
Hate U, Love U
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"Stop yelling I'm right here"Siwon complained.

Donghae ran into the room grinning like a fool. He held out a crown toward Siwon while kneeling on one knee elegantly bowing his head but when he heard a scoff he looked up.

"Are you proposing to me Donghae?"Siwon asked then laughed at Donghae's appalled expression"I'm joking. What is this for?"

Donghae pouted"that was evil of you Siwon...Anyway this is a present from His Majesty, I mean Yesung's father, he wanted to give this to you"

"Do I have to wear this tonight?"Siwon asked as he buttoned a gold cuff onto the hem of his suit arm and Donghae nodded"yes sir. Prince Yesung is also dressed up fancily...I'm convinced this is highly important"

"Of course it is"Siwon said"it's an official announcement to the people that Yesung and I are engaged"

"But you should know something"Donghae started.

"Siwon it's time to leave"Heechul called from the doorway before looking around the room.

"Alright"Siwon nodded and looked at Donghae”What do I need to know?”

“That man showed up again...the one everyone feels uncomfortable about”Donghae said with worried eyes”Yesung sent word to be careful tonight and to just ignore him if you see him”

“He should be careful, I don’t know who the man is but since I heard about him and who he might be? I have to protect who I can tonight”Siwon sighed then smiled"How do I look?”

“Very handsome your highness”Donghae smiled.



The guard ran out of the room laughing and Ryeowook stared at him on confusion.

“I have your cape Yesung”He called and a pale hand reached out from behind the large wooden door where the prince had been getting dressed.

“I think I need help with this…”Yesung whined from behind the door”The belt doesn’t fit correctly...there's some problems with this”

“Should I call for Zhou Mi?”Ryeowook asked.

“Would you? Thank you Ryeowook”Yesung said and peeked out from behind the door”Tell him to bring his bag too”

Ryeowook nodded and hurried away. On the other hand Kyuhyun walked back into the main room looking at the wooden door the prince was probably pacing behind. It was almost time for the celebration and Yesung was still trying to get ready.

“You look fine to me, I don’t know why you’re fussing about all of this”Kyuhyun said and leaned against the closed door.

“I care very much okay? All of the people I will be in charge of someday are attending this”Yesung retorted and sighed”Stop being a ert and at least help me”

Kyuhyun laughed as the door opened behind him, he stepped away and looked at Yesung. He was standing against the table that had his items on it. He was red and tired looking.

“Is the outfit too small?”Kyuhyun asked and Yesung glared"what? You just look stiff and stressed"

“No, I’m frustrated because this is the first time Mimi isn’t here to take care of this for me”Yesung grumbled as Kyuhyun walked over to him.

The guard smiled and fixed the prince’s shirt which was placed sloppily as if he just pulled it on in the dark. He took his time fixing the errors the prince made in his clothes until Zhou Mi ran in with his supplies.

“What doesn’t fit?”He asked breathlessly.

Yesung pulled up the end of his shirt to show Zhou Mi the part in his pants that had been torn as he was trying to put on his belt. Zhou Mi kneeled down reaching into his bag and pulled out a needle and thread and began fixing the small tear that seemed to have grown too much from Yesung’s previous movements as he fought with his belt. Kyuhyun wandered back into the prince’s bedroom to wait. Ryeowook had disappeared somewhere after fetching the tailor.

“Ow”Yesung cried, flinching as he felt the needle stab him slightly as he shifted a little. Kyuhyun looked over at them but didn’t move.

“Sorry”Zhou Mi cringed and continued sewing until the tear was gone”Is this all? Does everything else fit correctly?”

Yesung nodded and Zhou Mi put the final touches on the prince’s outfit. Last was the crown that Kangin had handmade a few weeks ago for special occasions. After tonight Yesung would have to wear the crown everyday since he was going to be more involved in official royal business with his parents and Siwon’s family.

“There...you look dashing”Zhou Mi smiled”Siwon arrived not too long ago, he is dressed very well but I think I did a better job at my presentation”

Yesung smiled and rolled his eyes”Thank you for your effort in making me look handsome. Shall we go? Where did Wookie go?”

“Last I saw him...was outside the door talking to Kibum”Kyuhyun said”They looked like they had something to do so I will be your Your Highness”

Yesung sighed and left his room with Kyuhyun while Zhou Mi left to get himself ready, or at least presentable for the people. There was going to be a lot of important people aside Siwon and his family and everyone even the servants in Kangin’s kingdom was dressed nothing like a servant. Thanks to Leeteuk who allowed it and Zhou Mi who prepared everything.

“Good evening”Yesung bowed to the officials whom he was going to be seeing more in the future for meetings. The ballroom was filled with different kinds of people who were grouped off with who they were, where they worked or who they knew.

“Good evening Your Highness”They bowed back.

Kyuhyun walked closely beside Yesung to avoid him losing his master in the sea of people who were talking amongst themselves and exchanging greetings. Being responsible, Yesung greeted as many people as he could as he searched for either Siwon or his parents.

“There’s Siwon over there”Kyuhyun murmured as he pointed to the other prince standing near the room entrance with a blank face”He looks lost”

Yesung made his way over to the taller male with Kyuhyun trailing behind him. Suddenly a different person grabbed his wrist and soon he found himself being dragged out of the room. Kyuhyun looked around, after he got hit in the shoulder and winced he lost track of the one person he needed to look after very closely. Without thinking he ran over to Siwon and informed him that Yesung went missing.

“Let go!”Yesung cried.

“I just want to talk”

“W-we have nothing to talk about”Yesung retorted and looked away from the tall male who stood in front of him.

“It’s been awhile…”Seunghyun murmured sadly and there was a long silence. Yesung didn’t look at him and inched away as he stepped forward. One step forward Yesung backed up a foot.

“I won’t hurt you Yeye, I just...missed you...alot”Seunghyun said quietly.

“I don’t need you around here anymore”Yesung said, his voice quivering with fear and sadness at the memory of who the person in front of him was a long time ago.

For a long moment neither of them said anything. Yesung glared in anger at his boots while the other stared at him with a longing and apologetic expression.

Siwon ran by the garden and saw Yesung up against the wall across the courtyard. Kyuhyun appeared beside him. breathless from running around the ballroom looking for the one prince in the sea of people.

“There he is”Kyuhyun growled”That jerk is the one who hit me and ran off with Yesung…”

Without another word worried Siwon and irritated Kyuhyun hurried over to the prince who was corner by the wall in front of the tall male.

“What do you think you’re doing/ Who do you think you are”Siwon and Kyuhyun asked at the same time. The fear in Yesung’s eyes vanished and Seunghyun sighed stepping away from the smaller male smiling at the newly arrived prince and guard.

“Sorry for not asking permission”Seunghyun said”But I had something to say to him”

“Then say it right now”Kyuhyun challenged”Why corner him like this when we aren't around?”

“I didn’t mean any harm”Seunghyun tried to explain shaking his head slightly”I just wanted to tell him something...it’s something I can’t say in front of you two”

“Why not?”Siwon asked, feeling irritated at the other’s arrogance as if he gained something Siwon could never have.

“Because it’s just between us”Yesung spoke up”I have no business here anymore, let’s go Kyuhyun...Siwon

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I finally have time with my tests over and work done. I have a latop to work on now but please continue to be patient with me thnx guys


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395 streak #1
Chapter 18: Poor Seungyun 😭

Author-nim~ where are you??? It's been a long long time~ I read this fic twice, you know that? 😭

I hope you will comeback, and finish the story uhuhuhu
395 streak #2
Chapter 10: I don't understand about Seunghyun being an awful person here... I mean, he was hurt, people killled his parents and he needed to go somewhere to save his dear life. Of course, being nowhere and without words or news wasn't okay at all, but why awful? Am I missing something while read this? Maybe I need to reread this story ^^;;
395 streak #3
Chapter 5: oh! Yetop means Yesung and TOP? I thought that yetop means yesung being a top and not a bottom LOL
395 streak #4
Chapter 2: OH MY GOD LEE DONG HAE! How could you? XDDD He's so hopeless XD
395 streak #5
since I read the tag "yetop" I decided not to read it, but then I read TheFanFicHoeX's comments LOL I'll give it a try I guess, but then once again I realized, it's not completed yet (???) why author-nim, why~? T^T whatever, gonna read it ASAP
Chapter 18: Uhuhuhu please continue this Author-nim T ^ T this is good.
Chapter 17: Was Heechul or/and maybe Jaejoong who did that crime against Seunghyun's family before?????? Omg omg omg
Chapter 14: Aish such a lovely WonYe scene! Thanks for this =)
Yes please please Ye being a little sweet at least to Masiwon hopefully!
Oooh Kyu's secret lover? Why do I feel like it really is Min.. I still a, trying to be ok with that by the way. Hahahahahahahahahaha don't mind me hahaha

"Kyuhyun’s responses were fighting with other guards, watching Yesung undress, talking to Kibum and sneaking out to town to drink." But because of these awesome KyuSung bits, everything seems fine and I'll be fine with KyuMin haha!
Chapter 12: Seunghyun seems to really want Jongwoon back. He seems to be really truly in love. But, his time has passed. Yes the circumstances were bad for him, he didn't choose to leave... But kt already happened :( It's Siwon's chance to prove himself now :(