A Dark Commitment

That afternoon, Chen went to the basement to practice his combat skills. He was finally meeting his brother. What will he look like? Will he attack Chen? Will Chen be able to stop his brother? What if there’s no other choice than to kill him? will Chen kill him? Or get himself killed by Jaejoong? He punched the sack and stopped it from moving. What is he gonna do? He couldn’t kill his own brother, not the way his brother killed his mom.

      “Chen, do you really have to do this?” he heard Sangeun ask.

      He nodded slowly, “I have to face him and put an end to all this.”

      “Promise me that you will be alright, okay?” Sangeun sat beside him and took out her pinky.

      Chen chuckled and twirled his pinky with hers, “I promise.” Then he placed a soft kiss on her lips. It was his first kiss and their first kiss, “is this kiss better than your first kiss?”

      Sangeun smiled, “much better. I love you, Kim Jongdae.”

      “I love you too.”


      The sky was slowly turning its color to orange meaning that it was already dusk. Changmin and Yunho waited outside and soon the boys came out. Chen went out last, he bid goodbye to Sangeun and she told him to be safe.

      “Don’t worry Sangeun, we’ll take care of him!” Yunho shouted and they all jumped to the roof.

      Sangeun went out and held her hands tightly, please be safe.


      “That’s the boy.” Sehun said, “let’s sneak and follow him silently.” He walked on the roof and jumped on another when the boy moved. They eyed him; he was probably as Sehun’s age, 17 years old. No more no less. They followed the boy to the grocery store, but he never came back out. They waited for almost 5 hours, but no one came out except for other people.

      “I think we lost him,” Yunho said, “let’s search tomorrow. We still have time, as long as the Excelsior is still with us.”

      Chen sighed, “alright, we’ll search tomorrow.” He was clearly disappointed. He was looking forward to see his brother who killed their mom and just punch him in the face, but fate just has to say maybe next time. He jumped away first and looked straight ahead while going home. He felt disappointed, but he’ll see Jaejoong soon enough.

      But then he stopped on one roof. What if they went for Sangeun instead? He did smell their scent yesterday and they even attacked their house, it means that they know where they are now. Immediately, Chen jumped in full speed and went home, opening the door quite roughly.

      “Sangeun!” he yelled, “Sangeun, where are you??!”

      “I’m in the kitchen!” she yelled, “Finally, you’re home.”

      Chen hugged her tightly, “did anything seem weird today while I was gone? Did something look suspicious? Are you okay? Are you hurt? You’re not hurt, right?”

      “No, Chen, I’m not hurt and no, nothing seemed suspicious when you guys were away. We are fine, no one attacked, nothing happened.” Sangeun’s smile faded, “how was it? Did you meet your brother?”

      Chen sighed and shook his head, “sadly, no. The boy we followed never came back out of the store, so..yeah.” he was obviously tired to explain his disappointment.

      “Don’t worry, you’ll meet him soon. And when you do, you can punch his face or whatever you want to do to him.” Sangeun tried to cheer him up, “come on, you’re sweaty and you need a shower. Go.” She pushed him upstairs, “we’ll talk later, kay?”

      He smiled and nodded slowly before going upstairs to take a shower like what Sangeun told him to. Sangeun can be a really great mother, she can cook, she knows how to comfort people, she can make people smile in their worst positions. It was somehow a gift that was given to her ever since Chen came to her life. Ever since the words ‘I’m Chen’ slipped out of his mouth, ever since one look that Chen gave to Sangeun, it was like her world lifted and she wanted him to be happy as well, she wanted him to smile.

      “Oh, guys, dinner is almost ready, so take a shower first before eating. I know you are all starving, so that’s why I made lots of food.” She said.

      The boys paused. “I’m taking a bath first!!!” Kai shouted. “Yah, you didn’t even go out with us!!!” D.O yelled and tried to pull him down. The others shook their heads and went to the basement for practice. They are never tired, they can always practice whenever they want to.

      Yunho went sparring with Changmin while observing the others – as if he has three eyes. Changmin on the other hand focused on his kicks because he was always weak at his kicking points. “Kris, lift your arms a little bit higher!” Yunho yelled as he saw him behind Changmin sparring with Tao who was good at everything, even though he was a panda.

      “The three-eyed old man every body.” Changmin chuckled and continue kicking Yunho’s forearm, “you really do have three eyes, don’t you?”

      Yunho chuckled, “you can say that.”

      “Goddammit Tao!! Just chill, okay?? You’re hurting me!” Kris yelled.

      “Kris ge, you were and eagle and I was a panda. Does that make any sense? I was a vegetarian but you were a carnivore! How the hell can you lose to a romantic panda?” Tao asked and kicked his forearm again, “come on, let’s practice your tiny arms there. They need something called strength.”

      He scoffed, “are you making fun of me? I swear-“ “Kris ge, go ahead and take a shower.” Chen came back, “Tao, mind teaching me some moves? I need to kick a blood-related’s .”

      Tao raised his eyebrows in amusement and shrugged, “sure. You wanna use the stick or the nunchucks?”

      Chen a breath, “nunshucks. Wait, teach me slowly, because I have no idea how to use it.”


      An hour passed of cooking, showering and practicing and finally, they were sitting on the dining table and ate the food D.O and Sangeun had cooked. They were hungry and starving, but none of them had the apetite to eat. But food will be changed into energy and they need energy to use strength to beat’em up.

      Sangeun sighed silently, “guys, come on, you need to eat. I know you are quite disappointed about JYJ, but you still need to eat.”

      “Quite disappointed?” Kris chuckled, “we’re very disappointed. Now that they know where we are, sooner or later, they will attack once again.”

      “Don’t worry, everything will be okay. It’s just one of the problems that we have to go through, but it’ll be better tomorrow. Now eat, we have ice cream for desert.” Sangeun said.

      Sehun looked up, “Ice cream? Cool.” He smiled and ate.

      Everyone was starting to eat because of Sehun, and Sangeun smiled. But it faded when she spotted Chen, leaving the room with his plate clean. He didn’t say anything, he just left. She sighed and finished her food to talk to him. What’s wrong with him? He was worried sick a moment ago then he’s all depressed? He’s moody, that’s obvious.

      “Chen, are you okay?” Sangeun asked as she found him in his room.

      Chen sighed, “Yes- no- I don’t know. I’m glad that you’re safe, very glad. But then again..I-“

      Sangeun silenced him with her lips. “I know, I know. But don’t worry, okay? Everything will be fine.”

      He smiled, “let’s hope so.”





yea..I haven't been updating lately.

sorry about that.

I've been wondering if I should delete this story or not..

give me a reason not to?

because I haven't been updating soon.



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Chapter 11: Omgg~~~ i fangirled so hard~~~~!!!!!
Chapter 7: 2NE1??!!
My all time favourite girl baannndd~~~~
Bam ratatata tata tatata~~!
Come back hooomee~~
Chapter 6: Too sweettt!!! >□<
Arrrgghhhh!!! Sometimes I just want to roll on the floor and whine endlessly!
My first language is not english, sometimes I lacked in my vocab.. and don't know what to write!! I want to express the FEELS of reading this fanfiction!
Nya~.. ㅠHㅠ
Chapter 4: Soooo cuuteee~~
I love it too when people ruffled my hair!
It's fun, and make me feel safe! >.<
I like hugs too!

Ahaahh.. sorry! I'm just being chatty right now!
NinaIsSupaAwesome #5
Chapter 6: I like this story <3 Author-nim plz write more Chen stories, I love Chen :)
Chapter 11: Great job author-nim~~ chen's not my bias but still i like the story♥♥..
Chapter 11: Omygod i cant say anything else other than i loved this! This one is my favorite supernatural starring chen! Thanks authornim for writing such a beautiful story like this! ♥ i wish for a sequel ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 11: yeày! like it. it hard to find chen fanfic. im glad that i found the great one. can i ask for the sequel? hehe. :)
luluhunnie #9
Chapter 11: Omg yay a happy ending! :D I've loved this story and I'm so happy Chen got some love. :3 I was very surprised by Jaejoong's actions but I loved it! Great story!!
Chapter 10: what about the next? OhMy. this chap is great!! updte soon plis! ;))