Asked Out



  She looks irritated that I can't decide wether I should talk or just keep quiet. Her face softened and she looked more calm halfway home...

  "He's so childish." she said. Yes, he is. I don't know why, but I don't like him.

  "But he's kinda cute." It felt like I was struck by lightning. Cute? What is she talking about? I looked at her.

  "I notice him in class and he's really fun to be with, I think the problem's with me." she looked down.

  "There's absolutely no problem with you." I assured her, putting a hand on her shoulder and giving it a light squeeze.

  "Can't you see? You're my only guy friend. I only talk to guys when it's highly needed, when I have a reason other than being friends. I'm uncomfortable around guys." she pouted.

  She only sees me as a friend? That sounds wrong, I'm the only guy she sees as a friend? Should I be flattered? I'm not.

  She went straight to her room when we got home. I went to mine and took a shower. I decided to practice the new moves I was taught last time. The long weekend's after the acquaintance program. Just perfect for her to rest.

  While practicing, I saw Myleen infront of my door through the balcony. I called out to her and she went down to the garden.

  "You're practicing even here?" she asked.

  "I need to" I replied.

  "You're getting busier." she forced a smile.

  "You can still talk to me." I said. I don't know why but I don't want her to think she won't be able to reach me because I'm busy. I'm always willing to make time for her. Being with her actually makes me feel relaxed.

  "I wouldn't want to bother you" she answered.

  "You're not. You won't" she stayed silent.

  "I like being with you." I said. My heart started to beat rapidly. I feel like I said something wrong but at the same time it felt good. It feels weird, but definitely good.

  "You do?" I nodded.

  "Me too" she smiled. I suddenly felt hot.

  "Uhm, make sure you don't have anything to do this weekend okay?" I said.

  "Why?" she asked.

  "It's a secret." I said. 

  "Uhm, about Jungkook..." she started, breaking the silence. I looked at her.

  "We're classmates so I don't want to have any misunderstandings with him, can you just let me handle him? He's not harmful or anything, he's just naturally playful. You don't have to worry about him." she explained. *He likes you Myleen. I don't want him around you* I brushed it off my mind and just agreed to her.

  But why do I feel jealous? Why am I feeling things I shouldn't? Do I like her?


  I went back to my room and found my phone ringing. It was Jungkook.

 "Hello?" I answered.

 "Woah! You answered!!" he exclaimed. I smiled.

 "Of course, someone's calling. What us this about? This better be important." I warned.

 "It's about the performance, I want to tell you that you should, no, you must watch our perfirmance okay?" he said.

 "Why?" I asked.

 "It's a secret." he said.

 "Ugh, why is everyone keeping a secret from me?" I grunted.

 "It's because you're cute when you're clueless." he said. I'm thankful he can't see me now, I'm blushing.

 "Cute my . I don't like secrets." I said.

 "But you love surprises" he said. How did he know?! 

 "Everybody loves surprises. Even me" Oh so that's just a wild guess.

 "So you mean there's a surprise that's awaiting for me?" I asked.

 "Uh, No! It's just my randomness." he chuckled.

 "Do you have anything else to say?" I asked him.

 "Uhm, Myleen. I just want to say this. I really want to be friends with you." he said.

 "Jungkook, I can see that you're a cool person. But I don't know how to be friends with guys." I said.

 "But you're friends with Mark." he said.

 "But Mark is different." I said. Yes, Mark's different.

 "Do you, by any chance, like him?" Do I? I mean, why is he different from other guys? Why am I comfortable with him?

 "Uhm, I should go now, they're calling for dinner." I hung up.

  Do I like him?


  Should I give up now? She can't even say no to my question. Aish, this is also my fault. I should've asked her a long time ago. Why has it been so hard for me to approach her back then? Now someone had easily made his way to her heart. Someone not me. Why does liking someone make you stupid and cowardly? Jungkook pabo.

 "Jungkook-ah, dinner is ready, let's eat." Suga hyung called. I went down and ate. My hyungs noticed my sad mood and asked.

  "What happened Jungkook?" said J-hope hyung.

  "Myleen likes Mark Tuan." I said.

  "Mark?!" Suga hyung exclaimed.

  "You're classmates with him right?" Namjoon hyung asked Suga and J-hope hyung.

  "Yeah, he's pretty cool." J-Hope nodded.

 "He gets girls attention without trying to, he doesn't even talk that much." Suga hyung said.

 "Now even Myleen" V hyung said.

 "How can I ask her out now?" I asked.

 "Wait. Where did you get this information.?" Namjoon hyung asked.

 "From her." I said. They all looked at me.

 "She told you herself?!?!!?!" they asked.

 "I asked her if she likes him but she didn't answer. She left me.hanging." My shoulders deflated.

 "You still a chance then" V hyung said.

 "Ask her out ." J-hope hyung patted my shoulder.

 " I'll ask her on stage after our performance." I said.

 "Good idea!" Jimin hyung commented.

   I should do this. I don't want to have regrets anymore. I want to try at least. One day is enough. Just One Day.


Mark's POV

  All the performers and coordinators were backstage preparing while the club advisers were making their speech one by one pursuing students to join their clubs. The student Council just had their introduction earlier. Myleen were talking to BTS about their cue and everything. Jungkook was obviously just staring at her, smiling. If I could just drag her away from him... here I go again. I shouldn't be jealous but I can't help it. I'm starting to think that I'm really starting to like her.

  "Hey are you nervous?" Myleen asked.

 " Your face looks so tensed up" she said.

  " Yeah, a little " I answered. Though the real reason is because Jungkook just had the time of his life staring at Myleen. 

  "You'll be fine" she smiled.

  "Make yourself seen from the crowd okay? I want to see you watching. It'll make me feel less nervous." I held her hand. I just wish she doesn't mind. Then I saw Jungkook looking.

 "Okay, Goodluck then" she squeezed my shoulders lightly, I brought her hand to my cheek. She looked shocked but I ignored it.

 "You'll be able to rest after this" I told her.

 "Huh?" She asked, confused.

   The stage manager told us to get ready.

 "I'll go to my seat now." she said, taking her hand away

 "Goodluck again" she said before going out.

 "As this school year starts, a new boy group also started. Let's give it up for  Got7!!"

  'Nan nigga joh ah nigga joh ah nigga joh ah nomu joh ah~~~'


 The song started and I watched as they performed. He said he won't be nervous if he sees me watching, but is he that nervous that he can't look away? he really didn't look away, he even lip-synced when it was the other members part. I kept on watching even though I was starting to feel weird again because of his looks. He looks at me differently when he's on stage. He always gave me this sweet, caring, brotherly look, but this is different. He has this smirk on his face that looks cocky and charming at the same time, he doesn't even look nervous.

 "Omona Omona Omona Omona  oh Omona oh oh Omona ~~~"

The second song started. It's titled Girls Girls Girls. Still, he kept looking at me. I wanted to look away but I can't seem to do it.  He did his trick and before Bambam started his rap. He winked at me. 0.o this is how I looked like. Just why Mark? After their song, everyone clapped and cheered for them, including me. 

 "Do you want another performance?" the MC asked the audience and they cheered, clearly wanting more. 

 "Let's give a round of applause for Bulletproof Boyscouts!"

  They went to the stage and the song started, Boy in Luv. Mark went to the audience lookng for me. He sat beside me.

 "You like watching them huh?" He said.

 "He said I must watch. I want to support my classmate though we're not that close. They support me when I have competitions." I reasoned out.

 "I see," he said.

 "You did great earlier, I knew you would. I told you" I smiled.


   ~ yeah! yeah. Just one day, one night ~

  This one's new. Just one day.

  ~ haru man nowa naega hamke harsu it daemon haru man nowa naega Sonja burso itdameon ~

  I should say it's a nice song. It's sweet and all. If this would be sang for me, I would definitely give him a day. Haha, as if someone will do that.

  Jungkook went downstage, towards me, while singing the chorus . I looked at Mark and he looked as clueless as I am. Jungkook held his and out to me as if asking me to dance. I looked at it for a moment and looked at him. He just smiled and took my hand. We went back up the stage and he left me at the center. I didn't know what to do. He sang in front of me while s acted like backup dancers. I looked at the audience and they looked shocked like me. Then girls started squealing and shouting "why not me!?!?" I don't know if I'm going to laugh or what. The boys started cheering. 

 "Can you please go out with me?" Jungkook asked.

 "W-what?" I asked, confused.

 "I want to go on a date with you. Can we go out?" He asked again.

 "Say yes" the audience chanted. Although some girls wanted me to go down the stage, some just cheered. Mark was just looking at me. 

 "If it's not this weekend, I'm fine with it." I said.

 "That's fine. Thanks." He smiled like a child. With eyesmile and all. They went backstage and went back to Mark.

 "You said yes?" he asked me. I nodded. He stared at me.

 "That's a date!" he protested.

 "But it won't be during the weekend. I kept my promise." I argued.

 "It's not that!" he said. Not that?

 "Then what is it?!" I asked. I didn't answer.


  What should I say. Think Mark, think.

 "You're too young for that." I said. Phew, that was close.

 "It's not like we're going to be in a romantic relationship." she said. I should just let this go this one time.

 "Fine." I said. 


Sorry if you find this crappy. If not thanks :)

 I just wrote and wrote. I'll do better next time promise 

 Muah :*

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HoneyHanie #1
Chapter 21: Fast forward is better. Their relationship has escalated so its understandable.
ParkHyeri #2
Chapter 21: I really think that you should do a fast forward. Considering that Myleen is ten and Mark is only fourteen, it's a bit strange that they act like they're around 16-18.
khayjun-ho #3
Chapter 21: Yah I kinda forgot their age too, but u can fast forward so it's not gonna be confusing to the other readers.
Channinuna #4
Chapter 21: Well, im fine with the story.. But if you wanna make a fast forward for me its better...
70V3LY #5
Chapter 21: Honestly, I kind of forgot to care about their ages because it was all very sweet and innocent :) but if you want to make it more romantic, then you can fast forward a bit to make them older too. ^^
kissmelover123 #6
Chapter 6: Wait is she 10 or 19
Chapter 17: Atleast she gets to kiss him -__- lol
Chapter 16: Update soon :)))
70V3LY #9
Chapter 16: Just because Jungkook is my bais, I'm glad he has a role in this hehe ^__^
KIM_MINAH_19 #10
Chapter 16: Aww,I like Jungkook too but I ship her with Mark!
But it's okay, it's just a date..hehe ^^