Secret night


Bom was sitting in Jaejoong's white Bentley, waitinf for him outside of gas station. After short fight she agreed to go for some drinks with him. She had nothing to do at all, maybe it's better to stay with him now, because if is she alone, she would just think about Jiyong. Bom knew that she can't runaway forever, but for now she didn't feel like thinking about it either. 

Bom looked out of the window, it was snowing again. There was nobody, only their car and light from the small shop next to the gas station. It was already after midnight, so who will be up in this hour except them?  

"What is taking him so long?" Bom asked herself nervously and sigh. She was scared of places like this, especially at night. I should stop watching horror movies, she thought as she heard ringing her phone. It was message.

-Bommie, I'm sorry that I left without saying goodbye, but something unexpected happened. Let me pay you a dinner tomorrow in our favourite greek restautant in Gangnam and I will explain everything  :)- Dongwook

-You lucky bastard, be thankful that you even text me or I would never talk to you again! Tomorrow, ok (y) - Bom

-Behave sister. Are you still at the party?- Dongwook

-Of course not, I runaway with some strange guy- Bom

-Yah, Bom! Take care of yourself and don't get drunk tonight. It's too cold.- Dongwook

-Yes, sir- Bom

She just smiled and put her phone away. How much she missed her older brother. When he left for Cyprus she felt like her part of her died. Dongwook was alway there for her, always taking care of her, helping her, making her laugh when she wants cry... he was everything to her. But now she feel like something change. It's not like she is not happy that she finally saw him today, but he looks different. He was more mature, behaving too well for her. Whatever, he will tell me everything tomorrow, she thought as sudenlly doors of car pull open and Jaejoong came in.

"What did you buy? Whole shop?" Bom asked him ironically and skanned his hands. He had bottle of vodka, two beers, and some chips. "Whoa, where is juice or something?"

"Juice for what?" Jaejoong raise a brow as he put seat belt on himself 

"For vodka, you stupid!'

"We have beer. It's better," he smirked. "You have never tried it?"

Bom shook her head. "No, I never end up in hospital for being alcohol poisoned."

"C'mon, you have to trie everything for the first time," Jaejoong smirked again and Bom really thought that she want rip off his face.

"Whatever," she whisper and watched scenery around them. He was driving very fast and in this darkness she didn't know where they are heading. She just knew that they are defintely not going to centre of the town.

"Where are we going?"

"Gosh, you still have to have so many questions?!" 

"Sorry for asking, but what if you are some kind of psychopath trying to kill me and throw my body somewhere in the forest?" Bom asked him with wide eyes. Yeah, I should definitely stop watching horror movies, se thought.

"If I want to kill you, I would pay my man for it," he laugh devilish. "I don't want to get dirty."

"Oh," Bom looked at him scanning his face. He would definitely make it like that, she thought imagining him sitting in big leather chair, smirking devilishly, smoking cigarette and watching his man cutting her head.

"You just imagined it, didn't you?" Jajeoong smirked.

"Of course I did," she nod her head like crazy and gulping her saliva.

Jaejoong laugh loud and shook his head. 

"Did you.. Did you ever pay somebody..?"

"What do you think?" He smirked again and looked at her.

"I don't know," Bom shrugged her arms.

Jaejoong laugh again. "Because my family is very rich and popular, I can't do things like this.. but as future CEO of our company, I will have lot of enemies, so that mean that I have to protect everything my family have."

Bom nodded her head understandly, still watching him. 

"What do you think, that your father doesn't have enemies?" Jaejoong asked her, making her shiver.

"My father is great bussines man.."

"Of course he is, my father is also great bussines man, but that doesn't mean that lot of people don't envy his success and don't want to stop him," Jaejoong look at her and smiled 

"I never thought about it like this. But now when I'm thinking about it, when I was living with my parents, I always had my own security," Bom nod her head still thinking.

"You had? Or you still have?"

Bom look at Jaejoong again and raise a brow. "That was a deal with my parents that I will live freely without their help or secure. Of course I don't have!"

He laugh ironically and shook his head. 'I can't belive that. Look, there is two cars following us from the beginning."

"Yeah? So that's yours," Bom look in the back up mirror.

"Oh no, mine is only one," Jaejoong smirked. 

"Maybe your father hire new guys," Bom sighed.

Jaejoong laughed and shook his head. "Don't be stupid, it's your security. You never saw them? They are even attending the same class as you, following you everywhere. First day I saw you in school, I find also them. They had these small microphones in their ears. Very funny.."

"What?!" Bom shout and look at him with widen eyes. "How is it possible that I never saw them?!"

"Ou you did," Jaejoong nod his head. "One of them is Yongbae, you were talking to him. I had a talk with him two days ago. He is pretty good in acting."

"What?!?" Bom screamed a little bit louder. "I can't belive that my parents did this to me!"

Jaejoong just laugh. "Did you think that they will let you go so easily?"

"But I never saw Yongbae before," Bom still couldn't believe.

"Maybe they hire them just now, when you start attending school and meeting new people," Jaejoong sighed. "Oh, you are so stupid and blind."

"Yaah!" Bom screamed and hit his arm. "And you.. how did you know that I was talking to Yongbae? Huh? Are you.. are you stalking me?'

This time it was Jaejoong with widen eyes, looking at Bom. "What are you talking about? Why should I stalk somebody so uniteresting like you?"

Bom laugh and sighed. "You are so stalking me!"

"Oh my god, really?" He sighed. "You know, I'm just walking with my eyes open and I see lot of things around me. Not sleeping like you, just bumping into things and people."

Bom raise a brow and look at the other side of the window. "Well, thank you for telling me about Yongbae."

Jaejoong smiled and said silently. "You are welcome."

"But.. are we going to drink with them behind our back?" Bom asked dissapointly. She wanted to get drunk and have fun, not be watched by her parents security. She felt like few years ago when she was still living with her parents and couldn't even go out without her security.

"You should have good relationship with your security and they will help you in situations like this," he smirked and took his phone out of his pocket. In few seconds he was already calling with somebody.

"Changmin, can we have some privacy?" Jaejoong said and then he laughed. "Yeah, go and play with her security, I will call you later."

Bom nod her head. She should definitely get to know Yongbae better, so she can find compromises like this in the future. 

They had silent ride after and she can also saw that two cars with their security already left. In few minutes they came in a final destination.

It was a small lake in forest near Seoul. Lake was gettig icy, everything around them was white and nobidy except them was there.

"Wow, it's nice," Bom said as she get out of the car and looked around. Eventhought it was really cold and she had only coat on herself and high heels, she didn't mind because she was mesmerized by the place. It was like from a Disney movie. "How a person like you know this place?"

"Person like me?" Jaejoong raise a brow and sit on his car opening bottles of beer and vodka.

"Yeah I mean.. you look like a person who is clubbing everyday, dinning in finest restaurants everyday and not going out in forest like this," she laughed. "Don't get me wrong."

"In this dress of yours you look excactly the same," he wink at her and give her bottle of beer. "You know it the best. Some of us can't run away from their fate. You chose living alone without parents, but I couldn't. So this is my way of running away from my life and parents."

Bom nod her head and sip of her beer. "So I'm the first person knowing about this place?"

Jaejoong nod his head, drink some vodka and give it to Bom. "Yes. Don't ever try to tell somebody!"

"Don't worry," she wink at him and also drink vodka with beer, feeling hot sudenlly. "If I tell, you can tell my secret."

Jaejoong nod his head and laugh. "Sounds good."

"You see, you can be kind and you can also laugh if you want," she happily look at him.

"Enjoy it, because this is the last time," he wink at her, drinking vodka with beer again.

"So then you will turn to arogant bastard again?" Bom acted scared. 

"Excactly," he smirked. "Outside there you need to have imige. For me it's important."

Bom nod her head and drink again. "I know. Can you imagine me in expensive Versace dress, Labutin high heels and Prada hand bag? I was kind of a before," she admit. "I really wanted to pissed my parents when I was 17. But it didn't work. So then I decided to do what I really liked, forgeting on pissing my parents. When I realized that I want to study and live alone they almost went crazy."

Both of us laughed.

"So how is it possible that you are free now?" Jaejoong asked.

"My brother, Dongwook, helped me a lot because he is the oldest one and our parenst really adore him and trust him. So he said to them 'Let her live her life, study and live alone and after that she will come back and run our company with me!'" Bom said started to get drunk. 

"So you have to come back?" Jaejoong asked drinking vodka.

"Yeah", Bom nod her head. "But I don't mind. Because I realized that hotel managment is really interesting, I like it. So maybe it's not going to be too bad."

They laughed and nod their heads. 

"And you? Do you like what you will be doing in future?"

"Actually I don't care too much.. I still can have my hobbies when I'll be CEO, so.."  Jaejoong shrugged his arms.

They was drinking like this, until they was realky drunk, laughing and eating chips.

"You know.. it's gonna be.. very interesting how we will get out of here," Bom laughed hard throwing her arms around.

"By car of course," Jaejoong wink at her drunkly.

"Jaejoong.. I'm sorry to tell you.. but you are drunk.. drunk as !" Bom laughed again.

"What?!" Jaejoong stand up and look at her proudly. "Me Kim Jaejoong, heir of SIP Group.. you think that I don't know how to drive car when I'm drunk?!"

Bom put her arms on her hips and raise a brow. 'I'm not saying that you don't know how.. but you CAN'T!" Bom shout the last word and look at the lake.

"Whatever, let's go there!" She started jumping happily and slowly running to the lake.

"Oh my god, Park Bom.. you wanna die?!" He looked at her and shook his head , but following her. 

"You know what.. If we die, we die together," Bom turn around, happy with her idea and jump on him, hugging him tight.

"I always wanted to die like that," he said sarcastically and also hold her, slowly walking to the lake.

"I can imagine the titles of articles in newspapers.. KIM JAEJOONG AND PARK BOM DIED IN LAKE TOGETHER, RICH FAMILIES ARE CRYING!" Bom start shouting and throwing her arms around, that Jaejoong lost balance and they fell on the snow with Bom on the top.

"Crazy woman," he sighed, trying to get rid of Bom, whi was laughing on top of him.

"Yah, maybe the article will be like 'KIM JAEJOONG AND PARK BOM DIED IN THE SNOW'", laughing again and Jaejoong raise a brow.

"That's not funny,"Jaejoong said.

"You are not drunk, that's not funny!"

"I was drunk until you fell on me with you weight and alcohol in my blood just dissapear!"

Bom look at him with wide eyes going to say say something, when Jaejoong took his hand out and touch her head, wich make her stop talking.

"You had,"he said silently, mesmerized ber her scent and closenes, coming near to her, now looking at her lips. He wanted to kiss her, he needed to kiss her. He didn't know why so sudden, maybe because of his drunkness.. he didn't know.

He was few inches from her lips, he already saw her closed eyes, when their lips almost kissed each other, but then her head sudenlly fell in his, crushing on his nose and than move to the place between his nech and left arm. 


Jaejoong couldn't move. "Bom, are you ok?"

But she was still not answering. He tried to stand up, but it was impossible.

"Bom are you.. " and than he realized after hearing her loud breathing, that she fell asleep on his arm. ", you are sleeping!"

Jaejoong than started laughing, shook his head and slowly put her down, lay her next to him, than he stand up and took her to his car with bridal style. 

With a smile on his face he cover her with his coat and lay also on the other seat. 

He didn't except this at all.



Hello my beautiful readers! :)

Sorry for late update, but you know. I was celebrating new year with my friends out of our town for whole weekend and after that I really needed to take some relax.. But now I'm back so I will continue update ~

Today we have some JaeBom chapter, but I thinking about Gbom in next chapter.. maybe I will change story line and it would be a love triangle? What about that idea? :) Or do you like Chaerin X Bom fighting for one guy? Because I really like rich heartbreaker Jaejoong but also playboy Jiyong > < aish, I'm getting too deep into this! Anyway, write down your ideas please! 

Btw, I just realized that 2NE1's song "Good to you" is so in' true song with true lyrics.. because "good girls loves bad boys" and I agree 100%, unfortunately. What about you?

Ok guys, see you later.. and HAPPY NEW YEAR ☆☆☆

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gbomtopfans #1
Chapter 14: i read this again.. and wait for update for longg.. >.< and right now.. i dont know who to ship.. of course i love gbom.. so damn much. but last night i search more video about jaebom and i fall in love with them too.. i cant decide.. i will accept whoever bom will end with.. update soon authornim.. hwaiting!!!!
ariem_kuki #2
sw33tie #3
Chapter 14: Yeah I like Jaebom too....wonder if Jae is also one of the boys in the party at Seung Hyun hse, then Jae would see her there with Jiyong.......more tension as Jiyong didn't like Jae
shamalia #4
Chapter 14: I like gbom but why prefer jeabom..i hope jeabom end up together..≧﹏≦but i know that will never happen.. ╮(╯_╰)╭
gbomtopfans #5
Chapter 14: omo.. gbom.. why r u soo so cute!! ok.. i cant wait for rated m. kekekeke.. my god.. jiyong was not that bad.. just one relationship before bom.. ok.. now.. i hoped they will go more far.. married n have child.. kekeke.. and i hoped bom introduced jiyong to her family too soon. gbom hwaiting!!! authornim hwaiting!!!
shella13 #6
Chapter 14: Ahhh it's too short!!! I want moreee ><
ariem_kuki #7
Chapter 14: WWWWOOOOOOOOOO !!! YEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHH !!! GBOM GETTING IT ON can't wait for that hahaha XD
gbomtopfans #8
Chapter 13: no way!!!.. just GBOM!!! they belong together forever. and they are so sweet in the end of this chapter.. bom love jiyong of course.. she dont even try to catch cl.
shiniheiji #9
Chapter 13: Jaebom ! Jaebom ! Jaebommm !!!