Decision Time

A Fire in My Heart

(Continued from previous chapter)


“Why do you think we need to break up? At least give me a reason.” Amber was unusually calm even though Krystal told her that she wanted to call the relationship off.

“We might be blood related.” Amber was now very confused.

“I don’t understand. You don’t look any bit Chinese.”

“Well your Uncle Quin was my father’s cousin...we are related through him.”

Amber busted out laughing, “Did you ever wonder why he and my father have different last names? Oh Krystal you can be dense at times. And here I was worrying over nothing.”

“Wait why are you laughing? And the name thing was weird but...”

“Krystal my Uncle Quin was adopted by our family. He is only related by law.”


“Yea he is my uncle but not my real uncle. my Uncle Quin the one that was taking care of you and Jessica?”

“Ah umm. I don’t want you to think poorly of your family...but yea.”

Amber furrowed her eyebrows, “My cousins are brats, but I don’t see my uncle often. Also I didn’t think he would call you things like orphans when he was one himself.”

“What happened to his parents?”

“They were killed in a fire...kind of strange. I would think he would feel sympathy toward you and Jessica since you went through the same hardships.”

“You would think...”

“But this breaking up thing is kind of silly. Don’t mention those words unless there is a better excuse.”

Krystal smiled, “I would never.”




Jessica and Taeyeon were on the train back home but since the meeting with Child Services, the two haven’t said a word to each other. Jessica was feeling a heavy burden of what to do although it was not a decision she could make by herself, she needed to confide in Krystal. Taeyeon was also deep in thought about the whole situation. Now she felt guilty for telling Jessica her feelings and becoming her girlfriend. Maybe the decision would not be so hard if there were no attachments to Korea at the moment.

Taeyeon was having trouble knowing what to say to Jessica but she didn’t want Jessica to think she was alone so she just grabbed Jessica’s hand and interlaced their fingers.

Jessica looked up to Taeyeon, “Tae...”

Taeyeon gave a reassuring smile, “I know...I want what is best for you. Don’t worry about me.”

“How can I not? I really really like you.”

“I know.”

Jessica laid her head on Taeyeon’s shoulder from the tiredness that consumed her with a day filled with uncertainty. Taeyeon just smiled and never let go of her hand.




Krystal jumped off the couch when she saw her sister and Taeyeon walking through the door. “Unni!! I have good news.”

Jessica looking unenthused about what she had to explain to Krystal, “ you mind if I talk to my sister alone?”

Krystal was confused. She thought Jessica would be happy to hear something good about today. I mean she had so much to explain and tell her that Amber and her didn’t break up.

“I understand. You two work it out. Just tell me what you decide.”

After Taeyeon left, Jessica guided Krystal to sit on the couch.

“Krystal...I know your good news means you and Amber didn’t break up. Did she tell you about her uncle not being blood related?”

“ found that out too, but why do you look so unhappy?”

Jessica pulled out the sheet of paper the two were to sign about guardianship, “I also got this when I was in the office with Mr. Go.”

Krystal started reading the paper, “Guardianship? What does this mean?”

Jessica took Krystal’s hands, “If you were to choose, would you like to stay here with the Quin family or go to America and have a better family?”

“Is that what this document is saying?”


“What is it you want unni?”

“I want what is best for you of course. If you say to stay here, I will stay. If you say go to America, I will go.”

“Jessy...your opinion matters just as much to me.”

“I know, but I am your big sis. My interests will be to always protect you.”

“I can tell that you are suggesting we go to America, but you are afraid that I won’t want to because of Amber?”

“I have my reasons to stay here in Korea too, but your guardianship can’t be passed to me until next year. I am worried about us being in the care of that evil family for one more year.”

“So it would mean one year in America if we decide that right?”


“I can be away from Amber that long, but what about you and Taeyeon?”

Jessica was confused how this got turned to her, “Me and Taeyeon? What about us?”

“Can you be away from her for a year?”

“I ah...don’t know how....”

“A blind man could see that you two are in love. Don’t tell me that neither of you made a move yet?”

“Well We actually started dating...”

“I knew it!! Finally!”

“Hey hey this is not about me! We need to make a decision on this guardianship thing.”

“Decision made! We are staying here. I can’t live in America with my sister being depressed all the time.”

“I would not! I can be without Taeyeon for that long if I need to be.”

“No you can’t. I know you better than anyone else. We have to stay here for my sanity and your happiness.”

Krystal took the nearest pen and signed her name on the line, “There done, and I thought this would be hard thing to figure out.”

Jessica sighed in defeat, “I hope this is the right thing to do. I mean, they don’t even know what that family did to us yet.” Jessica quickly signed the paper as well.

“Hopefully we can spend a year here with Taeyeon in hiding and everything will be fine?”

“I hope so. Well I am going to go up and tell Taeyeon.”

Krystal smiled at her sister who left to meet her girl which reminded her that she needed to call Amber and tell her what was going on now.




Taeyeon almost made it to her room after getting kicked out of the first floor, “Why am I the one to leave? I am the owner of this house at the moment.” She was about to enter her room and give the girls privacy but utter curiosity caused her to hide carefully so she could hear the conversation. “Jessica will tell me anyway so it won’t hurt if I listen in right?”

Taeyeon was listening carefully but she regretted this decision when she heard Jessica trying to convince Krystal to move to America. Even though that option was very appealing. The girls should be with a loving family. She continued to listen and her ears perked up when she heard the sisters starting to talk about her. A grin appeared when she heard Krystal say she could tell that Jessica loved her, but that smiled faded when she heard Jessica say she could be without her for a year, “but I am not sure I can be without you that long...”

After a while Taeyeon heard the final decision but retreated to her room in a rush when she saw Jessica coming up the stairs again. Quickly she threw herself on her bed and pretended to be reading a book.

*Knock knock*

Taeyeon looked up to see Jessica, “Can I come in?”

“Of course. Did you two make a decision?” Taeyeon was trying to act dumb as if she didn’t already know the answer.

“Yea. Krystal wants us to stay here.”

“You didn’t want to stay here...I mean here with me?”

“Of course! I mean...I wanted to stay here too. You know transferring schools would be hard and...”

“Pabo. I know you want to be with me. Don’t hide it.” Taeyeon walked closer to Jessica who was near the door.

“Aren’t you acting a bit cocky? There are other factors too...”

Taeyeon smirked because she knew the real reason the sisters had to stay. She quickly pinned Jessica on the wall with her hand on one side of her head and whispered in her ear, “I would have missed you too.” Taeyeon quickly retreated after the nervous Jessica gave her no response.

Instead Jessica saw Taeyeon turning away so she quickly grabbed her for a back-hug, “I didn’t want to leave you.”

“I know, but it looks like I will have to watch over you a little longer if you are staying here. Are you fine with that?”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

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Chapter 20: I really enjoyed this story and loved it. Thank you
Chapter 20: Reread it and wow. I love the suspense and all of it actually <3 Thank you author for the ff! :DD
Chapter 20: Yay! Taengsic! ^-^ This story is DAEBAKK. Hated theit guardians in Korea though. How could they be so bad? *rolls eyes* Thank you for the awesome ff author! :))
eh Minhyuk? i hate him so much !!!
huangse12 #5
Chapter 20: Lol amber become a bad guy in this story '_'
Nice story :)
Chapter 20: Yuri is not dead \o/ you scared me.
great ending
thanks for sharing
Chapter 18: Noooooo Yuri is dead???
Sad very sad
Chapter 7: is impossible not to fall in love with this story. Taengoo my life u r sooo cute
Chapter 3: Taengoo my Taengoo is sooooo sweet♥♥♥
irfy_isml #10
Chapter 20: New reader here! Love the story but I'm a bit confused. So who is krystal actually marrying to?! And is it already the end of the story?