A Dark Commitment

Team 2 arrived on a grey building with broken windows. They stopped in front of it and talked to the earpiece, “We’re here.”

      Team 1 arrived on a white building with neat windows. “We are too.”

      But team 3 didn’t arrive anywhere. They arrived on the place, but it’s only a field with green grass. Nothing special. “We’re nowhere.”

      Chen furrowed his brows and pressed his earpiece, “What? Nowhere? What do you mean nowhere?”

      “There’s nothing here, Chen. Only grass nothing more.” Luhan said.

      “Wait, hyung. There’s something there.” Sehun said. He walked closer to a small metal button, “When I count to three, everyone enters their place.” He said, “One. Two. Three!” He pressed the button and a stairwell was built. The others headed inside by slowly opening the door. It’s meant to be a stealth operation, but they doubt the enemies didn’t know they were coming.

      Kai looked left to right and moved two of his fingers motioning to follow him inside. Dara went in and leaned on he closest wall. She peeked to her left and held her gun down. There was a guard on a door. She moved slowly and twisted his neck. Dara told the others to go on while she finds out what’s inside the room, the others nodded and left her. With her technology, she opened the door and went inside the dark room.

      Kai rolled over to a guard guarding a door and made him unconscious. Looks like it was his turn. “Wait, Kai. What if it’s a trap?” Yunho asked.

      “Well what if the enemy is here? I need to go in and I think there are 3 different rooms for you three. Each one will probably have enemies or the boss.”

      Baekhyun furrowed his brows, “What do you think this is, a game?”

      He pursed his lips, “Well, I have played this leve before. I beat Sehun.”

      “So this is all a game?”

      “How am I supposed to know? I’m not Jaejoong or Yoochun or Junsu. They have the control to this, I don’t know anything!” He said, “Anyway, good luck.”

      Dara heard the door close and placed her hands near her pocket. She could feel someone coming, lots of them. Around 10 or 15. Before they could shoot her with their guns, she jumped and took out her pistol before landing and shooting in circles. 13 dead bodies. No boss, just more and more enemies.

      Baekhyun stopped in front of a door, “Guess this is for me. You two go, say hi to the boss for me.”

      Yunho and Chen continued their journey and found two different rooms side by side. No guards, just doors.


      The same thing happened to the other two teams, there are two doors side by side. Chanyeol and Suho, Luhan and CL. “Whoever meets the boss try to delay the fight until the others are with you.” Yunho said and nodded at Chen before going inside the room. They all got inside the rooms, but there was nothing. Empty. “I got nothing.” Luhan said.

      “I got something.” Chanyeol said, “It’s a note. Hang on, I’ll read it.

      Dearest brother,

      It’s me, Jaejoong. Ah yes, you don’t remember me. Well, now you do. This is a note for you or your friends or whoever finds this, but this is for you. Brother, I know I took mother away from you, and…I never regret my actions. I made it this far, I’m not backing down. You know what I’m up to these months, years. Ask Yunho, I believe he has told you. Mother was really special for you, wasn’t she? Well, I really don’t want to take anything else from you, but I’m afraid I have to. See you later.



      Chen’s eyes widened, “All of you, go home now. Sangeun is in trouble.”


      They ran back home as fast as they can to find the house crashed. Kris, Xiumin and even Changmin laid down on the floor with broken glass. JYJ and their crew had been here and took Sangeun. Yunho went over to Changmin and checked his pulse. It’s weak.

      “Hang on, buddy.” Yunho said.

      “I found another note.” Chanyeol said.

      “So you’ve gone home. I’ve defeated your friends, as you can see. But I didn’t kill them, not yet. And yes, I took your precious little princess with me. I have to say, she’s a fighter. But don’t worry, I won’t harm her, unless she won’t give me the Excelsior.”

      Chen sighed, “Sangeun definitely won’t give him the Excelsior. She’s gonna get hurt.”

      “Not if we can stop them.” Kris said, getting up slowly.

      “Stop it Kris.” Chen said, “I know we can stop them, but you, Xiumin, Changmin and Lay aren’t coming with us.”

      “You can’t do that.” Xiumin said, “We’re one.”

      Suho sighed, “Chen has a point. You guys will stay here. And Baek, any locations?”

      “Afraid not.”

      Kai tapped his chin, “Is Tala Czar still whole?”

      “No, it’s ruined.” CL said, “Every one of the prisoners got away, remember?”

      “Right..so how do they use the Excelsior?”

      “By using an observatory! They have one of those in Tala Czar! It’s old, but they still have one. Just with a few modifications, they can put the Excelsior up in the sky to become a star, then the whole world will crush. The moon will be blocked and there will be no sunlight at all.” Dara explained.

      “Then we have to get there.” D.O said, “Before everything’s too late.”


      The 14 of them jumped roof to roof to get to Tala Czar, the prison no one knows about. They were right, the observatory room is opened. Once they kicked the door open, Sangeun could be seen, lying on the floor unconscious with her hands tied and covered by cloth.

      “Sangeun!” Chen yelled.

      Jaejoon turned around, “Ah, if it isn’t my wonderful brother, Kim Jongdae. How are you? Are you fine?”

      “You bastard, let her go!”

      “Hm, let me think.” Jaejoong smirked, “No.”

      Chen was about to attack, but Yunho pulled him back. “Ah, Yunho!” Jaejoong looked amused, “How nice to see you. How is Changmin? Is he still hanging on?”

      Yunho clenched his jaws. “2NE1 is here too. Well, I have a surprise for you. Girls!”

      9 women came out of a tunnel. SNSD. “CL, how nice to see you again.” Taeyeon smirked.

      “You ..” Dara glared at Jessica.

      “Hush, child. Don’t ruin my beauty.” Jessica smirked and flipped her hair.

      “Well, let’s get this done, shall we? Go on, attack.” Jaejoong said lightly.

      War happened, Chen tried his best not to hit girls, but these girls are wild, so he had to hit them. But he felt bad, though. In the end, he turned into a wolf and ripped them apart. But it wasn’t helping much, the others are nearly dying. Even Chen turned back into human when he saw Sangeun being kicked by Yoochun. The result, he got a few scratches and punches from both girls and guys. They won the battle, but many still await for their loss.

      “Sigh, such a stubborn brat.” Jaejoong shook his head as he watched Chen fight in amusement.

      In the end, Junsu couldn’t help but to interferre by stomping his foot to the ground and the earth cracked open and lava could be seen. It took half of the room. Yes, they were tired, but none of them wanted to give up. They have won the battle again, this time, Jaejoong went down and went on a duel with his brother. They both turned into a wolf at the same time and eyed each other for a long time.

      “You’re helpless. Give it up, Jongdae.” Jaejoong said.

      “I’m not giving up on anything.”

      Jaejoong attacked and bit Chen’s neck, and he did the same. They fought like what wolves would do; bite, scratch and push. When they both were exhausted, they went back to their normal form and took breaths.

      “Who did you think of?” Chen asked.

      “None of your business.” Jaejoong hissed at him. in the end, Jaejoong stood up with wounds everywhere on his body and face. Oh his beautiful face is now ruined. He pulled Sangeun to stand up and pushed her to the edge of the cliff, “Give up.” He threatened.


      He chuckled, “Your choice.” He pushed Sangeun off and she screamed, Chen then jumped and held her hand and the other on the cliff. “Sangeun, hold on.”

      “Chen..” Sangeun whispered, “Just let go of me. They have the Excelsior, I’m useless.”

      “You’re not useless. You’re everything to me.”

      “Chen, just let go. Let go of me.”

      Chen took a deep breath, “I told you, I’m not letting go.” He pulled her up with his remaining strength and threw her to the upper ground.

      “C-Chen, what are you doing?”

      He chuckled, “Sorry, looks like I don’t have much strength left.”

      “No, Chen don’t let go.” Sangeun held his arm to support him in any way she could, “Don’t leave me.”

      “I’m not-“ BAM. Someone shot him. he stopped blinking, and his hand dropped together with his body.

      “CHEN!” she yelled.

      Everyone as beaten up, and just as Jaejoong was about to place the Excelsior to where it should be, he stopped and turned around. Chen’s gone.






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Chapter 11: Omgg~~~ i fangirled so hard~~~~!!!!!
Chapter 7: 2NE1??!!
My all time favourite girl baannndd~~~~
Bam ratatata tata tatata~~!
Come back hooomee~~
Chapter 6: Too sweettt!!! >□<
Arrrgghhhh!!! Sometimes I just want to roll on the floor and whine endlessly!
My first language is not english, sometimes I lacked in my vocab.. and don't know what to write!! I want to express the FEELS of reading this fanfiction!
Nya~.. ㅠHㅠ
Chapter 4: Soooo cuuteee~~
I love it too when people ruffled my hair!
It's fun, and make me feel safe! >.<
I like hugs too!

Ahaahh.. sorry! I'm just being chatty right now!
NinaIsSupaAwesome #5
Chapter 6: I like this story <3 Author-nim plz write more Chen stories, I love Chen :)
Chapter 11: Great job author-nim~~ chen's not my bias but still i like the story♥♥..
Chapter 11: Omygod i cant say anything else other than i loved this! This one is my favorite supernatural starring chen! Thanks authornim for writing such a beautiful story like this! ♥ i wish for a sequel ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 11: yeày! like it. it hard to find chen fanfic. im glad that i found the great one. can i ask for the sequel? hehe. :)
luluhunnie #9
Chapter 11: Omg yay a happy ending! :D I've loved this story and I'm so happy Chen got some love. :3 I was very surprised by Jaejoong's actions but I loved it! Great story!!
Chapter 10: what about the next? OhMy. this chap is great!! updte soon plis! ;))