Her Memories

Her Silent Song

Luhan and Sehun, for the first time in the history of forever, were quiet as they walked together. They were supposed to meet MiYeon in their old high school, under the old tree where they used to hang out under. Luhan held on his arm as he bit his lower lip, trying to brace himself for MiYeon’s fury while Sehun was trying to keep his speeding heart calm.

And there they saw MiYeon, and apparently she was coughing. “Oh darn it…” They heard her mutter, her back on them. “Even years after that operation, nothing,” she sighed in despair. “Nothing… I sacrificed all that for nothing,” she bitterly told herself. “Even she… She sacrificed more than I did but I keep lying… Tch,” she held her face before falling to her knees.

“I never changed. I’m still a nervous wreck. I keep doing what I think is the best but the consequences are worse,” she pulled her hair downwards as she groaned. “Just stop it, MiYeon. Those boys might see you and think you’ll go easy on them. Get a grip. You caused all of this, there’s no way of getting out,” she said as she staggered to stand up.

The setting sun was complimenting MiYeon’s troubled expression, both boys noticed. She looked like a model even though she was only a fashion designer. She looked like an idol but her situation made her hopeless about that past dream. Slowly, Luhan approached the young woman and MiYeon heard his footsteps.

She didn’t look shocked and she was back to how she was when she first saw Luhan after all those years. “Sunbaenim,” the word sounded bitter in her voice. Luhan flinched at her tone. “Noona,” Sehun went near them but his call was more of a whisper, in fear MiYeon might shout at him or something.

“You two,” MiYeon pointed her finger to both of the men. Luhan looked down with guilt and Sehun looked down on MiYeon since he was really taller than her now, compared to when they were in high school. “Get away from her,” she hissed. “Don’t you want her to remember everything?” Luhan said.

Sehun wanted to stop Luhan’s sharp tongue but MiYeon didn’t seem angered by his question. Actually, MiYeon’s expression softened. The thought of HyoRi remembering everything… every smile and laughter they shared… every tear and pain they had with each other. But no, MiYeon had to stop that from happening.

It was too dangerous. Her heart was too weak and a waterfall of memories could damage her health greatly. It was better this way.

“She’s supposed to be clueless,” MiYeon reasoned. “She’s supposed to be innocent,” she added, closing her eyes for a moment. “But she never smiled after that suppose,” she opened her eyes and then looked at both of them. “You want her to smile… but you’re afraid aren’t you?” Luhan narrowed his eyes at her.

MiYeon turned her head to another direction with a bitter expression. “Afraid of what exactly, noona?” Sehun asked. “Afraid HyoRi might have a breakdown like what happened back then,” Luhan answered when MiYeon looked she wasn’t going to talk. “Aren’t I right?” he looked at the younger.

“You don’t know anything about it, sunbaenim. You only hurt her before, what can you do? What do you know about protecting her?” MiYeon turned her head back to Luhan. “I know everything. You’re the naïve one,” Luhan frowned. “I protected her even though I know she’ll hate me. MiYeon, I did everything to let her have a safer life even if she’ll end up hating me,” he defended himself.

“Could noona and hyung just shut up?”

HyoRi woke up around 9 PM. She didn’t see MiYeon in her bed and so, she decided to look outside the window. She never grew tired of how beautiful Seoul is during the night. The lights twinkled like stars of different colors. She wanted to go out and see the sources of those lights herself but she wasn’t supposed to.

She knows how dangerous it was outside during the night. She took a deep breath as she tried to calm her heart down. One hand ended up preventing her from falling against the glass window and one hand was on her chest. “Calm down… It won’t happen again,” she whispered to herself, in an attempt to calm herself.

Tok tok tok

HyoRi almost jumped up from her position when she heard someone knocking. She clutched on her chest, whispering words of encouragement to herself and she ended up going to the door. Who was it? MiYeon wouldn’t knock since she would expect HyoRi asleep by then so she wasn’t surprised to see someone else.

What surprised her was to see who that someone was.

Baekhyun was casually resting his back on the wall across the hotel room’s door. He looked handsome, really. He had the vibe of an idol. ‘That’s one of my close friends right?’ HyoRi thought for a moment. “Annyeong,” Baekhyun greeted coolly and HyoRi bowed to him.

“Annyeonghamnida,” she greeted. “No formalities,” Baekhyun shook his head. “Ah, ah, ne,” HyoRi nodded. She was nervous. She felt nervous. Baekhyun didn’t look like the angel type so she was in doubt if she should let him in. “It’s alright. I just wanted to have a word with you while MiYeon isn’t here,” Baekhyun reassured her.

“And I wanted to see how you were. I mean, I’m sure you remember me by now,” Baekhyun added with a smile. HyoRi’s memories clicked. That rectangular smile… is still the same. His eyes seemed to disappear as he smiled, like back then. “I’m fine,” HyoRi managed to say. “Do you feel uncomfortable? Did I disturb you?”

“Not at all, Baekhyun-ssi, am I right?”

Baekhyun nodded a bit. “You changed…” He whispered under his breath.

Jongdae tossed and turned. It was completely unfair. Luhan and Sehun will be able to talk to MiYeon. She didn’t even ask about him. He’s being childish but he didn’t care. He wanted to talk to her. He wanted to sing with her. He wanted to be with her. Sehun already was able to be with her during the fashion show and he was probably with her while Jongdae was having this tantrum.

And Chanyeol was there to witness it all. Since Baekhyun wasn’t around and Kyungsoo was scary to annoy, he was there to accompany his friend. The two didn’t utter any words at first though. It was only silence looming around them. And then, Jongdae spoke up.

“I wonder what MiYeon are telling the two.”

Chanyeol shook his head in dismay, already guessing what might be happening. “She’s cussing them, no, only Luhan-hyung. Maybe she’s apologizing to Hunnie about taking HyoRi away etcetera, etcetera,” he said. Jongdae turned to the taller and pouted. “I want her to talk to me and not those two,” he whined.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes and showed a bright smile. “Well, aren’t you being more childish than usual, Chen? The others are still surprised to see those two girls again but you’re here being a lovesick teenage girl,” he told his friend. Jongdae just smirked as a comeback.

“Well, what if you saw your first love again? I mean, I’m sure all of you noticed I like—love MiYeon so I’m just really happy, okay?” Jongdae reasoned. Chanyeol raised an eyebrow. “Luhan-hyung and Sehun,” he said and Jongdae frowned at the names.

“That’s a whole different story. A love triangle is something overused already.”

“You can’t blame the two. It’s love to blame.”

“That’s really corny.”

“I know.”

“Even so, if hyung was able to tell HyoRi how he felt back then, this wouldn’t happen.”

“Sehun would get hurt and that won’t stop the girls from leaving.”

“Oh yeah, you’re right. Geez, I hate it when you’re right.”

“But I’m always right.”

“Yeah, right.”

Luhan and Sehun never felt more uncomfortable in their whole lives. Imagine being in a fancy restaurant with your love rival and the best friend of the girl you love who practically hates you. That was exactly the pair’s situation.

“God, I swear, if you keep on being like this while I treat you two to dinner, I won’t let you see the living daylights again,” MiYeon said as she glared at the two. Apparently, Sehun was able to talk MiYeon out from making HyoRi completely avoid them. It was alright for them to talk to HyoRi from time to time but they should act as if there wasn’t any past behind them. They have to act like strangers.

“It’s not our fault,” Luhan muttered. “Hm?” MiYeon raised an eyebrow. “I’m already trying to be casual with you, oppa to the point I call you oppa,” she sighed then she looked at Sehun. “Oh yeah, Sehun, thanks for protecting HyoRi all those times. I mean, even if you know she doesn’t like you, you kept on being there for her,” she smiled a bit.

“It felt like you reopened an old wound,” Luhan said, earning a hit from MiYeon. “It’s my pleasure, noona. Err…” Sehun suddenly looked embarrassed. “I just like it when she smiles. She’s really pretty when she smiles,” he said. Luhan chuckled. “Being a shy and nervous wreck like before. That’s the Sehun we grew up with,” he pointed out.

“Yah, hyung,” Sehun whined. “Well, HyoRi thinks you’re cute. You should just, you know, confessed. I’m sure she could end up better loving you than that deer,” MiYeon said. “Really, better,” she nodded. “I think she’s right but I won’t easily give up to you,” Luhan crossed his arms.

“How’s Jongdae, by the way?” She suddenly asked but the two men weren’t surprised to hear that from her. “He’s good. I’m sure you’ve heard even though you were in America,” Luhan said. MiYeon shook her head. “Not really informed. I was shocked when I heard you were idols,” she explained.

“Well, he sang in Kyungsoo-hyung’s drama and then he’s part of SM The Ballad. Uhh… He collaborated with Liyin-noona,” Sehun said. MiYeon’s eyebrow arched up. “Liyin?” Luhan smirked when he saw the jealousy appear on MiYeon’s face. “I’ve heard the fans shipping them together. What do they call it? ChenYin?” He added.

MiYeon pursed her lips and shook her head. “Well, if they ended up together, I’ll be happy. Liyin-ssi and Jongdae can make harmonies together,” she said. Sehun frowned. “Ani, noona. We want him to end up with you and I’m sure he wants that too,” he said.

“I can’t sing with him. I can’t make harmonies with him like before. Boys, everything changed when we left for America and when I said everything, I mean everything.”

HyoRi ended up having Baekhyun in their hotel room. It would be complicated if someone saw an idol in front of her door. Baekhyun, on the other hand, was sitting on HyoRi’s bed since MiYeon doesn’t like anyone on hers. He was looking around.

He observed the laptop on the desk, left opened. HyoRi’s bed was still as messy as ever. There were some pills on the side table but Baekhyun didn’t bother on asking about it. He also saw copies of the whole series HyoRi has been writing in Korean.

“You read your books in Korean?”

“Mhm,” she nodded, settling herself near the desk. “I use it to practice my Korean,” she added. “Anyways, do you remember me? And the others?” Baekhyun asked. HyoRi bit her lower lip. “A bit, I mean, uh,” she said. Baekhyun bit his lower lip to stop a chuckle. She looked adorable and confused. “It’s alright. I’m not rushing you. Maybe MiYeon was right, it was better if you were clueless,” Baekhyun said.

HyoRi shook her head. “I don’t want to be naïve, clueless of all of my experiences and I’m sure you’re having troubles because I don’t remember you. I mean, we spent high school together right?” she explained. “But it’s alright. A lot happened before which should be forgotten,” Baekhyun told her. “But they’re important, all the same. I know I might’ve been hurt, traumatized or whatever but all of that made me who I was, right? Everybody looked like they wanted the old HyoRi back, the one who smiles so much and says her opinions frankly and I want to be her again too,” HyoRi explained.

“But you don’t have to force yourself. The new HyoRi isn’t that bad, as long as you don’t hurt anyone intentionally, you’re still the HyoRi we grew up with.”

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foreveryoungwild #1
Add the chen tag authornim so ppl will easily recognize your story:)
Chapter 11: okay.... that broke my heart, you mean author you!
Chapter 7: Ahhhhhhh poor Sehun...... siblingzoned.....
Chapter 6: awwwwww.... Jongdae~<3 harharherrr ugh bakit hindi na lang si Sehun?! BAKIT?! XDDD
Chapter 2: It's so hot here, my eyes are sweating :'( How could you do this to me?