The silence before explanations

What will happen next? (Three days=alternative title)

Aoi's POV

Naery left sitting in the car with big words ambulance on it and Uruha was taken by the police. Hopefully, they took him to the hospital not to arrest him. He wasn't injured on the outside so they took him to the hospital only for x-ray.  We - Reita, Aera, Ruki and me - were standing on one side of the road. It was the further one from the cars. Kai came to us and my heart broke when I saw his watery eyes and incredibly worried face. I couldn't just stand there, looking at him, so when he stood beside me I stretched my arms and wrapped them around his shoulders. He returned the hug, but after a while pulled away. He handed me my phone. Wait, what?

"Since when do you have my phone?" I asked confused.

"I took it from you to call ambulance, because I didn't have mine. I hope it..."

"It's okay, Kai." I cut him of. How should I be mad at him? He's too adorable and cute for it.

"Should we go to the hospital?" Reita asked, his arm still around Aera's shoulders. It seemed that they both forgot about it.

"I don't think so. They probably won't let us to see them. Also Uruha's x-ray will last way more than five or ten minutes."

"So we're going back to hotel and maybe later to the hospital?" Reita asked to make himself sure. Kai and I nodded at the same time. We looked around and then fixed our eyes at Aera.

"Don't tell me you would be lost without me." She said and sighed when we didn't prove her wrong. She shrugged away Reita's arm and lead our way to the hotel.

Reita's POV

I rushed to Aera and placed my arm around her waist. She removed it and glanced at me strangely.

"I am okay, Rei. Just stop the comedy now." I was utterly surprised.

"W-what comedy?"

"Whole this situation. You pretending that you care if I am okay. I saw you looking at Ruki. I saw the pain in your eyes when you saw him with Naery. Reita, it's obvious." She said and disappeared into hall of the hotel. I went in, but only saw her and others stepping into elevator. I went for the stairs and I wasn't even panting when I came to the floor I needed to reach. I opened the door that lead to my room and looked around. Sure, Area is either with Aoi or Kai. Why would she wait for me? I am... gay according to her. I fell to the floor, sitting there I put my head in hands. I wanted to cry. She thinks... I need to explain... I stood up and turned to the door. Then I stormed into Aoi's room. Eh, no, I didn't, it's locked. Correction: I stormed into Kai's room. They were in the kitchen, standing, leaning against the kitchen desk.

"Aera, may I talk with you?"

"Yeah, sure." She stayed at the exact place she was before.

"Just with you?" Kai and Aoi exchanged confused glances, but left. I heard some door closing, so they probably went into Aoi's room.

"What do you want to talk about?" She asked, not looking me in the eyes. Guess what.

"I am sure you know."

"Maybe. It's about Ruki? I won't tell anybody."

"It's not about him, but you. You are wrong when you think I am not straight. You said you see pain in my eyes. It's true, but not because I can't have Ruki. It's because I can't have another person."


"I won't tell you."

"Why?" I shook my head and turned to leave. She grabbed my wrist and demandingly said.

"Tell me who. I will keep it for myself." Again I shook my head and left. 

Kai's POV

I looked at Aoi. What does Reita want? Without a word we left to Aoi's room. I saw his stuff still in the middle of hall.

"You didn't put your clothes in the wardrobe?"

"What for? We are leaving soon." He shrugged. I raised my eyebrow.

"You really think that this... Ruki will leave her? I saw him looking at her. It seemed like he thought they were the only people in whole universe. Like he would break apart if he wasn't able to see her." I said with my voice gradually fading away as I remembered my Uruha. He is fine. He is not injured. Traumatized. Will he need to go to teraphist or something? Is he traumatized? I need to see him. I need to ask him, if he's all right. I rushed to the door and suddenly a hand landed on my shoulder. I completely forgot that Aoi was there too.

"Kai? Where are you going?"

"Uh, hmm, nowhere."

"You were heading for the door."

"I thought I should go back to my room." Great excuse. Good job, Kai.

"May I go with you?" I gave him the 'really' glance.

"Aoi, you don't have to ask. Sure you can." Then I opened the door and nearly bumped to Reita.

"Oi, Reita. Is Aera still in there?" I gestured towards my room. He nodded and entered his room. We went to Aera only to see her sitting in a chair with her arms crossed in front of her. She was pouting, staring into nowhere.

"What happened?" I asked. She blinked a few times before she looked at me.

"Uh, nothing."

"What Reita wanted?" Aoi corrected my question.

"N-Nothing." She stuttered.

"Oh, come on, Aera. Really? Just say you don't want to tell us." Aoi exploded. Then he turned around and left. Why he left? What's with him?

"Aoi!" I shouted after him. I glanced at Aera and ran out, trying to follow Aoi. The first idea was that he went to his room, but it was locked, so I went to Reita's room. I found Reita pinned by Aoi to the wall next to the huge window right opposite the door.

"Aoi!" I shouted, while shutting the wooden thing, then I ran to them. I grabbed Aoi's shoulder and pulled him away from the bassist. He let go of Reita, who then slid down to the ground, holding his neck.

"Aoi! Why the did you..." 

Aoi's POV

This is bad, this is really bad. Kai never use such words. He never uses swore words.

"Kai." I looked at him apologeticaly. He continued on with killing me with his eyes. I must say, it pretty much worked. I stared into his eyes for a while, then looked away. When he didn't get any response or explanation from me, he turned to Reita, lifted him up and brought him to the near couch. Kai afterwards left without saying a word or even looking at me. I tried to kneel beside the couch, but Reita almost fell off of the couch in desperate movement to get away from me, so I just murmured my apology to him and went to search for Kai to explain him some things.

Naery's POV

~some time before everything in the hotel happened (following scenes are happening at the same time as the scenes above)~

"Please, sit here. We will inform you about their health." I was told by a nurse when we arrived to the hospital. I was sitting in front of the forbidden door, behind which was the injured family. I was staring at my lap in which I was playing with my slim fingers. I was so nervous that I literaly jumped off of my seat when the huge door opened. I guess the rest of the hospital-which means nearly three quarters- is behind this door, because Uruha with a nurse came out. To my surprise he came to me and hugged me. I hugged him back.

"Uruha, are you all right?" I looked at nurse above Uruha's shoulder, which wasn't as easy as it sounds considering how short I am compared to him. The nurse gave me the may-I-leave-?-will-you-take-care-of-him-? kind of look and I nodded slightly. She left after nodding her head too. I sat Uruha on the seat next to mine, now he was shorter than me, because I was still standing above him. He tilted his head up to look at me and I noticed his red wet eyes and cheeks stained with tears. He was crying on my shoulder? I lifted my hand and touched my shoulder where was his head laying moments ago. The clothing was soaking.

"S-sorry." He apologized in shaky voice. Tears still running towards his neck.

"No, no, I'm not angry, just surprised. Do not apologize, please." I sat on my seat and put my arm around his shoulders. He was shaking and hiccuping. I wanted to do... to say something to make him stop. 


We were sitting here for some time now and Uruha calmed down. He wasn't even sobbing and fade smile was starting to appear on his lips. He stood up suddenly.

"I'll be back in a while." I nodded. He went in the direction of toilets which lead along huge hall with main entrance. When he was exactly there, crossing the hall, a man with arm around his ribcage, broken arm and injured leg, followed by a policeman, shouted pointing at Uruha.

"It's him! That's the man!" Uruha turned his head in the man's direction to see who was shouting. His eyes grew wide in shock when he saw him.


Aye! First things frist: this is going to be a little longer author´s note...

1.I feel that I need to say this to you: In this chapter are two cliffhangers, at least in my opinion. The first is about what was Aoi thinking when he attacked Reita? This will be explained in the next chapter when he finds Kai. He will explain everything to Kai. And the second is not so unexplained... it is about that man and whose fault is the car crash... This will also be explained in the next chapter or the chapter after, depending on how long the next chapter will be. (shorter=one explanation, longer=both explanations) so let me know which one do you want, tell me anywhere...

2.Uruha´s reaction isn´t overdone, maybe just a little. I was doing it according to my experience, which was slightly different. Let me explain: I was travelling with friends to school one day. We travel by train. And we were in one of the stations when a train going in the opposite direction hit a man. Later in the day we found out that he survived. I didn´t know him, he was a complete stranger to me, yet about an hour after it happened it seemed as if i suddenly understood fully what happened and i was shaking and crying.... I wasn´t able to concentrate until we found out that he survived. It was a horrible experience and I wasn´t even involved in the accident as Uruha was....

That´s all... If you came here, then i am glad and I want to tell you that every subscription or comment is appretiated and i will reply, so if you have any questions or demands just tell them.

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I am working on a special chapter now, so please be patient with me. Also, I will update a new chapter shortly after the bonus. -Author-


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