I don't want to be alone. Surely no one wants to go to a regular activity during summer breaks. But I have no choice.  I'm all alone at home. It's so lonely there. At least when I'm doing rehearsals, I know someone is watching over me. Someone will recognize and appreciate my efforts.  I have a my mentor who wants me to succeed.  She praises me when I do well and tells me what should I improve.  Someone cares for me.

  "What do you do during your rehearsal?" the apprentice asked.

  "I practice. I rehearse. " I said in a matter-of-factly tone.

  "I mean, do your mentor teach you different instruments also?" he asked.

  "Only the piano." I said.

  "How long will your rehearsal take?" he asked.

  "I'll be finished by lunch. You can just go home if you want." I told him.

  "No, I was just thinking if you want to go out after." he said. I looked at him. 

   Go out? With him? Is he serious? He's new here and I barely go out. Where could we possibly go? 

 "I don't know where should we go,  and you don't know how to go around here in Korea. " I said.

  "We have a driver,  we can go to a mall." he suggested.

  "What will we do there?" I asked.

  "Have lunch, walk around, buy things." he said.

  "I don't know." I said.

  "It would be fun, besides,  it's creepily quiet back in the mansion." he said.

  "Ok." I said.

     My rehearsal went well as usual. My mentor said we should surprise the contest by playing while blindfolded. I agreed to it because it really sounds exciting to me, it's challenging. I started practicing while blindfolded and finished the first stanza by the end of our session. Mark was waiting for me at the lobby of the building.

  "Hi, you hungry already?" he asked.

  "I want to eat." I said.

  "Let's go. " he said.

   When we arrived at the mall, I asked our driver to come with us since we're both underage and I thought he also needs to eat lunch. We looked for a restaurant with yummy-looking food. Fortunately, we found one after 10 minutes of walking. 

  After eating, we walked around the mall. I bought a cute pair of socks. I love socks. He said he will buy new shirts so we went to men's clothes, teenage section.

  We were looking for stylish shirts, I saw this one shirt. It says 'Cool Dad' with an arrow to the right. Cool DAD. I wish my dad's like that. It would be fun wearing this when we're hanging out outside. Bonding. But no. We don't even have family days. I was laughing at myself thinking about things that are never bound to happen, then I realized, I was alone.

  "Mark?" I looked around, trying to find him. I looked for him everywhere until I don't know where I was already. I was starting to get scared.

Mark's POV

   I was looking for a shirt to buy. I told the driver to look for something for him and I'll treat him. Myleen just walked with us,looking at the shirts designs. I saw a red fire printed shirt. I turned to ask Myleen's opinion but she wasn't there. I looked for her, hoping she just looked for a dress or anything to buy. I was starting to get worried.

  I tried to calm myself. What if she's scared right now? She could she possibly go? What if she's already crying? Myleen where are you? 

Myleen's POV

  Now I am scared. Where did they go? What if they already left? Tears were already falling from my eyes but I don't want to cry out loud. I'm a big girl now. I need to do something. That's when I heard the piano playing. It was played by a man around his late 20's. I approached him.

  "Uhm, excuse me sir but can you please let me play?" I said politely, trying to sound calm.

  "Uh, you are playing? And are you crying?"" the man asked, looking at the peoeple who were watching.

  "Yes.I am and no I'm not." I tried to smile.

  "But people are watching." he said.

  "I know how to play and I just really need to do this. Please." I said and he nodded.

   I started to play, hoping Mark will hear me. I played because I was lost. Lost and wanting to be found again. Just like how my father lost me and how I want him to find out that he still have a family. He still have me.

   "Myleen!" I was so relieved to hear that voice. So relieved that I can't stop my tears from falling again.


  Then,I heard the grand piano from the first floor being played a very familiar tune... River flows in you....

  "That's her." I told the driver and we hurried downstairs. I ran towards the tune until I saw her, the chair was behind her but she was standing while playing.

  "Myleen!" I called her. She turned aroifund. Her eyes looked like they were just crying. I ran towards her and hugged her. She cried.

  "Where have you been?!" I asked. I'm sure I sounded really worried.

  "I thought I lost you" she said while crying.

  "I was so worried." I said. That's when I realized that many people were already looking at us, They started clapping. I wrapped my arm around her not wanting to loose her again.

A man appraoched us, smiling.

  "You really play well." he smiled at Myleen.

  "Thank you."  she smiled back at him.

  "What's your name?" he asked.

  "Myleen Teng" she smiled.

  "Are you perhaps, Miranda Tetangco-Teng's daughter?" the man asked.

  She nodded slowly. He held his hand out to her.

  "I am an old friend of your mother, Carlo Tiu." they shook hands.

  "Sorry to interrupt sir, but we need to go now." I told the man politely.

   We headed to the parking lot and went home.


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HoneyHanie #1
Chapter 21: Fast forward is better. Their relationship has escalated so its understandable.
ParkHyeri #2
Chapter 21: I really think that you should do a fast forward. Considering that Myleen is ten and Mark is only fourteen, it's a bit strange that they act like they're around 16-18.
khayjun-ho #3
Chapter 21: Yah I kinda forgot their age too, but u can fast forward so it's not gonna be confusing to the other readers.
Channinuna #4
Chapter 21: Well, im fine with the story.. But if you wanna make a fast forward for me its better...
70V3LY #5
Chapter 21: Honestly, I kind of forgot to care about their ages because it was all very sweet and innocent :) but if you want to make it more romantic, then you can fast forward a bit to make them older too. ^^
kissmelover123 #6
Chapter 6: Wait is she 10 or 19
Chapter 17: Atleast she gets to kiss him -__- lol
Chapter 16: Update soon :)))
70V3LY #9
Chapter 16: Just because Jungkook is my bais, I'm glad he has a role in this hehe ^__^
KIM_MINAH_19 #10
Chapter 16: Aww,I like Jungkook too but I ship her with Mark!
But it's okay, it's just a date..hehe ^^