Chapter 14, time for a filler!

What will happen next? (Three days=alternative title)

Hello, guys! I´ve decided to upload this chapter, because I like it. It´s a filler and I am still working on the next actual chapter, but I wanted something light- hearted and the story itself is kinda gloomy... 

I became obsessed with Supernatural, so there are several refences, starting in title, and this whole chapter includes Supernatural characters. Those who know the show, will know and those who don´t, well, google it. Who wants to obsess with me rise their hand and send me a message! 

Also this chapter has nothing to do with the plot of actual story... And a bit of 4th wall breaking occurs...

This a/n is at the top bcs I need you to read it and I don´t want to risk putting it at the end and none of you actually reading it...

Aaaand, this is probably only the 11th chapter, but just go with it and pretend the AFF chapter numbers are the right ones.


He looked into the mirror, slowly realising how worn out he looked. He hasn´t slept properly for too long, always moving from hotel to hotel, town to town. His past was haunting him. literally. He closed his eyes as a shiver run through his body. The sudden change in temperature didn´t surprise him as he gave up and expected the inevitable to come. He opened his eyes to see the mirror covered in icing. His breath forming white puffs in front of his mouth. Not a sound escaped his throat as the rope tightened around his neck. A dull thump resonated through the empty room as his dead body hit the floor, rope still tightly bound around his neck, forming violet bruises.

/////// A WEEK LATER ///////

"Sir? Are you all right, sir? You need to check out soon, sir." The maid said, knocking on the door of closed hotel room. The client haven´t been around for a long time and he mentioned before, he didn´t want maids cleaning his room, so they haven´t bothered him. Now however, was nearing the end of his visit and maids were starting to get concerned. As there was no reply, the maid unlocked the door with her spare key and walked in, seeing an empty room. But being already there, she decided, she would also clean up a bit and went to the bathroom to check if any new clean towels are needed. It was then, as she opened the door, that she shreaked at the top of her lungs, utter terror filling her small being. On the ground laid their client, rope around his neck, underneathz which dark bruises stood out against his ashen skin. His eyes were wide and unseeing, glazed over with the veil of death. 

////// LATER THAT DAY ///////

"Guys? Police is here. Why is there police?" Ruki said as he turned around from the window he was looking out of. They were gathered in Ruki´s hotel room as they were about to have the talk. 

"Maybe they are just checking in." 

"I don´t think they would use their sirens then." 


They contemplated going out into the hall to try and find out why the police came, but decided against it. Although, they didn´t resume their talk as they were too distracted by certain events. It being the arrival of police.

Several minutes later, they heard steps and muffled voices outside their room and Reita was just too curious not to peek out. He saw three policemen in the room opposite of theirs, taping the door frame with tape labeled crime scene. That caught his attention.

"Guys, something happened." Also the rest of their group gathered at the entrance to their room, silently watching policemen do their job. 

"What do you think happened?" Aoi asked, slight concern lacing his voice. 

Kai just shrugged at that and others didn´t reply. 

One of the policemen actually noticed their audience and walked over to them. 

"Gentlemen... and ladies." He added as he spotted Naery just behind Ruki and Aera standing beside Reita. "There was a murder in the room we are currently investigating. Seeing as you have room, or rooms, near the crime scene, you will be classified as suspects or witnesses, depending on how your interrogation will go." He said, eyeing them suspiciously. 

"I will need to lock you in this room, until we interrogate you." Only whimpers and silent protests came from the group as they were pushed back into their room. A click came from the door and they were trapped like lab rats. 

"Nice. And just when I thought nothing can happen to us." Uruha, who was silent most of the time, snickered.

"Ok, calm down everybody. We didn´t do anything, did we? So they should just release us right after the interrogations." Kai tried reasoning, but they all knew how police was, if you look suspicious enough, they can dig out all the crap of the world and put it on your head. And all of that just have a box labeled case closed. 

Silence set around them as they waited. But they waited only shortly, about thirty minutes and a knock on the door came. They opened the door and saw two men standing there, dressed in suits and heavy coats, holding out two badges. One was tall, like ridiculously tall, like almost two metres tall (imagine Ruki the shorty standing beside such a man) and longish brown hair that fell into his eyes. The other one was only slightly shorter than his partner, so he still towered over the group. He had piercing green eyes and short light brown hair that was styled upwards.

"I am agent Samson, and this is my partner, agent Deanson." The shorter of those two introduced them. 

"We would like to ask you a few questions." They stepped in, the taller one ducking his head slightly.

The group stood there in shock. They would have never imagined FBI agents interrogating them, yet here they were. The agents closed the door behind them and separated Kai from the group. The shorter of the agents taking him into one corner of the room, while the taller, agent Deanson, placed a hand onto Uruha´s shoulder, leading him into the bedroom next to the somewhat of a living room. The funny thing was that even the tallest member of the group looked really short next to the agent. 

"Have you seen anything weird going on at the time of the murder?" Agent Samson asked Kai, loud enough, so that everybody heard him, although unintentionally...

"Uh, no, we checked in only yesterday.... sir." The agent´s eyebrows shot up, eyes widening. One could tell, he was not expecting that. But then again, it happened in a hotel...

The agent strolled over to the door leading to next room, just when the other agent emerged from there. 

"Dude, they aren´t here long enough to know anything." Agent Deanson said to his partner.

"I know, what should we do?"

"Ah, let´s just dig into the victim, and find out whether we can figure it out from his past. You know, research."

They spoke in hushed voices, but considering it was a small room, also the group heard and just shot each other confused and a bit unsettled glances.

The agents turned back to them and smiled. 

"Here, If anything happens, call us." The taller one smiled friendly, handing them a card. 

With that they left.


Back in the hotel room they booked that morning, Sam and Dean Winchester sat on their beds. Sam had his laptop on his thighs and was doing research, as always. Dean just sat there and contemplated what he should do. Nobody at the hotel knew a thing about the guy that was killed and Dean was frustrated because they had to find out everything on their own. Not like he ever did anything, Sammy was the one doing the research every time. They would call Bobby were it a complicated case. Just when Dean started to drift off to sleep, Sam spoke up:

"So get this. I found something on the victim´s past."


"Firstly, He has been acting strange for several months before he has been murdered. He traveled around the country, slept in hotels and never bothered to stay at one place for longer than two days. Although that´s not the strangest part. Before he started his ´roadtrip´ he burned his house, he didn´t call firemen, he just waited until the fire died down a bit and then he put it out himself. The only thing he took with himslef were the clothes on him, wallet and a wedding ring."

"Sam, what does that mean?"

"Nothing, not necessarily, but his wife hung herself in their bathroom, what if she stayed?"

"You think she didn´t cross the river? But how can a ghost travel around, chasing people?"

"The wedding ring, he kept it with himself all the time. He probably knew a thing or two about ghosts, that may be why he burned down his house."

"Too attached to her, so he kept the ring as a reminder? That´s kinda lame. He burned his house, but kept the ring. Do you think she hung herself because of him?"

"Probably, at least that looks like the most likely sccenario."

"So, what now? Do we break into the morgue?"

"No, I don´t think they left it on him, it´s probably in the evidence."

"Right, so let´s go."

They changed back to their agent outfits and  went out to the Impala, Sam sliding into shotgun and Dean behind the wheel. Without any word, they arrived at the police station (seems like a lot of this story happens there) and parked their car in a free slot. They went straight to murder department and demanded to see the stored evidence. After some bickering from the policeman, he let them in and showed them the box in which they found the wedding ring. They couldn´t burn it then there, though, so Dean sneaked it into his pocket, replacing it with a ring he sometimes wore on his thumb. They looked nothing alike, but the brothers hoped for the policemen to be disinterested enough to not notice. After they thanked the officer, they hurriedly exited the building and rode back to their hotel room to change into their casual clothes. Dean put the trash can on the table and threw the wedding ring into it. Sam salted it and sprayed some oil onto it, Dean then lit up his lighter and went to throw it into the bin, when his body flung into a nearby wall. 

"Dean!" Sam shouted at his unconsciouss brother, but turned to light up the fire himself.

Sooner than he could do that, a woman in purple night gown appeared in front of him, silk scarf hanging from her bruised neck. She had greyish skin and bags under her eyes. Snarl forming on her lips as she pushed Sam up a wall by his neck. He struggled and clawed at her arm, caughing for breath. He tried throwing the lit lighter into the trash can, but missed by mere milimetres and whimpered in disappointment at himself. When Sam´s eyes started fluttering shut, right before he was engulfed in the black emptiness, the ghost burst into flames and with a last screech left the earth, sending Sam coughing to the floor. He closed his eyes as he took deep breaths, more like gasps of air at time. 

"You ok, man?" Dean kneeled next to Sam.

"Yeah, Dean, good timing. Thanks." Sam nodded and replied in a raspy voice. "Dude, I hate ghosts."

"And that´s not even the nastiest of the creatures out there..."


////// A YEAR LATER ///////

"Hey, Dean" said Sam as he looked up from the map he was looking at. "Didn´t we hunt a ghost about a year ago somewhere around here?" 

"Yeah, that´s possible." Dean shrugged, not taking his eyes off of the road. 

"We should make a stop here." Sam suggested, even though he didn´t know why, because it was irrelevant, they had a case towards which they were currently driving. (Maybe bcs the author has a plot in her mind... silly Sammy)

"If you say so." Dean acted completely out of character just for this once.

They booked a hotel room in a random hotel (although it was THE hotel, in which the man died and the group stayed at)


"Ruki, do you need to be so cheesy and book the same frigging hotel room?"

"Yes, Reita. There needs to be a hint of nostalgia and good memories in the background as we meet again."

"Oh God, I will feel so bad. It´s only the two of us and I suppose only Naery will come, so I will be the third wheel. Just great!" Reita threw his arms into air dramatically, sighing heavily. 

"Come on, Rei. I think both of them will show up." Ruki tried calming Reita down as they sat on the couch in their old hotel room, waiting for Naery or both sisters to show up.

"I swear I´ll kill you if I will be sitting here alone engulfed in the lovey-dovey mist you will be giving off." After that sentence they heard a soft giggle from the door frame and both spun around to see both sisters leaning against it. Aera had a huge grin plastered on her face while Naery only a subtle smile playing on her lips. Ruki ran up to them, embracing firstly both of them and then only Naery. He breathed in her scent and buried his face in her hair. 

"What happened there?" Asked Reita, pointing towards Aera´s hair, which was now pale blue and even longer than before. She just shrugged.

"I needed a change. At first it was temporary dark blue, then I gradually kept adding lighter and lighter shades, so at one point of time, the hair was going from light blue to dark blue... Now this is permanent and I won´t go lighter or darker, I intend on keeping it like this." She smirked.

"Yeah, I tried persuading her to let it grow out, but to no avail. I got used to it eventually." Naery said after Ruki stopped hugging her so tightly. 

"She even got herself a lip ring." Naery pointed out and Aera just shrugged again.

"Yeah, I did. It´s similar to what Aoi had."


They sat there, chatting with each other about the past year until late evening when suddenly three dark figures barged in. 

"Hola guys." One of them said as the four people jumped up in surprise.

"Aoi?" Aera asked into the darkness.

"Yes, me and my two minions. You really should turn on the lights." The figure closest to light switch, flicked on the lights and could see each other properly again. Sure enough, the three stranger were nobody else but the rest of the Gazette. 


The next day, it got dark earlier as they sat at the hotel room, still catching up on the missed year. Suddenly it got several degrees colder and small white puffs of breath appeared in front of their mouths. They looked confusedly around themselves to find the reason of such temperature change, but found none. They calmed down a bit after a while, but the cold didn´t surpass. Then Naery looked behind her shoulder and shrieked.


Sam stood up, or more like jumped up.

"Did you hear it too?" Dean asked and Sam just nodded. They grabbed their guns and the nearest shotgun loaded with rocksalt. They ran up the stairs quickly and barged into the right room (bcs they are awesome like that) which was where the group sat at. They noticed a group of people sitting on the couch and behind them was a ghost of a child with a knife stuck in his heart, extending his little hand towards the girl that was the closest to him. Sam quickly shot it with the shotgun and ran to the group. 

"Are you alright?" He asked looking between them.

They all nodded.

"Agents? Agents Deanson and Samson, right?" Aera asked, looking at them both.

They looked at each other and Dean shrugged. 

"Yeah, I suppose. How come you remember us?"

"Well, duh. It´s not evryday that you meet agents. But now I see kind of a bigger problem." She pointed behind Dean and he spun around to see the kid ghost. He shot it immediately.

"To be honest, we´re not agents, but rather hunters, before you ask, we hunt supernatural creatures, such as ghosts as you can see. My name´s Sam and that´s my brother Dean." Sam pointed at Dean who was currently shooting the kid again.

"Yeah, nice to meet you. Sam could you please help me a little?" He said sarcastically and Sam abruptly turned to the small kitchen in search for salt.

After a while they heard him shout ´low sodium freaks´ as he stormed out of there.

"Dean, I need to grab some salt from our room, can you manage?"

"´Course, Sammy." Sam glared at him at the nickname but quickly went for salt.

After few minutes, Sam returned and immediately created a circle out of salt and commanded to everybody to stay in the circle no matter what. He also brought two iron poles and handed them to Aera and Uruha.

"You will use those if the ghost shows up while we are away."

"You´re going away?" Naery asked in scared voice.

"Yeah. Did you expect us to stuck here and play with the ghost when we can get rid of him for sure?" Dean snapped and Sam glared at his brother.

"Dean wanted to say that we need to find the origins of the ghost and burn the remains of the child to get rid of the ghost. We´ll be back." With that they left.


Several hours passed and Aera and Uruha  didn´t have to use their weapons more than twenty times. The last time the kid showed up, it burst into flames and didn´t appear since. After another hour, the brothers arrived and greeted the group. 

"Sam, Dean, thank you for helping." Aera stood on her tip toes as she tried to hug Sam, who still needed to bend down. She then hugged Dean who just returned it awkwardly with one arm. 

"Yeah, no problem. It´s our job. Saving the world..." Dean shrugged and Sam smiled a genuine smile. 

"I hope we will meet again." Aera said, but Sam shook his head.

"You will be better off not seeing us anymore." They waved and left, Sam slipping a scrap of paper into Naery´s pocket as they left. But noone noticed it, not even Dean. 

"Well, that was one hell of a night." Ruki said and they all laughed at his lame joke. 

Naery reached to her pocket secretly, as for the others to not see her, and took out the paper. Several numbers and a note.

It was a number, Sam´s phone number. And the note said "you would make a good hunter. -Sam "

Aera decided a while ago, while the ghost was still reappearing what her new occupation will be.

She will become a hunter.

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I am working on a special chapter now, so please be patient with me. Also, I will update a new chapter shortly after the bonus. -Author-


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i really like it