To the city

The Protector

Jessica crying after tell Jonghyun the story."Why you crying mom?" Jonghyun asked. "I want to forget about it. I hope you don't asked about it again." Jessica said. "Actually, the other reason i want to go to the city is to see city girl." Jonghyun said. "Just like your father."


Jessica gives Jonghyun some money. "You must lives with your aunt." Jessica said. "What her name?" Jonghyun asked. "Her name is Jung Soojung but people call her Krystal." Jessica said and gives him his aunt's address. "Can't you promise not to show your power?" Jessica asked. "I promise!" Jonghyun said.

Jonghyun left his home. He is sad when left his village but he is also excited because he can go to the city and see cute girls.

At the Seoul.....

Jonghyun wait for his friend. Then, he heard someone calls his name. The person was his friend, Kim Jisuk.

Jonghyun: Hey Jisuk!

Jisuk: I thought your mom forbid you from coming to the city.

Jonghyun: she changes her mind.

Jisuk:You want to live in my house with me?

Jonghyun: my mom wants me to live with my aunt.

Jisuk: Let's go to the festival

After a few hours.....

Jonghyun feels tired. He takes a taxi and go to his aunt's house. When he arrive, he knocks the door and a woman open the door. "You are Jonghyun right?" that woman asked. "Yes!" Jonghyun said. "I'm Krystal, your aunt, come in." she said. Jonghyun enter the house. "Where are your children and husband?" Jonghyun asked. "I'm still single." Krystal said."She is in her 40's and still single?" Jonghyun thought.

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