
A Fire in My Heart

The Jung sisters were locked out of their house and they had no other family go to (otherwise they would have left their current house by now) and both didn’t have many close friends to go to either.

“Jessy...what do you think we should do?” Jessica thought about it. She thought of Taeyeon immediately but she was hesitant to go over. What if it was burdensome for her and her family to just show up uninvited? “ are close with her and she lives next door. Do you think...”
“No!” Krystal was shocked by Jessica’s sudden outburst. “I mean. What if it is too much trouble for her?”

“You are over thinking it. We are so close. Why don’t we go over and ask?” Krystal saw Jessica getting nervous again so she decided to take actions into her own hands again. “God you are acting like a baby. I don’t know about you but I am not sleeping outside.” Krystal started to walk next door with Jessica still on the doorstep of her house.

Jessica didn’t want to be left alone so she ran after Krystal getting a bit wet from the rain. “You can’t leave me like that!”

“I am going to Taeyeon’s whether you like it or not. I need sleep before school and I don’t want to be out in the cold all night. It is only one night. What is the trouble with that?” Jessica was silent while she quietly followed Krystal to Taeyeon’s house.

*Knock knock* Taeyeon opened her door to see the Jung sisters standing in front of her door. “Why didn’t you go home?”

Jessica started to answer, “Well you see...umm...”

Krystal saw her sister acting like a child again so she just answered the question, “We got kicked out for the night. Can we stay here just for tonight?”

Taeyeon was shocked that they got kicked out but she wasn’t going to ask further, “Yea sure, come in.” The sisters walked past Taeyeon into the house and was relieved for the warmth the house emitted.  “Jessica you are all wet!” Jessica was so nervous coming to Taeyeon’s house that she forgot that her clothes got wet when she chased after Krystal. “Krystal, make yourself at home, I am going to take Jessica upstairs to get changed.”

“Do you live alone?” Krystal looked around the house in curiosity because she saw no sign of anyone else home.

“Kind of. My parents are gone on business a lot. You won’t wake anyone if that is what you are worried about.” Krystal just nodded and walked to the sofa while Taeyeon and Jessica went upstairs.

Jessica was very curious about Taeyeon’s living situation and tried to look at every detail in the house while she was being pushed upstairs. The two made it to Taeyeon’s room and Jessica smiled when she saw all the cute things that filled the room. She knew the girl was cute but Jessica found it amusing how Taeyeon loved cute stuffed animals too.

“Here,” Taeyeon placed a towel and a change of clothes in front of her, “why don’t you take a shower and then change into these? You can use anything in the bathroom. I also had some spare toothbrushes so I put those on the counter for you to use.”

Taeyeon was about to leave the room when Jessica stopped her, “Taeyeon...thanks,” Jessica said shyly.

Taeyeon smiled at Jessica who was acting adorable, “I told you to come to me if you ever needed help. I am happy to be here for you.” Jessica smiled back. She couldn’t believe that someone like Taeyeon existed in this world and that she found someone like her. Of the bad, she finally found something good blossom from it.

Taeyeon went back downstairs to see Krystal texting on the couch. “Are you hungry?”

Krystal jumped up off the couch, “Why don’t I make something for you? We barged in.”
“No that wouldn’t be right. You are my guests tonight. What do you want?”

Krystal thought for a while, “Jessica likes pasta. Any kind and I am not picky.”

Taeyeon nodded and made her way to the kitchen to start boiling water. Krystal followed, “Where did Jess go?”

“I told her to take a shower since she was wet.”

“Taeyeon-unnie you are so kind. Do you like my sister?”

Taeyeon almost choked because of Krystal’s boldness, “Ah we are friends...”

“Aww come on unnie, Jessica is pretty and single! You can’t tell me you haven’t thought of her as more than friends.”

Taeyeon was blushing. She could see that Krystal was very much like her sister. “I ah...don’t know,” Taeyeon did know, but she wanted to confess to Jessica not Krystal.

Krystal looked at Taeyeon questionably, “Fine. You don’t have to lie to me. I can see it in your eyes anyways. Just don’t hurt Jess. She has been through a lot for the both of us and even if she looks cold on the outside, she can be easily hurt.”

Taeyeon saw the vulnerable Jessica several times already so she knew that Jessica was softer than she appears at school. That was also why it made it harder for her to want to confess to Jessica. What if everything with Yuri was too fresh in her mind and heart? Was it too soon for Jessica to enter a relationship? Taeyeon didn’t know what to think but for now she was happy that Jessica was her friend.

Krystal was getting bored watching Taeyeon cook in silence so she went back to the living room to play with her phone again. After a while, Jessica came downstairs and smelled the food Taeyeon was cooking. She wanted to go over and check on Taeyeon but she was becoming nervous and shy again so she retreated to be by her sister instead. “Krystal, Taeyeon set some clothes aside for you upstairs and a toothbrush. Why don’t you get ready?”

Krystal smiled, “Thanks Jess. Why don’t you see if Taeyeon needs any help?” Krystal wanted her sister to be happy so she was more than ecstatic to let Taeyeon and Jessica have some alone time.

Jessica reluctantly went towards the kitchen and peeked in at Taeyeon cooking. She was memorized by the actions which looked like an experienced chef working on a five-star meal. Taeyeon was about to turn around to get something so Jessica quickly turned to hide behind the wall. “Jess,” Taeyeon was chuckling, “why don’t you just come in here instead of hiding?”

Jessica smacked herself for being an idiot and making herself look stupid in front of Taeyeon, “Did you need help with something?”

Taeyeon pointed at a cupboard, “Plates are up there and forks are in that door. I am almost done.” Jessica obeyed Taeyeon and started to set the table, “Jess move aside it is hot.” Jessica moved and let Taeyeon set the pot on the table before continuing to set the table.

Krystal came down after finishing getting dressed to see her sister helping Taeyeon put things on the table. She sighed because she could see her sister being love-sick and Taeyeon only playing the friend card when she knew they both wanted more.

The three enjoyed the meal together. The sisters were happy for once. A home cooked meal with people they liked to be around again. It seemed like an eternity since the Jungs were able to enjoy a meal fully. This is the life they wanted to live. Although it was only going to last one night, the laughter and memories felt it would never end. After all three were full all the girls were feeling lethargic from the food they quickly cleaned up before deciding on sleeping arrangements.

“Jessica and Krystal why don’t you take my room for the night?”

“Where are you sleeping? I don’t want you on the couch...” Jessica was getting panicky that they were causing discomfort to their host.

“Haha Jess calm down, my parents are gone. They have a bed I can use.” Jessica felt embarrassed that she didn’t see the obvious solution. “I will use my parent’s bathroom, so just use mine like before to get ready in the morning. Sleep well.” Taeyeon was heading upstairs to go to bed while the sisters watched her before following behind.

Jessica laid in the bed taking in the scent of Taeyeon. She was so happy that she was in the shorter girl’s bed even though her company was just her sister. After an hour or so, the excitement of being in Taeyeon’s bed made Jessica restless making it hard for her to sleep so she got up quietly to not wake her sister before heading downstairs.

Jessica walked out of the room and saw the kitchen light was on. She headed towards the light because she was going to get water anyways to help her fall asleep. “Taeyeon?”

Taeyeon turned around surprised to see Jessica awake, “You should be sleeping. Is my bed uncomfortable?”

“No it isn’t that. Just have a lot on my mind.”

“Same here.” Taeyeon looked at Jessica in silence before asking, “Did you need something to drink or eat?”

Jessica remembered why she came down, “I came for water.”

“Let me get it for you.” Taeyeon quickly got a glass and filled it to give to Jessica.

“Thanks.” The girls continued to drink their beverages in silence until Jessica’s curiosity got the best of her. “What do your parents do that they are gone all the time?”

Taeyeon smiled, “My dad is an officer in the military. He is stationed out of the country right now. My mom travels for work a lot but she is visiting my dad right now.”

Jessica was a bit amazed that Taeyeon’s family was involved with the military. Somehow that made her family a bit scary. “Do you feel lonely? I mean you are probably alone most of the time.”

“Sometimes, but I have you now.” Taeyeon gave Jessica a huge grin making Jessica blush like crazy. This time Taeyeon saw Jessica getting embarrassed. “I am jealous that you have a sister though. You seem so close. I wish I had something like that growing up.”

“What about your brother?”

“Having a brother is different than a sister. I feel like what I have with my brother and what you have with your sister is a different type of bond.” Silence covered the room once again before Taeyeon turned to Jessica, “Are you done or did you want more?”

Jessica saw her glass empty so she gave it to Taeyeon. She liked spending time with the girl so she was a bit disappointed that she had to go back to her room and sleep. Suddenly a roar of thunder shook the house and the lights went out. Taeyeon felt another body attached her, “Jessica are you alright?” She remembered that at the ice cream shop thunder scared Jessica and now they were in the dark, “Jessica just hold onto me, I am going to get a flashlight.”
“You won’t leave me?” Taeyeon put her arm around Jessica’s waist to help her feel more secure before they both made their way to find a flashlight.

After fishing around in a drawer Taeyeon found the flashlight and turned it on, “That is better.” Taeyeon laughed that Jessica was still grabbing onto her like her life depended on it. “Should we go upstairs again and go back to bed?” Jessica nodded and closely followed Taeyeon. Taeyeon was outside of her bedroom, “Jessica you have to let go of me to enter the room.”

“I don’t want to.” Jessica felt safe next to Taeyeon, “can I be with you tonight?”

Taeyeon was now blushing, she didn’t know if she could handle sharing a bed Jessica. The girl already made her mind go crazy with any slight touch, “...ah...wouldn’t you feel better with your sister?”

“No...I want to be with you.” Taeyeon couldn’t turn down Jessica’s request so they both made their way to Taeyeon’s parent’s room. Jessica wanted to cling onto Taeyeon more but Taeyeon made her release so they could get into bed.

Another roar of thunder shook the house causing Jessica to quickly embrace Taeyeon once again. Taeyeon wasn’t surprised by the action and let her body relax. “Jessica did you want me to hold you until you fall asleep?”

“Do you mind?”

“Come here.” Taeyeon made Jessica and herself more comfortable so she could get both her arms around Jessica. “Feel better?”

“Thank you...” Jessica wasn’t sure if this was making Taeyeon uncomfortable but her body relaxed immediately in Taeyeon’s arms. She gave into the comfort of Taeyeon’s warmth as her eyes became heavy.

Taeyeon could hear Jessica’s breathing getting heavy signaling she was asleep. Taeyeon loosened her grip on Jessica so she could get a better look at the sleeping girl. “I keep seeing this side of you...I am just glad this time it wasn’t tears I saw. Remember, I will always be here if you need me.” Taeyeon kissed Jessica’s forehead, “One day, I will tell you I like you...” Taeyeon closed her eyes to go to sleep.







I see progress in the relationship!!

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Chapter 20: I really enjoyed this story and loved it. Thank you
Chapter 20: Reread it and wow. I love the suspense and all of it actually <3 Thank you author for the ff! :DD
Chapter 20: Yay! Taengsic! ^-^ This story is DAEBAKK. Hated theit guardians in Korea though. How could they be so bad? *rolls eyes* Thank you for the awesome ff author! :))
eh Minhyuk? i hate him so much !!!
huangse12 #5
Chapter 20: Lol amber become a bad guy in this story '_'
Nice story :)
Chapter 20: Yuri is not dead \o/ you scared me.
great ending
thanks for sharing
Chapter 18: Noooooo Yuri is dead???
Sad very sad
Chapter 7: is impossible not to fall in love with this story. Taengoo my life u r sooo cute
Chapter 3: Taengoo my Taengoo is sooooo sweet♥♥♥
irfy_isml #10
Chapter 20: New reader here! Love the story but I'm a bit confused. So who is krystal actually marrying to?! And is it already the end of the story?