
A Fire in My Heart

Krystal entered the detention room and saw it was empty except for a boy in the back of the room. She sat down and one of the desks waiting for Jessica to arrive, but her eyes drifted towards the sleeping boy in the room. After a while the boy lifted his head surprising Krystal in that it wasn’t a boy but a girl, ‘so pretty,’ Krystal thought. Krystal quickly looked away which made the other girl look at her curiously. Luckily, Jessica walked in but Krystal was alarmed when she saw that Jessica’s eyes were red and puffy. “Jess what’s wrong? Is it because of the fight we had this morning? I was tired and I didn’t mean to yell...”

“I broke up with Yuri,” Jessica said as the tugging on her heart increased.

“Really? I thought you really liked her and she seemed to take care of you well.”

“After the accident, she didn’t contact me once. How could she just ignore me when things are not going well?”

“Jess you should let her explain. She might have a reason.”

“What kind of reason could she have when her girlfriend needed her more than ever!”

“Jess you should talk to her.”

Jessica wanted to talk back but the teacher walked in silencing the sister’s argument. The girl in the back of the room was amused, wondering what was going on between the sisters and this mysterious girlfriend of ‘Jess’. It was like she was watching a drama happening in front of her. Such a dramatic story line until the teacher had to walk in, ruining the ending.

After the allotted time, detention finished and the girl in the back watched Jess exit the door only to be stopped by a tall girl who seemed like the girlfriend that the sisters were talking about earlier.

Krystal sighed when she saw Jessica accept Yuri’s invitation to go talk, hoping that they could work things out. She didn’t like seeing her sister unhappy. Even though detention was over, Krystal stayed glued in her chair. The dark thoughts of having to return to the home alone without Jessica, scared the younger girl, leaving her frozen in her seat. “You know detention is over.”

Krystal looked up to see the girl that was in detention with her and Jessica. “Yea I know...”

The girl caught a glimpse of disappointment in her eyes. Was this girl upset that detention was over? Usually kids want to get out as soon as possible. “Are you going to leave?”

“Not sure.”

“I know we don’t know each other but are you okay?”

“I’m not sure anymore.”

“Care to talk about it?” The girl sat down at the desk next to Krystal waiting to hear the story intently.

“My parents died recently and life has been hard with the loss of them and moving in with the devil family.” Krystal looked up surprised that she just told the girl all her worries like she was already her best friend. “I am sorry, I barely know you and I told you all that...”

The girl smiled and held out her hand, “I am Amber, nice to meet you.”

Krystal smiled and returned the handshake, “Krystal...”

“Wow pretty name.”

Krystal blushed a bit from the compliment, “Thanks.”

“Don’t worry about it. I mean telling me all of that. You seemed like you just wanted someone to listen. I can always be here for you to listen if you need it. Friends?”

Krystal smiled, “Sure friends.”




Jessica walked out with Yuri to an empty classroom because she knew her sister was right and she shouldn’t have ran away when Yuri tried to explain things to her. However, her feelings were cold and she was still angry every time she thought of how alone Yuri made her feel the past week. “Alright, talk.”

Yuri felt her heart breaking when Jessica was cold to her like this, “Jess please don’t leave me.”

Jessica was feeling the pain in her heart too seeing the girl in a sensitive state like this but she can’t let the girl walk over her feelings, “Depends. Why didn’t you come to the funeral first?”

“I couldn’t...my parents wouldn’t let me.”

“What? Your parents like me though.”

“They don’t like that you don’t have parents...and your fortune is gone. But I don’t feel that way! I love you and always have!”

Jessica couldn’t handle the rush of mixed feelings. She knew Yuri came from a prestigious family and in the higher society, family name is everything, but never once did Jessica think Yuri’s parents were like that too. She could see that Yuri was sincere about her feelings for her but would it be good for Jessica to let Yuri to be disowned because of her? “Yuri your parents are right...” It pained Jessica to say that but she knew that the future for her was not bright and she couldn’t bring herself to drag Yuri down with her.

“Don’t say that! They can’t control my life! I love you and only you!”

Jessica started crying with Yuri, although she was still trying her best to stay strong, “Yuri you know this won’t work if we don’t have your parent’s blessing. I have nothing to offer you anymore. I don’t think our love can help overcome your situation or mine.”

“Please Jess...don’t do this because of all that. I want to be with you and grow old with you...”

“Yuri stop. I said this is over.” Jessica nearly choked on her words but she knew that Yuri would continue to try persuading her if she wasn’t assertive with her decision, no matter how hard it was to make.

Jessica turned to walk out of the classroom, but Yuri grabbed her wrist and turned Jessica around to lock her into a kiss. However, Jessica pushed away from Yuri, “I hope we can meet in the future when things are better, even if only as friends.” Jessica quickly left the room before Yuri tired that again and she wouldn’t be able to pull away again.


After creating a safe distance away from Yuri, Jessica collapsed on a bench just outside of the school. Life . I now lost everything that I loved (except Krystal). Jessica leaned back and placed her hands over her eyes covering the tears that rushed down her face.

“Aigoo. Why do I always see you crying?”

Jessica quickly straightened up and wiped the tears away on her sleeve. “Are you a stalker?”

“Not exactly, I just stay at school after hours.”

“Doesn’t explain why you always find me."

The girl smiled at Jessica, “Who can ignore a crying girl and not want to come over to help?” Jessica was too drained emotionally to argue with the girl. “You shouldn’t hold it in just because I am around.”

Jessica looked over to see the girl now sitting next to her, “What?”

“I can see you want to cry again. Go ahead. I think this is the third time I saw you cry today. You don’t need to be strong.”

Jessica was amazed that this girl could read her like a book, “Why do you care about me?”

“Why shouldn’t I?”

“We barely know each other.”

The girl next to Jessica laughed, “You may have not noticed me over the years, but I have known you for a while.”

“Thank you....Taeyeon,” Jessica let her body relax onto Taeyeon’s shoulder and she cried. She let go and let the tears come out so that they would never have to flow again. Taeyeon caressed Jessica’s hair allowing the girl to use her for support. Somehow Jessica reminded her of how life used to be for her in the past, and how she wished someone would have done this for her during that time. Being the comfort for Jessica now made her happy, like she prevented another painful memory in Jessica’s life. 







I feel like I am giving you all a lot at once. If the story gets too confusing, just comment. But Amber came into the story finally ^^

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Chapter 20: I really enjoyed this story and loved it. Thank you
Chapter 20: Reread it and wow. I love the suspense and all of it actually <3 Thank you author for the ff! :DD
Chapter 20: Yay! Taengsic! ^-^ This story is DAEBAKK. Hated theit guardians in Korea though. How could they be so bad? *rolls eyes* Thank you for the awesome ff author! :))
eh Minhyuk? i hate him so much !!!
huangse12 #5
Chapter 20: Lol amber become a bad guy in this story '_'
Nice story :)
Chapter 20: Yuri is not dead \o/ you scared me.
great ending
thanks for sharing
Chapter 18: Noooooo Yuri is dead???
Sad very sad
Chapter 7: is impossible not to fall in love with this story. Taengoo my life u r sooo cute
Chapter 3: Taengoo my Taengoo is sooooo sweet♥♥♥
irfy_isml #10
Chapter 20: New reader here! Love the story but I'm a bit confused. So who is krystal actually marrying to?! And is it already the end of the story?