Chapter fourteen: troubles and truths

Is there a happy ending for the two of us?



A/N: We’ll be putting initials like “A” which stands for me and “V” for him when we write A/Ns because it will get a bit messy from here - A




“bye Red! Thank you!” I wave at Red as he drove off

When I turned around Kris was standing at the doorway

“didn’t I tell you not to see that guy anymore?” Kris’ face was cold

“I needed someone to pick me up from the airport” I say as I drag my luggage across the yard

“you could have called me” he stops me by holding my wrist tight

“I did” I face him “but apparently you were too busy having a good time with Fei.” I was angry and Kris was dumbfounded

“Kris, I have eyes and ears. I’m not stupid either. I know you’ve been sleeping with her. I’ve known this for two weeks now.” I start to drag my luggage to the garage

Kris just stood there and looked at me, pain evident in his eyes. He runs to me and hugs me

“don’t leave me please” his voice broke

He knows me so well. He knows that when things get too rough and painful for me, I leave.

He hugs me tighter as he kept on begging for me not to leave.

In all of the times we’ve been together this is the second time I’ve seen him breakdown like this. I hug him

“I won’t leave. I’ll stay”


After that incident, Kris and I were back to normal. For him that is. I forgive but I don’t forget. I may be a good, patient, and loving wife but I still have my limits. He would come home early every day and he stopped seeing Fei and I would rarely see Red because he would sometimes be overseas.


A month passed and we were both fine. Everything was quiet and peaceful and it would suddenly be shattered


It was a cold Friday night. It was raining hard outside as I waited for Kris to come home. The doorbell rings and I hurriedly open the door

“good evening” she says

“Fei.” I whisper

“where’s Yifan?” she says seductively

“he’s not here” I cross my arms

“will you let me in?”

I open the door wider

“thank you”

“what brings you here?” I say as we both stand in the living room

“I came to take back what’s mine”

“and that is?” I glare


“he’s mine.” I say

“he was never yours.”

“and he’s heart isn’t yours either” I lift my chin

“silly girl, don’t you know that your husband comes home to me when you’re at work? You’re not taking care of him enough. Did he even tell you he loves you? I bet he doesn’t. poor girl” she smirks

I push her.

She pulls my hair.

We start to fight. She pushes me and I hit the side table. I felt like I was stabbed in the stomach and I felt blood trickling down from my thighs. I fall to the ground and see Fei leaving. I reach for my phone and press a random number


“help me” and I pass out


I wake up to bright lights and immediately start crying.

I just lost a child that I didn’t even know existed.

Red suddenly hugs me

“I’m sorry” he whispers

“thank you for bringing me here” I tried to smile

Suddenly the door burst open with Kris running towards me. I start screaming and hold on to Red tight. Red immediately presses the buzzer and nurses come to take him and Red out of the room while the other nurses sedate me.




A/N: I’m not going to write this part. I feel like I’m going to die because of the pain I feel every time this is brought up – A

A/N 2: this is the only part I’m willing to write again. This part was too painful for her, for us. – V



Red and I were pushed out of her room. She wouldn’t stop screaming. We sit in the waiting room.

“what happened?” I ask Red

“I don’t know. She just suddenly called me asking for help. When I arrived, the front door was open and I saw her lying on the floor with blood on the floor” he sighs “go talk to her doctor” he pats my back

A few minutes later a doctor approaches us

“which one of you is Mrs. Wu’s husband?” she asks

“I’m her husband” I stand

“please follow me to my office”

“please sit down”

“what happened to her?”

“I am sorry for your loss.” She bows her head


“Mrs. Wu was 6 weeks pregnant. We couldn’t have the child, she lost too much blood. We are very sorry.”

And in that moment I felt my whole world shatter. She was pregnant? We were supposed to have a child. A child we didn’t know existed.

I wanted to punch the wall.

Who did this to her? Was it an accident? Did she know she was pregnant?

“can I go see her?” I whisper

“she’s been put down as of this moment. She needs to heal, I’ll call you when she wakes up”

“thank you” I mindlessly walk out of the room.

Red and I stayed in her room as she slept. Her eyes and nose were red from all the crying, her hair dishevelled, her cheeks stained with tears. I broke my heart to see her like this. She was strongest woman I know. She was a pocketful of sunshine and rainbows. I can only imagine the pain she’s going through. She had always wanted a child, ever since when we were in high school


“how many kids do you want in the future?” I ask her

She smiles at me “4 maybe? Or maybe 2? I want my eldest child to be a boy so he could protect his younger siblings” she laughs but then sighs “but I’m afraid I’ll be having a hard time to conceive by then”

I was curious “why?”

“it’s hard to conceive when you are under too much stress and work” she looks at me


“I want to be a doctor remember? And that profession asks so much time and give so much stress that I might not be home always for my husband”

“by husband, you mean me right?” I

“maybe” she laughs

“you’ll always be home for me right?” I say

“I’ll try” she kisses my cheek

-end of flashback-


I was awakened from my train of thought when she woke up. I immediately held her hand

“how are you feeling?”

She flinches and takes her hand away

“I’ll be going home now” Red says and leaves

“I want a divorce” she says

“don’t say that” I hush her

“don’t touch me! Go away! I don’t need you! I hate you! I want a divorce! I can’t do this anymore! Go to Fei and leave me alone!” she calms down and sobs

“It’s my child too!” I raise my voice “I lost it too. It’s not just you”

 She starts going hysterical and I immediately press the buzzer. She was sedated again

I call Red


“can you stay and accompany her for a while? I have something important to do”


“thanks” I hang up

20 minutes later, Red arrives.

“I owe you. Thank you for being there for her when I’m not” I pat his shoulder

“I’m doing this as a friend” he smiles at me

“thank you”


An hour later, I arrive at the destination I wanted to go to. I ring the doorbell

“hello, baby” Fei says seductively and hugs me

I push her harshly

“what’s wrong?” she says

“you’re what’s wrong! Did you know what you’ve just done?” I yell

“I did you a favour, sweetheart” she sits on the couch

“she was pregnant”

“I took care of it”

“didn’t I tell you not to bother us anymore?”

“I want you, Yifan. I need you but you chose her” she slaps me

“we both know that she’s the only one I want and need”

“oh shut up, Yifan!” she yells

“you were just a quick roll in the hay”

“I love you, Yifan” she starts crying “you want a child? I can give you a child. Choose me Yifan.”

“she’s the one I love” I start to walk away “get out of our lives” and I slam the door

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Chapter 19: I really like this fics. But why the chapter look like not very clear. The stories like jump here and there. It a bit confusing. Exp: when she already saw Kris cheating on the back with Fei then the next chapter she come back from work and saw Kris, then she didn't angry with him. Another one, when Kris have S** with Fei, why he still cheating on her when he said he only love his wife.... this fics quit not make sense and confusing.
Jae_yoomi #2
Chapter 19: author-nim , I was brought to tears by your story.I an sorry for your loss.I have no right to call your husband a jerk but based on the story he sounds like he is.
ReinaPark #3
Chapter 19: Kyaa... i really love it
SagharHvk #4
Chapter 3: Mm...
Amber091194 you know me? Answer pls!
SagharHvk #5
Chapter 2: Oh!
Who is fei? Omg!
SagharHvk #6
Chapter 1: OMFGG!!!!!
nerdyviv #7
Chapter 19: kyaaa daebak!! this is one hell of a good story! (sorry for cursing) good job authornimm!! :D
qistina16 #8
Daebak....Jjang...hihihi...keep writing authornim
qistina16 #9
Daebak....Jjang...hihihi...keep writing authornim