

“he’s not moving!!” Kyungsoo panicked


“we need to infuse some blood.” Lay said and Sehun picked the smaller male up in his arms. Chen looked at his brothers then at the forest Seojin disappeared into, how could he just sit there when she was on the loose?!


“DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT CHEN OR SHE’LL KILL YOU NEXT. We’re not friends to Seojin at the moment and it would be best to find her together.” Kris said, he didn’t need Luhan to read what the other was thinking.


Chen was still debating with himself but he turned his head when they heard a loud crash. The house fell apart because of the tornado Sehun had made.


“NO!! HOW ARE WE GOING TO-----WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO!?” Sehun yelled, the wind started to pick up as his emotions started to go haywire.


“calm down Sehun, we still have other places to go to but we need to get there fast.” Suho said and everyone nodded, and even if they were dead tired, they still pushed on.


Chen wanted to turn back, he wanted to find Seojin and bring her back but like Suho said, he was powerless to what Seojin had become.


But the real question is, what has she turned into?


Suho decided to stay in a hotel. If they needed to find Seojin later, they need to come back to the last place she had gone. They were currently staying in one big room where there are two adjacent rooms on each side, in the first room were Lay, Sehun, Kyungsoo, Kai, Baekhyun and Kris who were helping the healer with Luhan’s condition.  Suho has brought all medical needs he needed to complete the blood infusion that was required to save the elder. Sehun has volunteered to give his blood to Luhan since they share one blood.


“hyung, please wake up.” Sehun silently pleaded as he looked at Luhan who was pale, his skin stuck to his bone and his lips were dry as the ground on drought. Sehun was mad, but he had to control his emotions or else he’d create a storm and he knows Luhan wouldn’t want that to happen.


“he will be fine Sehun, just a few more. Are you okay?” Lay asked, Sehun was turning a little pale as well but he nodded. He’d do anything to bring Luhan “back to life”. He owed the elder so much. They continued to watch over Luhan and in a few hours, improvement was starting to show and Sehun breathed out in relief when Luhan’s chest rose and fall as he breathed.


Suddenly, the skies were attacked with lightning and thunder. Kyungsoo and Kai looked at each other warily, they know it’s Chen’s doing but the lightning god didn’t talk to anyone the moment they left the house. They understood why, but Lay was right, Seojin is dangerous right now and it would be walking in a death trap to pursue her on his own.


After a few more minutes, color was coming back to Luhan’s body and Lay had removed the transfusion devices just to let him take a rest. Kai, Kris and Kyungsoo left and Baekhyun was just watching over them since he has nothing to do. He could help Xiumin in tracking Seojin down; the elder had left with Tao and Chanyeol to search for clues as to where the hunter went, Chen wasn’t brought along because he might disobey Suho’s orders and leave. While waiting, Sehun was just by Luhan’s side, slowly starting to recover from the blood loss, he saw his hyung’s pupils move but his eyelids were still closed.


“I think he’s waking up.” Sehun said and hovered above Luhan’s head to see if the latter was ready to wake up. Lay suddenly pulled Sehun back the moment Luhan’s eyes shot open. The telepath’s eyes were blood red, his fangs were protruding from his mouth and when he sat up, he charged. Lay concealed him in a force field and Luhan tried to claw himself out.


“what’s wrong with him?” Baekhyun asked as they looked at the vampire trapped in an invisible force field. Luhan looked hungry, really hungry. And he was very desperate to get out.


“he’s hungry. He lost blood, Sehun was able to give half just to wake him up but he’s very hungry.” Lay replied and strengthened the force field since Luhan was persistent. Sehun looked at his hyung with scared eyes, he’s never seen Luhan lose control before, it was always him who loses control, Luhan was always the one who was calm. Luhan turned to Sehun since he smelled something delicious, Sehun saw the look in his eyes and held on Lay’s shoulder. The healer looked at him in confusion.


“he’s hungry right?” Sehun asked and Lay nodded before realizing what the younger meant. Lay was hesitant but when it comes to Luhan, he trusted Sehun’s judgement so he let the force field down. When Luhan felt that he was free, he dashed over to Sehun and bit straight on his neck. Sehun felt pain since the latter was practically nibbling on his skin but he patted the shorter male’s hair and sighed.


“hyung, calm down.” Sehun said softly and Luhan slowly started to slow his drinking and breathing. He grasped on Sehun’s back as he quenched his thirst. His blood red eyes slowly started to turn back to their original brown color.


“S-Sehun?” Luhan asked as soon as he let go of the younger’s neck. He knows how Sehun’s blood tastes like since he was the young vampire’s maker. Sehun breathed out in relief, Luhan was back to normal and that’s what matters.




Xiumin, Tao and Chanyeol  went back to their old house, a few kilometers away from where they were staying. They arrived at the backyard and decided to spilt up the moment Seojin’s scent couldn’t be tracked down anymore. Xiumin went forward, Chanyeol went to the right and Tao went to the left. The three them are to get back to the backyard in 30 minutes.


Xiumin dashed forward and looked around, there really wasn’t too much clue to start up with. He could faintly smell Seojin but that was the problem, it was faint, meaning she was way too far for them to reach. Xiumin looked down the ground and saw footprints, he stooped down to see if they were Seojin’s but they looked a little bigger. Maybe an animal hunter’s? But isn’t that illegal? Plus, there weren’t many animals in Venice that could be hunted. Xiumin played a hunch and followed the footprints, he just hopes his hunch was right.


Chanyeol walked, he figured he’d be able to see and observe more keenly if he did. He smelled the air and noticed a faint scent that was familiar to his nose. It wasn’t Seojin but it smelled like something or someone he has encountered before. He kept on walking until he noticed something odd about the trees, it looked like they were passed by a huge boulder, it was split into two and the branches were hanging off of each other. Chanyeol followed the broken trees and again, something caught his eye.


“impossible.” Chanyeol said as he touched the tree trunk that had scratches of claws in them. They were werewolf claws. But he was sure they killed all them, each one of them died right? If that were true, whose claws are these? Did the council send more of them? If so, did those wolves find Seojin first?


Tao was zooming around the forest, looking here and there. He couldn’t find Sejoin’s scent anywhere. They should’ve brought Kris along in his opinion. Tao let out a ‘tsk’ before looking all over the direction he was sent to by Xiumin. He suddenly stopped when he noticed a dark silhouette. He looked back and noticed who the silhouette belonged to.


“SEOJIN!!” he yelled but the silhouette left so he followed, he called her name but she didn’t turn back, she was only moving farther and farther away from Tao but he managed to follow her wherever she went. It felt like they were going in circles but then Tao was left in an empty space. He looked around, his keen eyes searching for Seojin, his ears are alert for whatever movement happens.


Movement did happen, he heard something coming in and fast. There were two of them and Tao knows he can take them both on so he held his ground. He was also ready to use his power for some kicking, the sounds got nearer and nearer and when the grass moved, Tao stopped time, only…


“what the?” Tao asked and removed his time control on his brothers.


“why are you here?” Tao asked Chanyeol and Xiumin who fell on the ground. Xiumin dusted himself, he felt Seojin’s presence somewhere so he followed it, he didn’t expect to see Tao and Chanyeol there. Chanyeol on the other hand, followed the wolf claws on the trees, once those disappeared and were replaced by foot prints, he followed them and he didn’t expect to see the other two as well.


“I followed an apparition, it looked like Seojin and it led me here.” Xiumin said and Tao looked at him.


“I saw an apparition of Seojin as well.” He replied and they turned to Chanyeol.


“no I didn’t see a ghost but I followed wolf claws.” Chanyeol said and they were all quiet before looking around. What just happened?




Seojin looked around the forest, searching for something to drink or kill. The satisfaction the vampire telepath gave her was merely 50% of her whole and she wanted more. Her heightened eyesight and hearing helped her in finding a baby bear. She crept to the baby bear, slowly but surely she walked towards her prey, her eyes turned redder; if that’s possible. Her fangs protruded from as she smiled. But she suddenly heard loud footsteps and she moved away to the side just in time to avoid a big claw of the mother bear.


The mother bear roared at Seojin and slashed at the tree and leaves, trying to kill the predator but Seojin was quick. She did a single hand cartwheel and crept behind the bear, her hands connected into a head lock to choke the big bear. The bear scratched her away but she didn’t mind at all, she hissed but continued to suffocate the bear until it let out a whimper and fell on the ground. Seojin smirked at her victory but before she could even touch the bear, she smelled something else and she turned around to see a wolf watching her.


“what?” she asked the werewolf, she didn’t know why she knows that this was no ordinary wolf, she just does. The wolf growled and turned back to human, only to reveal a bruised little boy. Seojin appeared in front of him in a flash and the young wolf shook.


“relax wolf boy, I don’t like the taste of your blood.” Seojin said and used her index finger to scar the wolf on his skin and place it in her tongue, only to spit it on the ground.


“come with me.” the wolf boy said and Seojin looked at him in curiosity.


“where to?” Seojin asked and the young wolf was actually shocked to hear that she was interested. Doesn’t she recognize him as the wolf that Kyungsoo buried? He was buried but he was alive, so he managed to dig his way out of that hell hole.


“to my master.” He said and transfigured back to his wolf form.


“what’s your name?” Seojin asked before sitting on top of the wolf.


“Jugkook.” He growled before dashing away to where the council was. Back in Seoul.





I'm glad you like the twists! there are more to come so watch out >:D

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penielhyunsik #1
Chapter 12: love it^^..
ayrie08 #2
Chapter 12: daebak! this is so great! i love it! and I like the way of how you gave other kpop groups their cameos. Surely I will miss this story!
Chapter 12: congratulation and thanks.. you finished it :)
Chapter 12: hahahaha chen being a king.... okay hahah
Chapter 11: This made my day. Thank you author-nim
Chapter 11: no its not the end yet how could you, btw i really enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for the update!
shea_shariff #9
Chapter 11: yipee Seojin is back, and hooray for Chen : )
huihui97 #10
Chapter 10: 안대~~~~소진아~ Ohhh and it seems like shes regaining her memories?