Happily Ever After

That Night In Vegas

A year has passed and Tami is now a florist at 'The Dancing Dandelion Flower Shop'.

She carries the smile from before but her eyes depicted a lonely story for her customers. If anything, she was like an open book whenever customers try to hit on her or to the women from the district that stated they would introduce her to a nice young man. Only ending it with a nod and "alright", that was her basic every day conversation closer. 

The other thing that occupied Tami nowadays was her phone, she is still waiting for that person to call as she stares at the wallpaper of her and 'him'. Not really getting her own hopes up, she just simply smiles and brushes the cheeks on the LED screen before chipping it back in her pocket every single time.


That's pretty much the daily routine for Tami... ending it with a sigh as she goes home and showers before eating dinner...

"...  33 more days before my birthday...", she sighed as the calendar page for June presented itself with X's and circles on the wall.


The next morning came and Tami had already left for work at 5AM to prepare for the delivery truck. 

"noona...", a little boy tugged on Tami's jeans as she was staring at the checklist present on her clipboard.

"yes?", Tami squats down to look at the boy with a gentle smile.

"I would like red roses pwease...", the little boy said as he swayed back and forth with his arms hidden under the straps of his blue overalls. He had black hair styled in a bowl cut with doll-like eyes paired off with his pale complexion and rosy cheeks. Tami just died a little on the inside from the cuteness of the little boy but proceeded to tend to her first customer of the day.

"How many would you like?" 

"1...2....3 pwease!!!" The little boy counted with his fingers and showed the florist noona.

"Okay ~ just wait a bit, kay?" Tami said as she sees the truck from around the corner.

The boy nods faster than any bobble head in existence.

"Okay okay~" Tami hoists the boy up and carries him in her arms as the truck stops in front of the shop.

"Looking beautiful as always, Tami~",, an elderly man said as he steps out of the truck and opened the back.

"And you're as energetic as always, Stevie." Tami smiles and compliments the elder.

"Haha you know it~ and who do we have here?" The elderly man switches his attention to the little boy.

"He came to buy 3 red roses, isn't that right?" 

The boy shys away and flicks his head away from the elderly man.

"Aww somebody is shy~ I'll get the best ones from the batch!", Stevie scrummages through the pile. "hmm I know they are in here somewhere... A-HA! the eternity red roses~" The man comes out with 3 red roses.

"Thank you Stevie, I'm just going to quickly go inside and wrap these for him real quick. Can you just watch him?" Tami puts down the boy and takes the roses from Stevie.

"Sure thing Tami~ I'm just going to continue unloading this shipment first while keeping an eye on this cute little lad for ya~" 

Tami goes over to the counter and begins to wrap the roses after giving it a slight cut here and there. Nodding a few times before going back out, she knew they were presentable as the roses mesmerized her with their beauty.

"Here you go kiddo~", Tami hands the roses over to the little boy who waited patiently with his hands in his overalls still.

"Thank you noona~" The little boy gives Tami a $50 bill and runs off. 

Tami calls out to the boy and chases after him but... the boy disappeared when making the turn around the corner... Without a hint of where the little boy lived, Tami walks back with her head down.

"... he forgot the change...", Tami pouts as she looks at Stevie.

"hahaha ~ well you can just treat me to dinner when we get off!" Stevie lets out a hearty laugh.

"Oh Stevie..." Tami shook her head as she puts the change in her pocket, hoping the little boy will return again.


The next day, the little boy had come again but this time on Tami's day off...

Luckily Stevie attended to the boy and helped him with the part-timer that worked when Tami's off for the two days.


The trend continued on as the little boy became a regular till... the day of Tami's birthday.

She never gave the change back to the little boy as she had a big jar of coins and bills in her bedroom labelled, "LITTLE BOY!". Today, she remembers to bring the jar to work and waits patiently for the little boy... but...

He never came...

The clock has already reached 12:30PM and she gets off at 1:00PM.

She asked Stevie in the morning but Stevie only shook his head quickly and had a serious expression during the whole delivery.

No use in thinking about it as Tami was preparing to do the tills for auditing.

"Noona~" The little boy runs into the store and puts yet ANOTHER $50 bill on the counter.

"Oh hi there~ I'll be right back, I need to get the jar of change from the back~" Tami quickly runs to her locker in the back room and carries out the tall jar of change... but...

"...where did he go...?"

She sighs and takes the payment from the little boy but this time a sticky note was on it.

"Please deliver this to the square at 1:00PM". 

"Okay... I am off at 1 but okay... I guess I'll deliver the flowers alongside this big jar of change..."


The time was now 12:59PM as Tami waited in the middle of the square for her customer.

Suddenly... the ceiling tiled with LED screens lit up...

everybody froze and looked up at the screen...

On-screen, a hand begins to write slowly...  "Tami... will you marry me again...?" 

Tami froze in shock and awe... she thought to herself... "It can't be me... It's just probably somebody with the same name... till..."


... "that gentle voice...", her mind reminded her of 'his voice' that she hasn't heard since a year ago... her heart began to race faster as her eyes started to well up in tears... 

She looks in front of her and sees 'him'...

"Tami, will you marry me again?" Jimin walks up in a black tuxedo with 96 roses in hand alongside the little boy.

She couldn't believed her eyes as she thought to herself, "Is this a dream..."

"Noona~" the little boy's voice snapped her back to reality as she sees the 96 roses in front of her. 

Jimin kneeled down with his right leg and signaled the boy to bring out the ring.


The audience of the show began to cheer and say "yes - say I do - SAY YES SAY YES" - and much more.


"With the last 3 roses... it's 99 - meaning... I will love you for as long as I live...", Jimin bit his lower lip as he blushed and scratched the back of his head.

"... I've waited for you at the airport... and you didn't come... it's been a year and no phone call at all... and now you ask me to marry you?..." Tami finally lets out her tears as she drops the jar onto the floor and shatters the glass.

Jimin gets up and attends to the crying Tami. He panicked as the crowd began to boo the proposing man.

After a good whole minute of booing... Tami calms down and replies back with

"Of course I will..." 

Jimin's eyes widened up and stares at Tami, "What did you just say?"

"I said Of course I will~" Tami wipes off her tears and smiles.


The crowd applauds and began to chant, "Kiss her kiss her kiss her kiss her!" 

"Wow... demanding crowd." Jimin blushes and scratches the back of his head again.

"But the show must go on, Park Jimin." Tami looks at Jimin and pokes his cheek.

"Indeed... Park Tami...", slowly he turns his head ... and goes in for the kiss... the long-awaited kiss of love and longing which will write this love story to a close...

as they lived

Happily Ever After.

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The video is up Tami - it's crappy but HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)


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TaemiChan #1
Chapter 11: Omg!!! Omg!!! Omg!!! OHMIGAHDDDD!!! THIS IS SOOO FRIGGIN SWEET<3<3<3
Thanks a million and a trillion and another million more thanks appa!!! *huggggggssss* ><

Um...can i write a sequel to this??? A glimpse of their (our) Happily ever after which consists of Boracay and coffee shops and kawaii kids and the title can be "Domestic Park Household" or "The Parks" or "Mr. and Mrs. Park and their cute little creations"!!! >< Lol not really but,,,, i want a domestic sequel to this uhhhh...!!! ><
Park Jimin is just so sweet and i cannot believe it and the ending was superrrrrrr and I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!! ><
I dont even know why but i am crying and thank you appa and park jimin and i cannot and i..uhhhh!!! >< WORDS REALLY CANNOT EXPRESS WHAT I FEEL RIGHT NOW!!!! X')
Lemme just go and cry in happiness!!!! (and partly because it has finished and idk what to do with my life)
/runs away/
AND OH! THANKS AGAIN APPA AND I am sorry for commenting late i had internet problems and whatnot and for writing thissss long idek if it even makes sense but atleast u get the idea and i am happy and OK...I think i should zip up here....!!!
But really...*teary-eyed-about-to-burst-happy-face* I can.not...
UndertheMoonTaeil #2
Chapter 11: Cute! Cute! Cute! Cute!! And super fluffy!!!!
TaemiChan #3
Chapter 10: Omg!!!!
Why???? Why??? Why??? (ToT)
Jiminnie baby,,, dont worry....i love u my dooly...Always & Forever.....(T^T)

Spazzatk, wut u dun to me??? (T_T)
UndertheMoonTaeil #4
Chapter 10: Oh my poor heart!! T_T
Chapter 9: Yayyyy!! You took my advice!! And btw its more attractive now~~~ and i love your update!!!
UndertheMoonTaeil #6
Chapter 9: Ah!~ it feels great to be actually able to log in again! Tami's gonna get happy ever after??
TaemiChan #7
Chapter 9: OMG!!!!!!! They kissed???? Well,,,, i'll take it as a yes kkkk~~~
Fanfic Tami gave jimin a peck~~~ I am jealous >.< lol

Btw, thanks a lottttttt for writing this story.....Words cannot express uhhhh!!! >.<
Chapter 9: Yeeeyy an update! A short one though ..
Chapter 8: Just saying, you should stop using pictures cause everybody knows who they are by now. But i'm just saying cause its sorta messy and confusing xD
Chapter 8: Awww my Jungkook is concern ~ KYAAAAHH!!! But he's mine <*slapped*>