Arriving, leaving

What will happen next? (Three days=alternative title)

(Some strange noise, which sounded like a screaming person, interrupted Naery's memories. All of them were surprised and slightly scared what is going on in the corridor. They ran out of the room and were even more surprised when they saw the scenery in front of them.)

At first they were stunned, but as the surprise faded away they started to laugh uncontrolably. The bodyguard returned with a girl on his shoulder. She was kicking with the legs in the air and hitting with her small fists bodyguard's big back full of muscles. She was moving so steeply that she fell down because bodyguard didn't want to hurt her so he was holding her lightly. When she hardly hit the floor, her lungs escaped a scream full of pain.
It looked so comically that The GazettE started to laugh even more, but Naery ran to her sister falling to knees next to her.

"Aera, are you okay?" Naery asked caringly.

"Ah, no... I fell right onto my . It hurts so much!" Aera bent her back as if that could help.

"Come on, stand up, it can't be that bad." Naery lifted her sister a bit, but nearly immadiately dropped her, because she was too heavy for Naery.

"Ouch, you're hurting my cute little !"

"Don't act so childish!"

"Why not?"

"Because The GazettE are watching us!" She gestured towards the band. They were barely standing and laughing so hard that they didn't notice staring sisters. Naery coughed a bit. No response. She coughed louder. Still nothing.

"Guys!" They looked at her with teary eyes, laughing just slightly less.

"What the heck are you laughing at?" Naery was angry because of some odd reason.

"I... We... You looked... so... funny." Reita answered breathlessly. Naery was opening to say something when Aera interrupted her.

"Let them be, Nay. You would laugh too."

"But..." Naery shutted up after looking into her sister's eyes. It seemed like Aera's eyes were shouting NO,STOP!

"Sorry,guys." Silently apologized Naery. Aera nodded in satisfaction.

"Hey, why don't we go back to room again?" Asked Aoi wisely.

"Yeah, why?" Repeated Ruki as a parrot. Everybody looked at him weirdly.

"Ruki, you really don't have to repeat my words." Aoi explained to the shortest one and while shaking his head, he left. The others followed him. And Reita, when he was passing by Ruki, slapped the back of vocalist's head. Ruki raised his hand to the place where he got slapped.

"Ouch." He whispered to himself. Then they entered the room.

"Please, sit down." Kai said. 

"Yeah? And where, you clever?" Reita waved his hand through the room.

"You can sit on the floor, Rei." Kai smiled and showed him a free place right below him. Reita gave Kai a dead glare and left.

"Is he always like that?" Naery asked.

"Umm... Sometimes." Kai shrugged. Ruki was already sitting on the floor and was looking up on them. Aoi cleared one of the tables and sat there, while at the same time did exactly identical thing Uruha on the other end of three connected tables. After that Kai uncovered a couch.

"There's a couch? I didn't notice it before." Naery was surprised by the presence of the grey couch.

"Maybe that's because it was covered in mess." Came a voice from the floor. Naery sat in the middle of the couch with Kai by her right side and Aera on the other side.

"Well... We are staying up all night I guess." Aoi said tiredly.

"So we should make the night worth it." Shyly suggested Aera.

"Yeah! Let's read some scary stories!" Overexcited Ruki shouted happily and threw his arms into air. He looked like a silly kid.

"Ruki, are you serious?" Asked him Kai. Ruki nodded and crossed his arms in front of him. Just like a kid. Then suddenly the room went black.

"BUUUUH!" Somebody's voice filled the dark room. And Ruki screamed exactly like a girl.

"REITA! You ! You scared our little Ruki! Turn on the lights again right now!" Only Uruha recognized the bassist's voice. After a quiet 'click' they could see each other again. Reita was in the doorframe, bent in half, crying of laughter.

"WHY. DID. YOU. DO. THAT?" Aoi shouted. He was angry so much that if he exploded, it would be at least the power of an atomic bomb. Reita was now sitting on the floor, laughing too hard to answer, making Aoi even angrier, if it was possible.

"Ooh, come on Aoi, it was just a little joke." Ruki glanced at Reita with a killing stare, taking the words 'little joke' a bit more personal than it was meant.

"Hey, Ru, don't kill me, ok?"

"Why shouldn't I? Firstly, you scared ing out of me, then you insulted me!"

"How? I mean, how did i insult you?"


"Sorry, Ru, I did not wanted to insult you." Reita was confused and decided that it would be better to apologize. He really didn't know when or how he insulted Ruki. The shorter one then nodded as sign of acceptance. Reita sat himself on the arm of a couch right above Aera. Naery looked at him with stare that was full of warning and danger. Aera didn't react in any way.

"So what we were talking about before Reita returned?" Kai finally spoke. Uruha replied with bored voice:

"Well... Nothing. Ruki wanted those ghost stories, but I doubt he wants them now." He shrugged afterwards.

"Hai, I don't want them now. What about fashion?" Ruki asked with newfound enthusiasm.  

"Ehm, if I can talk into this, I am not really into fashion..." Naery explained herself.

"But you should be, you're a girl!" Surprised Uruha pointed out a fact. Fact, at least according to Uruha.

"Well, you are a boy, you should look like one." Uruha gave her a death glare. Nearly immadiately after she realized what she said she apologized, but Uruha's reaction was faster.

"Uruha, I am really sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

"Then why did you say it that way?"

"Look, Uru, she IS sorry, just stop being like a small kid whose lollipop was stolen." Ruki interrupted Uruha and Naery.

"Just relax, she apologized." Reita added. 


"Wow! It's so late! Or better said soon? Sun will rise soon, we'll rather go." Said Naery after noticing what time it is. She gasped and stood up.

"Parents don't know where are we, they must be worried!" Naery ran with her hand through her hair.

"Gosh, they are probably sleeping now and don't know about that you didn't come back. You can simply tell them that there was a huge afterparty and you wanted to leave but couldn't. Or you can tell them truth." Ruki named the options.

"Oh, completely. 'Mom, dad, I am staying with GazettE for three days from now on. Oh, and yeah, they won't let me or Aera go home. Is it ok with you?' They'll believe me, of course." Naery blurted sarcastically.

"They would say that I am mad and that I make fools of them and so on. Aera, come..." She did not finished the sentence, because she saw her sister. Aera was sleeping peacefuly, her head on Reita's shoulder. Reita carefully woke Aera and whispered to her: "Your sister wants to tell you something."

"Aera, we are going home, grab your things and come."

"But... I don't want to go..."

"Neither do I, but we have to go. Our parents..."

"Call them." Suggested Ruki.

"They won't believe me."

"I'll call."

"No, this requires an explanation face to face." Then Naery walked out of the room.

"WAIT!" Ruki ran after her and stopped her in half way to the main door.

"You can't leave."

"Why not?"

"Because..." He paused to embrace her and put his forehead on hers. "'ll loose your prize." They was so close that Naery could feel his words on her lips. They closed their eyes as Ruki's face was getting closer to Naery's.

I should be apologizing every time i post another chapter, because i will always post it after so long time. (Trust me, I do it everytime, even if i don´t want to.) So i apologize now for every next chapter. I hope you will forgive me. And also i made up The GazettE´s personalities, some of the features may match the reality. I don´t know.... You are the ones judging here... I would appreciate your suggestions. And then i wanted to add a picture here (my own drawing) but I just couldn´t draw it as realistic as i wanted, so I gave up. Wow, this speech is so.... messy. -Author-

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I am working on a special chapter now, so please be patient with me. Also, I will update a new chapter shortly after the bonus. -Author-


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