Boy Meets Girl: The Beginning

Naeun was signing some documents when Jin walked into her office.

She glanced up at the sound of the door.

Jin smiled at her.

“What brings you here?”

 Jin just stood there. His mind was still thinking about the news, while his face put on a pretentious smile. Good actor. 

“Do you want to go have a break in one of the best coffee shops here?” 

Naeun blinked. “I’ve been there."

Jin shook his head. “No. Have you heard of La Casa Maria?”

“Seokjin, I’ve got to finish signing your proposal.”

“That could wait. I’ll let you get caffeine and we’ll work back again.” 

He smiled and Naeun nodded in agreement, grabbed her coat and stepped out of the office with Jin. In his sudden invitation, he planned to tell Naeun who he really is. 

The two colleagues walked inside the retro-styled, rosewood-smelled cafe. Naeun gaped at the place. There were a few people inside enjoying their time. A soft music was playing at the background and Naeun felt almost stress-free.

"Do you like it? I mean, do you like the place?" Jin sheepishly smiled at her. 

Naeun grinned widely. "Yes, yes. I feel like I went back to history."

Jin walked her towards a far-end table near a beautiful mountain canvass. Naeun can't help but to look around the beautiful interior.

"Do you frequently hangout here?" Naeun asked, smiling.

Jin was caught off-guard, removing his coat and wrapped it around his seat. He returned back the smile, answering her question.

"I love the cozy feeling and tranquility. It makes me relax and think freely." He said. 

The waiter placed their order and left with a bow. Naeun admired the cutesy of the cups and small plate. Even the coffee is cute too, joining the retro-trend in the shop.

Jin let Naeun enjoy the place, the serenity before going back to working. He really liked her in this kind of her, innocent and carefree. He suddenly widened his eyes at what he just thought. He shook her head.

Naeun looked up from her coffee and eyed Jin. There were fear in his eyes.

"Hey, are you--"

"I have something to tell you. I--promise me, you'll never get angry." Jin started.

Naeun nodded, giving him a warm smile. She put her fork down and listened.

Jin bit his lip and looked away. He really should do this. He doesn't want to live in a lie. But what about his dad's words? The fact that their company is just using Naeun's? He should set this aside first. He'll deal it later when his ready.

"I am the Seokjin you met on the street. I am the Seokjin who broke your gadget. I am Seokjin who left a bad impression on you. I am Jin. I'm sorry I have to hide this from you. I was afraid that you would turn us down. Turn my company down."

Naeun wasn't surprised. She already hint it at first. She started laughing and waved him away. 

"I already figured out it was you. The Jin. I already sensed it when we formally met in my office. That's okay. Atleast, my gadget's fixed now." She smiled.

Jin breathed in a sigh of relief. Thank God, one lie down. One more to go. How could he possibly go on with this sight of innocent Naeun? He still didn't see the rage on her face yet, and maybe, he doesn't want to really see it. 


It has been days since Yura's engagement. Chanyeol had come out of his shell. He was thanking himself that there were no Yooin and Myungsoo, those two kids pestering his work. But his uncle is here. The Chairman. 

"Mister Park, the chairman seeks for you. He is in the private hall."

Chanyeol nodded and stood up right away. He wondered what the Chairman would say to him but he wasn't nervous at all. 

Stepping out of the metal doors, a lady in her casual outfit and sunny shades walked in at the same time. She bumped Chanyeol accidentally and the latter cared less yet he still turned around but the machine doors was already closing in. 

He shrugged and continued walking.

Nana was in Honda Group's main building. Yooin had invited her over to go shopping but why in here though? They started to be acquaintance since the day Dazzle Ind. offered Yooin to model. They got along pretty well and Yooin hoped her sister was there.

Her phone rang.

"Hey, you there already?"

"Uh-huh. Going to Park Chanyeol's office. Why are we meeting there anyway?"

"I just got off from work and Myungsoo flied to Japan for an urgent family meeting. I'm on my way there and I have to scold my cousin."

Nana blinked. "Cousin? Park Chanyeol?" She doesn't know who this Park is.

"Yep. Just tell the secretary you're a visitor. Chill yourself inside. I'll be there in a few."

Then the call clicked off. Nana shrugged, walking out of the machine and straight to the Honda Group's CEO's office.


sorry for the late and short update!! i was out of town!! peace!!

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Chapter 13: "just a few minutes more" lol hehehe
Chapter 13: Let's give her a surprise
And scare that Jin guy lol XD
Chapter 12: Chanyeol is so cold -.-
Chapter 11: Jin ;; you'd better tell her the truth before Kris & I chop your head
Chapter 10: Hmm.......
I want to punch Jin's dad right now. I don't give a about his age haha

Chanyeol, come hereeeeeeeee. I'll help you forget her :3
Chapter 8: Chanyeol, come here and let me hug you
My happy virus, don't be sad :(((

Jin -_- off please
Kris, haha XD
Chapter 8: So maybe my guess is right. Nana & Chanyeol are meant to be lol
Chapter 7: Chanyeol and Nana can be together?? ahahaha if Nana isn't taken tho. ^_^
Chapter 7: Yuraaaaaa!!!!!
Don't worry Chanyeol!! She'll be yours someday haha
Chapter 6: I hope that Yooin & Myungsoo's wedding will come soon. I just want Naeun to return home in Korea. So that there would be more of Kris x Naeun moments hahahaha too excited for that. Keep updating authornim. Btw thanks for this update ^_^