
A Fire in My Heart

The bell rang signaling class was over. A shy girl in the back row collected her things slowly until her best friend Sunny came up to her, “Tae tae!! Lets go out and have fun today.”

Taeyeon smiled at her, “I can’t today. Don’t you remember we have a test next week?!”

“Oh come on! You are always studying and there are always exams.”

“But...but...” She saw the younger girl now pouting and acting cute which made it hard for her to turn her down, but the exam wasn’t just any exam, it was midterms.

“I can see you are still going to turn me down.”

“Sorry Sunny...I wish I could.”

“It is fine. Some people never change. Maybe we can go to the movies after that exam??”

Taeyeon smiled, “Sure.”

Sunny jumped around happily, “I am going to find Hyoyeon then. She never studies!”

Taeyeon got up out of her desk to yell at the other girl skipping out of the room, “Ya! You should study too!”

“Hey you. Quiet down. You are interrupting my beauty sleep...” Taeyeon looked over and saw a girl waking from her slumber.

“Oh sorry, but class is over.” The other girl lifted up her head more to see that everyone did leave already. Taeyeon got a better look at the girl, ‘She doesn’t need the beauty sleep. She is the prettiest girl in our grade.’ The girl got up out of her seat lazily and left the room without another word to Taeyeon. “Psh...even if she is pretty and popular, she could at least have some manners.”

Taeyeon brushed off the thought of the rude girl in her class and walked out towards the study lounge.


“Unnie!!” Jessica turned and saw her cute little sister running up to her. “Where have you been? Class has been over for a while now.”

“I fell asleep.”

“Again? If you weren’t naturally smart, you would be flunking all your classes.”

“But I am gifted so I rather sleep,” she stuck out her tongue and proceeded to get into the black car that was waiting for the two sisters. “You coming?”

The younger girl got into the other side of the car before it left taking the two home.


The car pulled up to a large house that was in a secured neighborhood. The girls were greeted by the butler, “Young misses welcome home.”

The two girls coolly walked past their butler and went into their home, “Mom, dad Krystal and I are home!” After while, their mom walked out of the kitchen and their dad put down the newspaper when the girls made their way into the living room.

“Did you two have fun at school?”

“What is fun about school?”

“Unnie fell asleep again.”

“Ya! Tattletale!”

“Jessica don’t yell at your sister. We know you don’t let your grades slip so it is fine.”

“We should have put them into a better private school.” Their dad exclaimed.

“Honey it is fine. This school is still respectable and all their friends go there from primary school.”

“Still. Jessica seems bored with the subjects.”

“If we switch Krystal wouldn’t be able to attend the same school. She still struggles.”

“Hey! I heard that!”

Jessica went up to her sister who was pouting and gave her a hug, “Aww you are so cute when you are mad.”

“Girls be nice. Dinner is almost ready so quickly change your clothes.”
It was a typical night at the Jung residence full of laughter and stories of their days. The two girls had everything; a loving family and a secure life. The Jungs never had to worry about money since they came into a huge inheritance from their grandfather, but Mr. Jung liked to work the stocks and invest in reality which only increased their fortune, while Mrs. Jung liked to do volunteer work with various organizations. Jessica and Krystal always received the best from their parents whether it was private tutoring or the nicest clothes. Nothing was out of their reach and their parents made sure they had a carefree life. Not to mention that both girls were the two most popular girls in school. Jessica was the older of the sisters who received rights as the beauty queen but her little sister Krystal was not lacking and was the beautiful princess of their high school.

“Mom can I go over to Yuri’s for a little while?”

“Don’t you want to spend more time with your family than your girlfriend?”

Jessica smiled, “But you will always be there for me. I don’t know if she will always stay with me.”

Mr. Jung interrupted the conversation, “Honey just let her go. She is in love. Don’t you remember us sneaking out all the time to meet each other?”

Jessica covered her ears when picturing her parents being intimate with one another, “Ewww I don’t want to think about it! Can I just go?”

“Just be back before midnight and take the driver.”

“I got it.” Jessica smiled and texted her girlfriend that she was coming over.


Jessica made it to Yuri’s house and Yuri snatched Jessica into an embrace once she got out of the car. “I get my baby tonight!”

“I love you too but I need to breathe!”

“Oh right.” Yuri smiled and gave Jessica a peck. “I missed you.”

Jessica buried her head into Yuri’s neck, “I am here now.”



It was a new day at school and like usual Taeyeon arrived early to class. She opened her book reading while the other kids arrived slowly. Her reading was interrupted by Sunny sitting on her desk, “Don’t tell me you are studying this morning...”

Taeyeon looked up, “No. Just reading for fun.”

“Ah why am I friends with you? We are complete opposites.”

Taeyeon laughed, “Because I am cute?”

Sunny laughed and pinched her cheeks, “Maybe because you are the only one I am taller than.”

“Not true! I am taller!”

“Ya! Stop being so noisy, you are both short!” The sleepy girl from yesterday made the two shorties stop their bickering.

“Jessica you aren’t much taller!” Sunny argued. Jessica scoffed at Sunny and sat down in her desk before her friends surrounded her.

“Don’t mind her Tae. She is always grumpy.”

“It doesn’t bother me. She has always been that way around me.” Taeyeon closed her book and put it back into her bag to get ready for class.


Class was almost over and Taeyeon glanced over to see Jessica sleeping again. ‘I wonder how she gets good grades when she sleeps all the time...private tutor? She is rich.’ Taeyeon didn’t realize she was staring until Sunny’s hand waving broke her gaze.

“Didn’t you hear the bell ring?”

“Ya...I did. I am going to get going.” Taeyeon quickly left the room leaving Sunny to wonder where she went but she quickly shrugged it off and left the room.

Jessica woke up when her cell phone started ringing, “Hello?”

“Jess...” Jessica heard Krystal crying she shot up out of her seat.

“Krystal what is it?! Are you hurt? Where are you?”

“Jess...I am outside....”

“Wait I am coming!” Jessica knows her sister was strong and would never cry over the smallest things so she was overcome with panic and concern that her sister got hurt. Blinded by thoughts of her sister she crashed into a person. “I am sorry.” Jessica quickly got up not looking at who she ran into and continued to run off to where her sister was.

Taeyeon got up from the ground, “Well she did say sorry, but still rude.”


Jessica made it outside and saw her sister crying next to her car, “Krystal what is wrong?” The two hugged one another for comfort.

“We have to go...”

“Where? Is something the matter?”

“There is a fire in our neighborhood. I am worried about our home.”

Jessica was relieved that it was just Krystal being paranoid, not really anything for them to be concerned about, “Okay lets go home and make sure everything is fine.”

However, everything was not okay. They approached their home and saw that it was completely destroyed by a fire as firefighters were just finishing putting out the flames.

Jessica and Krystal ran out of the car with Krystal crying and Jessica just standing in disbelief that this was happening to them and their home. After a few seconds reality set in for Jessica and the tears formed. “Mom...” Jessica whispered as she took out her phone and dialed her number but no answer. Without her mom answering Jessica became more scared and fumbled with the numbers to dial her dad but it was the same with no answer. Jessica looked over to her sister who was a mess and tried her best to keep in her emotions before running over to the police.

“This is our home. Was anyone inside when it happened?”

The police looked at the girl with sadness, “I am sorry to say that there were 4 people in the home when the fire started. All were taken to the hospital.”

Jessica lost control and let the tears stream out, “What hospital?!”




Author's Note:

Sorry for that small delay, but it is up and lots happening at once.

Thanks for those subscribing right away!

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Chapter 20: I really enjoyed this story and loved it. Thank you
Chapter 20: Reread it and wow. I love the suspense and all of it actually <3 Thank you author for the ff! :DD
Chapter 20: Yay! Taengsic! ^-^ This story is DAEBAKK. Hated theit guardians in Korea though. How could they be so bad? *rolls eyes* Thank you for the awesome ff author! :))
eh Minhyuk? i hate him so much !!!
huangse12 #5
Chapter 20: Lol amber become a bad guy in this story '_'
Nice story :)
Chapter 20: Yuri is not dead \o/ you scared me.
great ending
thanks for sharing
Chapter 18: Noooooo Yuri is dead???
Sad very sad
Chapter 7: is impossible not to fall in love with this story. Taengoo my life u r sooo cute
Chapter 3: Taengoo my Taengoo is sooooo sweet♥♥♥
irfy_isml #10
Chapter 20: New reader here! Love the story but I'm a bit confused. So who is krystal actually marrying to?! And is it already the end of the story?