiative. "Here take a seat beside me." Taking a seat beside J-Hope, he pats the vacant seat right next to him... and across from that vacant seat was Jungkook.

Tami bit down on her lower lip and sits down, keeping her head down the entire time. Finally looking up, she realizes that Jungkook had already got up and left. Sighing to the fact that Jungkook hates her to no end, she felt like she was going to go insane from the negative energy.

tumblr_inline_n40o2zBwGZ1s8lgjg.jpg"I'm back~" Jimin singsongs as he enters the dorm.

Tami never felt so glad to hear those words, "I'm back". She felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted off of her as she gets up and runs toward her husband. But as she approached her husband, she spots the manager behind Jimin. Slowly backing away from open-armed Jimin, Tami looks down and blushes. "welcome back..." 

tumblr_inline_n3wa2rLvIc1s8lgjg.jpg"I'm going to the company building for a bit to handle some stuff." completely ignoring Tami and leaves.

This did not help the situation one bit, Tami felt like she was going to disappear any second as she shrunk more and more in presence. But her saving grace... Jimin's hand reassured that she can still be seen...

tumblr_inline_n40o2zBwGZ1s8lgjg.jpg"Let's go for a walk." Jimin drags Tami out of the dorm and to the convenience store beside their living quarters.


tumblr_inline_n40o2zBwGZ1s8lgjg.jpg"Fresh air!!!" Jimin spins around and stretches. "Let's grab a quick snack~ it doesn't seem like Jin-hyung will be ready any time soon anyways."

"Thank you..." Tami looks up and smiles as her eyes start to well up in tears.

tumblr_inline_n40o2zBwGZ1s8lgjg.jpgJimin quickly rushes over and shows concern for his crying wife. "Whoa whoa... what's wrong? Okay okay we won't get a snack!"

"... no no it's not that... it's just that I..." Tami was wiping her tears but it just won't stop coming down.

Jimin stops Tami's hand movements and puts her hands down. With a soft and gentle voice he calls out his wife's name, "Tami", and directs Tami's gaze to his eyes.The allure from Jimin's eyes lured Tami in more and more. The gaze did not break off one bit, it felt like the spell was being casted all over her again... the reason why she fell in love with this man.

tumblr_inline_n40o2zBwGZ1s8lgjg.jpg"... I want you to be happy... so..." Tilting Tami's head down a bit... Jimin pecks Tami on the forehead and turns away. Jimin was completely red as his ears felt like they were going to burn off, he walks toward the store and leaves Tami standing there. 

Tami in response watches Jimin march into the store like a toy soldier. She felt like she got hit by a wrecking ball and touches her forehead where the peck felt like it was stamped there for eternity... embedding another memory into the album.


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The video is up Tami - it's crappy but HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)


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TaemiChan #1
Chapter 11: Omg!!! Omg!!! Omg!!! OHMIGAHDDDD!!! THIS IS SOOO FRIGGIN SWEET<3<3<3
Thanks a million and a trillion and another million more thanks appa!!! *huggggggssss* ><

Um...can i write a sequel to this??? A glimpse of their (our) Happily ever after which consists of Boracay and coffee shops and kawaii kids and the title can be "Domestic Park Household" or "The Parks" or "Mr. and Mrs. Park and their cute little creations"!!! >< Lol not really but,,,, i want a domestic sequel to this uhhhh...!!! ><
Park Jimin is just so sweet and i cannot believe it and the ending was superrrrrrr and I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!! ><
I dont even know why but i am crying and thank you appa and park jimin and i cannot and i..uhhhh!!! >< WORDS REALLY CANNOT EXPRESS WHAT I FEEL RIGHT NOW!!!! X')
Lemme just go and cry in happiness!!!! (and partly because it has finished and idk what to do with my life)
/runs away/
AND OH! THANKS AGAIN APPA AND I am sorry for commenting late i had internet problems and whatnot and for writing thissss long idek if it even makes sense but atleast u get the idea and i am happy and OK...I think i should zip up here....!!!
But really...*teary-eyed-about-to-burst-happy-face* I can.not...
UndertheMoonTaeil #2
Chapter 11: Cute! Cute! Cute! Cute!! And super fluffy!!!!
TaemiChan #3
Chapter 10: Omg!!!!
Why???? Why??? Why??? (ToT)
Jiminnie baby,,, dont worry....i love u my dooly...Always & Forever.....(T^T)

Spazzatk, wut u dun to me??? (T_T)
UndertheMoonTaeil #4
Chapter 10: Oh my poor heart!! T_T
Chapter 9: Yayyyy!! You took my advice!! And btw its more attractive now~~~ and i love your update!!!
UndertheMoonTaeil #6
Chapter 9: Ah!~ it feels great to be actually able to log in again! Tami's gonna get happy ever after??
TaemiChan #7
Chapter 9: OMG!!!!!!! They kissed???? Well,,,, i'll take it as a yes kkkk~~~
Fanfic Tami gave jimin a peck~~~ I am jealous >.< lol

Btw, thanks a lottttttt for writing this story.....Words cannot express uhhhh!!! >.<
Chapter 9: Yeeeyy an update! A short one though ..
Chapter 8: Just saying, you should stop using pictures cause everybody knows who they are by now. But i'm just saying cause its sorta messy and confusing xD
Chapter 8: Awww my Jungkook is concern ~ KYAAAAHH!!! But he's mine <*slapped*>