A Dark Commitment

The next day, Sangeun was planning to go to school alone and leave Chen behind. To her luck, Chen was already awake and he was wearing appropriate clothes. Well school is sure going to be fun and in-boring, if that word even exists, Chen was waiting on the couch silently, humming to a slow song he just heard the other day. After Sangeun had breakfast, she wore her shoes and went out with Chen being her tail. Sangeun didn’t say anything, she just kept walking and walking until they reached the school. suddenly, Sangeun stopped and turned around.

         “How old are you?” she asked.

         “18. Why?” he asked.

         “I need your age to get you into the school. come on, don’t follow me as if you’re my puppy or something. Just walk beside me.” She said.

         Chen shrugged and walked beside her, which to her surprise, his presence made her shudder for some reason. Everyone looked at him with aw-es and oh-es as if he was an angel who fell down to earth. He hasn’t even enters the school building. I can’t blame him, though. He does look cool and handsome. And I admit it. Sangeun thought to herself.

         “Sangeun, why are they staring at me?”

         “Because they love you.”

         Chen made a disgusting face, “..ew.”

         “Hi! My name is Kang Jiyeon, you are?” a girl asked.

         “Not interested, thank you very much.” Chen said and walked past her.

         Unfortunately, this girl is known as the-girl-who-gets-anything-she-wants type of girl. “I’m Sangeun’s friend, can I call you oppa?”

         Sangeun snorted, “my friend my .”

         “Thought so.” Chen nodded.

         Jiyeon scoffed and placed a hand on Chen’s chest, slowly caressing him, “oppa, can I walk you to class?”

         “Ahem.” He cleared his throat, “first of all ma’am, I don’t like you, second of all, you’re harrassing me, third of all, Sangeun is waayy prettier than you are. So please excuse us.” That’s the almighty Chen, who knows everything and doesn’t care a .

         “And I’ll be dead meat.” Sangeun muttered, but she knew she couldn’t just ignore what Chen said, that part where she was waayy prettier than Kang Jiyeon. From how the school sees it, the ratio of Sangeun’s beauty to Kang Jiyeon’s is about..1:8. Why? Because Kang Jiyeon is simply hot, at least, that’s what the school thinks.

         Both of them got to the administration room and immediately, Chen got accepted due to his greatness on Maths, Physics, Biology, English and Chinese. Not even Yoo Youngjae –the smartass- could beat that. well, maybe he can, but in English? That’s a no-no to everyone in this school. More importantly, Sangeun suggested for Chen to be in one class with herself so that she could help him with things he can’t understand. Luckily, the teacher accepted. But in every perfection, there is always a mistake. And that one mistake lies on Chen’s paper, his name. what is his name? Chen? Kim Jongdae? Kim Chen? It took him 5 minutes to figure it out before he finally scribbled Chen, instead of Kim Jongdae.

         “Are you sure ‘Chen’ is your real name?” the administrator asked.

         Chen nodded, “positive.”

         “Okay~” the administrator sang, “your classroom will be the same with Sangeun’s, so don’t worry about it. and since you’re a guy..protect her, kay?”

         “Will do, ma’am, will do.” Chen chuckled and went out with Sangeun.

         “Chen, is that really your real name?” Sangeun asked.


         “Then why did you-“

         “I’m not sure whether my real name is my name or not.” Chen explained, “it’s too complicated to explain here, I’ll explain later when we get home.”

         “But that’s such a long time..” Sangeun whined, “but fine, since I’m gonna show you my skills in school today, it’s completely okay.”

         “Skills? Hah!” Chen snorted, “we’ll see.”

         “FINE! I guess we will!” Sangeun glared and the two of them stormed to class at the same time. Chen wanted to laugh, he really did, especially when he saw the face Sangeun made, the I’ll-show-you-until-you-admit-it face. But despite their funny times, he can clearly see her features. She has her flaws, and she’s not afraid of people judging her. that’s what makes her so special, she likes herself just the way she already is. Unlike other girls, she doesn’t even use make up. She says it’s a waste of time.

         The teacher was explaining this and that, and suddenly, the door slammed open revealing Sangeun and Chen on the door. Simply, the teacher, Mr. Cha, sighed and glared at the both of them. Sangeun was told to sit down while Chen was told to introduce himself. Your name is Chen, not Kim Jongdae. He thought to himself. He bowed, “Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Chen.” The class was quiet, no one made a sound.

         “Chen-ssi, your real name?” the teacher cleared his throat.

         “I don’t have one.” he said. Mr. Cha nodded, “very well..please sit..wherever you like.” Seeing and empty spot beside Sangeun, he sat there comfortably and slept throughout the class. Yeap, Kim Jongdae or Chen or whoever he is sure is smart, he is a genius. But seems like not all teachers are satisfied with that.

         “Chen-ssi!” Mr. Yoo exclaimed, “do not sleep in my class! Do number 4 in front of the class until you have it right then you may go back!”

         Chen lazily got up to his feet and walked in front of the class and took the chalk. It was Physics. Processing..ah, 0.23 electron volts. He wrote his answer and the method down, surprisingly, it’s true. So without further notice, Chen got to his seat and whispered to Sangeun softly, “your skills?” then he heard the girl scoff and sat on his place. Back at the KLOS, Chen was known as the one who’s good at Physics, Maths, Biology and Chinese. He can speak English, but not as much as Kris.

         The bell rang and Sangeun motioned Chen to follow her where food is. The cafeteria, of course. Sangeun felt disturbed by the fact that girls kept winking his way and can’t help but furrow her eyebrows. It’s annoying and the fact irks her. Chen saw this and walked dangerously close to Sangeun that their arms touch and wrapped an arm around her, “I’m your boyfriend, okay?”

         “Sure, you’re my friend.” Sangeun said lightly and yet she was frozen, “wait, what? Boyfriend as in boyfriend boyfriend or boyfriend boy-friend.”

         Chen chuckled, “Boyfriend as in boyfriend boyfriend.” Then he walked ahead.

         Sangeun blinked, “y-y-yah! Which one is that??!” she ran to catch up with him.


         When the both of them got to the cafeteria, Sangeun told Chen to just hang out with the guys waving for him to sit with them. And although Chen didn’t want to join them and sit with Sangeun instead, she insisted him with the excuse of it’s-what’s-best-for-me-so-that-I-don’t-get-bullied. Somehow, Chen knew what she was talking about and decided to just do what she says. With hesitant steps, he sat with the group of guys waving him over, Teen Top.

         “Dude, is that your girlfriend??” Ricky pointed at Sangeun. They’ve just met, but for Teen Top, any popular guy is in their gang. For instance, L.Joe.

         Chen sat down beside CAP and Changjo, “you can say so.” He replied.

         “She’s hot.” Niel said.

         “You touch her, you die.” Chen glared at Niel.

         “Chill man, I have my own sweetheart.” He grinned.

         Suddenly, Chunji ran and sat down roughly beside L.Joe, “dudes!” he said, “you won’t believe what I just did last night!”

         “.” CAP guessed.

         Chunji opened his mouth, “yeah, okay. I had , but I had with Lee Yuna, es! Give me a five!” He took out his hand to L.Joe who hi-fived him like it was something worth the world. Everyone clapped for him as if he’s now the greatest man on earth.

         “Who on earth is Lee Yuna?” Chen asked.

         Chunji shook his head, “probie, Lee Yuna is the hottest girl here, plus, she’s also my crush. And when I confessed yesterday, she said yes. So, boom, I won the world.” He clapped his hands, “I heard you got a girlfriend, who is she?”

         “You better not know, Chunji.” Ricky said.

         “What?? Why not? Are you guys hiding something from me??” he whined.

         Changjo sighed, “just tell him,” he said, “or someone will cry.”

         “No, I won’t!” Chunji argued. Yes, he will, “just tell me!”

         “I don’t think it’s a good idea, he’s gonna go all-“

         “It’s your ing cousin, Lee Sangeun, Goddammit.” L.Joe slammed his head to the table.

         Chunji blinked and looked at Chen for a long time, “Sangeun? Sangeunnie?”

         Chen nodded. Besides, if this little man goes angry at him, what could he do? Surely, Chen is a lot stronger than he is, so he can’t go anything. Instead, it was as if Chen wanted him to get angry and punch his face, as if he wanted to test out..what Lee Chanhee is.

         “OMG, really?! Oh wow, I have so many to tell you!” he jumped like a little kid, “she likes chocolates, she hates cheese, she loves simple things, she hates daisies, she loves calla lilies and orchids-“

         “Okay, okay, I know, shut up.” Chen cut his line.

         Chunji cleared his throat, “alright buddy, alright, you’re the man, she’s your girl. Fine, I get it.” he smiled, “but I’ll give you a tip, she’s not the type of girl who just gives out who she is, cause once you know the other side of her, she’s a completely different person. And as a friend, I say she hasn’t taken a liking towards you yet, so..you need to step up your game.”

         Niel sighed, “for the first time in my life, I agree that he’s right.”

         “Step up your game, bro. you don’t wanna get dumped by her.” CAP suggested.

         Dumped? I’m not even dating her..not really. “Fine.” Chen sighed, “what do you want me to do?”

         “YESS!!” Chunji fist pumped, “alright, she likes it when someone ruffles her hair, so..do it. Affectionately.”

         L.Joe butted in, “a little advice, smile.”

         “Ah~ that’s right.” Changjo nodded, “this dude never smiles.”

         “You need to be cheerful, like me!” Ricky grinned.

         “Yeah..no thanks.”

         “Listen, dude.” CAP slung an arm around Chen’s shoulders, “you need to be sweet yet manly, be delinquent yet soft, have two impressions that will leave a mark in her heart, oen her, love her. But when you’re in trouble, just be you and tell her the truth. The truth is painful, but it’s better than lies.” He said, “but then again, I’ll suggest you to just give her a one night stand.”

         “Are you kidding me?! She’s my freaking cousin! I don’t want her ity to be gone mastermind who told Chen to her!” Chunji made a disgusted face.

         “You want me to have with her?” Chen asked, “I’d rather die than be a and go to prison where they torture me to death.”

         Chunji stood up, “HA! I told you he’s not a bad guy, unlike you.”

         “Hey, I’m not a bad guy! At least I’m not a player!” He glared at Chunji.


         When the bell rang indicating that school’s is done, Chen went out of the class with Sangeun walking beside him. Chen thought of what Chunji and the others had said and wondered how he should..’ruffle her hair affectionately’ when they’re not even talking right now? Should he just ruffle her hair affectionately so suddenly? That would be awkward.

         “Sangeun-ah,” Chen called, “do you happen to like chocolates?”

         Sangeun took a glance at him, “why the sudden question? And yes, I do like chocolates.”

         Chunji’s right, Chen thought. “oh nothing, I just wanted to ask..but what is chocolate?”

         Hearing Chen’s sudden and stupid cofession, Sangeun laughed, “you don’t know what chocolate is?” she laughed, “it’s..it’s..a..um..seed of the cacao tree, added with milk and sugar and voila, chocolate is produced.”

         Chen furrowed his brows, “seed? I thought seeds are for planting so that it will grow into a tree.”

         Sangeun sighed, “Chen, you will learn that in Biology class.” Even for a smart boy, he can be really stupid. “You know what? I’ll make you a chocolate beverage when we get home, so let’s go!”

         As Chen was dragged by Sangeun, Chen noticed that Sangeun..has a gentle and fragile heart. You need to enter with care, you need to take care of her, you need to love her, not own her. Let her be free like a bird, flying in the sky feeling the cool air. There's no doubt that she will return.





and that is chapter 4!!

sorry it took me a while to update :D



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Chapter 11: Omgg~~~ i fangirled so hard~~~~!!!!!
Chapter 7: 2NE1??!!
My all time favourite girl baannndd~~~~
Bam ratatata tata tatata~~!
Come back hooomee~~
Chapter 6: Too sweettt!!! >□<
Arrrgghhhh!!! Sometimes I just want to roll on the floor and whine endlessly!
My first language is not english, sometimes I lacked in my vocab.. and don't know what to write!! I want to express the FEELS of reading this fanfiction!
Nya~.. ㅠHㅠ
Chapter 4: Soooo cuuteee~~
I love it too when people ruffled my hair!
It's fun, and make me feel safe! >.<
I like hugs too!

Ahaahh.. sorry! I'm just being chatty right now!
NinaIsSupaAwesome #5
Chapter 6: I like this story <3 Author-nim plz write more Chen stories, I love Chen :)
Chapter 11: Great job author-nim~~ chen's not my bias but still i like the story♥♥..
Chapter 11: Omygod i cant say anything else other than i loved this! This one is my favorite supernatural starring chen! Thanks authornim for writing such a beautiful story like this! ♥ i wish for a sequel ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 11: yeày! like it. it hard to find chen fanfic. im glad that i found the great one. can i ask for the sequel? hehe. :)
luluhunnie #9
Chapter 11: Omg yay a happy ending! :D I've loved this story and I'm so happy Chen got some love. :3 I was very surprised by Jaejoong's actions but I loved it! Great story!!
Chapter 10: what about the next? OhMy. this chap is great!! updte soon plis! ;))