Another Set of Help

I Am Only A Girl

Six-thirty in the morning the next day.

Shin Woo, who usually gets up at five, felt he had awaken this late. He was up and about brewing his tea and preparing breakfast. Aunt Mi Ja left early to go to the market to shop for some affordable food. It was just the usual day (well, kind of unusual, as tomorrow will be their concert), but the day given to him was unusual, for he did not expect to have a visitor so early.

"Annyeong haseyo, Shin Woo-ssi," a female voice greeted him.

It was He Yi. She was not smiling, and he could sense something was wrong.

"Tae Kyung is still asleep," he plainly said.

"No, I am not here for him. I want to talk to you," she said.

Shin Woo sensed that she reverted back to being the evil He Yi that he and the rest of A.N. Jell hated.


They sat at the wooden chairs at the wooden balcony. Shin Woo looked at He Yi sip through her tea, wondering why in the world would she ever talk to him. Upon putting down her cup, she commenced.

"Did you remember the agreement I had with you three months ago?" she asked.

"I remembered too well, but I did not think of it as an agreement," he retorted.

"Well, I am asking you to help me get Tae Kyung back," she pleaded.

"He rejected you in the past," Shin Woo said. "Why are you asking me again this time? It is a waste of my time."

"Waste of your time?" was her irate response. "Would it still be a waste if I help you get Mi Nyu?"

Shin Woo was taken aback.

"I don't know what happened between you and Tae Kyung, but it is none of my business," he replied.

"You did not answer my question!" He Yi shouted.

"I admit that I loved Mi Nyu in the past. I loved her more than she could ever imagined. I did my  best so she won't cry. I loved her up to the limit, up to the point where I had to let her go," Shin Woo explained stiffly. "It was a year ago, and I had moved on. I don't want to get in their love affairs anymore."

"So does that mean you are not helping me in getting Tae Kyung back?" she asked. She did not tell him that she had been rejected the second time around. It was too embarrassing.

Shin Woo stood up, about to leave his precious tea set behind.

"Ya! You are lying, Shin Woo!" He Yi shouted. "I could tell you are still in love with her."

Shin Woo turned back to look at her. "Even if I still feel for her, what does it concern you? She completed me, but I never completed her, even if I tried hard so much. I promised her I will never change, but I was wrong. I am a changed man. I will never be the same again. And you should do the same. Move on and get a life."

He got back to the table to retrieve his tea set, and went back to the kitchen, leaving He Yi alone and outraged.


Inside Jeremy and Mi Nam's room...

Jeremy was awaken by the sounds from outside their room. When he got up, he saw Mi Nam looking out of the window, pensive.

"Ya, Go Mi Nam, what was that sound about?" he cluelessly asked.

Mi Nam looked at him thoughtfully, then went back looking at the window. Jeremy was curious as to why Mi Nam would spy something outside the window, so he got up and took a look. They saw He Yi and Shin Woo talking, as if in an argument.

"W...wa? Why is she here so early?" Jeremy asked.

"Beats me," Mi Nam seriously replied.

"Ya! You are lying, Shin Woo!" they heard He Yi shouting at Shin Woo. "I could tell you are still in love with her."

After that, they did not know what else the two were talking about. They saw Shin Woo gathering his tea set and getting inside to the kitchen. When the man left, they saw He Yi stomping her boots on the wooden floor before making her exit. Jeremy then looked at Mi Nam.

"What an immature!" Mi Nam commented.

"Ya, Mi Nam-ah, who do you think Shin Woo-hyung is still in love with?" was Jeremy's dumb question.

Mi Nam shifted his gaze from out of the window to Jeremy. "My sister, of course. Where were you when that happened?"

Jeremy pointed an accusing finger at Mi Nam.

"Omo....of course I know that! It was the reason why I got mad at Mi Nyu, because I fell for her too!" Jeremy admitted.

Mi Nam looked hard at Jeremy. "Neo (you)! You fell for my sister too?" he asked.

Jeremy swallowed a large lump of saliva down his throat. Mi Nam is so going to kill him this instant.

"G..geurae! I loved your sister, but she rejected me. So I promised myself to just settle being friends with her," Jeremy courageously countered, not minding if Mi Nam is goint to hunt him down.

Fortunately for Jeremy, Mi Nam was not angry at all.

"I could have voted for you or Shin Woo to be my sister's boyfriend," Mi Nam admitted. "I don't know what she saw in Tae Kyung for her to fall for him so hard. I just hate it how she could endure Tae Kyung's bullying."

Jeremy noted the seriousness in Mi Nam's voice.

"Yes, she can counter Tae Kyung's bullying, but bullying is still bullying. And I don't want my sister to live her whole life living in that kind of hell," Mi Nam said.

Looking back at the window, he went on.

"At least, with you, Mi Nyu could always laugh. I know you never made her cry. You are childish but you are a faithful friend to her," he said.

Jeremy lit up a smile. At least, Mi Nam acknowledged that the young snail could be the possible boyfriend for Mi Nyu.

"I could vote for Shin Woo too. He is so caring, he is always considerate of how my sister feels," Mi Nam said. "I could see Shin Woo never made her cry even once."

But they did not know. Mi Nyu was always crying in front of Shin Woo, not because Shin Woo made her cry. Tae Kyung made her feel love that it made her cry. And it was usually in front of Shin Woo. (So sad.)

Then, Mi Nam shot back at Jeremy.

"Ya, if you are going to be Mi Nyu's boyfriend, we are gonna have more time with our catfights!" Mi Nam sneered.

"Omo! Mi Nyu does not want that!" Jeremy shot back.

Mi Nam let out a roar of laughter. "So that leaves Shin Woo as the winner!"

Jeremy's face fell. He looked out of the window.

"But Tae Kyung-hyung is still the winner, 'coz it is him that Mi Nyu loves."

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doloblue #1
Chapter 18: Ok i read this one only for the yongshin couple.
cheryizumi #2
Chapter 18: i love your stories about yongshin moment!! kyaahhhhh! so sweet ! :D
@laz_15: Thanks so much for loving my fic. ^_^
Really love your ff. Good thing Shin Woo finally get the girl of his dreams, Yippee!!!
Hi there. I'm the crazy person who gave you lots of reviews on fanficnet. I really enjoyed your story, especially the final chapter.
deanne #6
Thank you very much for sharing your fanfic with us! Hope you will continue writing more. I'll miss you :)<br />

In my story, in the AN Jell concert, I based Jeremy's song in this FT Island cover
@sakura_ryuu: hehe, thanks so much ^_^ wahaha...i just hope the hong sisters will get to read this...and make minami shineyo part 2 ^_^ ahahaha<br />
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@shizukasenshi; o, annoying orange jud...dayun jollibee? hehe, magselos si mcdo..then ang 4-membered girl group, pwede 2ne1, pwede pud miss a, hehehe....di jud na mawala ang slapstick....matod pa sa taga-azkal sa ilang commercial sa silver swan, it's pinoy style, ahahaha<br />
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****<br />
to all who waited for updates and for posting their comments, thank you sooooo much. daghang salamat. maraming salamat sa inyo. taihen arigatou gozaimaa. kamsahamnida! ^_^
shizukasenshi #9
ooowwww.the pain of unrequieted love....
shizukasenshi #10
"Hyung-nim, I want a carrot. Carrot!" GET IT??? murag annoying orange!