A Dark Commitment

“Chen,” Sangeun called him and hugged his side, “what’s your real name?”

      Chen hugged her shoulders and leaned his head on her head, “my real name..it’s Kim Jongdae.”

      Sangeun looked up to meet his face and smiled, “I like it. Jongdae..it suits you.”

      He chuckled and kissed her forehead, “really?”

      She nodded and stood up, “come on, you haven’t tried the chocolate cake I made.”

      “Oh, I can’t wait.” He smiled and followed her downstairs. Everyone was eyeing them with the special ‘what did you two do?’ looks and looks. Kai grinned at them and Sangeun raised her brows in amusement. It’s rare to see them all at once, smiling their ears off.

      “What?” Chen furrowed his brows.

      Tao cleared his throat, “noona, you don’t feel...sore?”

      Sangeun widened her eyes and turned red, “what?? Sore?? Tao- you guys, you thought- EW!!”

      Chen just shook his head and went inside the kitchen to taste the cake, but he sensed something weird, something not them. He looked at the window on the kitchen, to find nothing. Had the time come for the Archanians to attack? But that’s not possible. They are human-like, they are strong, but they can’t possibly find them so soon, how did they find them? Soon enough, a thump was heard outside the house. Thumps, actually.

      “Um, guys??” Baekhyun said, “we got company!!”

      Immediately, Chen reached out for Sangeun and told her to stay in the basement in case if one of the Archanians got inside the house, she will still be safe. Besides, there are stuffs in the basement she can use for self defense. When Sangeun went to the basement, the Archanians went inside while they hide among the furniture. Suho glanced at Chanyeol and mouthed ‘how many are there?’. Chanyeol peeked from the bottom of the couch and mouthed back 5. Well, it’s going to be an easy fight.

      Once one Archanian stepped beside Suho, he punched his face and knocked him out. Chanyeol pulled an Archanian leg and he fell down to the floor unconscious. 3 were left. One was heading towards Kai’s position, one was looking left to right for any Kirianarchis, and the last one was going to the basement. Chen saw the one heading to the basement and told Kai to finish it off. With a nod, Kai elbowed the Archanian and twisted its neck while Baekhyun kicked the other’s most painful spot for a male and Chen darted towards the basement. Only to find Sangeun with a steel in he hands and an unconscious male body lying on the floor.

      “Don’t say it.” Sangeun eyed Chen carefully. As she dropped the metal bat, she went around the body to stand beside Chen, “it was disgusting.”

      He chuckled, “you’re lucky you got him, or you would’ve seen much more mess here. With blood splatters-“

      “I do not want to know.”

      The two of them went upstairs while dragging the uncoscious body up. They tied the Archanians to a chair and waited for them to wake up while planning a masterplan to get them to talk. Hit them with a baseball bat if they won’t talk? Slap them across the face? Kick them? Suddenly one of the bastards woke up.

      Kris smirked and sat on a chair while glaring at him, “who sent you?”

      The bastard smirked back and stayed quiet for a while, “I would die first..before I say anything about my boss.”

      Kris scoffed, “a loyal one, huh?” he slapped him across the cheek, “what’s your name? I’m gonna need it.”

      “Yeah? What for?”

      “To stick it up in your .” Kris glared and the man cowered down, “Ryan.”

      “Ryan, huh? well, tell you what, Ryan. If you don’t tell us who sent you, you’re going to hell.”

      He spat, “over my dead body.”

      Another one woke up, and rather than Kris interrogating him, Suho would do the job. He sat on a chair and stared at the man for a long time, but didn’t say anything. He just stayed quiet with his ‘intense’ stare which could probably kill people, that is, if looks could kill. But it worked, though. The guy was slowly tensing up and he fidgeted every second in his seat.

      “Okay, what do you want??” he asked. Desperate.

      “Who sent you?” Suho asked.

      He whined, “I can’t tell.”

      Suho chuckled and scooted closer, “you see this boy?” he showed his fist, “this is a big fist. And if you don’t tell me, it will land somewhere in your face to leave a mark.”

      The man in front of him winced and glanced up, “I can’t tell you who he is..but he’s looking for his brother.”

      “And you believe that his brother is here?” Suho furrowed his brows.

      The man nodded, “h-his name is Kim Jongdae.”

      Hearing his words, Suho laughed, so did the others except for Changmin, Yunho, Sangeun and Chen. Kim Jongdae. They were looking for Chen. “I know who sent you.” Changmin talked to the man, “his name..it’s Kim Jaejoong, isn’t it?”

      The poor guy nodded and Yunho sighed. Soon enough, the both of them were knocked out and left lying flat on the floor. They gathered around in a circle and Chanyeol snickered, “Kim Jongdae?? Who the hell is that?”

      Sangeun’s grip on Chen’s arm tightened, but he just sat silent. “And who the hell is Kim Jaejoong??” Chanyeol continued.

      “I’m Kim Jongdae.” Chen muttered, which was caught by everyone.

      “What? Don’t be silly, Chen. You’re Chen, not Jongdae.”

      “No, my name is Kim Jongdae. That’s my real name, when I was still a wolf. And yes, I have a brother. I just don’t recall his name.” Chen said while looking down to the floor.

      Changmin and Yunho sighed, “then you must know who we are.”

      Chen looked up, “what?”

      “Chen..Jongdae..whatever your name is, we were your brother’s friends. With 2 others. Don’t you remember? Yoochun, Junsu, and your brother, Jaejoong?” Changmin chuckled softly.

      “Sorry, I know he has friends, but I don’t know their names. Guess that you guys are them.”

      Yunho smiled, “you know what your brother did..to your mother?”

      Chen nodded sadly.

      “Whoa whoa, guys, I’m lost.” Baekhyun said, “can you repeat things from the beginning please??”

      And so the explanation was longer than expected, as Chanyeol, who is so dumb couldn’t understand anything. So Chen had to explain to him from where his mother was killed by his own brother and how he end up in the KLOS. They planned things on how to strike JYJ – Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu – but there was just one thing that stopped them from doing what they were doing; they have no idea where JYJ is. So just in case, they won’t go out so much, meaning that there’s no school and such, only investigating where they live.


      That night Chen couldn’t sleep at all. His brother was somewhere out there hunting him, and there is nothing that he can do to stop Jaejoong from doing unreasonable things. Why did Jaejoong search for him? they shouldn’t have killed those Archanians earlier. They still need some information. But who would give it? they would die for informating anyway.

      “Can’t sleep?” Sangeun entered his room quietly.

      Chen looked back and found her fidgeting in her spot. Maybe it’s because Chen looked so hot under the moonlight. He walked over her and hugged her, once again receiving that warmth from her body, “no, I can’t sleep. You?”

      “No..” she hugged back. It’s not like they’re a couple, but something inside them sparked just by a touch of the skin.

      “Sangeun..in case if anything will happen..” Chen paused, “I want you to know that..” he looked at her eyes and said, “I like you.”

      Sangeun gulped and stared at him, his beautiful eyes; how they showed her kindness. “I-I like you too.”

      Chen smiled and kissed her forehead lightly, and hugged her in bed until she falls asleep. He then fell asleep, knowing that tomorrow will be a big day, there would be spying, sneaking and also trouble.




and that is the 6th chapter!

I'm sorry for not updating that fast,

and honestly this chapter .






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Chapter 11: Omgg~~~ i fangirled so hard~~~~!!!!!
Chapter 7: 2NE1??!!
My all time favourite girl baannndd~~~~
Bam ratatata tata tatata~~!
Come back hooomee~~
Chapter 6: Too sweettt!!! >□<
Arrrgghhhh!!! Sometimes I just want to roll on the floor and whine endlessly!
My first language is not english, sometimes I lacked in my vocab.. and don't know what to write!! I want to express the FEELS of reading this fanfiction!
Nya~.. ㅠHㅠ
Chapter 4: Soooo cuuteee~~
I love it too when people ruffled my hair!
It's fun, and make me feel safe! >.<
I like hugs too!

Ahaahh.. sorry! I'm just being chatty right now!
NinaIsSupaAwesome #5
Chapter 6: I like this story <3 Author-nim plz write more Chen stories, I love Chen :)
Chapter 11: Great job author-nim~~ chen's not my bias but still i like the story♥♥..
Chapter 11: Omygod i cant say anything else other than i loved this! This one is my favorite supernatural starring chen! Thanks authornim for writing such a beautiful story like this! ♥ i wish for a sequel ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 11: yeày! like it. it hard to find chen fanfic. im glad that i found the great one. can i ask for the sequel? hehe. :)
luluhunnie #9
Chapter 11: Omg yay a happy ending! :D I've loved this story and I'm so happy Chen got some love. :3 I was very surprised by Jaejoong's actions but I loved it! Great story!!
Chapter 10: what about the next? OhMy. this chap is great!! updte soon plis! ;))