Just like how I thought this would turn out. The little attention I was getting from him in the past is now being reduced *sigh*. It's because of his apprentice. Maybe if I was a boy I won't be having this problems. Maybe, no surely, if I was a boy, that guy won't be here.  Gender bias. I know why my father didn't choose me as his apprentice, because I'm a girl. Aish, now I have no choice. I must stop dreaming that my father will ever take notice of me.

   Come to think of it, Mark really didn't do anything wrong. He just wanted to do what he likes. Like me doing music because I want to. I was being rude to him. I shouldn't have glared at him like that. I should make it up to him. What should I do then? +bright idea ting!+ I'll make him food!! hehehe.

   I went out to the kitchen.

   "Do you need anything young miss?" one of the maids asked.

   "Yeah. Do you know how to make spicy ricecakes?" I inquired. All the three maids nodded. "Help me make some, it's our guest's first time in Korea so he probably doesn't know how good it is" I said.

   "Okay young miss, we will prepare the ingredients immediately." they said. I sat down on a chair. I saw him walking downstairs.

   "Mark-ssi." I called him. He looked at me surprised, but appraoched me anyways. 

   "Why? Do you need anything?" he asked.

   "I'm going to cook something for you. As a welcome gift." I reasoned out. His face lit up, he looks like a young boy.

   "What are you going to cook." he asked excitedly, looking at the ingredients already in the counter.

   "Spicy ricecakes, it's really delicious, but this would be my first time cooking it." I said honestly. He smiled.

  "That's fine for me, after all, it's the thought that counts." he said. Aww. that's sweet.

  "Young miss, the ingredientds are ready." the maid said.

  "Maybe you should go somewhere else for now, I don't want you laughing at me when I experience trouble here." I told him.

  "But I'm thinking about helping you" he said tapping his chin.

  "Huh? Why?" I asked. 

  "Well, it's partly my fault why your father is not here now, so I think I should keep you  company." he smiled.

   And that's what happened. We made the spicy rice cakes together. I don't want the maids doing it even partially, so I just asked for the recipe, fortunately I have such sweet maids, they wrote some tips down along with the recipe.

  After cooking, I tasted it first. It was spicily delicious!!! I was so proud of myself after tasting it, I didn't bother to tell him it's really spicy. He took one and when he tasted it, his face reddened and he coughed. I quickly grabbed a glass of water and helped him drink. Soon, his face color went back to normal.

  "I didn't know it's this spicy!" he exclaimed.

  "What do you expect? It's spicy rice cakes and it's Korean." I said, giggling. He looked really pissed off at first, but he laughed along with me.

   After eating he asked me where should we go.

  "We? Why we? You can go wherever you want." I told him.

  "I said I'll keep you company." he explained.

  "Are you serious?" I asked him. He nodded. I told him we should just walk around the house.

   "You're really good in music." he said out of the blue. I looked at him with my eyebrow slightly cocked.

   "I heard you playing last night, I slept listening to you." he said.

   "Mom taught me every instrument she played." I said, remembering my mother.

   "So it's not just piano?" he asked.

   "Yeah, not just piano. I know how to play the guitar, clarinet, drums and others" I told him.

   "That's many." he said.

   "How about you?" I asked him.

   "I did some drums and bass guitar in the states." he said.

   "That's pretty cool." I said.

   "Can I hear you play the piano again?" he asked. I agreed.

   There are two pianoes in the house. One is in my room, and the other is in my mom's music room. I took him to my room.

   "What song were you playing last night?" he asked me.

   "River flows in you" I told him. 

   "Can you play that again?" he said. I nodded.


   She plays soulfully. It seems like she expresses all of her hidden emotions while playing. I was left speechless. She is unbelievably 10 years old. Her closed eyes pushes you deeper into the song. Every press of the keys makes me want to listen more. I don't want her to stop. But she did. She looked at me.

  "It's your turn." she smiled.

  "Me?" I said, pointing to myself. She nodded.

  "Stay here, I'll get my guitar." then she left the room. 

   I can play tha guitar, sure thing. But after I saw her play, all I can think about is how good she is. What if she could do more than I  could? that would be embarassing. I saw  a pile of music sheets on top of her piano and decided to look through those for something that could help. I felt something damp from the bottom of the music sheets. I placed it on top of the music sheets. The title read...

  You Should Care

   I heard her talking to the maids outside minutes later, I placed the music sheet back to where it was.

  "Here." she handed me a green guitar. 

    ~I swear... by the moon and the stars in the sky, I'll be there~ 

  I loved playing that song, and I want her to hear that.

   "Woah, you also play the guitar well!" she excitedly said. 

   "It used to be a hobby." I said.

   "Used to be? You don't like it now?" she asked. I shrugged.

   " I liked dancing more." I said and she just nodded

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HoneyHanie #1
Chapter 21: Fast forward is better. Their relationship has escalated so its understandable.
ParkHyeri #2
Chapter 21: I really think that you should do a fast forward. Considering that Myleen is ten and Mark is only fourteen, it's a bit strange that they act like they're around 16-18.
khayjun-ho #3
Chapter 21: Yah I kinda forgot their age too, but u can fast forward so it's not gonna be confusing to the other readers.
Channinuna #4
Chapter 21: Well, im fine with the story.. But if you wanna make a fast forward for me its better...
70V3LY #5
Chapter 21: Honestly, I kind of forgot to care about their ages because it was all very sweet and innocent :) but if you want to make it more romantic, then you can fast forward a bit to make them older too. ^^
kissmelover123 #6
Chapter 6: Wait is she 10 or 19
Chapter 17: Atleast she gets to kiss him -__- lol
Chapter 16: Update soon :)))
70V3LY #9
Chapter 16: Just because Jungkook is my bais, I'm glad he has a role in this hehe ^__^
KIM_MINAH_19 #10
Chapter 16: Aww,I like Jungkook too but I ship her with Mark!
But it's okay, it's just a date..hehe ^^