Surprise Surprise

A Fire in My Heart

The passing days were stifling for Jessica. She loved Taeyeon and was having a hard time with the fact that the girl literally disappeared the last two days. As Jessica was lying the couch immersed in her thoughts, a knock rapped on the door. She got up expecting Yuri to be on the other end of the door but she was pleasantly surprised to find another girl.


Jessica was taken aback from the girl’s sudden cheery domineer since last time they spoke the girl was fuming mad at her. “How did you find this place?”

“Krystal gave me the address.”

“Why are you so happy? I thought I made you mad by moving here?”

“I wasn’t really mad and today is a really good day.”

“What is so good about today?”

“So many questions, but first you need to pack.” The girl was about to enter the home but Jessica stopped her.

“Wait, I can’t just leave. What is going on?”

Taeyeon smiled at her girlfriend and gave her a quick peck on the other girl’s luscious lips, “you are moving.”

“Wait...this doesn’t make any sense. Does your mother agree to this? Where are we going? Did you really get a new house or apartment?”

Taeyeon at this point was in the house carefully packing the few clothes that were not yet already in the suitcase, “you will see soon.”


The two girls drove slowly up to a gated community which made more questions in Jessica’s mind. Finally the girls arrived at a two story suburban style house. “Welcome to your new home princess!”

Jessica was observing the house carefully but her smile soon faded when she saw Taeyeon’s mom exiting the house, “Jessica welcome!” Jessica was convinced the woman disliked her but her actions at this moment said otherwise. Maybe it was true that Taeyeon mentioned her only as a friend and not her girlfriend. The whole thought of that situation made Jessica have a sour mood.

Taeyeon approached Jessica who was just staring at her mother from the car door, “are you coming in with us?”

“Ah yes.” Jessica followed Taeyeon to the house and the older woman quickly gave Jessica a hug.

“Taeyeon your girlfriend is so pretty!” Taeyeon blushed at her mother’ s sudden comment and surprised Jessica. Neither were expecting that statement to come out of that woman’s mouth.

The three made it into the house and were looking around before Taeyeon led Jessica to her bedroom.

“This is where you are with ah me...” Taeyeon was blushing madly with her last statement.

“You look so red. It is no different than how our situation ended up before, but is your mom okay with us sharing a room? What about Krystal?”

“I know this is a smaller house with only the two bedrooms, but not to worry. My mom is going back to be with my dad tonight so that extra bedroom is Krystals. Also, we are now in a gated community that is for military families. I will make sure no one ever comes to harm you again.”

Jessica was smiling seeing the familiar Taeyeon in front of her. The past two days of worry about their relationship deteriorating disappeared as soon as she saw the girl in front of her give that toothy grin. “I love it!” Jessica couldn’t hold back any longer and embraced the cute girl that she called her girlfriend. “Hold on...I need to tell Yuri that I am moving out of her place.”

Taeyeon’s mood turned sour hearing that name but she nodded and released the girl she missed so Jessica could make her call.


It was late at night and Taeyeon bid her mother goodbye at the airport by now. Jessica said that Yuri understood her situation and that Taeyeon shouldn’t harbor any ill feelings towards the girl. Taeyeon trusted her girlfriend so she promised to thank Yuri when she saw the girl at school again.

Jessica and Taeyeon were watching TV when Krystal finally got home but Jessica was not very enthused with Krystal’s entrance so late at night. “Krystal, do you know how late it is?”

Jessica thought Krystal would retaliate and be sassy but the girl skipped up the couple with a huge smile on her face instead. “Jessy I got proposed to by Amber today!!”

Jessica nearly jumped off her seat and pushed Taeyeon off her lap, “What!?”

“Yep. She asked and I agreed!”

“Wait, isn’t this too soon? I mean you guys haven’t been dating all that long.”

“It has been nearly half a year already.”

“Ya! That is soon!”

“But I love her, how could I just say no. I mean we will wait till after this school year...”


“But Jess...”

“Absolutly not! I want you to finish college before marrage! That is final. You will not have my blessing.”

“But you are not my guardian...”

“Are you saying you will go ask that Quin family to give you permission?”

“Amber did already and they signed the papers. We could get married any time we want.”

“What about me? I am your sister. Doesn’t my opinion matter?”

“It does Jess but Amber and I love each other. I want to spend my life with her.”

“Krystal! Really you are so young right now. How do you know what love is?”

“I am still an adult! I know that I love Amber and she loves me!” Krystal was so mad that she stormed out of the house.

Jessica was going to run after her, but Taeyeon stopped her, “Jessica let her cool off.”

“How can I?! I mean it is late and...ugh! That girl is so stupid!” Taeyeon hugged Jessica trying to sooth the emotional mess.

“I know but lets be supportive for now. She is just high on emotions right now since Amber proposed to her. No use arguing when both of you are angry and emotional.”

“It is late though, what if something happens to her?”

“Shhh don’t worry about it, I am sure she is going to Amber’s place which is only a few blocks away.”

Jessica was finally able to calm down in Taeyeon’s arms, “I hope so...”




Yuri was moping around her house that Jessica returned to Taeyeon’s arms so fast. She wanted more time with Jessica to try and win over her heart but it is becoming more clear to her that Jessica has moved on. It was disheartening but there was nothing she could do about it other than become the supportive friend that Jessica saw her as now.

*Ring ring*

Yuri looked at her phone and recognized the familiar name in her caller ID, “Did you find anything?”

“Yes miss Kwon. I will send over my findings.”

“Thanks. I have one more favor to ask of you also.”

“Anything miss Kwon.”


Author's Note

Hello readers! Long time no see ^^ I appologize for the long wait but I just moved to another country which kind of made me busy. Huge changes in my life and looks like in the lives of the characters of this story. The story is coming to an end so thanks for those that have been my devoted readers up to this point.

Lastly, if you haven't seen, I decided to do like a short (5 chapter) taengsic story for fun. Not finished yet, but it will finish soon: Fateful Fountain 

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Chapter 20: I really enjoyed this story and loved it. Thank you
Chapter 20: Reread it and wow. I love the suspense and all of it actually <3 Thank you author for the ff! :DD
Chapter 20: Yay! Taengsic! ^-^ This story is DAEBAKK. Hated theit guardians in Korea though. How could they be so bad? *rolls eyes* Thank you for the awesome ff author! :))
eh Minhyuk? i hate him so much !!!
huangse12 #5
Chapter 20: Lol amber become a bad guy in this story '_'
Nice story :)
Chapter 20: Yuri is not dead \o/ you scared me.
great ending
thanks for sharing
Chapter 18: Noooooo Yuri is dead???
Sad very sad
Chapter 7: is impossible not to fall in love with this story. Taengoo my life u r sooo cute
Chapter 3: Taengoo my Taengoo is sooooo sweet♥♥♥
irfy_isml #10
Chapter 20: New reader here! Love the story but I'm a bit confused. So who is krystal actually marrying to?! And is it already the end of the story?