

Seojin slept on Jungkook’s fur. Being half human, she can eat human food and drink blood. But to rest, she needed sleep. Seojin felt warm in Jungkook’s fur, maybe because she was cold blooded. She held on his fur and continued to snooze when a vision entered her mind.


It was the boy that struck her with lightning, they were talking but she couldn’t understand what he was saying. But the look in his eyes looked really familiar to her and she somewhat didn’t like his look since it was full of sadness. The boy leaned in towards her and she didn’t move away, she felt his lips on hers and it felt right. But then the vision was gone, her eyes were open and she was hungry.


“Jungkook.” She called and the wolf stopped running. She got down and sniffed the place, searching for something to drink. Jungkook looked at her like a confused puppy and transfigured back to human form.


“we’re near the place. What’s wrong?” Jungkook asked and when Seojin turned to him, he saw the red eyes. Normally he wouldn’t be bothered but Seojin looked really dangerous, like she was bent on killing her next prey. Jungkook was a little frightened, she wouldn’t kill him right? She said she hated wolf blood after all. But Seojin was really hungry, and the meal in front of her was quite cute and delicious. She grinned and Jungkook was frozen in his spot, Seojin was about to move when she felt herself get taken away to someplace else.


“well done Jungkook.” A male was present in front of her and he grinned and looked at Seojin. She was taken someplace else and it looked like a mansion. Jungkook sighed in relief while looking at the pale skinned male with mischievous eyes and darker than black hair. The teen looked at Seojin who glared, though after a few minutes, she grinned and zoomed straight up to the boy.


“who are you?” Seojin asked and stared into the dark eyes of the boy. The latter smirked and showed his fangs. Seojin returned the smirk and moved quick; she found her meal. She grabbed the boy and bit him on the neck making him groan a little.


“feisty little one are we?” he said and held on Seojin’s waist, but the hunter didn’t care. She was thirsty as hell and the blood of the vampire in front of her was giving her what she wanted.


“where are your brothers Jungkook?” the male asked and Jungkook lowered his head, the male sighed and nodded before feeling Seojin let go of his neck and it close. Seojin stared at the boy and her red eyes were back to black.


“you’re very eager for blood, aren’t you Seojin?” he asked and Seojin was confused, who was this Seojin? Was this her name? she doesn’t remember but everyone seemed to call her that so it must be.


“who are you? How did you bring me here? Why did you bring me here?”she asked and the boy reached for her lips to wipe off the blood stain left.


“I’m Taemin. And I’ll be your friend from now on.” the young vampire said and held on Seojin’s hand. However, Seojin felt something like a deadly electricity and she withdrew her hand from Taemin.


“don’t touch me.” she said through gritted teeth and he looked in confusion before shaking his head and walking ahead. Seojin followed him cautiously with Jungkook in tow, Taemin led them to a ballroom where the other council members are, waiting for them to arrive.




“you saw her but then she disappeared?” Luhan asked, he was more than okay now thanks to Sehun. They were all in the living room, talking about how to find Seojin. Lay was reading something and he couldn’t be bothered so Suho and Luhan took charge.


“it wasn’t her, it was like a memory of her. Like an apparition.” Xiumin explained.


“I can’t believe Seojin is half human and half vampire, is that even possible?” Chanyeol asked and Lay’s ears perked up.  He knew he missed something but what Chanyeol said made him remember, he stood up from his seat and placed the ancient scriptures they managed to save from the collapsing of the house.


“Legend has it, there was once a vampire, strong and mighty, he was smart and everyone obeyed him because he wielded great power.” The healer started and everyone listened. Lay spread some powder on the scripture and images came out in forms of smoke.


“woah.” Sehun said, he’s never seen magic or witchcraft before so it was incredible to him. The smoke figures moved as Lay continued his story.


“this vampire had the power of nullification or shield. Meaning he cannot be affected by any power at all. That is why he was strong and feared. But there are those who oppose him and wanted to kill him.” Lay said


“let me guess, the council?” Baekhyun said and the latter nodded.


“the council feared his power, feared that more people will follow him than them and then maybe start a revolution. So they devised a plan to get rid of him, but the strongest vampire had plans of his own. He fell in love, and with a vampire hunter, he didn’t care about the rules, he loved the woman so they got together, and they bore a child. That child was half vampire and half human. No one knows if the child was male or female.” Lay continued and everyone understood who he was pertaining to.


“so that’s Seojin.” Xiumin said and Lay nodded, there was their explanation and it seemed right and logical.


“that’s why I can’t read her mind sometimes, and why Tao’s powers can’t affect her as well.” Luhan said and everyone nodded.


“as of now, we need to find her before the council does.” Suho then concluded and stood up. They had enough rest, it was time to look for Seojin. Chen was more than determined to get her back.


“let’s just hope they didn’t get to her first.” Kris said and everyone moved out of the hotel room.




“you’re the descendant of one of our biggest enemies, but I believe, we could negotiate.” Seojin looked at Minho; the council leader who can control shadows. He had introduced himself along with his other peers to Seojin and they were currently, still in the ballroom.


“if my father is your enemy, then that makes me your enemy as well.” Seojin grinned


“if you wish to be then we could be enemies, but I have a proposition for you, hunter.” Minho said and at this, Seojin was all ears. Minho saw the interest in her eyes so he continued to talk.


“rule by my side.” Minho said simply and she raised an eyebrow.


“how does that help me?” she asked


“there are others like us; vampires to be exact, with powers, and they are in hiding, we can’t find them but you can, your instincts as a hunter will help you in tracking down these traitors and we will show them our true power.” Minho crossed his legs and stared directly in Seojin’s eyes. The hunter was in front of him in seconds making everyone in high alert.


“so let me guess, I’ll kill the vampires for you and the benefit I get is… well, killing them.” Seojin grinned, she is a hunter after all, even if she is part vampire.


“your father knew that once we found out that he has a child, we would want to target them so he taught you on how to kill vampires along with your mother, such a traitor for his own kind your father is, but you can change that. Just a few kills wouldn’t hurt, show them how fearful the council can be, show them why they shouldn’t betray us.” Key; this vampire council member who has the power to reenact the past, said.


“kill vampires, show them what you guys can do, more food and prey for me.” Seojin counted the benefits and she didn’t seem to mind. Minho saw the assurance in her eyes and grinned.


“Taemin will be your partner in your search. When his targets are near, he can easily bring them to you.” Key said. Taemin had the power to teleport things to him, not him teleporting to others. But only when he can sense their presence can he do that.


“I’ll take the kid as well. I need rides when I’m tired.” Seojin jerked her thumb to Jungkook who suddenly was alert because of her statement. Minho looked at Jungkook and nodded before dismissing them all.


“you sure she won’t turn against us Minho?” Bomi asked


“No. but we need to keep her with us, let her know that we are not a threat to her. She’s dangerous right now, even I couldn’t stand against her, so it’s either fight against her, or fight with her.” The tall councilman replied and the woman on his left nodded.


“we should test how far she can do.” Key said with a smirk and Minho knew exactly what he meant.



sorry for the late update....

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penielhyunsik #1
Chapter 12: love it^^..
ayrie08 #2
Chapter 12: daebak! this is so great! i love it! and I like the way of how you gave other kpop groups their cameos. Surely I will miss this story!
Chapter 12: congratulation and thanks.. you finished it :)
Chapter 12: hahahaha chen being a king.... okay hahah
Chapter 11: This made my day. Thank you author-nim
Chapter 11: no its not the end yet how could you, btw i really enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for the update!
shea_shariff #9
Chapter 11: yipee Seojin is back, and hooray for Chen : )
huihui97 #10
Chapter 10: 안대~~~~소진아~ Ohhh and it seems like shes regaining her memories?