The Robbery

The Protector

Minhyuk stating to prepare for something. "Can you guys help me?" he said to his friends. "It is the time again?" Jaehyuk said. "I hate full moon." Taejoon said. "What can I do, I inherit my dad ability." Minhyuk said. "-or curse" Jaehyun said. Minhyuk glaring at Jaehyun likes he want to kill him. "I'm just kidding." he said while helping his friend packing up.

After 30 minutes.....

"Everything in done.Thanks" Minhyuk said. All of them get into their car and ready to go into the jungle. "I'm still scary when we come to that jungle." Jaehyuk said. "You are a coward!" Minhyuk said. After few minutes of driving, they finally arrive at the jungle. "We are arrive." Taejoon said. They park the car and entered the forest.

They finally arrive at a old hut. "Thanks for accompanied me until here." Minhyuk said. "Anything for you." Jaehyuk said. The other four left the hut and go back into the car.

Somewhere in the city.....

A bank is robbed by some robber. "Everyone quiet!" said two of the robbers who was pointing at a gun to the people in the bank. why the others are taking the money. Jonghyun who was at nearby shop aware of that and change his clothes into Black Man.

Black Man enterd the bank. "Stop it." he said while pointing a finger at the robber who are taking the money. "Who are you?" said one of the robber who was pointing a gun. The two robber shot him but nothing happened because he is strong. "You want to fight huh?" Black Man said while punching the two robber's face. "MY FACE." said the robber before faint.

He then go to the robber who trying to run after taking the money. "NOT SO FAST!" Black Man said while run to them. The robbers are shocked. "You are not human." said the robber. He kicked the robbers until them fainted and then he just go away from that place.

Tomorrow morning.....

The protector are reading the newspaper. "If only we were at the town during that time." Jaehyun said. "But who is this Black Man?" Taejoon said. "No one knows" Jaehyuk said. "I can only think of someone." Taejoon said.

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