Her Best Friend

Her Silent Song

“Why is Jongdae-ssi here?” MiYeon asked, covering in shock. HyoRi shrugged with an annoyed expression on her face. “He should’ve left,” she said as she looked at her best friend. “Should I make him leave?” HyoRi asked. MiYeon hesitated but she nodded. “Yes,” she almost whispered.

“Please,” she closed her eyes, as if it was painful for her to say that.

HyoRi went ahead of MiYeon and called out for Jongdae. “Why are you even here?” She tried asking in a nice way, which didn’t really suit her. She had a fake smile on her face but Jongdae quickly noticed how fake it is. “What happened to MiYeon-ssi?” He asked with concern written all over his face.

“Answer my question first, Mr Kim,” HyoRi commanded with her hands on her hips. Jongdae avoided her gaze first. He didn’t want to answer it honestly so he was rather vague. “I was worried,” he said. “The other boys are surely worried too but they made the smart choice to not come here. So, again, why are you here?” HyoRi narrowed her eyes.

“I admit I’m stupid then,” Jongdae said as he smiled a bit. HyoRi chuckled at his answer. “That’s very true. How honest of you, Jongdae-ssi. But seriously, you should leave,” she said. “That’s really mean in a whole new level, HyoRi-ssi. What happened to MiYeon-ssi?”

“None of your business, obviously,” HyoRi rolled her eyes. “Now, go. Before I call the police,” HyoRi frowned. “Alright. I don’t want any inconvenience,” Jongdae raised both of his hands as if he was surrendering. “Be safe,” HyoRi bid him. Jongdae left with sadness in his eyes. He didn’t get what he wanted to know after all.

MiYeon was sneakily hiding by the neighbour’s lawn. When Jongdae left, MiYeon sighed in relief. “He didn’t catch me,” she whispered before going to her best friend’s side. “It was hard convincing him,” HyoRi complained. “You owe me,” she winked at MiYeon before going to the door to unlock it. “When are you going to face them?” HyoRi asked, clutching on the doorknob.

MiYeon shrugged. “Maybe never,” she nearly whispered. “I don’t know,” she looked away. “It’s better if they didn’t know. It’s better if they will never know. I don’t want them to worry after all,” she added. “Okay then,” HyoRi nodded as she opened the door.

She suddenly changed her personality when she stepped into the apartment. She stretched then jumped to face MiYeon with a goofy smile plastered on her face. “Anyways, enough sadness! I’m going to cook for you to have you smile!” She said. “But you can’t cook…” MiYeon pointed out.

“I can… a bit! Look! I’m going to cook you some instant noodles!” HyoRi said as she smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck and that made MiYeon laugh. “Are you serious, HyoRi?” HyoRi shrugged as an answer with the same smile on her face. “Finally, you really laughed. MiYeon, you know if you can’t resist that camel, just tell him,” she said.

MiYeon shook her head disapprovingly. “No, just no. I don’t want to make Jongdae-ssi worry. I don’t want EXO to worry. I am fine by this,” she said as she crossed her arms and pouted. “Alright, I won’t contradict you. Let’s just have some food already. I’m hungry,” HyoRi sped towards the kitchen with MiYeon sighing hopelessly. 

“She’s such a glutton…”

The next day was the worst day of the week. Mainly because it was Monday and all students hate Mondays, especially the pair. MiYeon found HyoRi already eating in the dining room. It was cereal for breakfast and MiYeon was sure it was because HyoRi was too lazy to even think what to cook.

“Monday…” HyoRi groaned. “How many Mondays have you survived and you’re still complaining?” MiYeon asked before taking in a spoon of the cereal before her. “Obviously, not enough. Mondays ,” HyoRi said as she stood up and put the bowl into the sink. “I’ll just prepare my things before we go. It’s your turn to wash the dishes anyway,” HyoRi said before going out of the dining room.

When they went out to walk to school, HyoRi frowned at the first person she saw by the corner. “Jongdae-ssi…” She muttered. MiYeon looked worried. “Don’t worry. Just don’t overuse your voice and he or anyone in EXO won’t notice, okay?” HyoRi told her. MiYeon lightly nodded. “Understood. Loud and clear,” MiYeon said.

“Good morning, Jonggay—I mean Jongdae-ssi,” HyoRi greeted with a smile on her face. “Good morning,” Jongdae greeted as he messed up HyoRi’s hair. “Hey! I am trying to look pretty and decent in the morning,” HyoRi almost shouted, trying to fix her hair. “You just want Luhan-sunbae to notice you,” MiYeon said. “And when did you start calling him your senior huh?” HyoRi crossed her arms.

“The day when you cooked me instant noodles,” MiYeon smirked. She tried her best not to sound like her vocal chords will be cut out. And both of them were trying their best to look like nothing was wrong and everything was back to normal. “I’m glad to be able to talk to you again like this, MiYeon-ssi,” Jongdae smiled which made MiYeon’s heart thump.

“Well, things happen but what’s important is I’m back to make your life miserable again,” MiYeon laughed. HyoRi shot a glare at MiYeon, telling her telepathically to not overuse her voice and MiYeon understood it perfectly. Jongdae thought they were having a mental argument and he didn’t understand it one bit. “Best friends,” Jongdae told himself before chuckling.

“Anyways, how’s Luhan-oppa? I haven’t been talking to him in a while,” HyoRi asked as she looked up to Jongdae. “He’s still feminine and telling people he’s manly,” Jongdae teased HyoRi. “He is manly. How can you not see how manly he is?” HyoRi frowned. MiYeon laughed at what HyoRi just said. “Manly? He’s as manly as that pink poodle on the street,” MiYeon said as she pointed at the dog across the street.

“If that dog has rabies and bites you, don’t run to me and say the poodle’s manly,” HyoRi muttered. “Who would say that though? A normal person would run to you and say call the doctor,” Jongdae said, making him and MiYeon laugh. “You two always bully me. I should do something,” HyoRi pouted.

“You could stop making fun of us too,” MiYeon told her. “Aigooo… Nevermind,” HyoRi sighed as she shook her head.

“I’m really glad you’re talking to me again, MiYeon-ssi,” Jongdae said. “I’m… also glad, Jongdae-ssi,” MiYeon said, tucking her hair behind her ear. “But what happened?” Jongdae asked. MiYeon cleared , signalling HyoRi to disturb them and she never thought she would let her do that.

“Jongdae-ssi! Jongdae-ssi! Is Luhan-oppa still going to the library?” HyoRi asked, going in the middle of the two. Jongdae frowned at what happened but immediately changed his expression and nodded. “Yes, he still does. I think he’s tutoring Mina,” Jongdae said. HyoRi froze in her spot and MiYeon had this worried expression. “Mina..?” HyoRi whispered with a grim expression on her face but she quickly snapped out of it.

“Oh, is that so? Oppa’s so nice that he tutors the people younger than him,” HyoRi chuckled a bit. MiYeon faked a small smile too, pitying HyoRi. MiYeon fairly knew who Mina was. HyoRi knew her very well too. And Mina going near Luhan wasn’t a good sign for HyoRi’s unrequited love for him.

“Don’t worry, nothing’s going on between them. I’m sure of it,” Jongdae reassured HyoRi but he was completely clueless of their relationship with Mina. “Yeah, I’m sure of that. Oppa is not a flirt and is really dense,” HyoRi said with a laugh. MiYeon only nodded timidly, hiding her worried thoughts in her mind.

Once they entered school grounds, they saw their other friends laughing and talking to each other. “Oh, I see some girls who missed me,” Baekhyun said before flipping his hair and smiling at the trio. “Oh shut up, Byun Baek,” HyoRi scoffed. MiYeon only waved a bit and whispered a “Good morning.”

“I felt like the third wheel with these two,” HyoRi complained as she crossed her arms. “They were too sweet,” she locked her arms with Sehun, making him step back a bit. “Noona…” He reacted, laughing a bit. “I felt like I’ll forever be a maiden,” she separated with Sehun and went in the middle of the group.

“No one would flirt with your looks,” Baekhyun smirked. “Oh you Bacon you,” HyoRi glared. “Why don’t you just shut up and let me have a moment?” she added as she turned away from him. “Destroy her moment, she always destroys mine,” MiYeon commanded. HyoRi frowned. “Why do people love making fun of me?” She whined.

“Aiya, don’t worry, HyoRi-ssi. The reason might be because you have cute reactions,” Luhan said as he ruffled HyoRi’s hair. “Why do you let Luhan-hyung mess up your hair and you scold me when I do it?” Jongdae acted as if he was hurt. “Because you’re mean while Luhan-oppa is kind and I know he’s trying to cheer me up,” HyoRi said before sticking her tongue out.

MiYeon usually joins in these types of discussions just to embarrass HyoRi but with her voice in an unstable condition, she really can’t. Her main reactions were laughing and just smiling at them. Luckily, the other members didn’t notice that. When the bell rang, the sophomores went to their rooms together.

Baekhyun had his arms on Jongdae’s and HyoRi’s shoulders but they didn’t mind it much. Actually, they got used to it. “Luhan-hyung seriously is dense. Poor you, HyoHyo,” Baekhyun teased. “Shut up. I’m fine with this. I’m alright he’s dense at least he won’t avoid me because he’ll never know,” HyoRi told him with despair in her voice.

“Ah, don’t worry about that, HyoRi-ssi! He’ll surely accept your love! Fighting!” Chanyeol said as he raised his fist. “Lower your voice, Chanyeol-ssi. Someone might overhear us,” HyoRi elbowed his stomach. “At least they’ll know you have your eye on Luhan-hyung and they won’t try to battle you,” Chanyeol reasoned making HyoRi roll her eyes.

“Do you really think they’ll step away if they know about this? Oppa’s fans are scary and they won’t give up easily. I’m contented with looking from afar,” HyoRi told him. “If you give up, you have Chanyeol there,” KyungSoo teased. “You’re both tall and have goofy smiles, you fit together perfectly!” Baekhyun exclaimed.

“Well, HyoRi-ssi would fit you too, Baekhyun. You two always complain about being single and alone and you two love teasing others,” Chanyeol told him. “Don’t you two start shipping me with others. Baekhyun-ssi is too loud and obnoxious and the same goes for Chanyeol-ssi!” HyoRi almost shouted. “You’re not demure and quiet too, young lady,” Jongdae told her.

HyoRi sighed again. “I know. That’s why I’m trying. Oppa wants a quiet girl but it’s hard changing who I am,” she said. Baekhyun patted her head. “You should like someone who accepts you for who you are, you know,” he said as he gently smiled at her. “I know… But oppa is so—“ Before HyoRi could continue, automatically closed when she saw Mina.

“HyoRi-ssi?” KyungSoo snapped his fingers. HyoRi shook her head and looked at him. “What is it, KyungSoo-ssi?” She smiled at him. “What were you saying?” He asked. HyoRi shook her head. “Nevermind! Nevermind! Our classrooms are near too so I guess what I was going to say won’t be important,” she said. MiYeon only stared at her best friend, knowing what was going on in her mind.

HyoRi-ah, I wish you the best of luck to capture Luhan-sunbae’s heart now.

They all started saying their goodbyes and promised to eat with each other when lunch comes. HyoRi looked out the window with a forlorn expression on her face and MiYeon stared at her. “Aigooo… HyoRi,” she whispered to herself, not minding Jongdae for once.

I hope you’ll be able to go through this.

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foreveryoungwild #1
Add the chen tag authornim so ppl will easily recognize your story:)
Chapter 11: okay.... that broke my heart, you mean author you!
Chapter 7: Ahhhhhhh poor Sehun...... siblingzoned.....
Chapter 6: awwwwww.... Jongdae~<3 harharherrr ugh bakit hindi na lang si Sehun?! BAKIT?! XDDD
Chapter 2: It's so hot here, my eyes are sweating :'( How could you do this to me?