Bonus: I’ll tell you my side of things

Is there a happy ending for the two of us?



A/N: he wrote this. So thank you. Finally you decided to help me.




“I have always loved her but I was young and stupid back then and it reached to the point where I let her walk away.” - V.



I was at this boring high school reunion. It was boring as hell because my high school friends were not there. Suddenly I see Heechul with her. The years have been good to her. She looks better. I didn’t realize as I was thinking, I was already approaching her. She was sipping champagne and talking with her friends.

Friends. That’s where everything starts right?

I was suddenly nervous. How will she react when she sees me?

“how have you been?” I ask and she turns around

The expression on her face made me relax. She smiled at me.

She recognized me. I smiled.

“I’ve been well.” she says and sips on the champagne

“I heard you’re very successful now.” I say to her. I have been reading news about her and asking some batch mates of how she has been doing all these years. Ever since the day she walked away, I kept watch on her from a far.

“not really.” She laughs. That laugh. I have always missed that laugh of hers.

“I heard you passed the bar exam. Congratulations, attorney.” She snaps me out of my thoughts

“thank you.” I smile at her “you’re studying medicine right? Paediatrics?”

“yes, I only have a year left.” She smiles

“that’s great” I smile “do you want more champagne?”

“no, I’m good. I still have to drive home” she avoids my gaze.

I still have that effect on her.

“are you staying at your condo unit?” I ask

“no, I’m staying at a hotel” she looks out the window

“I could accompany you” I offered. I missed her so much

“no need, Heechul’s with me.” Damn it. Heechul’s with her.

Apparently Heechul and I have mutual feelings about each other. We’re afraid of each other and I’m really scared of Heechul ever since we were in high school.


I call her the next day. Wondering where I got her number? Let’s just say a “friend” gave it to me.

She answered after 5 rings

  “hello?” her voice still laced with sleep

“good morning” I say and all I hear is silence

“hey. Still there? It’s Kris.” I chuckle my nervousness away

“yes, I’m still here. How did you get my number?” she was alert this time

“I asked around.”

“why did you call?” I can hear fear and anger in her voice

“can I invite you for lunch?” I can hear her doubt

“I’m busy. I have work” she’s avoiding me.

“I’ll pick you up at work. 12 noon. bye” I’m persistent. I have decided that I will have her back no matter what it takes

I picked her up for lunch. I know she’s in her office. She’s really avoiding me

“are you her secretary?” I ask the man in a suit at the front desk

“yes, I am. And how may I help you, sir?”

“I would like to speak to her”

“do you have an appointment with her?”

“tell her, Mr. Wu is waiting for her”

“wait a moment” the secretary leaves

I hid in my office and whispered to my secretary “If a Mr. Kris Wu comes in and looks for me, tell him, I’m in a meeting.”

“yes, ma’am” my secretary smiles

He secretary comes back “I’m afraid Dr. Lee is in a meeting and wouldn’t be back soon”

“would you like me to set up an appointment or would you like to just leave a message?” he continues to ask

 “well, then can I wait here?” I ask and point at the sofa

“of course.”

An hour later her secretary leaves and comes back

“Dr. Lee is at the doctor’s lounge” he says

 “okay. Thank you” I say and stand up.


I immediately spot her walking down the hall.

“you’re avoiding me.” I say

“I told you I’m busy” she avoids my gaze

“come on, let’s have a snack. My treat and won’t take ‘no’ for an answer” I grab her arm and pull her to the elevator



I took her to the nearest coffee shop and ordered for us. We just sat down and stared at each other. I don’t know where to start. For the first time in my life I was lost for words.

I kept staring at her. She has gotten more beautiful. She totally transformed. She was no longer the ugly duckling in high school; she was now the most beautiful swan in the lake.

“I’m really busy” she glares at me and crosses her arms on her chest and slumps back at the chair

“I just wanted to spend time with you” I smile at her

“well, I don’t” she frowns

“you’re too mean” I pout

“if you want to say something. Spill it. You’re wasting my time” she sips her coffee

“let’s start over” I boldly say to her

She almost spilled her coffee.



I know she’s very busy. Her sister was taking a vacation so she had to juggle her time from being in the hospital and being in her sister’s office.

“I have an appoint with her” I say to her secretary

“please follow me”

Her secretary leads me to the last door in the hallways

“ma’am, Mr. Wu would like to see you” he says

“tell him I’m busy” she says not looking up

“hi, baby” I say and push her secretary aside

She smiled at her secretary fondly as she dismissed him. What does that guy have that I don’t?

“you’re too fond of your secretary” I say and frown  “maybe you should fire him and hire me” I smirk

“no, thank you. I don’t like working with you” she says and goes back to reading the contracts on her table

After a few minutes of thinking, I start talking “I have a business proposition”

“then talk to my sister” she says

“I’d rather talk to you because this is your company and you’re involved” I say sternly

“okay then, I’m listening” she slumped back on the chair and looked at me

“you studied law when you entered the military right? Right after you graduated pre-medicine?”

“yes, that was 2 years ago. I was juggling law and practicing medicine. Why?” she glares

“since you studied law, maybe you can help me with my law firm” I say and lean back on my chair

“you want me to hire your law firm?” she asked quizzically

I started discussing contracts and business with her

“in order for those to be fulfilled and your company earning more and it will be easier to do expansion if you marry me.” I say and hand her the contract

“WHAT?” she stands up “you are crazy. I am not involving my personal life in business and work.”

“if you don’t marry me. You’ll go bankrupt. And remember, I have underground connections that can help you go bankrupt. 5 of them are your investors” I’m dead serious about this. I will do whatever it takes

 “where’s the contract?” she sits down and slumps her head on the table

I hand her the contract and she starts reading. She looks so beautiful when she’s mad and defeated.

“don’t worry the marriage will only last for a year. After that we’ll file a divorce. And by signing the contract you’ll also help me with my personal life” I say. Of course that’s a lie. Once I have her I would never let her leave. Call me selfish but after all these years, she’s the only one I want and need.

“so, auntie and uncle are still urging you to get married?” she says.

She still knows. I chuckle

She smiles “let me guess, they placed you in an arranged marriage; and knowing you, you don’t want to be tied down with some random lady. So you’re asking me to marry you because you want a convenient and uncomplicated marriage. You’re not asking some random girl to do this with you because auntie wouldn’t approve of that. You chose me because auntie knows me and wouldn’t mind if you told her that I was the one you’re going to marry.”

“uh huh.” She got that right. Mom wants her for a daughter-in-law. I’ve introduced a lot of women to mom but she always liked her best.

“so typical of you.” She sighs “you should have just said so from the beginning and didn’t involve business” she signs that contract and I wanted to jump for joy

“if I didn’t say the things I said, you wouldn’t have agreed” I take the papers from her hand and I sign

“true” she says and holds out her hand

“deal.” I take her hand and kiss it “how about we go grab some lunch, my dear fiancée?” I chuckle. I like the sound of that

“you don’t have to act sweet and gooey when we’re together. This is just pretend” she says.

I was a bit hurt by that. This was not a game to me. This was not pretend “we have to make it look real”

“only in front of your parents” she takes her purse “you’re paying lunch”

“okay” I follow her out




I was rummaging through our old things. What I mean by ‘our’ is her and me. I still kept all of the things she left at our house before she left me. I saw her black notebook and open it. I scanned the notebook and stopped at a particular page

Her hand writing has always been messy but I can clearly understand what she wrote

“wedding plans”

I start reading.

January 6. What date is it today?

December 27.

I was reminded of the day I proposed to her when we were still in high school.


“if I asked you to marry me? Will you?” I nervously asked

“you know I would” she smiles and kisses me

“then will you marry me?”

-end of flashback-

I immediately call Heechul

“hello?” Heechul says

“I want you to do something for me.” I say

Today was January 6th. I was nervous since this morning. It was a special day.

I text her

A package will be coming for you today, it’s a dress. Wear it tonight. Look pretty. Meet me at the lobby of Diamond Hotel at 5 pm, early dinner with family. I’ll be looking forward to see you. – K.



I was so nervous as I waited for her at the lobby. I hope she says yes.

I step out of the elevator once I saw her

“hi, baby” I smile and take her hand

“where’s uncle and auntie?” I can hear the curiosity in her voice.

She looks so stunning that it just took my breath away. She’s the most beautiful lady I have laid my eyes on, except for my mom and sisters of course.

“they’re waiting at the upstairs café.” I smile and lead her to the elevator

I take out the blindfold from my pocket and stand behind her to put it on

“I knew there was something fishy going on” she says as I blindfold her

“trust me” she shivers

I lead her out of the elevator and lead her to the hall

“stand here. Hold this” I say and hand her a bouquet

I motion the waiters to open the door when I was at the altar

The wedding march song plays

I saw Heechul push her a little.

She starts walking and looks around then her eyes land on me and I slowly take her hand when she reached me.

She snapped out of her dazed when I kissed her

“I present to you, Mr and Mrs Kris Wu”





She was in a daze. She looked like she was dreaming.

“you’re gripping my hand too tight” I whisper

She immediately lets go “sorry. I didn’t know I was holding your hand”

“it’s okay” I smile and hold her hand to kiss it

We smile at each other.

“aww… look at the loving couple. They seem to have forgotten about us.”

We laughed

“and now, we will present a short AVP about the newlyweds” Myungsoo says

I was nervous as we watched the AVP. She suddenly hits me. I wanted to ask if she loves me. I hope she feels the same way. I wish she would tell me that she loves me.

“I present to you, Mr and Mrs Wu” Myungsoo says and I take her hand for a dance.

“They’re asking us to dance” I whisper as we stand in the middle

As I held her in my arms I asked her “are you happy?”

She was in deep thought.

“I just asked you a question that can be simply answered by a yes or no and yet you think too hard” I chuckle to hide my fear.

“I just can’t believe you were able to do this” she looks at me. I can she happiness, admiration and love?

“anything to make you happy” I say and kiss her forehead

We started to mingle with the guest

After a few minutes I started looking for her “there you are! I’ve been looking all over for you!” I hold her and lead her to the elevator “we’ll be late for our flight!”

“flight?” she asks

I didn’t answer her. I didn’t want to spoil the surprise I had planned for us.



“Paris?” she says. surprised

“isn’t it romantic?” I smirk. I want some alone time with her

“you do know, I can’t be away for work for too long right? I save lives.” She frowns

“but you’re too stressed out. You need a break. We need to spend time together.” I pick up our luggage

“Kris, we’re not even really married.” She follows me. My back turned to her. I frown

“we need to make this real” I turn and kiss her forehead

“you didn’t have to do that. We’re not in front of your parents” I can see she was surprised. It hurts me when she says that. For me, we’re a married couple. She’s mine

“but I wanted to” I smirk

Flight ASJ 315 bound for Paris is now boarding

“that’s our flight” I stand and pull her with me

I kept on snuggling on her neck while I kept a tight hold on her all throughout the flight

“hey, wake up. We’re landing” she says

We arrive at the hotel shortly and she immediately throws herself on the bed. She looked so delectable. My hands run around her waist, she suddenly jumps up and hits me on the forehead. Man, she can still hit hard

“why the hell did you do that?!” I yell and rub my forehead

“we are not going to be romantically involved with each other.” She glares at me and I frown

“we’re married” I say

“but we’re not in love with each other” she avoided my gaze

I stood still. Is she saying she doesn’t love me? What a way to spoil the evening.

“come on. Let’s go have dinner.” I drag her from bed

We arrived at the hotel after dinner. She was looking at the ground.

“I’ll sleep on the couch” I hear her whisper. Sleep on the couch? Her? no way. She will be sleeping by my side.

“no, you’re not” I say and open the hotel room. “I’ll go take a shower” I say and grab my towel.

To be honest, I was nervous. This is our honeymoon. I’m feeling a little awkward. 15 minutes later I go out of the bathroom only to see her already sleeping.


Pft. So much for not sleeping tonight.



 “good morning” I say and kiss her shoulder when I felt her move

“good morning” she whispers back

“so where are we going today? Any plans? Any place you want to visit?” I ask. But honestly I’m hoping we could just stay in and maybe roll around the bed. I’ve waited ten years for this day to come

“Eiffel tower?” she says

I waited ten years to be able to take her to bed with me and she’s not cooperating. Damn.

“okay” I just smile and untangle myself from her to prepare for the day.



A/N: maybe he'll write again next time. he already got bored.

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Chapter 19: I really like this fics. But why the chapter look like not very clear. The stories like jump here and there. It a bit confusing. Exp: when she already saw Kris cheating on the back with Fei then the next chapter she come back from work and saw Kris, then she didn't angry with him. Another one, when Kris have S** with Fei, why he still cheating on her when he said he only love his wife.... this fics quit not make sense and confusing.
Jae_yoomi #2
Chapter 19: author-nim , I was brought to tears by your story.I an sorry for your loss.I have no right to call your husband a jerk but based on the story he sounds like he is.
ReinaPark #3
Chapter 19: Kyaa... i really love it
SagharHvk #4
Chapter 3: Mm...
Amber091194 you know me? Answer pls!
SagharHvk #5
Chapter 2: Oh!
Who is fei? Omg!
SagharHvk #6
Chapter 1: OMFGG!!!!!
nerdyviv #7
Chapter 19: kyaaa daebak!! this is one hell of a good story! (sorry for cursing) good job authornimm!! :D
qistina16 #8
Daebak....Jjang...hihihi...keep writing authornim
qistina16 #9
Daebak....Jjang...hihihi...keep writing authornim