We are not friends


It was her last class for the day and eventhought she was tired, she didn't mind anymore, because it was finally snowing. She really likes snow. She was really sensitive when weather changes and even rain made her happy. Sometimes.

Bom almost stop listening professor, she was just too fascinating by snow. She coulnd't wait to walk out of school and let snow fall on her freely. Just 20 more minutes, she thought as she check her watches. 

As professor was talking, she was watching snowing and her class finished. She happily jump from her seat and run outside. 

"Finally!" She wishpered as she came outside and was happily watching snow falling on her face. As she slowly start walking to bus stop, it started snowing really hard and also strong wind was blowing. 

It's really cold, she thought and she was trying to walk, but wind was really strong. She would go and hide somewhere, but she was on empty street, only trees and some family houses was there. So only solution was to go straight to the bus stop and then to service. She can totally imagine how is she sitting in her small csr with her climate on. 

"Oh my god," she whisper as she was trying to walk. "If it's somebody watching me they must think that I'm Yetti." She looked on her coat, which was now totally white from the snow and cold. 

She then put her phone out of her pocket and look at her phone. No signal, how I can call my sister now?, she thought. I hope she stayed at home.

She hide herself in a corridor of bus stop. She was waiting there almost 20 minutes and no bus was coming. It was really cold, especialy when she was not moving, just standing in one place. Then she decided to walk to the service and maybe she will find taxi in her way. It wasn't too far anyway. 

Bom was slowly walking, or trying to walk. Now I know how puingins in Antarctida feel, she thought. The weather looked like it's not going to stop any minute. It was real snow storm.

Sudenlly she saw that red jaguar stop next to her, but she didn't pay attention, because she know that if she stop she would not move again. 

As she was walking, car was moving also with her, slowly next to her. After some metres, she started to be scared so she look at the car. Thanks to black windows, she didn't know who is a driver. It makes her scared as a hell and decided to try running, but failed as she fell down. As a daughter of one of the richest korean, she had also lot of enemies. She remember that when she was younger, she could't go out without her security, but after she decided to leave her parents house, she also left from their care. 

Her heart was beating fast, when she heard that car stopped and somebody was coming to her. Bom heard footsteps more and more closer, when she was trying to stand up, but failed because of the strong wind. 

Sudenlly she felt arms around her. Somebody helps her up but she start screaming. She was scared as hell.

"Yah, stop screaming!" Bom heard man's voice when she was finally standing in her feet, but his armdls never leave her. "Really annoying girl."

Bom stopped screaming and slowly opened her eyes, just find Jaejoong holding her in his arms and with his face just few inches from her. "You!"

She couldn't believe her eyes. Devil himself came for my innocent soul, she thought. "Let me go!"

Bom start to wiggle from Jaejoong's arms but failed as she almost fall again, but he catch her again. 

"It looks like you can't get enough of me," he smirked when he straighten her up.

"No, now it looks like you can't get enough of me. Are you following me or what?" She stated angrily, but silently thankful for his arms, because she wasn't feeling cold anymore.

"Or what," he winked and point at his car. "Get in."

Bom looked at him with shock on her face. "You think that I'll ride with you? Forget!'

"Ok, you can walk alone. But if they will find your body tomorrow and write it in news, It'll ruin my image." He shrugle his arm and start walking to the doors of car.

"Fine." She stump her feet and look at him for the last time.

"Fine," he smirked and closed door of his red jaguar. 

She started walking again, having fight in her head. But Bom was too proud to go with him. What is he thinking about himself, she thought angrily. Jaejoong didn't ride off, but he was slowly driving next to her. Bom was acting like she doesn't see him eventhoughy she was trembling from cold. 

"This jerk is still pissing me off," she whisper and hug herself. So cold, she thought. "Just wait, I will take my revange one day!"

With one eye she check if it's his car still on her side, and unfortumately it still was. She just sighed angrily and try to walk faster. 

"Yah! You wanna die?" She heard his voice and looked at him. He opened one window on his car and smirked at her.

"Why you even care?!" She cut him off.

"It would be so bored if you die. Who I will pissed off?" He act like he is really said.

"Okey!" She angrily stop and looked at him in car. "I will go with you, just because I'm really cold! But you have to stay in silent while ride, okey?"

"Whatever ma'am," he nod his head and laughed.

She open doors and get it. Sudenlly hot wheater blow her face and she coudn't be more happy. But she didn't say anything, not even look at him.

"Try not to move too much, I don't want to have whole car wet," he looked at her soaked clothes.

"Yah! You don't see the snow outside?" She angrily look at him. "Okey, stop the car, I'll get out!"

"Calm down, Snowwhite," he sighed starting to be annoyed. "I don't like this car anyway."

Jaejoong said like it's not big deal to have red jaguar. Before she saw him in audi.. well he is rich. But eventhought Bom's family also have money, she would never throw them on things like this. Chaerin is totally different. She would go every week on her "shopping day" with her friends, using her black card wich she have from parents. Bom has it also, but she never used it. Sometimes she doesn't have enough money for her flat, food, gas for car or girly things like clothes or make up. But she will never used it, because she is too proud to show her parents that she is weak. So she would rather live without some things wich are not too important.

"You were following me?"

"I thought you wanted silent ride, don't you?" Jaejoong smirked and she mentally slapped herself. He got her again.

"Oh my god, really.." she rolled her eyes and looked at him. He was really handsome, she has to agree. Jaejoong was one of these man who can have everygirl melt for him with just one look. He had manly features if hic face, yet handsome. And his eyes, oh, his eyes was really fascinating. She never saw anyone with brown-green eyes. Jiyong has brown eyes but I still like them the most, she thought.

"Do you like me?" He sudenlly said and look at her, when he stop and red light.


"You are staring at me whole ride, so you like me," he came closer to her, almost few inches away from her face.

Bom stay in shock and look at him straight in her eyes. "No, I just.."

She whisper. She felt like her words stay in . He really has magic in her eyes, she thought 

"Anyway, I visit the same school as you so I wasn't following you, I was just going home when I saw you," he pull back to his seat and mentally smirked at her reaction. 

"Oh," she slowly nod and looked out of the window. It was still snowing hard and Jaejoong had to drive slowly.

"Where do you live?" He asked her after some minutes of silence.

"On the other side of the town," she said still looking out of the window.

He angrily look at her."Why you didn't tell me before?"

"No, I need to get to service anyway. My car is ready to be take," she smiled on memory of her small mini cooper. She loves her car.

"You want to ride in this weather?" he raise a brow looking at driveway.

"Yes, I'm a good driver."

"So why is your car in service?" He smirked looking for he answer.

"Yah! You think I can't drive?" She looked at him disbelief. He laughed ironically. "So what?"

She sighed and look away. With almost wishper she said;" I just crashed my car while I was parking,"

Jaejoong start laughing hard. "Why they didn't take your driving license?"

"It was dark and I didn't know there was street light behind me," she said innocently.

"Streetlights usually light innl the dark."

"You don't say," she said angrily and he smirked. "Anyway, this is not the right way to service."

He smirked but didn't answer. He was texting in his phone. "Yah! You are telling me that I'm bad driver, but you are texting while you are driving. It's dangerous!"

He smiled and shook his head. "You live somewhere near that shop where you was trying to stole my chocolate pudding?"

"YOU stole MINE pudding!" She angrily look at him but nod, "yes, one street away from there."

She realized that she know area which were they passing. "Are you taking me home?"

Jaejoong nod without any word.

"But what about my car? I need it today-"

"Calm down, you will have your car today," he cut her off and she sighed.

Whatever. She was too tired and wet to protest. 

Till her flat they stay in silent. Bom tell Jaejoong her adress and slowly because of the weather, they came infront of her house. When he parked she could see he hard parked nicely right next to his. She looked at him in a shock.

"My car.. Why you helped me?"

He smirked and rest his head on window looking at her. "Take it as sorry for pudding. "

Bom was still eyeing him, not believing her own eyes. So maybe devil is not that bad?

"Now get out, you are starting to be annoying."

Oh no, he is worse than that, she thought but smiled at him.

"Thank you anyway," she out down her seatbelts and opened doors 

"Hey, Snow white.." Jaejoong called for her. "What's your name?"

"Why? You want to order a killer to kill me?" She asked bitterly.

Jaejoong laughed and shook his head. "I just want to know.."

"Park Bom," she answer after short staring war and than close doors on his car.

"Nice to meet you, Park Bom," Jaejoong smiled when he ride off.


Bom unlock doors to her flat and was welcoming with wide eye Chaerin.

"Omo, unnie! Who was that?"

"Nice to see you too," Bom start taking her wet shoes and coat off. Ahe then realized that there is not only Chaerin, but also Jiyong sitting in her small but modern kitchen.

"Yah, why are you so wet?!" Chaerin looked at her scared. She than take her hands in hers and watch her closely."Did that boy make something bad to you?"

"What?" Bom look at her laughed. "Yah, Chaerin.. He just took me home, because the weather is crazy. I would be ice cube if he didn't help me."

"Why don't you just call me?" Jiyong stand up and asked her. "Did you even know that boy?"

Bom looked at him, totally annoyed of these two and start walking to the kitchen, took juice from fridge and pour some in her glass. "He is also student of Kermios University."

"Whatever," Jiyong cut her shortly and continue. "And somebody bring your car."

"Yeah, I don't think that they do that much in car service.. ti bring your car home," Chaerin raise a brow.

"I think that he bring my car here," Bom said more to herself thinking load.

"Who "he"?" Chaerin asked not getting it.

"Jaejoong," Bom nod her head. Yeah, that's why he was texting before.

"Jaejoong?" Both Chaerin and Jiyong asked Bom.

"Hmm," Bom nod. "Kim Jaejoong, my classmate," 

Jiyong raise a brow and looked and Bom. "That Jaejoong?"

Bom nod and Chaerin looked at them, not understand a word.

"Anyway what are you two doing in my flat?" Bom change the subject.

"'I'm your guest, you forget?" Chaerin asked her with higher tone of voice. Sometimes she is totally like our mother, she thought. "And I called Jiyong because when I came from shopping, electricty was not working. I tried everything, but it didn't want to work."

Bom slowly nod and turn around walking to her bedroom. She didn't like seeing Jiyong and Chaerin togethet, but she loves them both so she would better stay away. As she promised to Jiyong.

"Yah unnie, where are you going?" She heard Chaerin's voice.

"Shower and bed. Wanna join?" Bom asked already closing doors 

She was tired, cold, hungry and totally angry. Bom, you need a break, she thought as she locked her doors.


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gbomtopfans #1
Chapter 14: i read this again.. and wait for update for longg.. >.< and right now.. i dont know who to ship.. of course i love gbom.. so damn much. but last night i search more video about jaebom and i fall in love with them too.. i cant decide.. i will accept whoever bom will end with.. update soon authornim.. hwaiting!!!!
ariem_kuki #2
sw33tie #3
Chapter 14: Yeah I like Jaebom too....wonder if Jae is also one of the boys in the party at Seung Hyun hse, then Jae would see her there with Jiyong.......more tension as Jiyong didn't like Jae
shamalia #4
Chapter 14: I like gbom but why prefer jeabom..i hope jeabom end up together..≧﹏≦but i know that will never happen.. ╮(╯_╰)╭
gbomtopfans #5
Chapter 14: omo.. gbom.. why r u soo so cute!! ok.. i cant wait for rated m. kekekeke.. my god.. jiyong was not that bad.. just one relationship before bom.. ok.. now.. i hoped they will go more far.. married n have child.. kekeke.. and i hoped bom introduced jiyong to her family too soon. gbom hwaiting!!! authornim hwaiting!!!
shella13 #6
Chapter 14: Ahhh it's too short!!! I want moreee ><
ariem_kuki #7
Chapter 14: WWWWOOOOOOOOOO !!! YEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHH !!! GBOM GETTING IT ON can't wait for that hahaha XD
gbomtopfans #8
Chapter 13: no way!!!.. just GBOM!!! they belong together forever. and they are so sweet in the end of this chapter.. bom love jiyong of course.. she dont even try to catch cl.
shiniheiji #9
Chapter 13: Jaebom ! Jaebom ! Jaebommm !!!