Puzzles of a memory...

That Night In Vegas

"Thank you for having us today! We will do our best!" [The boys bow at the studio staff and escapes into the dressing room.]

The boys remain silent as the stylists get everything ready... but thing is... it was too quiet...

tumblr_inline_n3wa2rLvIc1s8lgjg.jpg"... It's nice to see you all behaving but..." [M-dawg looks around the room and sees that this was not the right time for a pep-talk. He shakes his head and exits the dressing room.]

tumblr_inline_n40nz2JjmA1s8lgjg.jpg"Hyung.." [Taehyung nudges Suga who sat beside him.]

tumblr_inline_n40nywY9ip1s8lgjg.jpg[Suga was reading a magazine as he leans over and lends an ear to the nudging alien.] "Hmm?"

tumblr_inline_n40nz2JjmA1s8lgjg.jpg[Taehyung covers the side of his mouth and Suga's ear.] "-I have to go pee-"

tumblr_inline_n40nywY9ip1s8lgjg.jpg[Suga almost fell out of chair upon the honest confession.] "sigh... every single time! I swear to God... OKAY LET'S GO!" [Suga slams the magazine on the table and drags the alien to the washroom.]

Jungkook fell asleep as the stylist finishes up the last minute touch-ups, while Rap Monster and Jimin were having a serious chat of their own.

tumblr_inline_n40nypOemW1s8lgjg.jpg"So... tell me... what exactly happened?" [Rap Monster wore a serious expression as he emits an aura of concern that filled the room.]

tumblr_inline_n40o2zBwGZ1s8lgjg.jpg"..." [Jimin remains silent... if he knew what happened, he would answer - but thing is... nothing comes to mind.]

tumblr_inline_n40nypOemW1s8lgjg.jpg"This has to be resolved sooner or later so for now... don't think about it and focus on work." [Rap Monster pats Jimin on the shoulder and sits up-right.]

Jimin stares at the dark little gap under the table where his feet rested. No matter how hard he tried, his mind would just redirect him back to the morning he woke up beside Tami. 

"JUNGKOOK!", the field coordinator called out for the maknae while checking the clipboard.

tumblr_inline_n40o330jyi1s8lgjg.jpg[Jin taps Jungkook repetitively till the maknae woke up]. "Kookie-kookie- it's your turn."

Jungkook slaps his face slightly to snap himself out of the drowsy expression. He walks coldly past Jimin without a word and exits the room.

Jimin looks at the maknae through the mirror and looks back down like a dog backed to a corner. How was he going to get out of this mess...? How was he going to explain everything to the members if he had no idea what was going on...? How was he going to make amends with Jungkook who trusted him so much...?

All those thoughts were tossed aside when his turn came...

"Jimin, could you just look over to your right a bit more? We are going to try this take again... okay?" The photographer requested as an annoyed expression was present on his face.

Whispers between the female staff were heard from behind the photographer, "How much longer will this take... He has been stuck on the same take for 15 minutes already..."

tumblr_inline_n40o2zBwGZ1s8lgjg.jpg[Jimin bit his lower lip and felt the pressure devouring him soon into a state of stress. He felt colder and colder till...]

tumblr_inline_n3wa2rLvIc1s8lgjg.jpg"JIMIN!!!" [M-dawg calls out as he runs toward the member.]


Jimin collapses in the middle of the shoot... his lips were pale and his clothes were completely damp from sweat.



"I wish we could stay like this forever... Jimin... but..." Blurred images of a girl played in Jimin's head which was bordered with fog and darkness... he couldn't really make out who it was but the voice was really familiar...


"Jimin... Jimin...", the same voice called out as Jimin felt somebody holding his left hand.

... It was Tami...

Her eyes were all watery as she sat on the chair close to the bed.


From a distance, Jimin could see Namjoon and M-dawg chatting from the door... He had a slight idea of what the conversation was about and he did not want to find out whether his intuition was correct or not. Jimin looks around the room and sees Jungkook looking at his phone while the other members rushed over to attend to the awaken patient.


tumblr_inline_n40nz2JjmA1s8lgjg.jpg"YOU'RE AWAKE!!!" [Taehyung exclaims loudly as the other members shushed him. His eyes were all red... probably from thinking that Jimin would never wake up ever again... it was the typical farfetched imagination Taehyung would have.]

tumblr_inline_n40o330jyi1s8lgjg.jpg"The doctor said you have a slight fever... and should probably stay here for a couple of days." [Jin's gentle voice was what Jimin needed most right now... the calm and motherly expression the eldest gave was reassuring.]

tumblr_inline_n40o2zBwGZ1s8lgjg.jpg[Jimin looks back at Jungkook who was now leaving the room.] "J-"

tumblr_inline_n40nxyxDrJ1s8lgjg.jpg"J-HOPE'S HERE!!!!" [J-Hope closes the distance and holds the vacant hand.]

tumblr_inline_n40nywY9ip1s8lgjg.jpg[Suga facepalms hard as he stares at the hopeless hopeful.] "... sigh... All stupidness aside..." [Suga glares down at J-Hope and Taehyung.] "I think we should leave you two alone."

tumblr_inline_n40o330jyi1s8lgjg.jpgtumblr_inline_n40nywY9ip1s8lgjg.jpg[Suga and Jin dragged the two kids out and joins Rap Monster and the managers.]

It was only Jimin and Tami in the room now... nobody to interrupt them... 


The awkward silence made it hard to break the ice... to be honest... they didn't really know anything about each other... except for the fact that Tami knows all the listed profile information on fansites. 

"I" The two starts at the same time.

tumblr_inline_n40o2zBwGZ1s8lgjg.jpg"You first..." [Jimin looks into Tami's eyes.]

"... It's nothing... I just... wish we could stay like this forever..." [Tami held her husband's hand and nuzzles it on her cheek as a single tear escapes her right eye. Her smile might be present but it told a different story...]

Jimin pats Tami on the head with his vacant hand and slowly lulls her to sleep.

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The video is up Tami - it's crappy but HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)


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TaemiChan #1
Chapter 11: Omg!!! Omg!!! Omg!!! OHMIGAHDDDD!!! THIS IS SOOO FRIGGIN SWEET<3<3<3
Thanks a million and a trillion and another million more thanks appa!!! *huggggggssss* ><

Um...can i write a sequel to this??? A glimpse of their (our) Happily ever after which consists of Boracay and coffee shops and kawaii kids and the title can be "Domestic Park Household" or "The Parks" or "Mr. and Mrs. Park and their cute little creations"!!! >< Lol not really but,,,, i want a domestic sequel to this uhhhh...!!! ><
Park Jimin is just so sweet and i cannot believe it and the ending was superrrrrrr and I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!! ><
I dont even know why but i am crying and thank you appa and park jimin and i cannot and i..uhhhh!!! >< WORDS REALLY CANNOT EXPRESS WHAT I FEEL RIGHT NOW!!!! X')
Lemme just go and cry in happiness!!!! (and partly because it has finished and idk what to do with my life)
/runs away/
AND OH! THANKS AGAIN APPA AND I am sorry for commenting late i had internet problems and whatnot and for writing thissss long idek if it even makes sense but atleast u get the idea and i am happy and OK...I think i should zip up here....!!!
But really...*teary-eyed-about-to-burst-happy-face* I can.not...
UndertheMoonTaeil #2
Chapter 11: Cute! Cute! Cute! Cute!! And super fluffy!!!!
TaemiChan #3
Chapter 10: Omg!!!!
Why???? Why??? Why??? (ToT)
Jiminnie baby,,, dont worry....i love u my dooly...Always & Forever.....(T^T)

Spazzatk, wut u dun to me??? (T_T)
UndertheMoonTaeil #4
Chapter 10: Oh my poor heart!! T_T
Chapter 9: Yayyyy!! You took my advice!! And btw its more attractive now~~~ and i love your update!!!
UndertheMoonTaeil #6
Chapter 9: Ah!~ it feels great to be actually able to log in again! Tami's gonna get happy ever after??
TaemiChan #7
Chapter 9: OMG!!!!!!! They kissed???? Well,,,, i'll take it as a yes kkkk~~~
Fanfic Tami gave jimin a peck~~~ I am jealous >.< lol

Btw, thanks a lottttttt for writing this story.....Words cannot express uhhhh!!! >.<
Chapter 9: Yeeeyy an update! A short one though ..
Chapter 8: Just saying, you should stop using pictures cause everybody knows who they are by now. But i'm just saying cause its sorta messy and confusing xD
Chapter 8: Awww my Jungkook is concern ~ KYAAAAHH!!! But he's mine <*slapped*>